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Old Content is Not Enjoyable Solo and Needs to be Addressed before EoD

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10 minutes ago, WindBlade.8749 said:

not the point of my post, litteraly just anwser that whe he say was a totally wrong which is..

But if you really want there is enough players to also do side activity in HoT maps, still ton of players on pre event, on train for hp etc....

The examples i literally just gave are some of those things that can happen depending on when one plays, including 3 instances of not being able to get enough players, one for multiple days, and one for two separate meta events.


And for more examples:

Ive watched Chak Gerant fail in the early morning.


ive seen AB have empty maps during the meta(With no squads up in LFG either).


Dragonstorm is almost entirely empty before a certain time in the morning for my time zone, i know, ive camped it.


Hes not -fully- wrong.


For stuff like HP i can only think of a few(Champion level) ones that id love to watch be soloed.


When it comes to events? hes partially correct, for HOT, depending on multiple factors.



10 minutes ago, WindBlade.8749 said:


PoF is kinda dead in another hand but everything in soloable outside of legendary, but legendary bounties are still popular so not much a problem for now. (maybe the meta event are dead.. still have some pof meta run you can find i guess)

POF is much easier than HOT and id put it at 95% for being soloable, and 99% for being duoable. Even the legendaries can be killed by less than 10.

Edited by Dante.1763
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I will say, this seems to be a HoT issue and less a game wide issue.  I've been able to solo PoF on more than one character on more than one account, but HoT definitely has some stuff in it that is very over tuned or absolutely requires a group to complete.  Unfortunately that is by design and I don't think its something they can really go back and tweak in a way that won't completely break HoT.

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44 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

During off meta hours on NA, they can be a pain. Personal experience, i spent multiple days trying to get a group together for AB to do Vinetooth for HOPE.


Legendary wyvern in verdant brink, same way, even during meta hours. One of the commanders for the baubles got tired of me begging and having my tag up and brought his squad so i could leave the map finally after the boss not getting killed, or even attacked for two separate night events.

During meta hours the maps are very populated, if one plays during prime time.


Off meta hours, not so much. Theres more to do on those maps than metas, especially for new players, but getting players on those maps when the metas arent active can be an issue. Its easier to get players for hero points than it is for events out there(Again during off meta hours.)


And maybe they do play at odd hours, which just confounds the problem more.

Uhm you can do that wyvern with 2-3 people so whats the problem?



And ds can be done by 5 people since that what I did 5am on Eu the past monday.

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3 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I think its more to the point that the maps are dead, few people go back there. AB fails more than not, most of the hot maps tend to. Dragonfall is pretty dead.

All of this is just false. HoT maps are far from dead. People regularly do the metas, events and help with HPs. AB rarely fails, if ever. Dragonfall isn't dead, but you need to start looking for squads BEFORE the meta starts, not right at the starting time.


So... really, just no.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 8/11/2021 at 7:58 AM, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

I'll start off by saying I'm not a hardcore veteran player that's 10000% dedicated to this game like I imagine most on the forums are. I'd likely be on my 8th birthday in-game (assuming there's a reward for that) had I not deleted that Necromancer to move servers. I play off and on, sometimes going years without playing, for various reasons. In any case, you get the picture, I'm not some min-maxing lunatic (yet). 


Something I'm encountering far too frequently in my latest foray into the game is content that is just overtuned relative to popularity. It's primarily content in the expansions rather than the base game. I'm talking hero points, events, collection requirements, etc. 


Currently I play this game with a friend, and both of us have recently found ourselves routinely burning Teleport to Friends to help each other knock off hero points and difficult events in a quest to get Maguuma map completion (He's making HMS Divinity, I made Nevermore). Why is this necessary? At the point we're at in the game, why is it required for players who are honestly rather good at the game despite the long absences to group up for small-time content like a hero point? Why is the content still, 6 years removed from current time (an absolute eternity, which I'll go into later), tuned as if the zones are still bustling?


One major issue this has caused is the gating of POIs and other things require for map completion behind content that cannot be done in a 2-man. The obvious beast here is Mordremoth in Dragon Stand (which isn't a problem in a vacuum, as groups still run that), but more pressing are the several POIs in Auric Basin and Tangled Depths that straight up are gated behind long event chains that can't be done by two people. Why? What purpose does that server 6 years later? Why not simply remove those POIs, or alternatively remove the invisible walls preventing me from simply going there? 


Six years is an absolutely insane length of time in this game as I've seen from discussions being had. Most of the remaining playerbase does not fall into the non-hardcore vet dedicated to the game, as it seems. Even more relatively recent content is basically abandoned at this point because it's not brand new. It's not a problem, but it's a problem when I'm being asked to solo or 2-man content designed with 5-10 in mind. 


This brings me to the current predicament, having overcome the previous. How in the hell am I supposed to solo one of the bounties in Kourna to unlock the roller beetle? What kind of ridiculous demand is that? For a mount that I've already effectively paid to unlock by buying the living world episodes to obtain it. I'm now forced to be entirely reliant on the magic appearance of other people to complete a rather basic collection? Why even have requirements like this? What purpose do they serve in this game other than wasting my time, which is a baffling thing to want to do given the lack of a subscription? 


Not everything is meant to be easy, I'm fully aware of that, but the difficulty swings so wildly that it gives me whiplash. One hero point might require a champion mob, and another requires eating some rotting bacon, yet both reward the same thing. One POI is accessible at any time, the other requires an event to be completed. It's honestly stupid. It's no different than a slightly fun easter egg hunt for the first roller beetle collection suddenly becoming group content I cannot do alone. I fear the release of EoD will only cause this to get worse. 


The zones are still bustling and always have been, especially now with EoD momentum and WoW dumping its player base.  HP trains are a regular occurrence and asking for help in map chat often results in assistance. 


I know because I return to these maps on a regular basis to complete the repeatable hero point bosses (they give loot daily and I can solo them in under a minute) and I keep an eye out for players who are looking for help as I go.  I'm not usually the only one that shows up when players ask for help in map chat.


There is nothing wrong with the game providing challenges that not every player using any build they like can complete by themselves.  It drives players to cooperate and help each other as opposed to playing this game like a single-player experience.  It also provides the opportunity for players to develop different builds to handle different types of enemies.  You might not do so well using a bursty fractal/raid build against a champion, for instance.  But there are builds for every class that can handle those HoT champions.

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I'm an introvert that still asks the map for help and I've yet to see anyone turn me down and I've met some amazing people this way who are also introverts and we help each other out without expectation or demands. I'm honestly super thankful content in GW2 isn't soloable because it feels a lot more rewarding to group with others and knock out a big event.

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2 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I think its more to the point that the maps are dead, few people go back there. AB fails more than not, most of the hot maps tend to. Dragonfall is pretty dead. I have not been able to get an event done without failing due to lack of people in a few weeks now, the only time I see groups is for bauble farm. And they mainly stay at the spawn point.


That's simply not true.  It sounds like you don't spend much time on these maps and don't understand the population ebb and flow related to the meta timers.  If AB is failing, you're probably on a dead map.  Make sure you're on a map that is coordinating for the meta 10-15 minutes ahead of time (it occurs every 2 hours at x:00) and check LFG to find a meta map if it isn't.


Dragonfall is a map that will always seem "pretty dead" if you don't show up at the right time.  This is because the map instance(s) that are running the meta fill up and you end up on an overflow map if you aren't there at the start to get in.


TD is just like AB except it occurs every 2 hours at x:30, 30 minutes before the AB meta (so you can do TD and then hop right over to AB afterward to hit them back-to-back!).  Be there 10-15 minutes ahead of time and make sure you're on a map that is coordinating for the meta.


The only map where meta completion is typically an issue is Verdant Brink, which is a result of the mismatch between time investment and reward on that map compared to the others.  Completing the bosses on this map is significantly easier than it is on the other maps (In fact, they can be done by solo players!), but doesn't result in the maximum reward tier.  For that you have to also do events all over the map for the full 45 minute night cycle.  Meanwhile, the rewards are less than they are for the other metas.

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4 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

If he could solo the content, he wouldn't be here making the complaint to begin with. Like somehow you think he WANTS to be here and complain as opposed to just getting it done and playing the game? Somehow 'git gud' was a helpful suggestion? No, it's was dismissive and patronizing. 

Someone not being able to solo content isn't an argument to change said content in the first place.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

True, generally, there are LOTS of factors that go into that decision. 

So seeing how this thread is "I can't solo it, so it needs to be addressed", it seems those "concerns" aren't exactly as valid as you claimed above? Because if it's not a reason for a change (and it's not), then nothing "needs to be addressed" just based on that.

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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So seeing how this thread is "I can't solo it, so it needs to be addressed", it seems those "concerns" aren't exactly as valid as you claimed above? Because if it's not a reason for a change (and it's not), then nothing "needs to be addressed" just based on that.

The complain, while not well stated, DOES point to a valid concern. The question of what should be reasonable for content most individuals can complete on their own. Let's not pretend this was NOT a problem for many people when HoT was released. 

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16 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

The complain, while not well stated, DOES point to a valid concern. The question of what should be reasonable for content most individuals can complete on their own. 

Oh, but that's not what OP said at all. Now you're just trying to change the thread he made into something you want to talk about. And while I don't have much against that, you've just tried to cut off similar concept from Gotejjeken's posts because he wasn't talking strictly about what OP said. Now, neither are you, because that is not what OP said and that's not the question he asked.

And lets not forget about the complaint that's effectively "why do I have to unlock the mount if I already paid for it by buying expansion".

-Because it's a game and you complete content to get rewards. Nobody ever said it needs to be easy/soloable/instant/non-timegated or whatever else. It's a pretty misguided expectation based pretty much on nothing, isn't it? (and it isn't some effort to dismiss anything anyone thinks -I'm open to someone showing me I'm wrong and pointing out where it was stated everything should be easy/soloable/whatever)


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4 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Tried all that. Barely anyone want to help with HP and not all of us have enough time to just loiter around in vicinity till someone magically appears to help.. HOT HP Is a failed experiment and I know plenty of players in game who hate it. 

I run guildies through HPs all the time in HoT and at least in the US, this isn't true. Most HPs can be 2 or 3 manned anyway and I get at least that many when I call it out and pop a tag, even a mentor tag.

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4 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

The HOT maps are dead. I don't see how telling someone to git gud is going to help when they can't find peole to play with. 

Anyone who says the HoT maps are dead, isn't playing the game the way it was meant to be played. Do you use timer sites? Do you use the LFG tool.

I spend more of my time in HOT than any other area of the game, I haven't seen it dead ever.  It's busy as hell now.  Figure out when the meta event is coming up using the timer on the wiki  (type /wiki ET in game). Get to the map early.   Open your looking for group.  Get to an active map. Profit.

If you don't follow timers and randomly just expect a map to be full, you could be on the third or fourth instance of a map that isn't.  It takes a bit of no how to get to active maps in HoT, but the only meta that doesn't success regularly in VB and that's only because people don't bother to organize it because the T4 reward isn't much better than just beating on of the night bosses.

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4 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You Na? hot maps are for sure not dead on Eu.

Can confirm this as well.

I only recently got off my rear and completed my Shining Blade legendary.
The only big things I really had left to do to complete it was to farm the HoT map currencies in Tangled Depth's and Verdant Brink and farm up some crystaline ore in Dragonstand.

I thought these maps would be dead by now and that this would be a slow and tedious process as a result but it only took me a couple of days to get it all done.
There was some waiting around for Dragon Stand sure but EU is still active enough that I was able to run the map meta's every day to get the currencies I needed to complete the weapon.

So at least in EU people are definitely still running these maps on a daily basis.

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9 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Tried all that. Barely anyone want to help with HP and not all of us have enough time to just loiter around in vicinity till someone magically appears to help.. HOT HP Is a failed experiment and I know plenty of players in game who hate it. 

Maybe try joining a more helpful guild? Anyone calling for help in my guild chat gets a bunch of near instant responses: "invite please".

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For me one of the gigantic pluses of GW2 is that you are free to play solo or with friends.  It never pushes you one way or the other apart from promoting WvW and PvP quite a lot.  But, you are never forced or even feel the need to change the way you play.

My guild has a lot going on and I'm sure they would help me if I needed it.  It's always good to have that choice/backup,  so finding a good guild is a priority.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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11 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You Na? hot maps are for sure not dead on Eu.

Yes. HOT maps are deserted except for bauble farming. I dont think i will ever be able to complete the map considering the low interest in this part of game. The game is lot of fun till you hit the wall at HOT.

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2 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

Maybe try joining a more helpful guild? Anyone calling for help in my guild chat gets a bunch of near instant responses: "invite please".

I am in two active guilds. They help when they can but i dont expect them to drop everything for me everytime i need help. Also lot of us play at odd hours because of life and work schedule and not everyone is available to help at drop of hat.

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22 minutes ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Yes. HOT maps are deserted except for bauble farming. I dont think i will ever be able to complete the map considering the low interest in this part of game. The game is lot of fun till you hit the wall at HOT.

There are HP Trains and HoT Meta trains that go on during the weekends. Keep an eye on the LFG tool and hop on when they happen.


VB you should be able to do fine.

AB you'll need a HP or HoT Meta train if the map is dead, but the Meta there is lucrative, so the map should be populated

TD you'll want a HP train. Other than that it is easy to explore on your own.

DS People still do the meta because you have to for some legendaries, so keep an eye out for an active map, but it's possible to explore most of it without an active map.

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25 minutes ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Yes. HOT maps are deserted except for bauble farming. I dont think i will ever be able to complete the map considering the low interest in this part of game. The game is lot of fun till you hit the wall at HOT.

Need to specify: Off meta hours, outside of a hero point train, and or during odd hours of the day.


Auric basin never fails for example after 9am, gerent and dragonstand are usually full after 11am.


i have no clue when verdant brink is getting done, ive never been able to find a time of day that has the night meta being worked on.


Even for the maps that are full, events not tied to the meta directly can be annoying to get help with, not impossible, but annoying.

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