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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I assumed there was a story reason for the lack of banks and BL trading posts in Cantha, related to previous lack of trade and so on. 

However, as time goes on this should appear, maybe added to a current mastery tier. 


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On 4/5/2024 at 11:14 AM, banJelacic.4201 said:

I like how now legendary weapons do not cost anything to remove sigils from them so you can easily swap stats and similar...

But I dont like that weapons get automatically set to zero every time you unequip them so you need to set them up every time you equip them again and you get all your sigils (and AR) moved to inventory just because you unequip it. 

I want Legendary weapons to have the manual option to set to default when you want it to because it happens too many times that I want to change my weapon to something else for one fight, for different PvP builds or similar and then I need to set my weapons all over again every time when I equip it again. 

I know there are Equipment Templates now which save all those weapons in the state but there are so much more build combinations then there are templates 

I agree with this, and I think that there should be a spot to save 1 weapon set as an alternate, that isn't swappable like the others are. A third and separate area in the equipment template. You would have to be out of combat and open the hero panel to change which one is designated alternate. That way if you don't normally need a bow in your WvW template (for an example of how this would be useful), but might swap to one when you're outside some walls with a pot of oil on it, you could change to bow, then rearrange back to the meta build you need for other WvW fights.  It would be the same trouble as unequipping and re-equipping an exotic bow to replace whatever you normally play with, except it would work for legendary. 

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Can we please make it so blocked  players can't join your squads? No idea why this isn't a thing already but it would help me get rid of the player who likes to squadmerge the moment he sees I'm tagged up. I submitted a ticket and they told me to come here, so now I'm here I guess
Making it so squad merges aint possible might be to much to ask, so pls Anet just make it so blocked players are actually blocked.

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Adding some sort of commander confirmation on merge seems like a no brainer. It's been asked for so many times for so many years that there must be some sort of technical reason they haven't implemented it. I'm not sure how I feel about keeping blocked players out of a squad. It seems like a good idea but I can see arguments against as well . . .

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Separated mounts, mount dyes, outfits, outfit dyes and trinket check boxes for EACH template when? Something that should arrive together with introduction of templates.....yet, years later still nothing. We care about fashion but this is totally ruining it. 

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hello all and happy Monday! I wanted to make sure I bring this morning's news post to the attention of this thread. It begins with the introduction of the Cosmetic Inspect feature, but the rest of the post has a lot of behind-the-scenes info for those of you interested in QOL improvements. 

As I've mentioned before, I round up a list of the newest QOL requests every week and share them with the rest of the studio, including the Live Team, so they have an ongoing view of what you all are discussing. So thank you for continuing to share your thoughts on this front!

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Sorry if it's been mentioned somewhere here in 403 pages, but some kind of way of consolidating all our teleport scrolls and/or lounge scrolls into a single usable item would be suuuuuuuper nice. Then I could use my max shared inventory slots for other things. 😂

The changes to the gobblers is suuuuuper welcome, btw. Not having to carry the stupid dust and stuff has been nice + I love the change to the candy corn gobbler.

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You need to let us take Fashion Wars to the next level already. PLEASE let us mix & match different weights' looks. Other games have done it for YEARS, Anet! And don't tell us it's because it would "cause clipping", clipping has been around since the beginnings, even for armours of the same weight.


We've done our waiting.


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I would like to see a way to unlock Reknown Hearts with in-game commendations, just like we can unlock Hero Points with WvW currency (the various Testimonies of Heroics). I would suggest the currency should be available from both WvW and PvP, since these game modes seem to need more player population. Optionally, the currency could also be available from other under-populated end-game content like Raids. This would make Map Completion (for Gifts of Exploration) much less tedious, and may potentially even make it fun for a larger population of players.

Why do I want this?

With the Wizard's Vault Legendary Weapon kit, plus random-and-suitably-rare precursor drops slowly accumulating over time, I have a build-up of goodies to craft & sell, but the tedium of Map Completion is stopping me. I refuse to keep buying more and more character slots only for Map Completion followed by parking the character, never to use it again; I already have one of every class plus full legendary everything-I-need, so that I can build and equip anything. I do not even play every character that I have. And so my play time is decreasing over time, quite rapidly. Reducing the "pain" of map completion would activate so many players like me and would serve to add more high-end gear into the market and the player base without a massive flood that induces a market crash.

Please consider what can be done to address the barriers that limit Map Completion without opening the metaphorical flood gates.

Edited by Adzekul.3104
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That "Live Team" should've invested that time into fixing the awful in-game mail system UI with it's pathetic 10 mail limit visible at a time until more are opened/removed instead of a glorified item & dye spy command.

Sugesstion would be to have different tabs, one for players who are added to the friend list or in the same guild, another one for random players (who may flame and filth talk you through PM before they block, like absolute cowards), another one should be for CoD trade with players, one for the trading post, one for in-game NPCs, one for the green main story quest related stuff, one for lion trade company/gemstore and finally, one for the official arenanet related stuff.

The one for random player (who may flame and filth talk you through PM before they block, like absolute cowards) should have an option toggle to turn it off, this way, nobody can pull that nonsense as one would've pre-emptively toggled it off before PvP or whatever, which would probably make 'em sad, but ehh, [CENSORED] them.

And for [CENSORED]'s sake, bump up the miserable (10) mail limit, older games then this have a higher limit with a little arrow pointing to the right to check mails past beyond the first 10, or better yet, a page system that goes " 1  2  3  4  5  >  >Next 10  >>Last "

Seriously, how is it that, with how old this game is by now, the in-game mail system still looks like something that has been whipped up in hurry by interns ten years ago? There are players who had mail deleted with its content lost due to this shoddy system (apparently, mails get auto-deleted after certain amount of time), mail with good stuff such as gold, mats, skins and even from anet itself, Living World Seasons, I had to write tickets to support regarding this, the reason I kept them in the mail is because I figured that they'll be safer there than, as had already happened to me before, unlocking it, around the time of "End of Dragons"s release, those Living World Seasons had mysteriously and very suspiciously become locked behind the gemwall (that's when I had to contact support about it, good thing I had screenshots as proof), thus of course, one would think it's better to leave them in the inbox.

Could it be that anet is saving the proper decent in-game mail system for... "Guild Wars 3 - Dragons vs Gods, Chaotically Voidtastic Boogaloo"?

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One QoL change I really liked a while back was the "Skill Highlighting" option. This is the feature that highlights CC skills when a breakbar is up, and highlights combo finishers when you're in a combo field. However I would like to see it improved somewhat, because there's currently no way to tell whether a skill is highlighted for the breakbar or for a combo field.

It would be great if CC skills had a slightly different colour, that way you would instantly know that it's a CC skill. Not really needed for veterans, but it'd help new players a ton. If you want to go further with this I think it'd be great if the combo finisher highlights would have a different colour or effect for each type of field, so you also instantly know what kind of effect you'll get when you use the combo finisher. For instance when you're in a fire field the skill would have a red border, maybe even with a little fire effect on it.

For targetable skills (for example the warrior's Battle Standard, a blast finisher you can target) it could also be great if there was an icon next to your cursor, or some change to the AoE marker, to indicate what effect will happen at the target location. Though I can imagine this last one being much harder to implement.


The skill highlighting was a great start (funnily enough I suggested something like it on reddit a few months before it got implemented, talk about timing) but it could get so much better if it offered a little more clarity!

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While I'm at it, a small change I'd like to see is a change to either the colour of the chat messages in the squad channel, or a change to the squad channel's tag. As someone with (slight) colour blindness it can sometimes be hard to see the difference between the squad and say channels, because their colours are very similar and they both use the [S] channel tag. Maybe changing the squad channel tag to [Sq] would already be enough?

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With the increase in particle effects and silly stuff like druids blue poo and other "ability"  effects that mask important effects like boss killer fields and enemy squads field attacks is there any plans to fix the cursor.   I activated Cursor Contrast in options and its totally unuseable.   A arrow cursor needs to have its target or hot spot at the exact point of the arrow head not some fuzzy place inside the head of the arrow.   I asked in chat and someone suggested I edit the png file but that sounds like it would be breaking the eula.  Another was to use an add on but I'm not keen on using a lot of third party add ons.   It bewilders me that this feature is so poorly done.   Could someone please look into this.   


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1 hour ago, Yngvi.3452 said:

I asked in chat and someone suggested I edit the png file but that sounds like it would be breaking the eula.

Many GW2 players use YoloMouse. It's a great tool.

1 hour ago, Yngvi.3452 said:

It bewilders me that this feature is so poorly done.

That is very true, sadly. 😑

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Jade Tech Offensive Protocol and Jade Tech Defensive Protocol have received the following updates:

  • Increased the duration of jade tech offensive and defensive overcharge effects per activation from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.



Glad to see this. But can we get similar updates to the IBS resonance masteries? The piddly time bonus for each gathered essence has always been a huge problem for maintaining stacks.  

If I'm honest, it's silly that they have a timer on them at all, but at least extend it to several minutes per essence gathered and a much more generous time cap. 


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Apologies if there is a thread for Astral Rewards suggestions elsewhere but when I searched couldn't find it. Anyway would dearly love it if one of the seasonal Astral Rewards was a Gift of Exploration. Personally, I would happily pay 1000 marks for a Gift. I am currently doing my 4th World exploration and it is tedious in the extreme and at my age (71) it's a terrible use of my time. Anyway just a suggestion and it could even be available to people only if they had completed World Exploration at least once. 

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