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About The New Forum Emoji Reactions - Just As Bad As The Old Thumbs Up Or Thumbs Down Vote [Merged]

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2 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

You know there's a way to design the UI to not be dumb and still show all the names right?  Discord does this with post reactions.  It's really not difficult.

Perhaps, you could leave that suggestion in Vanilla's drop-box.  I'm sure the Devs that work over there would be most appreciative. 

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43 minutes ago, TwiceDead.1963 said:

You want the real solution? Having people just read and formulate opinions and respond in text from there; without any reactions at all. Sadly the world has largely moved on from that in the mainstream. 


Even worse is the idea that we shouldn't have any .."Negative" reactions. No downvotes, no disagreements, no confusions or sadness, ONLY VARIOUS SHADES OF AGREEMENT!


It gives the impression that people are just looking echo-chambers where your own opinion gets validated and regurgitated back and forth so much it bounces between the walls and echoes into eternity.

I fail to see how wanting people to respond what they disagree about creates echo chambers. If anything, people that have nothing to say in the matter just blindly spamming "negative" reaction emotes because they disagree with facts they can't dispute is what perpetuates that.

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21 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I fail to see how wanting people to respond what they disagree about creates echo chambers. If anything, people that have nothing to say in the matter just blindly spamming "negative" reaction emotes because they disagree with facts they can't dispute is what perpetuates that.

Oh, well.. I hope you can read it over and eventually see it, don't have time to elaborate.

Edited by TwiceDead.1963
Too dismissive first time around, probably.
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16 minutes ago, TwiceDead.1963 said:

Oh, well.. I hope you can read it over and eventually see it, don't have time to elaborate.

You had time to edit your post after 6 minutes, but no time to elaborate, ok 🙃


There's not much to notice there seeing how you try to claim people wanting responses instead of negative emotes strive for "echo chambers", that's just baseless.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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13 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You had time to edit your post after 6 minutes, but no time to elaborate, ok 🙃


There's not much to notice there seeing how you try to claim people wanting responses instead of negative emotes strive for "echo chambers", that's just baseless.


Yea people really respond well to 5-50 people saying why their idea is bad and dont call it harassment at all.

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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea people really respond well to 5-50 people saying why their idea is bad and dont call it harassment at all.

Imo that isnt an issue. They can report it if they think its harrasment and a mod will investigate. Thats kinda why they exist afterall.

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18 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You had time to edit your post after 6 minutes, but no time to elaborate, ok 🙃


There's not much to notice there seeing how you try to claim people wanting responses instead of negative emotes strive for "echo chambers", that's just baseless.


A courtesy you're not entitled to. Gratitude would be nice.

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4 minutes ago, TwiceDead.1963 said:

A courtesy you're not entitled to. Gratitude would be nice.

What gratitude? You're just dodging after making a blatantly unsubstantiated claim. So much for your stance against the echo chamber, lol 🙄 

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19 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea people really respond well to 5-50 people saying why their idea is bad and dont call it harassment at all.

Pretty much what @Dante.1763 said. If someone treats disagreement as an insult then it's their problem that has little to do with reality.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

Genuine advice: If emojis on some vidiya game forums trigger you to this extent, go outside and touch some grass maybe talk to people. Internet discourse is not good for ya. 


8 minutes ago, Faridah.8431 said:

I think people need to learn how to just be comfortable with having and voicing potentially unpopular opinions at times. Why put in too much stock over silly emojis and majority validation from complete strangers?

Id rather have them be forced to say why they are "Confused" than just be able to slam the emote on it and run off, leaving no feedback on the topic other than an emote. I think thats the biggest thing thats wrong with the current system.

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10 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

Genuine advice: If emojis on some vidiya game forums trigger you to this extent, go outside and touch some grass maybe talk to people. Internet discourse is not good for ya. 

Genuine advice;

If something confuses you, you should probably ask questions instead of hitting a simple button.  One will get you answers, the other leaves not only you confused, but the poster confused.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In more mature, adult communities, likes and dislikes are attributed to the person who voted either way.

I participate in comments on sites like BoingBoing, and knowing that your reactions can be attributed to you leads to more civilised conversation.

A lack of accountability only ever leads to toxicity.


I also like the SlashDot way of doing things where people who react or post anonymously are labelled "Anonymous Coward".

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ahhhhh! the entitled crowd 🥴. Now they want to know who reacted with confused emojis.

while ure at it, demand their personal residence address so u can send them a mail explaining your post or go visit them and have a healthy discussion over a cup of coffee 😂🤣. or for whatever reason...



Sry.. I just couldnt help it... I was so tempted to make this comment... please do not reply🤭

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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Meh, seems like a manufactured "issue" to me. Sure an argument could be said that reacts don't always lead to discussion, in which case one should just say "oh well" and move on. I assume confused emojis are disagrees and unless I don't see someone quote replying and thus generating a discussion, then well...I don't care and I don't see it as a reason to lose sleep over (gross exaggeration, but an apt analogy). All in all, who cares, its a forum for a video game. 


Use whatever system you want, people will always find a way to take it too seriously and make it toxic. Its a forum, for a video game.

Edited by Faridah.8431
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  • 7 months later...

It's evident from basically any post in any thread on these forums that the confused emoji (and sometimes the crying emoji and laughing emoji) are used as some variation of a dislike / I disagree / screw you button.

Usually it's argued the reason for reactions is it cleans up clutter, but what purpose do these serve for that? For like and thanks, you can say they clean up clutter like "I agree" or "thanks for saying that." Simple conversational etiquette that serves a reasonable and helpful bonding purpose in most interactions, but I guess is too spammy for reading through discussions, so something something better do a like button.

What do confused and crying emoji have to do with this though? If there is something you are sincerely confused or upset about, an emoji isn't going to convey that properly, at least not in an atmosphere like this that is supposed to be about friendly discussion and is more frequently heated debate. At least with the laughing emoji you can argue it cleans up responses like "haha" or "that was funny," but there's actually some precedent for this one. Another video game forum, the official one for The Sims 4, at one point had a laughing reaction and it was being used to troll people on serious posts. They eventually replaced it with an "awesome" button instead.

TL;DR: The only ones that really serve any purpose are like and thanks. The rest are fluff that are constantly used to convey discontent, so if you really want people to be able to passive aggressively react "I'm mad but can't handle confrontation so I have to express it through emoji" on someone's post, you could at least make it more direct and replace them with a dislike button. Otherwise, just admit it's not helpful to the friendly atmosphere you probably want and get rid of them.

Probably wasting my time saying this, but you know what they say: you won't know if you don't try. Or something like that, not sure I care what they say anyway.

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The emojis are useless, because it does not say who left it. When someone makes a very clear post and it is full of 'confused' emojis, we know that not that many people are confused. They are just being ornery.  Not at all conducive to a friendly atmosphere.  There are definitely more trolls in the forum than in the game ha ha 

But, this has been brought up quite a few times and I have seen an 'official' answer (not sure if it was a dev or forum moderator) - they said the emotes are going nowhere.  

But they are useless as they are. 😎

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1 minute ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

The emojis are useless, because it does not say who left it. When someone makes a very clear post and it is full of 'confused' emojis, we know that not that many people are confused. They are just being ornery.  Not at all conducive to a friendly atmosphere.  There are definitely more trolls in the forum than in the game ha ha 

But, this has been brought up quite a few times and I have seen an 'official' answer (not sure if it was a dev or forum moderator) - they said the emotes are going nowhere.  

But they are useless as they are. 😎

Weird that even officially they are taking that stance, but thanks for the info and I agree the emojis really are useless. The only reason I can imagine they'd want to keep them as they are is if they use them as data somehow to gauge how people react to things and they can see who reacts, but we can't. But if that were the case, you'd think just a dislike button would suffice, not the strangely specific set we have here. That or it's just stubborn forum tech and they don't want to admit it. Otherwise, I can't make sense of why.

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Disagreeing with what someone says is a perfectly legitimate form of feedback. 

If I can tell some they, or their idea are stupid, in a much more polite way with an emoji, then I am all for it. 

Not every post is going to be useful, let alone agreed with. A forum is both a place of good idea's, innovation, but also debate and that can mean conflicting opinions. 

Point being, you can't silence someone's response just because you don't like the format, and seem triggered by it. 

I agree a dislike button would serve the purpose though. 


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37 minutes ago, Zavijah.2695 said:

Disagreeing with what someone says is a perfectly legitimate form of feedback. 

If I can tell some they, or their idea are stupid, in a much more polite way with an emoji, then I am all for it. 

Not every post is going to be useful, let alone agreed with. A forum is both a place of good idea's, innovation, but also debate and that can mean conflicting opinions. 

Point being, you can't silence someone's response just because you don't like the format, and seem triggered by it. 

I agree a dislike button would serve the purpose though. 


I'm glad you agree it would serve the purpose instead of this weird hodge podge of emojis we have. I will say tho, I don't see how a dislike button or other things used for one is a more polite way to express negativity toward an idea than a rude post. It seems more like a way to dodge consequences from forum moderators. Not that I am accusing you of wanting to do that, but I'm saying that's what it seems to amount to in practice, is rudeness without accountability behind it. I've seen how people react to dislikes on reddit in the times I've used that painful website. So many people who take dislikes personally and do edits to address them in a frustrated or angry manner. I won't act like I'm immune to criticism, I've done it myself before. Nobody wants to be told their ideas or thoughts are unwanted or useless or silly or whatever else and depending on how someone worded such a criticism if they put it into words, they may get a warning from a mod on most forums. Yet an emoji or dislike button that anyone can read between the lines as intended to be rude or petty or whatever else like that is acceptable. That is contradictory to me. It doesn't seem to lend itself to anything productive in discussion or community. You have this thing where people use reactions that are simultaneously crystal clear in intended meaning to most readers and also something you can plausible deny and say is open to interpretation under a number of circumstances. It's the perfect vector for trolling and seems to go against everything most forums try to adhere to in atmosphere.

Edit: Also, if an idea is seen as poor, it can be communicated why. If someone shares an idea that is perceived as a shoddy one, but they are given no explanation as to why, they will learn nothing from it. There are cases where I would not push this point, where an idea is something of a nature we can't discuss on here and it's so obviously abhorrent, it doesn't deserve the attention. But I don't see video game feedback meeting that standard most of the time. Even something that would probably sound absurd to most players like: "legendary weapons should be removed because they glow too much." Could be met with a question instead of derision. "Does this relate to overwhelming visual effects? Some people have been asking for a way to tone down visual effects in general." People can't learn anything if no one tells them what was supposedly wrong with what they said, nor is there anything to discuss if no one tells them.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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