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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. You need to wait a few weeks after release to do this. Early reviews get a * by them Proper 15vs15 would be AB in WoW that has 5 nodes far away from each other so you're rarely in an actual 15vs15 battle.
  2. Scrap the failed Esports mode and add 15 vs 15 unranked BGs only. Stronghold is basically 75% of the work done already. No other solution will increase participation rates. PvP in it's current state will harm the Steam release more than it helps.
  3. Downstate makes the game more frustrating with randoms. If your teammate dies in a MOBA he doesn't revive every player on the enemy team you just downed. This makes you hate bad teammates even more than normal. That's bad. It's good in a esports only premade only game as it could add a lot of depth. It's trash for GW2's pvp modes.
  4. This is their vision. It's PvP is much better than this games. Stuns aren't spammable and all CC has DRs.
  5. No amount of money would make this game any better. It's leadership issues, not money.
  6. EoD and post EoD Open world Extremely Unrewarding. PvP Completely abandoned. WvW Lied to and strung along for 5+ years now. Balance changes going in the opposite direction of what the majority want. Instanced PvE Zero rewards, basically. FFXIV simon says musical chairs square room encounter design. zZz Cosmetics Barely any new ones, always extremely conservative and never cute or good looking. Mostly ugly trash bags. Story Marvel Movie trash with terrible pacing. Tell me again , how everything but class balance is going the right way? I'll wait.
  7. The skills team are PVErs and then the PvP team has to go "nope this is garbage, not gonna let it in my game mode" and slap a 300s CD on it. Aka, the teams don't interact or talk to each other.
  8. They intentionally balance WvW like poop. I wish SPvP and WvW were 1:1 balance, instead of the trash can balancing WvW gets while SPvP is legit fun to play classes in, just an unfun game mode.
  9. There's two. Ele's balancing philosophy and every other classes. FFXIV brain rot. Anet saw the FF14 $$$ and desperately wants to be the next FFXIV.
  10. They're 300s CD because they shouldn't even exist so they ensure no one takes them.
  11. Anet setting up GW2 for the mobile version.
  12. PvP and WvW have an absolute trash new player experience. I'd argue that any new player trying WvW or PvP will quit the entire game immediately from the terrible experience, honestly.
  13. Depends on codebase. With proper code anyone who can do an elseif statement can change code for tuning. The issue is corporate red tape to get your changes in.
  14. PLEASE add a mid sized pvp game mode. The caatering to two extremes is so annoying at this point. BGs are WoWs most popular pvp game mode by a factor of 10.
  15. No it hasn't. Women like being able to pick if they want to look cute, sexy, or cool. Men like dressing up their women chars how THEY want. Stop forcing your opinion onto people. What's problematic is spending half your budget researching what won't offend anyone.
  16. superspeed stability and aegis need to be deleted from the game
  17. My god. I just had a look and there's less builds there now than there was pre-patch. This is why people say Anet deletes more builds than they add. Great work Anet.
  18. FFXIV is the most popular MMO in the world and has the most sexualized women with the most revealing outfits. "For the better", if you hate money, sure! These companies absolutely do not hate money. Enjoy bleeding money while turning women into fruit.
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