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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. All I want is that they change the mechanic. Go Berserk at full adrenaline, stay in berserk as long as you can continue to keep using Bursts/don't run out of adrenaline. One of these would be wonderful. That said, why would you ever NOT be in your strongest state?
  2. Sorry but this is the biggest first world problem I've ever seen.How are you not swimming in Tomes of Knowledge? Birthday gifts & level up scrolls kicking in eventually? The occasional exp booster coming from login rewards? Buying boosters with Laurels? Not trying to level every character simultaneously? What even is the point of that many characters with a need to level them? I think I have 19, each with their own build or a different class or simply storage. I am glad I didn't level half of them manually.
  3. What was promised of the Sun's Refuge?I don't remember being disappointed by it, which makes me think I either didn't hear about what it was supposed to be or some people may have made assumptions about what some of the stuff Anet said about it. I think it was fair to assume it would be more than a "one and done" type of deal, considering the way it was shown in the trailer and the time we spent working on it ingame. It was great - but why build a hub when we never once use it in its restored state really.
  4. They have very clearly stated that patches would be every 4 to 6 weeks and that they were going to watch the patch closely. That doesn't mean they will patch immediately, it just means they are ready to follow it up... You're being unreasonable imo. Doesn't matter if the flavor right now is condi bunker, people have had time to theorycraft and sure, if it's too strong right now it will be changed in the future.
  5. Well, nothing stopping us from going back to the OG bounties and stopping some criminals? Dangerous animals that just started roaming the fields? Stuff like that without all the magic lore. They could introduce new bounty mechanics that have less to do with leyline energy and keep them fresh that way too.
  6. The acceptance of *playble product. It's absolutely insane to believe games can be bug free, especially not ones with thousands of variables that can change from day to day like an MMO. What if one skill interaction from a class that wasn't originally released just happens to break this one part of the game that's been that way for 6 years? There is no "perfect code", devs work on making things run as flawlessly as they can, but just like the balance of an ever evolving combat game it's an impossible task.
  7. As mentioned in other threads about guilds, I really don't understand why they are among the abandoned content. Seems to me like they are the easiest target for some content, just slap an NPC somewhere and make a guild mission out of it, though obviously that is just the smallest example that they could do. Dungeons haven't been supported besides bugfixes and small updates since launch, honestly. Fractal system is much better, although I much prefer the story telling of a multi-layered dungeon compared to a fractal that only ever tells one story. Different paths made dungeons a little more interesting, I wish we had Fractals like that. I know we have some differences like different paths during some rotations, but they all still lead up to the same end basically. As for bounties.. well, they are a PoF thing. I am not opposed to having more bounties in the future, but in terms of map design they wouldn't make much sense on our current maps. They are already very event dense for the most part and stuff like environmental damage from the snowstorm would probably be very annoying on top of the bounty mechanics. I would love a slightly different approach. Jahai Bluffs did this: Elite mobs roaming the map. I've had so much fun finding and fighting those, they were quite challenging in a 1v1, sometimes a 1vX because other hard hitting Branded might walk into range.
  8. Most bugs are very minor. Do you really want them to use dev time to look through 10 years old code on core maps, to fix an event that maybe 2 people in the world care about? Because there is a 10% chance of it triggering? Without knowing what would even cause it to begin with? The answer should be no. Not a smart decision at all. Contemporary content is where Anet's focus has always been and they need to focus all their time and money on making sure that is the stuff that doesn't completely bug out and makes it unplayable. We have seen many cases where some new collection required old events and they were suddenly flooded, causing new or very old bugs to come out of the woodworks. That's a shame, those are the ones that get fixed. Minor annoyances do not need to be fixed, if a company does it they do so out of their own good will (or rather a dev has a passion project or simply really cares)
  9. These types of modes tend to be great for a while then drop off quite heavily. Would make sense to make them available during some seasonal down times etc. That is, of course, assuming that the concept applies to GW2 as well. It does pretty obviously for most games that have some alternate modes.
  10. Warrior downstate? Because after 10 seconds they get to run around and die again?
  11. Please humor us, how're you faring against all em' condi and heal bunkers at the moment with yer power builds.. particularly in 1v1 to small scale engagements, just curious.. I'm hopeful the theory craft turns out to be more than just theory. ;) So once their condi spam is gone because you have cleanses, what do they do? Run? Or hit you with their 500 damage hits?
  12. You've missed the entire point of this just being the new baseline. The CC skills and the 300 second traits will be changed/reworked in the future. Also nice video where only the own hyperbolic standpoint is allowed and everything else gets denied as "blind white knighting" totally not going against having any type of conversation, just pure buttmad that their own class got kicked in the ass.
  13. You get a skin and a bunch of other stuff. 200g is a fair price. Tell me, what else do you have to pay for? Gear? Laughable.
  14. It just looks so damn wrong lolI hope they give these skills at least a little bit of a base damage once things are settled. Make them never crit as to not become problematic again. Just doesn't feel right to have skills do no damage at all imo
  15. They talked about how they specifically wouldn't buff it in PvE because it is fully intended for WvW. They didn't say they wouldn't allow it, but that they wouldn't make sure that it isn't weaker than the other mounts.
  16. Well, a new player wouldn't necessarily have the drive or even idea to finish map completion. Especially now that every story step is locked behind the next 10 levels.
  17. Nah, open world already means hp sponges out the ass in events, it would be so boring if you had to focus champions for 5 minutes even more than you already do sometimes. Now if scaling of enemies was also lowered by 50%...
  18. I'll repeat what I said on another thread about combos: Make combo fields stronger, but make them disappear/not able to get combo'd in after a proc so they don't overwrite each other at a rate of 50 fields per second.
  19. The last (two) maps were beautiful and very varied. Snow is the bigger theme, but there is enough variation in there to not be bland.
  20. They probably won't do that because those level up chests give you like 50 silver each time. I agree with you 100% though, it would be a welcome change, especially considering all the food you use etc.
  21. Bribe them.. but why? The ones that still play do so because they enjoy it. They'll do something new as it comes up, but bribery doesn't really fit here.It will, however, be nice to see new people again wanting to get a skin. Easy kills. Event is always nice. Again, neat bonus that doesn't change much.
  22. Who even dies in this game outside of fractals, raids or during some open world events where the enemies are scaled up so hard you die in 1 second sometimes no matter your skill?
  23. Juggernaut turns you very shiny and adds a metal effect to your character, yes.Frostfang could at least turn the arm to ice.ALSO Anet PLEASE change the ice hit sound because using Axe 5 on my Warrior with Frostfang equipped is absolutely awful
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