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I dont want to be thicc anymore - Male Sylvari armour proportions and scaling


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See, I wish male Sylvari did have more impressive butts, but that's a separate issue.

What you're talking about is the weird belling from the waist down that inexplicably occurs on Sylvari. Stuff that hangs straight down on Humans juts out and defies gravity on the saladfolk and it's rendered so many armor pieces (and gem store outfits) unattractive to me. Shoulder pieces and shirts often have the same issue on male Sylvari, looking comically huge or outsized on them (unless using the smallest body type, but even that isn't a guarantee) yet fine on other species.

Here's an example of what I mean using the Noble Count Outfit:IyWrC8R.png

So they've either broken something with the rigging of clothing on male Sylvari (the belling) or don't know how to scale armor for male Sylvari (massive shoulders/chests). Not sure why it keeps happening or how hard it might be to fix, but it's a consistent issue.

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@"AgentMoore.9453" said:See, I wish male Sylvari did have more impressive butts, but that's a separate issue.

What you're talking about is the weird belling from the waist down that inexplicably occurs on Sylvari. Stuff that hangs straight down on Humans juts out and defies gravity on the saladfolk and it's rendered so many armor pieces (and gem store outfits) unattractive to me. Shoulder pieces and shirts often have the same issue on male Sylvari, looking comically huge or outsized on them (unless using the smallest body type, but even that isn't a guarantee) yet fine on other species.

So they've either broken something with the rigging of clothing on male Sylvari (the belling) or don't know how to scale armor for male Sylvari (massive shoulders/chests). Not sure why it keeps happening or how hard it might be to fix, but it's a consistent issue.

This is exactly how I feel too, "It's rendered so many armor pieces (and gem store outfits) unattractive to me."

It really does look like the scaling on sylvari legs is broken because their actual thighs are skinny af. Every outfit with this belling gives male sylvari unnaturally large hips/waist, which almost makes outfits/clothing look almost feminine.

You've shown a really good example and here are some more:

Even without a butt skirt, the thighs are abnormally thicker than the rest of the bodyanother example here shows the scallywag set, look at the proportionswdmyRgs.png

Its also the tiny feet and almost backwards curved legs position too which seem broken - seriously who thought this looked normal...sKb2jVE.png

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The following is an example of a male sylvari set that actually fits, Purely due to the fact that there is simply NO armour where it would be broken/incorrectly rigged on the sylvari model, also with a bonus of having boots which extend the length of the foot..

I use this for all of my sylvari now cause its a real shame nothing fits in the same way:


Since GW2 has such horizontal progression it doesn't make sense from a business perspective not to make changes to character models and fixing glaring issues like this over the years seeing as alot of endgame content comes through unlocking skins/transmogs

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I have also remade my sylvari thinner in an attempt to mitigate some of the weird armor sizing especially boots for some odd reason? And Sylvari are by no means alone in this where the boot becomes massive even though the foot and calf size aren't technically that much bigger even when you've given your character max muscle. Shoulder armor scaling is also very strange too.

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I use (or used to) the smallest, skinniest possible body type for one of my male sylvari - and he still had this problem. Given that he's a thief, I had practically nothing to wear except trench coats that balloon out at the hips, so I grudgingly got used to him running around in a ballgown (which looked especially bizarre, because it's the Whisper's medium chest...so he has two large wheels of very sharp knives riding on those hip-balloons). Off the top of my mind I can only think of two long chest pieces that don't bell out like that - Council Watch and Nightshade...and the latter doesn't really count as "long." So...just one, then. Sigh. [Edit: And then I checked the Council Watch chest piece from the side...okay, from the front it looks normal enough, but from the side, looks like the hip-balloons have migrated to the rear.]

I guess all male sylvari just put invisible farthingales under their armor. :/

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Just a general observation. I feel that the designers simply don't have the innate ability to know when something looks aesthetically pleasing or not. This goes for proportions in general and also all of the hideous armour they have designed. Granted, much of the armour would look infinitely better if actual character models bodies were proportioned better (things of a well build athletic male physique) Large shoulders, smallish waist, muscled thighs, with armour which fits over these aesthetically pleasing proportions perfectly. The game just doesn't offer this for the most part. The designers are simply incapable of see/knowing what looks beautiful on a beautiful human form/physique. Armour should accentuate our characters physiques, but instead it just covers it up and distorts it with terribly designed armour which which does nothing for my characters figure. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE A SKIRT?????

Here are some examples of what I find aesthetically pleasing and well proportioned, followed by some examples of terrible GW2 armour sets which do absolutely nothing to enhance the male physique

Looks great:


Awful GW2 armour


WHAT. IS. THIS.474px-Studded_Plate_armor_human_male_fro

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THIS IS THE THREAD I NEEDED! I have been scared to say anything for years! Sylvari MALE specifically have such strange armor proportions and visuals when you pick ANY option other than the skinniest ones. Every Chest, Legs and BOOTS mainly, look like they are stretched and just not proportional to rest of body. Outfits looks so strange for example try on 80% of outfits and watch what happens to boots part and hips. It's not just thicccc .... it is stretched and absolutely not proportional and appealing to look like! My mesmer looks beautiful but I wish he could be more muscular and still look good in the armor. I had to remake my character to get the armor to look good after a year of trying to figure out what felt off ... I hope some day in the future something gets slightly tweaked and maybe make thick Sylvari... Hunky .... and not look like someone changed the resolution on the screen on their butt...

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@"Seku.6928" said:The following is an example of a male sylvari set that actually fits, Purely due to the fact that there is simply NO armour where it would be broken/incorrectly rigged on the sylvari model, also with a bonus of having boots which extend the length of the foot..

I use this for all of my sylvari now cause its a real shame nothing fits in the same way:


Since GW2 has such horizontal progression it doesn't make sense from a business perspective not to make changes to character models and fixing glaring issues like this over the years seeing as alot of endgame content comes through unlocking skins/transmogs

What outfit is this? Looks very nice ?

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@Batel.9206 said:

@"TVerhoeven.1350" said:What outfit is this? Looks very nice ?

It's the
outfit. :)

On topic, though: this is a male human vs. a male sylvari. They're both wearing the exact same thing (sorry about the wonky colors for the sylvari; my bad).


yikes :#

this is the epitome of what this post is trying to explain

Also look at the foot size and the leg angle/knee compared, its almost like they are standing locked-knee with hyperflexible joints, to the point where the knees are bending the other way like a horse :astonished:

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@Seku.6928 said:

@"TVerhoeven.1350" said:What outfit is this? Looks very nice ?

It's the
outfit. :)

On topic, though: this is a male human vs. a male sylvari. They're both wearing the exact same thing (sorry about the wonky colors for the sylvari; my bad).


yikes :#

this is the epitome of what this post is trying to explain

Also look at the foot size and the leg angle/knee compared, its almost like they are standing locked-knee with hyperflexible joints, to the point where the knees are bending the other way like a horse :astonished:

Yes it is very noticeable. I wish we had the option to use male sylvari with a different skeleton rig.

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@Redfeather.6401 said:Yes it is very noticeable. I wish we had the option to use male sylvari with a different skeleton rig.

yeah that would be a good solution

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Seku.6928 said:Why does male sylvari huge butt/thighs ruin pretty much every outfit and legs?

that, too. :angry: I have the perfect outfit for my only Sylvari character, but the disproportionally fat legs ruin everything. It just looks comical.

and for real it really does look comical, i just wish there was a way for Anet to see this broken shiz

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@"AgentMoore.9453" said:See, I wish male Sylvari did have more impressive butts, but that's a separate issue.

What you're talking about is the weird belling from the waist down that inexplicably occurs on Sylvari. Stuff that hangs straight down on Humans juts out and defies gravity on the saladfolk and it's rendered so many armor pieces (and gem store outfits) unattractive to me. Shoulder pieces and shirts often have the same issue on male Sylvari, looking comically huge or outsized on them (unless using the smallest body type, but even that isn't a guarantee) yet fine on other species.

Here's an example of what I mean using the Noble Count Outfit:IyWrC8R.png

So they've either broken something with the rigging of clothing on male Sylvari (the belling) or don't know how to scale armor for male Sylvari (massive shoulders/chests). Not sure why it keeps happening or how hard it might be to fix, but it's a consistent issue.

It seems to me that it’s making space in the back in the same way it would to accommodate a Charr’s tail. How odd

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@anninke.7469 said:So. Much. This.Have any of the designers ever checked their creations from the side? I doubt it. Or maybe they do hate sylvari after all...

It's not that they hate Sylvari, it's simply that they are not human so they don't matter.

Probably. I'm just not sure if it's better or worse.Sometimes I feel like it would've been better if Anet didn't make non-human playable races. It would have saved me lots of money and frustration...

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