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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. They actually said, indirectly, that no work had been done. They did some infrastructure changes for pvp that will eventually be needed for alliances, but no work has been done yet on alliances themselves. They also keep giving us a quarterly road map of everything they are working on, and wvw (alliances) are never part of it. They should just admit that it won't ever happen especially as we approach the 3 year anniversary of the announcement. That said, alliances won't fix wvw. It will change nothing about stacking, coverage imbalance, or people avoiding other large groups to fight doors. It won't stop people from logging alts to troll or to flip their own stuff to lower their score to avoid facing stronger opponents. All alliances will do is change the name of the maps from the current worlds to some random new names.
  2. I forgot to add that SMC should have the supply depots removed. Still takes the same number of yaks to upgrade, but has no supply, ever.If Anet wanted us to fight over structures, why would you give the biggest blob server (usually the one that owns SMC) a ridiculous amount of supply to run around ktraining the map. Not to mention near endless supply to repair and siege cap said fortified structure. Make supply strategic, make them hold their camps and supply lines. Not just "oh look, we still have 1800 supply to do whatever with."
  3. Removal of PPT from the scoring system.Removal of the 1 up 1 down match resets.Make players unable to transfer for the first month of a relink.
  4. There is a third party program called arc-dps that will do that for you. It is one of the few that is allowed by anet.
  5. Saw one playing last night. The problem is that they only ever play on the side of the blob (never the outmanned side), so they may be hard to pick out.
  6. While this would be a nice feature, I would rather they fix bugs that have been around for years before starting another project. Like the oil trait in wvw, traited, you can not be removed from the oil, YET...you can be. And it's been that way since they introduced traits.
  7. I'm not on this step yet, but this thread is really depressing. Basically finding out that I can't complete this legendary, and that, after almost a year, Anet still hasn't fixed the bug.
  8. You should be able to do one thing well, and maybe a second thing ok (at best). So, you can tank, heal (support) or dps, but you should not be able to do all 3 at the same time. A glass build should not have the ability to tank damage, a healer's sustain while still being glass (or nearly) dps. Not to mention the CC's. Anet hasn't figured that out yet.
  9. Or, Anet could just make an elite vinetooth spawn to attack the player if they haven't moved in 10 minutes. Real players will easily beat the encounter, but the AFK macro bots would be killed. Problem solved.
  10. Even groups that seem super skilled, where 10-15 guys just sit out in front of a keep getting kill after kill, are dependent on numbers. No downstate proved that. Sure, they are aware, and understand their class and what their opponents can do, but all you see during normal play is how they constantly over-extend, make bad choices and get downed, only to be instantly ressed by everyone. Poor play should make you have to respawn. No downstate rewards players who time their skills right, are aware, and make good choices. I don't think for a second that Anet will ever remove it, but downstate is a crutch that players use to overcome their constant poor choices, which is why people stack. Right now the game is controlled by numbers not skill. No downstate would change that.
  11. It's already been proven that the raids can be done in all masterwork gear. So, as long as you meet the minimum dps, you should be fine.
  12. As much as a lot of us would like to see downstate removed, because it allows blobs to instantly res downed players, we know it isn't ever going to go away. No downstate week shows just how much certain groups rely on pure numbers to win fights, even though the enemy with fewer numbers is more skilled. The game would be better if skill was the determining factor, but that isn't what we have now. So, my suggestion is make ressing downed players a 1 for 1. Only 1 player can be ressing a downed player at a time. The same thing they did with rallying off of kills. Make it 1 for 1. It allows smaller groups the ability to skillfully dismantle a larger group, but it still allows for support and other traits to help get a teammate up. Also, it doesn't impact 1 on 1 fights, and allows for players to still have a use for traits and abilities that are affected by downstate.
  13. That's the issue I have with these type events. At least once a week (usually more like 10+, but just to be conservative), I see someone using an exploit. Lately, it's players skimming across the ground faster than a rollerbeetle. They make it from OW sentry to Anz sentry in about 2 seconds. Sometimes to start combat, other times, to escape. It looks identical to watching a rollerbeetle race. Not random, 1k AP accts, but players plat and higher, from some of the biggest guilds in the game that are left. Watching a diamond legend start to lose a fight, so speed away and no clip through a wall, is just depressing. I really wish Anet would address this stuff, maybe use some active detection, and permaban these people. Until then, it's hard to say who is the "best", cause you never know what you are fighting.
  14. And yet, that isn't how it played out. The 30 constantly pushing 5-10 during normal playtimes, were clearly being carried by pure numbers. Because, during no downstate, they didn't push as deep, and when they did, died. We were able to, time and time again, slowly kill off the larger groups, because they didn't have the insta-res that they normally have. The skilled players didn't die as often, and the "we only have numbers" crowd, died, a lot. Even TC, the constantly outnumbered carebear server we are, played at, or above, 1.0 kdr all week. Where the largest server in our matchup, who normally has a 1.5 kdr or higher, stayed right at 1.0 also. Ya if you try and go oh 30 pugs pushed into our 10 man guild and some died sure. But a 30 man guild pushing into a 10 man guild wouldn't be the same results. You are confusing skill with being an organized guild group in discord all specced to support each other. Organization with or w/o ds will beat a bunch of pugs. Umm. Hi I'm on Maguuma. We most definitely are not an organized guild group in discord all specced to w key over pugs with max efficiency. Why do guilds do that by the way? Do you really need 3 support per party to run over people without a tag? Does it feel good? lol Anyway, no down state and mount stomp were both very good at helping pugs v a compd group. Now I have some sympathy with the whole, they got organized so they deserve to win mentality. But as the game goes on and population dwindles, more and more servers find themselves with less and less organized coverage. Which means that organized blobs are fighting random pugs more and more often. If you don't give those pugs tools to use and at least a chance to win with those tools and decent skill levels, the organized group ends up fighting no one, because they log. That isn't good for the game. What we often fail to consider is that the side currently losing needs to have fun too or they won't play the game. I personally don't care if we have 7 people with the outmanned buff against 30+ as long as I can punish the players who lag behind or don't dodge or think standing in the middle of their blob means they can watch youtube on their other monitor. But I'm going to log out when it's no fun at all. Which is more and more often in this meta, with the typical players mentality of blob blob blob, complain on the forums every time you don't dodge some damage and blobmanders whining in the dev discord to get the small group tools nerfed. Power is nerfed so badly now that no matter how experienced and generally skillful a bunch of randoms is, all they see time and time again is that when you punish a zergling for getting out of position, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop the 5 minstrel wearing gamers standing in kitten tons of aoe to rez them. And half the time it's a near instant rez and they're back up with full hp. Now call me weird, but I expect support to be supporting BEFORE the player goes down, not rescuing them after. What we find on our server is that down state heavily favours the side with larger numbers. If one of us goes down, its not very often anyone can rez with 80 slobbering nerds rushing at them. No down state made the blobs think twice, made it possible to punish players for mistakes, made fights feel better paced, (I'm 45 this year and I get bored as heck with the slow pace of fights, I can't imagine how any of you young'uns don't fall asleep playing this game mode) AND made it quicker to get back to a fight if defeated. Hi are you the 30 mag "roamers" that are always lurking around SMC. I mean that's the same if you always fighting together. Or are you not on of the 8 guilds? I just say it was easier for little organized groups with no ds vs pugs then normally. I mean organization beats pugs pretty consistently unless the pugs are a group of roamers all used to isolating and picking off from that group which is rare but happens or the pugs severely outnumber the group but still you will see a bunch pugs die first. I'm in no way a fan of big or small guild groups as I'm a pug myself and pick off tails all day and try and force those groups out of objectives.Again everything basically favors the side with more numbers not just ds.I've also been zerged by Mag many times so it's not exactly an outnumbered server esp in t4 where somehow you guys are.And yes support is supposed to rescue you before you go down and that's discord and grouped that helps that. Other pugs who can't see my health will only rez me not save me from being downed most times. I just want to chime in here on one little detail. I love how common it is for people to label a Mag cloud as roamers. I think that's a compliment and a testament to the ability of many (not all) on the server. No one is zerging and calling it roaming, it's everyone else that sees us as such because we frequently manage to pick apart larger, and often times organized groups despite being tagless. We have a hive mentality and we communicate. Every server is this way to some degree, but I think Mag does it a bit better than most because not only do we communicate with each other, we're capable of carrying out pushes, bombs and snipes. It is a very ganky server, no one's denying that. But it comes from the communication that a lot of servers lack. Many of us have friends that we party or squad with and all of us co-operate to get things done. If something is happening anywhere on the map there's a good chance everyone knows exactly what it is be it via Discord or chat.Yeah, not sure anyone argues that Mag isn't good at what they do, or that they lack skill. Individually, they are more aware than a lot of what I see on TC. But, every time we face Mag it's always the same (and to be fair, FA and AR are doing the same thing). We have 10-30 Mag hanging out at one of our sentries, picking off people who have no awareness (we have 5-15). If we push them back, they double the number of people. If the numbers and fights are equal, they move to the other side of SMC to push the other server. It's the reason that people have the opinion of Mag that they do. It isn't people thinking they are "bad" or unskilled, it's that we can never get an even fight. Every 1v1 becomes a 1v5 as soon as the fight starts. And we never see the skirmishes or sieging of structures, unless they have twice our numbers.
  15. The backup plan is to protest the alliance implementation. We know this, because the biggest problem in wvw is population imbalance (some of which is caused by bandwagon blobs wanting to fight doors), and Anet already said that alliances will not solve the problem of large blobs ktraining everything during off hours when there is no one to defend. Personally, I do not believe alliances will ever actually happen. We are rapidly approaching the 3 year mark since they were announced, they still haven't started work on it, they are working on a new expac, AND, I doubt they want the current system changed. The one that has people transfer en masse every time they need to restack on a link to fight doors and smaller servers (aka gem buying blob).
  16. People are using one of several third party tools that are prohibited. Almost all of them have been in use since launch. Sadly, anet could use tools to prevent it, but it seems they have zero active hack detection tools running. Seems that all the cheaters know it, and use them all the time. I am seeing players of every rank, including 2 that are diamond legend, who will no clip through walls. It is ridiculous.
  17. And yet, that isn't how it played out. The 30 constantly pushing 5-10 during normal playtimes, were clearly being carried by pure numbers. Because, during no downstate, they didn't push as deep, and when they did, died. We were able to, time and time again, slowly kill off the larger groups, because they didn't have the insta-res that they normally have. The skilled players didn't die as often, and the "we only have numbers" crowd, died, a lot. Even TC, the constantly outnumbered carebear server we are, played at, or above, 1.0 kdr all week. Where the largest server in our matchup, who normally has a 1.5 kdr or higher, stayed right at 1.0 also. Ya if you try and go oh 30 pugs pushed into our 10 man guild and some died sure. But a 30 man guild pushing into a 10 man guild wouldn't be the same results. You are confusing skill with being an organized guild group in discord all specced to support each other. Organization with or w/o ds will beat a bunch of pugs.No I'm saying 30 semi-organized were dying pushing on 10-15 TC militia, no comm, no tag, no group. They are used to running in, getting someone low, escaping, and if they get downed, the other 29 can insta-res. The next one pushes in does the same. Yet, with no downstate, they pushed in and died. We laughed. Sure, our side died some too, but, TC normally has a really, really low kdr and the server pushing us normally has a pretty high one, yet, with no downstate, it was almost a 1.0/1.0 despite us being outnumbered like always.
  18. And yet, that isn't how it played out. The 30 constantly pushing 5-10 during normal playtimes, were clearly being carried by pure numbers. Because, during no downstate, they didn't push as deep, and when they did, died. We were able to, time and time again, slowly kill off the larger groups, because they didn't have the insta-res that they normally have. The skilled players didn't die as often, and the "we only have numbers" crowd, died, a lot. Even TC, the constantly outnumbered carebear server we are, played at, or above, 1.0 kdr all week. Where the largest server in our matchup, who normally has a 1.5 kdr or higher, stayed right at 1.0 also.
  19. Anet says they want people to fight over structures, yet every change encourage people to avoid fighting or only fight a handful of defenders with a map que.Some things just need to be changed. Remove all siege but oil and rams, limit rams to 3 on a gate. If you want it, take your lazy butt out of SMC and go get it.Guild aura buffs need reduced or just removed.SMC needs the supply depots removed. It should still take yaks to upgrade. Allows greater counterplay and makes yaks more important.Walls need revisited. It's silly that attackers can spam the walls with aoes while the defender usually has to avoid them or just respawn. Making most weapon skills require line of sight to cast would also fix that, but that is another issue altogether.Barrage hitting over walls needs to be addressed. If they remove all siege but rams and oil, it may be a non-issue. It may be either way. /shrug
  20. The game already has a half-assed version of it, that's the problem. Some people want the real version of it in the game, others don't. But, the trinity is already here. Armor weights are trinity. FB, scrapper, druid, tempest, revenant, are all classes pushing us even closer to a real trinity. So, we are stuck in limbo between what could be and what we have (which is causing a lot of balance issues). In my opinion, yes, they should put it fully back in the game. That, and bring back dungeons, which could be greatly enhanced by doing so.
  21. Do you play mostly in coordinated zergs against foes of roughly equal numbers? With downed state, you can do things like stand on walls and DPS below because even if you go down you can Mist Form back to safety; without it, you're as powerless as a Necro. "Hit them hard enough to make up for it" doesn't work when you go down instantly as well (since Ele is the squishiest class). I've played Ele for years and this is certainly a nerf. Keep in mind that the Ele downed skill #2 is the strongest of all the downed state skills, so removing it certainly hurts them. I'm on TC, which means I am never in squad or voice, mostly fighting next to others who also are not, and always (except for like 4 hours on a Saturday) fighting servers who can field double our number any time they choose.
  22. SMC is a siege free zone except for rams. Upgrading it still takes yaks, but there are no supply depots.
  23. Can you please list these uses? Atm i am taking forever to kill a veteran in open world whereas if I was on a dedicated power/condi build I would melt it in seconds without even glancing their way. Mostly wvw builds, but there are a few for open world. Celestial gear isn't very useful for a lot of classes. I find that ele and necro have better use of the even stat distribution, but you are giving up a lot of dps for the sustain/balance of celestial. Metabattle.com is a really good reference for builds, for all game modes. And, as an engineer, there are a couple really good choices for open world, they just aren't using celestial gear.
  24. Did you consider that perhaps you would not have downed those players if they knew they would not go to downstate? In other words, if there were no downstate, they would not have pushed that hard? I am against removing downstate. PS: Elementalist Vapor Form is a good reason to keep downstate because not having it nerfs the class quite a bit. I feel the opposite. Granted, I love the week anyway. That said, I normally play engineer with the occasional ranger or guard, but spent the entire weekend on my ele (weaver), cause this is a great time for it. Part of the reason I don't play my ele normally is I am not as skilled in the class, and I feel it is just too squishy to justify playing a lot. But during no downstate, I played it till I finished my tickets. It hits hard enough to make up for the squishy (as it should be), and I know that the enemy isn't gonna be downed and get ressed instantly. Surprisingly, I played a lot better than I expected, and really didn't die much. Compared to certain builds, I don't see no downstate as a nerf to ele.
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