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ELE Skill Really Broken - *very sad face*


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A large number of coordinated groups/guilds are running this cheat in both Dragonbrand and Stormbluff Isle, exploiting this glitch for personal benefit, bags and warscore.

Please ban the offenders, Anet.

These opportunistic players should not be able to get away with organizing their strategy around a clear exploit to benefit themselves (according to your TOS).

Bug Report: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/125608/impale-earth-dagger-auto-bugged#latest

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@"Apokriphos.7042" said:A large number of coordinated groups/guilds are running this cheat in both Dragonbrand and Stormbluff Isle, exploiting this glitch for personal benefit, bags and warscore.

Please ban the offenders, Anet.

These opportunistic players should not be able to get away with organizing their strategy around a clear exploit to benefit themselves (according to your TOS).

Bug Report: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/125608/impale-earth-dagger-auto-bugged#latest

Nah Anet should fix their game, not ban players for auto attacking.

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Remember that time when they had a golem event and players could get the golem damage buff outside of the golem to one shot people... and it lasted the entire week without their acknowledgement or a fix?Remember that time when they had a class skill swap week and players could get class skills on much quicker reset cooldowns than usual... and it lasted the entire week without their acknowledgement or a fix?

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@XenesisII.1540 said:Remember that time when they had a golem event and players could get the golem damage buff outside of the golem to one shot people... and it lasted the entire week without their acknowledgement or a fix?Remember that time when they had a class skill swap week and players could get class skills on much quicker reset cooldowns than usual... and it lasted the entire week without their acknowledgement or a fix?

Fix incoming: right after alliances.

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@arielwind.8921 said:This is worst bug ever from beginning of the game. Why don't you shut down the server or ban players who use it

Wrong. Worst bug was descend into madness glitch from couple of years ago. Have you ever seen whole zerg consisting of mesmers jumping off tower on enemy zerg just to instantly wipe them with fall damage trait? I did xD

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@Calisanna.8732 said:Do you all remember how long it took them to fix broken meteor shower? It was a good 2-3 weeks.Expecting them to respond within a day is about as productive as hoping alliances will come out this year.

Given how it affects all modes i think this will be fixed pretty fast.Killing world bosses from across the map - does it work?

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@Cynz.9437 said:

@Calisanna.8732 said:Do you all remember how long it took them to fix broken meteor shower? It was a good 2-3 weeks.Expecting them to respond within a day is about as productive as hoping alliances will come out this year.

Given how it affects all modes i think this will be fixed pretty fast.Killing world bosses from across the map - does it work?

I almost wanna try killing Shatterer from a save location with this XD . You’re right though. If it’s in pve- it will be fixed soon.

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Image losing to a mass use skill of 1 from an ele lol. I am still waiting on a zerg of ranger to spam barrages and kill ppl on the other side of walls or a mass eng use of mines (even as the 30 sec cd) for a real mine feild game play lol. Any thing and every thing is broken when use in mass.

Also comit is broken for ranged it looks like all skills that appear above of blow ppl are bunged i bet dragion tooth would be buged if they did not make it ground target as well.

Dagger ele dps is still one of the worst things in the game and there active lack of communication from anet about it and active hate from the gw2 community it seems.

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@Cynz.9437 said:Wrong. Worst bug was descend into madness glitch from couple of years ago. Have you ever seen whole zerg consisting of mesmers jumping off tower on enemy zerg just to instantly wipe them with fall damage trait? I did xDBecause mesmer jumping off is still easily predictable and could be counter play if you keep on eyes on them. This time, ignore structure, insane range, kills all sieges from everywhere. This broke entire game mechanics if you use it strategically

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It is broken, but its nowhere near the most broken thing in history. Golem in a box is likely to hold that spot because it went over walls still, homed in on people and did like 7 times more damage, half a health bar per hit and also did it in a huge AoE. People used quaggan tonics and zerged using it and decimated their enemies just shooting out dozens upon dozens of golems that swam over the land homed in and exploded instantly wiping groups. It also cost silver which meant only the players with lots of silver had access to stacks of it. It had no cooldown. I remember solo defending towers with that item.

Still needs to be fixed though, as funny as this is.

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