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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. And, we have been dealing with, and reporting, this player for nearly 8 years now. Week in, week out. Almost always the same thing.
  2. You guys are trying to put logic into this, and nothing they do involves logic. Treb bot = participation all day Outnumbered players just trying to stave off extinction = no repair participation Be careful what you wish for. Cause, they will end up deciding that it's unfair that you get an extra pip playing the week before when a new person can't get it, and remove it altogether.
  3. Yeah, the launch of fractals was that it was a new dungeon type. Then, it got called by it's own name...fractals. Then, to make fractals more appealing, they nerfed all dungeon loot into non-existence. Then, to make fractals even MORE appealing, they made fractals rain ascended gear like every other game mode gets the junk drops. In the end, no dungeons. (Dungeons were better content)
  4. Far too much mobility. The ele spec is broken beyond all reason.
  5. The tickets are earned in segments/reward tiers. From wood through diamond. Each tier has a number of pips that need to be earned to get the tickets from that tier. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_reward_track good reference. So, the first tier is wood, and requires 100 total pips to complete. You currently get 17 skirmish tickets completing the wood tier. You earn pips based on warscore, your rank, and an additional +1 pip if you completed the wood tier the week before. Also, you get +5 pips by being outnumbered. The pips are earned once every 5 minutes. So, if you are in last place during the current 5 minutes, completed wood the previous week, and are bronze rank, you would earn 5 pips every 5 minutes. Anet is going to increase the pips based on warscore by +1 and increase the pips earned by ranks (including no rank) by +1. But, even with the new changes, you will still only earn 17 skirmish tickets, because the tickets are not being increased, just how fast you can earn them, up to the 365 weekly cap, which means finishing every tier through diamond.
  6. From what I read they are only increasing the pip rate, NOT the amount of tickets earned. It's still gonna be capped at 365.
  7. Repairing and damaging are the same mechanic. So, if you are removing participation time grants from repairing, you should remove it from damaging at the same time. Unless, you are once again just trying to tell everyone that you do NOT want anyone defending, and instead only want blobs running around fighting doors.
  8. Once the expac launches, they should just make Gen2 legendaries tradeable on the trading post.
  9. With full zerk stats, the hardest I can hit is for 14k against a full zerk deadeye. I can do 12k vs tempests, and roughly 8-10k on average (vs full zerk). Backstab still hits me harder than that average as full minstrel. I can't even count using both hands the number of other "instant deaths" that have happened to me from nearly every other class. Every class has a <1 second kill combo, and some of those do upwards of 25k damage, even when I'm in my full minstrel set (which exceeds my total health) which is my normal play build. There are condition builds that do more damage in the first second than grenade barrage does.
  10. If you can record your fights. While speed runes can definitely make players quick, rewatch fights where you just get left behind. A lot of times, you will see that the enemy moved as if their character was skipping like a rock on water. It's a third party program that is not allowed, but anet refuses to handle. So, like 20% of the population seems to be using it.
  11. Celestial only works for a few classes atm. When the new ele spec is released, it will be 100 shades of broken.
  12. I just figured she was gonna sacrifice herself to "maintain the balance" during the expac. So, if I'm right, you will get your wish.
  13. You missed the first year where other players were their characters instead of glowing balls. So, people made the biggest, fattest norn they could and trolled the puzzle so you could never even see where your character was to make jumps.
  14. I have been playing WvW since launch, it's mostly all I do in game. I don't know if this is new, but today I learned that the invulnerable tactic for keeps/towers, does NOT work at Lowlands (green) keep watergate. This has to be a bug or an oversight, the tactic works on those gates at both red and blue keep.
  15. Go play, or watch a video of, chloromancers in Rift. You can tell this is where the got the idea for druid, and then basically made it crap in comparison. They didn't want the trinity in the game, cause "everyone can do everything (despite not being able to)", and then they made raid content that required primary healers. Honestly, I would rather they just delete the current druid, and take the design they stole from Rift.
  16. I'm sure Anet will make adjustments to the skills. Granted, if like last time it will be 3 years after the expac is out, but they will do it, eventually....maybe.
  17. The castle is for large blobs/groups to kill solos/outnumbered and for free takes on the 6 closest towers. When they are low on numbers, they can just repair walls for participation and hide behind siege and the guild aura buff. When their blob is around, they use it to take everything around it with no effort, since it takes no time or effort to treb everything into oblivion. Nowadays, the bigger servers hold smc and nothing else, because they want the free, easy loot for killing 30 with 70 when the 30 look to see if anyone is home, AND, they want to lose the match to stay fighting smaller servers to repeat the loot farming.
  18. With the exception of a handful of us, people stopped playing the game as designed when servers were opened for transfers. Now, everyone takes the path of least resistance. Fighting doors, only fighting outnumbered servers with your map que, and they are doing it for easy rank and loot. Alliances are not going to change any of this. The only thing you ever see people brag about in chat is the number of bags they got. Not skilled fights, or tactical brilliance...loot. Honestly, at this point, I wish they would just remove the scoring system. Make kills the only thing that contributes to score. Then, remove ALL loot from guards and players and tie it to reward tracks. Once that happens, the only thing people will have to fight for is pride and victory, kind of like the game was designed for.
  19. Yeah, I don't think we are saying different things, mine just doesn't explain the next step in sorting. It will sort the same way that Lion's Arch does now iirc. Which means, if your guild isn't an alliance guild you will just end up on a random world. That said, the game also tries to "subsort" (not really a word I don't think) and look at your friends list and other guild lists and try to "sort" you on to the same random world, to the extent the game can.
  20. You will just be placed on a random world if you aren't part of an alliance guild.
  21. There is a 10k rank streamer who spends most of his stream (or at least used to) farming no ranks, and when they die a few times and leave through the middle, he has exploited his way to way they are. Literally doing nothing but this all the time, over and over. Really wish they would just permaban people who exploit or use third party programs.
  22. TC is in tier 2 this week. And, facing a particular server, the popular streamer, as always, has his 300 AP alt standing in a corner near spawn, tag watching and taking up a slot. Every time we face them, he parks his alt for the entire match without logging off. Reporting does nothing. Really wish Anet would handle this crap.
  23. Bring back unyielding aura. That way, someone can run around thinking they are alive, and at a moments notice, you can remove the buff killing them. Ahhh, good times, good times.
  24. Reaper can't do what some of the other skills are doing. Most of the pull "issue" is situational awareness, or lack thereof. That said, I have been pulled from inside a tower to the outside of a tower multiple times, also through walls (not gate). Klovan seems to be a big offender, as multiple times I have been pulled from the repair spot on the south wall (the spot next to the depot and NOT on the stairs) all the way up and over the wall. It happens often enough that they should at least look at the skills to make sure they pull from the range they say they do, and are working as intended.
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