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Everything posted by Duglaive.5236

  1. My beef with stances is that the corresponding trait is in the Defense line, and I oh so rarely go that route.
  2. EoD's elites have been, and currently still are, a very mixed bag for me. My time with them has been a rollercoaster of sorts. After the betas, the only 2 I liked and planned on making at launch were Vindicator and Mechanist. Did that, and after a week or so realized I disliked the things that make a Vindicator, a Vindicator. One down. I still have my Mechanist, but don't play him a whole lot. Not that he can't be a lot of fun, but in OW PvE there isn't much challenge playing one unless you're soloing group content. Still, with a recent and rather severe physical limitation, that ease can be just the thing during times when my issue makes it too difficult to play anything else. Mostly I play him in a supportive role along with my wife's kamikaze-style Harbinger. As the last couple of months have passed along, I've given every new elite besides Specter (not a mage class that interests me) another shot. And have found 2 that I'm now regularly playing: Willbender and Untamed. Both are surprises for me as I didn't enjoy either during the betas at all, and in addition have never been able to get into any Guardian spec. Willbender changed that, and I have both power and condi setups; I find power a bit more more fun, but condi substantially more effective. Of all the classes I play or have played, Willbender feels the most like it's comprised of various elements from other classes. Untamed was a bigger surprise as there was pretty much nothing I liked in beta. I'm still very happy with my Soulbeast and Druid builds, but buildcrafting is one of my favorite things to do and I needed a challenge there. Finally came up with a power Untamed build that outside of end game PvE, I've found effecive and fun everywhere else. Well, not really in WvW at all, but I have had some fun with certain skill combinations when I get lucky enough to pull them off. Regardless, I really enjoy the spec now; which makes Ranger the only class I have all 3 elites among my active rotation. But in 2 more months (particularly after the big June patch)? Might be settled; might still be riding that rollercoaster.
  3. Pretty hard to get more 'chill' than Acan's platform ... Especially in a zone like Verdant Brink. Thanks for posting that, btw
  4. That video, right there, is one of the reasons I continue to play this game. And I freaking love that Charr soldier humming on the outpost wall. I sometimes hang around there long enough just to hear him declare "All clear!" at the obviously wrong time
  5. Yes ... I can certainly see why you took the time to make this thread ...
  6. Instead of being an extreme Grumpy Gus, I'll list those few things that I do like from EoD. Feel free to assume I dislike anything not listed. The Jade Bot: pre-release I had a fairly negative stance on this; while there is nothing exciting about it (and the workbench mechanic is nothing but annoying), I like the vitality boost for my low HP characters, and enjoy the extra mats. The DE meta: obviously hated by many, but I enjoyed it a lot. However, considering the time investment and EoD's overall miserly rewards, I don't really see myself going back as there's older content I enjoy more and find more rewarding. Not that there's really much of import here, but I simply enjoy looking around in Arborstone. I intentionally did not complete the masteries as I want it to remain as empty feeling as possible. Plus, did we all really need yet another hub? The only EoD elite spec I still actively play is Willbender, which is surprising to me considering I've not liked core or the other Guardian elites. I still have a couple of other EoD elites as off-specs, but overall Willbender is the only one I solidly enjoy. Except the name; Willbender? What assassin is out there bending victim's wills? Break, and dead. Oh, and kirin are very cool looking. Too bad they didn't make the list of new ranger pets.
  7. When I play it, it's always in competitive. The spec works in PvE, but as has been often mentioned the dps is a bit lacking compared to other options. That being said, it can be just the ticket for some folks who are struggling in various content. A while back, a guildmate was attempting to take their first melee character through the entire story, and after various attempts with a number of classes was becoming really discouraged. We got her set up in Sbp, made sure she had a shield in her 2nd set, then had her train a bit on how & when to use the shield. Then she worked with FC until mostly comfortable with it. Started the story, and despite a few minor hiccups, really did coast on through till the very end. So while many of us have our quite understandable problems with it, it can be a panacea to those who struggle with some things.
  8. I suppose I can understand the disappointment, but by this point I feel pretty safe in assuming that everyone knows the "rewards" are randomized and likely not what one is hoping for. Unless statuettes are the goal. So yeah, each key purchased is one more pull of the slot machine's lever, one more hand of blackjack, one more spin of the wheel ... That voice in your head telling you, over and over, just one more ... It's an addiction, and you have it. And in this case it's only for an intangible bundle of pixels. Despite the stigma, counseling can work wonders; I'd give it some real consideration.
  9. Should have stopped there. Better yet, never have engaged him in the first place. I can only see the responses as you're quoting the posts, but I'll also do it here: see that line, "but I'm not wrong."? The whole point, for them, are those 4 words. Posters of this ilk are never wrong, and will argue said point till the forums die. It really is better just to add them to your ignored list, and enjoy a somewhat more peaceful forum experience.
  10. Sadly, I concur with your "revised" views. And totally disagree with what you do still find favorable. What do I like then? After giving it another shot, Willbender. Surprising as I've never really enjoyed core Guardian or its other elites. And the DE meta; as much as so many revile it, I've only found it fun if not overly buggy when first released. And lastly I like the overriding design of the maps, but can just as easily relate things I greatly dislike about each. All in all, I'm thankful that Anet released an expansion many players enjoy. I'm also thankful for having finished and obtained my goals in the new zones, and have no need to go back. Considering how I feel about EoD as a whole, the biggest negative for me personally is that I wasted money purchasing this expac. Nice to support the studio, but that's about it for me.
  11. You received some great answers here. I would reiterate that Metabattle, and other sites like it, are just the start if one needs suggestions and info to begin their own foray into the fun that is buildcrafting. Other than pure raid builds (and to a lesser degree strikes, imho), you really need to adapt any build to yourself. Copy/pasting any build, from anywhere, and not tweaking it to make it your own is just a quick route to dissatisfaction with said build, and often the class itself.
  12. So much good stuff in this thread. So much good stuff that just ain't gonna happen. Not as long as Mr. Cohen has a say, and a ready hand, in competitive. Certainly wish that were otherwise; and I still certainly admire all the dedication, effort, and sheer optimism many of you show, but ... Might be time to fully acknowledge the above truth.
  13. Interesting ideas, and possibly good ones; though this would be awful for how I play my Druid. Still, could be great for the heal/support inclined. Which, admittedly, is likely the majority of Druid players. That said, please, just please, a firm No to the "shine brightly" part. There is already so much - far too much imo - glow, sparkle, and shine in this game that I for one sure don't want to see my pet shining as well.
  14. Looks at the thread title, and proceeds to give the question some deep consideration. About 2 seconds later, a considered answer: No.
  15. In casual PvE, yeah, it is a bit OP. Then again, so have other class/specs been and continue to be. I believe the difference with Mechanist is that even complete neophytes can jump into the profession, and start wrecking mob faces regardless of skill level. That, coupled with being an AI reliant spec, simply pisses off a solid chunk of the player base. So yeah, some sort of nerf is extremely probable as threads of this type (or those more blatant in their criticism) will regularly appear until such nerf(s) take place. What I, uh, "like" about this opening statement is the conclusion: the sacrifice (lol) of playing Holo, or in self-induced moments of torture, Scrapper. A true martyr
  16. Rewards? In EoD? I see FanFiction is alive and well in GW2.
  17. As to the first part, I think hammer is, uh ... Yeah, using greatsword is working for me until such time - if ever - hammer is reworked. Now the second part, YES! At least let the things auto-attack. Something.
  18. Agree with this, but with a bit of an exception on that very last bit. While I feel there needs to be some adjustments here and there among Rev & its elites, the lack of buffs isn't what puts me off from playing mine only rarely. The energy mechanic along with weapon skill cds, not being able to choose utilities ... the things that make Rev "Revenant" as it were, make the class unfun after a short period - at least speaking for myself. It's not hard or anything, just ... bleh. And perhaps annoying and/or difficult for others. I do see more Revs and its especs in all game modes more than I do all flavors of warrior, however. Warrior, though, as much fun as I can have playing the various builds, yeah. It needs the buffs and reworks. I don't think Rev really needs the same.
  19. Guys, he did say "officially mandatory"; so it's like mandatory, officially! Pretty hard to argue against that 🙄 Likely just a new angle from the Nerf Mechanist bandwagon. Mechanist is effective, even at a very non-optimal & casual level, and only becomes difficult to play when the class is being used at the highest levels of end game PvE. And that's with AI. The bandwagon ain't letting that go anytime soon. I still believe having an alternate elite/spec is wise for what seems a very likely swing of the nerf bat. Time will tell though, I guess.
  20. I at first misread the title and looked past the "Saltwater" part. Thought I'd peruse a thread merrily trashing this "mini-game" and its accompanying Masteries. Definitely my mistake. Glad ya'll enjoy it, but hours at this activity? Masochists, the lot of you 😧
  21. So very, very much this. I finally just went the route of purchasing cores, arrays/chips for a few characters I play the most and called it a day. There's just no way I'm going to Cantha possibly multiple times a play session just to swap things around; especially as I by far spend the bulk of my time in the prior expansions/zones.
  22. LOL 😄 On a serious note, your second sentence certainly rings true.
  23. This is a really cool idea! Unfortunately, such an undertaking would draw too much in the way of resources away from turtle, skiff, and fishing pole skin creation. It's a business, you know.
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