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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Map design should be done assuming the player only has raptor, springer and basic gliding.I can agree with this, but not limit it to just those two mounts. IMO, new maps should account for raptor, springer, skimmer and jackal. If a player has mounts beyond those four, then kudos to them.
  2. True. One could make low zones' events not count for daily for higher level players. I just don't think that taking this option away from new players would be the right move.
  3. But wasn't this sort of the idea with Sun's Refuge without having to be in a guild? I'm not trying to discount the ideas, but wonder if it is so similar in concept that Anet might not want to duplicate the work?
  4. You should check out the numerous other threads on this topic to find out what people think. The forums search function is your friend.
  5. Or how about those kitten dust mites in PoF as a pet?
  6. While I agree that there are many, many improvements that need to be made, I don't think that an expansion is the correct vehicle to release them. /shrug ...and why not? In my opinion.... ...by definition, an "expansion" expands the current content. It ought to be new material. Making improvements to existing content is not expanding anything.
  7. While I agree that there are many, many improvements that need to be made, I don't think that an expansion is the correct vehicle to release them. /shrug
  8. @AliamRationem.5172 What s/he said. Boring and tedious. In my opinion, didn't do much to advance the story other than to kill my "mentor".
  9. Although the top 10% is only a few thousand AP minimum, getting that much can take a long time, or requires continuing through HoT+. The average new player is only going to have around 400~600 AP after reaching 80 and finishing the personal story.Let me put it this way: the lowest AP person on my friends list is at 496 AP points. They are also listed as being at 60% at leaderboard. So, ~60% of players have below 500 AP. Correction, i looked at my guilds lists as well, and found someone at 394 AP - 60%, and someone at 300 - 50%. So, 60% of players are below 400 AP, and 50% are below 300. Meaning half of all players didn't even get to halfway point in the Core storyline.Almost all of my 11 toons have stopped at the Claw Island chapter because I hated it.
  10. If F2P players can get a mount for free, then I want a free Gen2 Legendary.
  11. There is no "could". This will break the ToS. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65554/policy-macros-and-macro-use#latest On the contrary, a macro to dodge forward is a single action, not a chain of actions. They even give as an example: Well put. I was really responding to the point of "1 key for 2 actions".
  12. There is no "could". This will break the ToS. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65554/policy-macros-and-macro-use#latest
  13. You already know the answer to this. We have told you in the many threads that you created on this topic. Behavior that violates the ToS is Anet's call. As players, our only responsibility and recourse is to report the potential violation and move on.
  14. The level 80 boost comes from buying the expansions, so at that point they already have them. it is also offered in the gem store from time to time.
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