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Everything posted by Borked.6824

  1. If you're referring to DD, you've got me stumped, because it's the objective master of mobility and damage in the current iteration of the game.
  2. I'm sure there's not a single person who went through the chain that hadn't thought the same. There is some unprecedented levels of tedium in there, but once you've got it completed, you will understand the value of your time and the reward given. Try forgetting that you're sacrificing your time for other things, and immerse yourself in the context of the quest. It's actually really really well done.
  3. I remember the days when you saw and knew nothing until you had the disc and manual in hand. Surprises are healthy. Go look up cognitive dissonance and why your life's happiness revolves around it.
  4. This is a socio-global issue that is not isolated to this game or even gaming in general. I know because of my own experience. A decade ago I was in a WoW top 100 raiding guild for quite a while. Stuck a bunch of ace parses and was a dps officer in our guild, and so on and etc. After taking a break from MMOs for a short while, and in that time I've become utterly terrified of grouping with folks after dipping my feet in again, despite having dozens of experiences of wiping on bosses 300+ times in a row. Almost overnight something happened in the community that literally turned everyone sour. To my point, why is the gaming community in all of its color collectively experiencing the same thing? I wish it wasn't the case but it is, and has everything to do with feedback loops of how people are treated in non-organized modern raiding scenarios mixed with people having less time to invest in lost causes. We really have to look at things for what they are. People don't like doing group content because they don't want to get hurt. They accept that fact and subject themselves to missing out on said content because of it. All resources and helplines say "nay you're fine," and they still don't do it. Toxic elitists (keyword toxic. elitism is healthy) continue to carry on, affirming any chance of reconsideration. This IS the way, and cannot be conditioned out with community pleas and in-game incentives. Why carry on with content that people are objectively scared to do? Raiding and content of the like just needs to phase out because it's now firmly wading against the current rather than with it.
  5. Game development has some weird feedback looped ego behind it, and I'm not sure why it has proliferated the way it has for so long. As an architect, on a weekly or even daily basis, I have to check in and validate with my clients whether they're satisfied with the design progress. And at that moment they literally have to give me the green light to keep going. If they don't, it doesn't move forward as is. Otherwise, client is happy. Designer is content in having objective means of measuring success... Very basic levels of feedback, ingrained in the design process for the sake of the end-user... There's no justification that puts these folks in a different position here. It's the same conditions.
  6. You'll get used to it. The fact Anet had to balls to immaculately go the extra mile (on top of the extra mile they already invested on mounts) and give them dynamic turn radii deserves all the respect from us. Every time it doesn't do exactly what I tell it, I'm just like "nope, I still love it. forgiven. it's beautiful!" Meanwhile in FFXIV, the janky looking flying fairy elephants and sports cars or whatever the hell are looking like robots.
  7. Random thought... what if Dragon Trigger had the option of being used on command, without the flow, but invoked a sort of fatigue cost? One of the glaring issues is the tedium of getting into stance, getting in range, building flow, and hoping the cards are right for your planet-destroying damage to line up. It's clunky. Having to waddle my fat warrior kitten over to my target is dumb, and I have 2 perfectly good range abilities sitting in my Dragon Trigger stance. I wanna use those! Not in a minute. Right now. Make it less clunky, but with an "adrenaline" flavor and make us pay for hubris.
  8. Not enough to justify giving it an easily accessible keybind. Likely going on F8 right next to my Springer.
  9. This is a "you think you do but you don't" I'm afraid. By sheer human behavior, you need to leave some balance up to the player. It facilitates identity and reinforces meaningful choices. It does leave people/classes out, yes, but it's also a recipe for evolution and emergence, as we see in the real world. I say that as a worthless Thief main. Confidently, because being the bottom of the food chain puts my successes despite the odds at greater value. WoW homogenized all classes several expansions ago, giving all classes a kit of essentials, and it basically solidified a generation of players becoming bored and frustrated with the fact that their chosen class is just a variant clone of everyone else's class.
  10. My 1-liner for this spec is that it's ok to swallow your pride and admit when you're going down the wrong path. Intelligent vulnerability is celebrated. As a design professional myself, I've been there hundreds of times. It's hard, but necessary. This spec needs to be overhauled. That's not hyperbole. Nor am I a warrior main, so I'm not attempting to champion something beholden to me. Bladesworn has been my biggest beef spec throughout, and having played through it, I still maintain it's not going places. Thematically it's weird. It's just friggen weird. The ammo thing is not what warriors needed. The gunblade is fun on paper, but it seems more like a Ferrari designed to go grocery shopping when all you need is your trusty bicycle. Which goes to the next point of combat synergy. It's obviously built to thrive on skill chains, and they do happen, which is pretty sweet; but the reliance on utilizing specific utilities, to stack resources, to then find opportune timing to maximize Dragon Trigger makes fluid skill chains very hard to achieve. Once the chain breaks, you're out for a long time. As many have said in their feedback, Warrior needs much much less skill casting/resource down time, and more flick. A samurai typology should exude exactly that. I've also been playing with Willbender a bunch and there's zero chance I'd play Bladesworn over it, simply because it does what I tell it to do without surprises. I find the utility skills to be extremely useless, aside from Flow Stabilizer, which again is a chore-skill, but its reliance is so heavy it might as well be a trait rather than a skill. The stupid barriers do nothing to improve synergy and are more an exercise in comical trial and error. I'd much rather see some gap closers put in their place. Bladesworn still feels just as slow and fat as its preceding specs. The gunblade skills themselves are pleasant. The dependencies around the gunblade however, are not. Which includes many ways of falling out of Dragon Trigger, and falling out of gunblade stance altogether, leaving you in more pointless downtime. Which includes knocking out several traits that don't synergize with the stance, and even nullifying the Discipline tree pretty much entirely. There's only like 3 or 4 traits that even acknowledge the flow/adrenaline migration. It's ok guys. Go back to the drawing board and do better. Lots of tiny wins in what's here, but not enough to consider it remotely cohesive. It's a severely shrug-inducing spec for most folks, and its odd inception is going to take you guys down uncharted territory of micromanagement and further warrior apathy of smart feedback fallen upon deaf ears.
  11. I love watching you mesmer mains squirm. I honestly hope they don't change a thing further just to see if pinkbois can spontaneously combust. Like a pinata that explodes into a thousand "im petty" flags.
  12. Some of these video clips are giving some sick 'Equilibrium' Gun Kata vibes. What a missed opportunity in an Eastern-themed expansion to not have gun martial artist on a class that can actually fit the dual pistol typology. I really don't like the lackluster Gunsaber being shoved down our throat to begin with, but the potentials of the former just sound way more fun and novel!
  13. Trying to find the "We're sorry we let the weeby intern out of his box and conjured up the Gunblade idea. Inventing things for shiggles is not in our wheelhouse, and is bound to be a recipe for issues on multiple levels. Here's what our coherent designers have for you instead..." Anyone else find it?
  14. At this point of the game in its age, I'm in agreement. I was just perusing the thief forums this morning and eyed the EoD Greatsword speculation thread, and got super bummed. It's not like the GS spec isn't palatable or realistic, it's just that Anet were tasked to make ONE choice for this expansion. Eventually they'll come around and give us what we want, but based off of expansion releases and implementation schedules, that could literally be a decade from now before we Thief's get our GS... I'm all for pacing and timeliness, but on pure enjoyment, I dearly hope we could see some mid-expansion spec additions; because it does indeed bear on one's mental sustainability knowing novelty only happens once every few years. Doesn't even have to be full spec implementations. Perhaps some new ways to cross-play elite-exclusive weapon types outside of builds that can at least keep the dopamine hits coming while we wait for the world to ice over. The older this game gets, the more volatile it will be to peoples' commitment, and "settle it the usual way" holds less water.
  15. Could be worse. Peek over to FFXIV and see the ridiculous garbage they have stewed up over there. This is nothing.
  16. I dunno about that. I'd be one of the first to say the same, but the mostly positive response to Specter kind of topples that argument. It's not a shining example of enhancement or even medial comparison to prior elite specs, but it means that people aren't just trying to poopoo everything because of a collective sour mood. What that DOES say though, is that any specs that aren't Specter, must truly be garbage, which, I guess affirms the OP's point. So, yep. They all suck =D
  17. I have a hunch Anet are pocketing a Paragon-esque revival, possibly the reasoning for not seeing them (yet). But...it's been a decade since launch, so that's not an excuse for warriors and similar professions not to be using them yet. Don't worry, we'll probably get to use spears/lances/halberds before we die of old age, maybe.
  18. Easy, just don't do organized group content. If the power creep really is a problem for you, try the old "vote with your wallet" mentality. About the only way to get something fixed these days is to just stop doing it to give our overlords a smack on the wrist.
  19. This is a place of constructive discussion that happens to have some oddly divisive emotes attached to it. The existence of these shortcut responses have a way of negatively tailoring the mood of the conversation more than the actual discussion. And I'm not sure how a straight like/dislike is any more degenerative than this stupid 'confused' emote. It serves no purpose other than to agitate and ironically, confuse the readers/posters.
  20. To me it's less a saturation issue and more just an appearance of blown out gamma. Perhaps as a product of the terrible coloring, or just that they have a good green and adjacent coloring in the areas suck at complementing the green. Overall, it's just flat, like someone literally cranked up a gamma slider...
  21. Stopped reading right there. Judging a game on whether it's "free" or not is incredibly telling about the player.
  22. You could apply "lfg title gatekeeping" to just about any real life equality issue and have the same discussion. This problem is a sociological one. I've played both sides of the fence here. I've done a healthy share of cherry-picking at the expense of others, but I've also learned that narcissism is one of the true evils of the world, malicious or not. I empathize with the OP here, because while we really want to be bipartisan, we'll almost always choose ourselves. But time spent doing X is the exact same as doing Y, because time is time. Every moment is a teachable one. If you can take the time to serve your narcissistic self, you can take the time to serve a growing someone else. You'll literally end up in the same place eventually. Harmony.
  23. I do like me some shield/dagger Spellbreaker. Honestly one of the most synergistic solo builds I've come across in the game.
  24. To be fair, it took me until LWS3 or some crap to realize the break bar existed and fuzzily what it did. It didn't inhibit me from killing anything directly, so I assumed I was doing what I needed to do. I, like the OP do not subscribe to the whole "wiki it" idea, so until the game directly tells me why, despite the (apparent?) rules of defiance bars, there are mobs will not break to certain cc, I'm gonna keep on plugging on like a pleb. Can't be that hard to have ONE interaction that educates folks on one of the most important encounter features of the game.
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