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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. What I don't get it is if I hit autorun near a wall I still disconnect the same as I would standing still. Other than botting, I don't get how they are avoiding the AFK timer, because on TC, we have people who autorun into walls for days at a time.
  2. This is why they nerfed walls, nerfed defensive siege, added shield gens (which benefit blobs more than defenders), and they continue to nerf strips.
  3. Some countries use different formats. The one OP is listing would be Dec 2 - Dec 9, 2022.
  4. People keep making this joke, but Mag uses more siege than almost every server in the top 3 tiers. So, ALL that siege isn't "cause Yak's Bend".
  5. You do realize they are literally all in the same guild. The "mag" that is actually mag, wear different tags and pretend to be pugs, but they are all in 1 guild, and are going to be in the same alliance. Alliances is nothing more than what we have now. It will look exactly the same. Boon blobs will only fight pugs. Large guilds will ktrain rather than fight. Mag will push and lose every even fight until they outnumber you, at which point, they will turn all of EB and tier it up.
  6. Since the change, there's been a slight reduction in willingness to defend. The big thing has been who or when. Large groups will come back to kill a small attacking group or equal group if it's pugs. Large groups won't even change maps to defend against another large boon blob. The ktrain blobs expect pugs and roamers to hold everything then complain when they don't have a waypoint. Repairing, almost no one bothers anymore. Most of the defending and repairing has been the dedicated players/scouts. Scouts get no credit for anything and get blamed when things get taken. Yet people expect them to build all the siege, refresh it, make all the callouts perfectly, never go to the bathroom AND do all of that while not even getting participation. It's gotten to where scouts are expected to defend and keep both camps too. Anet is succeeding in making it so that the only way to play is for 50+ groups to only ever fight smaller groups, comps to only ever fight pugs, and defending is complained about. Every nerf has been a way to make ktrain blobs more efficient.
  7. I didn't blame them, I said it showcased how boon sharing is broken. It's Anet's fault that it is the way it is. You mention bubble, the thing that doesn't even dent boons anymore cause it was nerfed into uselessness. Boon application is 10x boon strips at the moment. The video is fun to watch, they did great. Doesn't change my statement though.
  8. They should just make it so siege damage is what contests the structure. This benefits the attacker too, as you have time to get siege built despite guards being aggro'd, unless they have a scout.
  9. Your last sentence says you are absolutely asking for it to be nerfed because of your playstyle.
  10. 2200+ actually. More if the height difference is greater.
  11. Had a lovely 1v1 vs a core thief today, who "rallied" within a second every time he went down. No one around, no trash mobs to leech a kill from, fight lasted 5 mins. He's down, up before I could think it. He's down, thief 2 to move body, up again. He's down, up before I blinked. Down again, this is interesting. Up again. He did this, over and over, until another player showed up. Once the other player was there, he "rallied" 3 or 4 more times, and finally got shadowstep stomped. Would be nice to get ANY software to prevent cheating.
  12. The game launched with the premise that there was no trinity and that everyone was self-sufficient. Now, we have a half-assed trinity and the boon creep is ridiculous, especially in some modes, like wvw. Honestly, I wish they would just go all in with a proper trinity, or remove boon sharing completely.
  13. The reason linking doesn't work is because as soon as the links are announced, Anet makes money. The only way to start fixing the matching system is to take money away from Anet. Turn off server transfers for 2 weeks before links are announced. And, do not allow transfers until 2 full weeks after relinks. That would give the stackers less opportunity to manipulate the matches they play in.
  14. Rifle = 1500, and is actually 1500 Longbow = 1500, but can be anywhere from 2200 to 2700 Fun.
  15. They don't action those. You have to submit multiple videos through a ticket, or they will do nothing.
  16. It's not a bug, but clearly shouldn't work the way it does. What is happening, is that you are throwing a siege disable at a golem, who is holding another blueprint. The disable, hits the blueprint they are holding. They press 2 to put it away, go back to using skills. When they think you will throw another disable, they get out another blueprint, your disable hits the blueprint in their hands, not affecting the actual golem. It shouldn't be like this, but it is.
  17. Yeah, they're done. I used to switch accts each week when I would finish tickets, that way at least someone was getting tickets. So most of that stuff is done, even on alt accts.
  18. Hmm, that's a good question. I want to say yes, but honestly, probably safer to just test it again keeping track of count. Edit: tested it making sure I got to 10 captures/defends. Still broken. Maybe you have to have not logged in at all, not just to wvw.
  19. Still not working, this is just sad. Edit: even tried an alt acct that hasn't played wvw in months...still not working. Sad
  20. I don't get all the hate on catalyst. I watched one run around killing player after player and then beat it on core engi. Yes, there are a lot of celestial builds that are hard to fight, but cata doesn't seem nearly as broken as a ton of other things I run into often.
  21. This happens when you are pressing both mouse buttons to move. I have heard a few other things do as well, but that one is confirmed. So, if you are running with both mouse buttons, that's what is happening.
  22. I had entire bank tabs of them. Had no use for them as I approached 10k of them. Now that I have started crafting and selling legendaries, I have whatever I earn each day left. Not really a "need" for another converter. It would be nice to buy them from the trading post though so I could focus on just doing dungeon tracks for the gifts.
  23. Ascended gear drops in fractals, and because of that, ascended salvage kits drop. Ascended gear drops in wvw...when can we get ascended salvage kits to drop?
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