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Which profession needs changes?


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Interesting topic.

My vote goes to nerfing boonshare, because it is lazy. I want the balance to be more like a MOBA where every class has their role and group comps require strategy to win, not mindless sharing of defensives. Most of the guild boonballs I see that roam around (5-8 players) aren't that skilled, they ball up and run but rarely ever down anything. A non-organized group can't down any one of them either, so you get my least favorite thing in WvW--the 20 minute north camp standoff that usually ends with either the defenders losing via attrition or the boonball getting bored and porting.

More for the topic, if any class were to be reworked I'd say thief is a good candidate--it does need group support but a lot more things should reveal it or at least make missing on a commit harder. Basically you either get a hit out of stealth and then something to limit mobility or limit stealth / damage and keep the mobility. This way you either build for one big surprise hit or you build to be annoying, not both. For a reference, look up Team Fortress 2, the thief class there was pretty perfect on risk/reward balancing.

A secondary rework candidate would be revenant, because they have the same issues of having a lot of positives for really no tradeoff. They can sustain, debuff, CC, teleport, all kinds of stuff and have little weakness outside of they're mostly melee only. They are kind of where OG warrior was, just bruiser without any real downside and in a fight a good melee is going to beat a good ranged as eventually they will close the gap.

For my main, Ranger, I also do want some changes. I think entire traitlines need to be reworked so all of us aren't running WS; and if we are going to have stability, spread that out instead of making one overtuned skill in Dolyak Stance. If you look at that balancing it kind of shows you all the issues into one example case--they nerfed RaO (or SoTP if you like, but hate that name) repeatedly, but then years later come out with Dolyak Stance that is basically the same intent but not an elite. Dolyak stance also has little tell (no giant red super sayian flames or 2 sec cast time) which is crazy for a utility skill.

Other wishful thinking on Rangers is have Shortbow back at 1200 range to give a solid alternative to Longbow, restore OH Dagger's evade range, and do...something with Torch.

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Nerf boonball. This is actually what affects WvW the most. Those who ask for ranger/thief nerfs are the same people that don't want those classes in zergs - this is why WvW community can't (and shouldn't) have nice things.

On second thought i think guards need to see some toning down - they are dominating IN EVERY AREA of this game, having multiple viable builds on top of it. No other class is THIS viable (no wonder, given devs play this class a lot by the looks of it, see screenshots even from this forum section).

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@"Shroud.2307" said:Actually unbelievable the votes here, really shows what the demographic of this forum is, lmao.Zerglings that think everything that kills them is OP, and roamers that think their main class is underpowered because they can't admit what ever shortcomings they have might be their fault and not the classes'.

If the question in the OP had been "what do YOU think needs changes" and not "what should be the PRIORITY to balance" then it would be understandable. But considering the question is about objective balance and not subjective opinion, votes should be going toward what things have the largest impact on WvW.And I say this as a Necro main knowing full well that would mean many of the votes would be going toward it.

Thief and Ranger are a pain as roamers, I don't think anyone's arguing that. But their actual impact on WvW is pretty well ganking the people voting that they should be nerfed and frustrating commanders they try to convince of their value.

Everything needs changes here and there. Yes, Shadow Arts should definitely be nerfed, but not without compensation either. Thief has been leaning on Shadow Arts for viability because many of its builds have been gutted.And yes "Sic 'Em!" Soulbeast is still a giant pain that attracts players who think blasting you with 20k damage from 2k range is skillful gameplay, but neither of these things are an actual issue outside of being annoying.

I'm just gonna stop coming back to this thread because it is insanely frustrating to see the votes. Not that ANet listens to much of what goes on here, but I feel for Thieves with all the hate they get knowing any of this could influence changes.

EDITI forgot already commented on this and whined about the same exact thing basically, lmao. My point stands!

You have literally just been blinded by your own bias here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what impacts their own enjoyment of the game mode. It is all subjective. Not everyone who plays WvW wants to zerg, many people who currently only zerg may wish to roam but find thieves and rangers oppressive.

Lots of things require balancing in WvW. We should all be able to voice our own opinion without being mocked by people who think their opinion is better than others.

And voting for a change doesn’t always mean a straight nerf. I personally think stealth should be reworked, which would require thief to be reworked also. This doesn’t mean a straight nerf without compensation. I don’t want any class to become unviable and unfun for people who main it.

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@"Exzen.2976" said:You have literally just been blinded by your own bias here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what impacts their own enjoyment of the game mode. It is all subjective. Not everyone who plays WvW wants to zerg, many people who currently only zerg may wish to roam but find thieves and rangers oppressive.

Lots of things require balancing in WvW. We should all be able to voice our own opinion without being mocked by people who think their opinion is better than others.

And voting for a change doesn’t always mean a straight nerf. I personally think stealth should be reworked, which would require thief to be reworked also. This doesn’t mean a straight nerf without compensation. I don’t want any class to become unviable and unfun for people who main it.

I feel like you missed the part where I said

If the question in the OP had been "what do YOU think needs changes" and not "what should be the PRIORITY to balance" then it would be understandable. But considering the question is about objective balance and not subjective opinion, votes should be going toward what things have the largest impact on WvW.

I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias".

Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile.

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@Shroud.2307 said:

@"Exzen.2976" said:You have literally just been blinded by your own bias here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what impacts their own enjoyment of the game mode. It is all subjective. Not everyone who plays WvW wants to zerg, many people who currently only zerg may wish to roam but find thieves and rangers oppressive.

Lots of things require balancing in WvW. We should all be able to voice our own opinion without being mocked by people who think their opinion is better than others.

And voting for a change doesn’t always mean a straight nerf. I personally think stealth should be reworked, which would require thief to be reworked also. This doesn’t mean a straight nerf without compensation. I don’t want any class to become unviable and unfun for people who main it.

I feel like you missed the part where I said

If the question in the OP had been "what do
think needs changes" and not "what should be the
to balance" then it would be understandable. But considering the question is about objective balance and not subjective opinion, votes should be going toward what things have the largest impact on WvW.

I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias".

Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile.

You’re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on people’s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions!

Yes, I’m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it.

It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs.

And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger).

It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc.

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@Exzen.2976 said:

@Exzen.2976 said:You have literally just been blinded by your own bias here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what impacts their own enjoyment of the game mode. It is all subjective. Not everyone who plays WvW wants to zerg, many people who currently only zerg may wish to roam but find thieves and rangers oppressive.

Lots of things require balancing in WvW. We should all be able to voice our own opinion without being mocked by people who think their opinion is better than others.

And voting for a change doesn’t always mean a straight nerf. I personally think stealth should be reworked, which would require thief to be reworked also. This doesn’t mean a straight nerf without compensation. I don’t want any class to become unviable and unfun for people who main it.

I feel like you missed the part where I said

If the question in the OP had been "what do
think needs changes" and not "what should be the
to balance" then it would be understandable. But considering the question is about objective balance and not subjective opinion, votes should be going toward what things have the largest impact on WvW.

I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias".

Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile.

You’re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on people’s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions!

Yes, I’m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it.

It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs.

And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger).

It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc.

It's a L2P issue , the truth is that zerg professions have more than the ability to kill typical roaming professions like ranger and thief with minimal effort.

The only thing that rangers and thieves have atm is mobility...and barely have it , given the mobility powercreep on other professions.

If you want maximum mobility then we have to remove that shared stability or condi clear boonrip

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Tempest need some tweaks connected to water traitline. As healer it should do some cool healing around but big problem is that in water you can't both pick 100% soothing mist healing trait and "powerful aura" trait(aura share) which makes you to choose between giving regeneration to people or giving soothing mist and that is bad.

They should just merge 100% soothing mist trait heal into soothing mist under some rules(if you do this-soothing mist heal gets doubled over time) and on its trait slot to bring some new trait that will be good enough but not messing with healing path of tempest.

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:

It's a L2P issue , the truth is that zerg professions have more than the ability to kill typical roaming professions like ranger and thief with minimal effort.

The only thing that rangers and thieves have atm is mobility...and barely have it , given the mobility powercreep on other professions.

If you want maximum mobility then we have to remove that shared stability or air condi clear boonrip


All those zerglings crying Ranger and Thief need to be nerfed are actually saying "We need to kill Roaming all together!!"Our 50man zerg cannot steamwals that ranger/thief! We need nerve!That thief disabled out siege! Nerve!That ranger hits our siege from the wall! Nerve!

I do agree that there needs to be more balance.But on these forums... Thief and Ranger are disproportionally attacked!Sure kill Roaming, I will stop playing WvW because I refuse to only run in 50man zergs all the time... THAT is what kills the game mode... people screaming to KILL ROAMING!!!GO AHEAD!!

Btw my choice for Ranger was "hit one option with eyes closed"

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Exzen.2976 said:You have literally just been blinded by your own bias here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what impacts their own enjoyment of the game mode. It is all subjective. Not everyone who plays WvW wants to zerg, many people who currently only zerg may wish to roam but find thieves and rangers oppressive.

Lots of things require balancing in WvW. We should all be able to voice our own opinion without being mocked by people who think their opinion is better than others.

And voting for a change doesn’t always mean a straight nerf. I personally think stealth should be reworked, which would require thief to be reworked also. This doesn’t mean a straight nerf without compensation. I don’t want any class to become unviable and unfun for people who main it.

I feel like you missed the part where I said

If the question in the OP had been "what do
think needs changes" and not "what should be the
to balance" then it would be understandable. But considering the question is about objective balance and not subjective opinion, votes should be going toward what things have the largest impact on WvW.

I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias".

Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile.

You’re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on people’s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions!

Yes, I’m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it.

It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs.

And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger).

It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc.

It's a
L2P issue
, the truth is that zerg professions have more than the ability to kill typical roaming professions like ranger and thief with minimal effort.

The only thing that rangers and thieves have atm is mobility...and barely have it , given the mobility powercreep on other professions.

If you want maximum mobility then we have to remove that shared stability or air condi clear boonrip

Lol, thieves and rangers have nothing but mobility. Wow. I’ll go L2P then. I love the arguments on the forums xD

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@Exzen.2976 said:

@Exzen.2976 said:You have literally just been blinded by your own bias here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what impacts their own enjoyment of the game mode. It is all subjective. Not everyone who plays WvW wants to zerg, many people who currently only zerg may wish to roam but find thieves and rangers oppressive.

Lots of things require balancing in WvW. We should all be able to voice our own opinion without being mocked by people who think their opinion is better than others.

And voting for a change doesn’t always mean a straight nerf. I personally think stealth should be reworked, which would require thief to be reworked also. This doesn’t mean a straight nerf without compensation. I don’t want any class to become unviable and unfun for people who main it.

I feel like you missed the part where I said

If the question in the OP had been "what do
think needs changes" and not "what should be the
to balance" then it would be understandable. But considering the question is about objective balance and not subjective opinion, votes should be going toward what things have the largest impact on WvW.

I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias".

Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile.

You’re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on people’s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions!

Yes, I’m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it.

It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs.

And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger).

It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc.

It's a
L2P issue
, the truth is that zerg professions have more than the ability to kill typical roaming professions like ranger and thief with minimal effort.

The only thing that rangers and thieves have atm is mobility...and barely have it , given the mobility powercreep on other professions.

If you want maximum mobility then we have to remove that shared stability or air condi clear boonrip

Lol, thieves and rangers have nothing but mobility. Wow. I’ll go L2P then. I love the arguments on the forums xD

You should re-read my post..where I have made a comparison with current powercreep of mobility on other professions, if it's about keeping up with ranger and thief then it's not much of an issue on certain professions , ofc ranger and thief still have the slight mobility advantage that keeps them viable in wvw small scale..nothing more than that.

What most of you need to do is to learn more than one profession at semi-decent level, that's what it takes to understand balance in all its entirety and not only your small biased point of view

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@Exzen.2976 said:Lol, thieves and rangers have nothing but mobility. Wow. I’ll go L2P then. I love the arguments on the forums xD

Don't forget to place these stealth traps. :')With the amount of stuff that needs nerfs or complete reworks I say that it would be faster to just rollback gw2 to 2015 state before HoT was released and then start designing stuff from scratch, since current e-speces are just unhealthy for the game.

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@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

@Exzen.2976 said:Lol, thieves and rangers have nothing but mobility. Wow. I’ll go L2P then. I love the arguments on the forums xD

Don't forget to place these stealth traps. :')With the amount of stuff that needs nerfs or complete reworks I say that it would be faster to just rollback gw2 to 2015 state before HoT was released and then start designing stuff from scratch, since current e-speces are just unhealthy for the game.

Some of those e-specs are fun to play, I wouldn't want to lose either Daredevil or Deadeye. There are some changes to both I'd like to make but I don't think I'd even bother logging in for core only.

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Before yu raise yur pitchforks at me, I think Thief needs several buffs/additions :

  1. Better D/D 3
  2. Better Health, because for some reason a nerd (Engi) has more health than Thief (someone who spends their time jumping and running)
  3. Support for MH only or OH only gameplay. I don't buy it that these weapon skills have a non-dual wield version ONLY to support levelling process. I think there should be a playstyle option which revolves around using only 1 weapon, and a trait which doubles yur stats from a single weapon as well as to buff single weapon loadouts.

The only negative change I want for Thief :Remove leap finisher from Heartseeker.Sorry but I think being able to Stealth every 3 seconds whenever yu want with no real limit is ridiculous.

If people still want cheap ez Stealth access, force them into using Bounding Dodge + Black Powder, so that they can't have Rush AND ez Stealth access together.

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I voted Mesmer purely because I think it's more realistic that Mesmer gets some quality buffs than it is that any game-changing level updates happen to Guardian or Thief.

Like, there's virtually no way for them to make Thief viable in a large group outside of a major venom buff. And the likelihood that they touch the one thing thief is good at (stealthing & resetting fights) is also pretty low.

And Guardian is, well. The bread of the game mode. Everything else is just the jam, butter, marmite, etc that you stick on your bread. I don't think the dev team is capable of imagining the mode without multiple guardians in every party.

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@Acemos.2856 said:The players that make a real dent in their world's score are those participating in a zerg, organized or not. Thieves aren't going to take SMC or your tiered towers and keeps -- unless your world is literally asleep at the wheel (in which case, any class would be able to take those objectives)

The irony is that I solo-grabbed a tier 1 Stoic Ramparts yesterday on a weaver. Well, almost solo. A deadeye showed up for the last 9% of the champ. There were enemy Jade running around, too. I kept having to fight them off of camps and scouts while I built the catapults. Turns out, there's a certain strength in being sneaky-like, and also having the sheer audacity to try and take a keep solo. Everyone expects keeps to be attacked by large groups, so when they see a lone roaming weaver out there, they assume that I'm harmless and ignore me.

As I mentioned with the engineer, it isn't good to have one build shut out entire playstyles because it is so oppressive in its own way. I was referring to condi builds, but this includes roaming as well. The popularity of WvW has made people forget that these towers and keeps were meant to be taken with only a handful of people. Anet designed their game so things wouldn't quit working once player interest dies down. I've solo-grabbed tier 3 towers, and I've grabbed keeps with 4 or 5 people. That's all it takes. A small group can be very effective in WvW, and surprisingly fast moving, too. It just takes a bit of preparation to build a few catapults before you start firing one off. Yeah, we can get killed by the zerg, but the zerg is too busy elsewhere to play whackamole every time somebody hits a keep door to contest it.

As it happens, I don't think thieves are OP at the moment. But, to the unskilled player, it looks like the entire playstyle of roaming and small groups gets shut down a single profession, who's presence is so scary and oppressive that your only option is to build a thief and do it yourself. I partly think this is profession specific, since so many professions are poorly balanced for roaming ATM. It may be that once these professions get their buffs, the oppressive thief magically goes away.

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@Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

@"Za Shaloc.3908" said:Guardian: I would like to see a total rework to Firebrand tomes so there isn't such a huge skill bloat offered for just one elite spec

I loved old guardian elites - Tome of Justice and Tome of Courage, and was bummered up when they got removed.And I really like the mechanic returned to guards in form of Firebrand Tomes.

Therefore I dislike the notion of "total rework" aimed at removing muh tomes from the game again. (Unless You can do the "total rework so there isn't such a huge skill bloat", without removing the mechanic they use righ now - as in replacing weaponbar with spells from a book, if that was possible then whatever :P)

To this day, I still think that tomes should have been a grandmaster trait choice for firebrands.There are 3 tomes, so they could have done the same like for daredevil, which are chosing their dodge mechanic with grandmaster traits.

Would still give you your tomes, just not all 3 at the same time. Instead you would chose if you want the justice, courage or resolve tome.

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@"Kodama.6453" said:To this day, I still think that tomes should have been a grandmaster trait choice for firebrands.There are 3 tomes, so they could have done the same like for daredevil, which are chosing their dodge mechanic with grandmaster traits.

Would still give you your tomes, just not all 3 at the same time. Instead you would chose if you want the justice, courage or resolve tome.

Well the thing with daredevils is that everyone have that one universal dodge mechanic that is being altered.Which is not the case with Guardian Virtues since there are three of them. And if you want to make it druid style (add another button for tome) then we are dealing all the way back with the "but muh tradeoffs" that caused AN to nerf pets for druids. What would you nerf for a tradeoff there?

Unless of course you mean like "GM trait one converts virtue of justice into tome, trait two converts virtue of resolve into a tome". But the issue I see with this one is that pretty much every elite specialization in the game right now, alters game-specific mechanic upfront with first hero points you spend into it, and that concept would make firebrand not touch it all the way until grandmaster traits, which would be weird, and imo unfair. Even aforementioned daredevil get's third dodge straight out of the bat (and since they added the steal changing into "swipe" this happens also right at the beginning of training into elite specs).

Don't take me wrong I am not saying it is flat out bad idea, I'm just pointing out that while it's easy to say "just have only one tome at the time and control which one with use of grandmaster traits, there is quite a broader issue lying underneath actual attempt at implementation of such idea.

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