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Blockhead Magee.3092

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Everything posted by Blockhead Magee.3092

  1. I found a fun way to play the game! Therefore, please modify how everyone else plays to conform to my method!
  2. I have no first hand knowledge that this was done, but I can speculate. Maybe a change was done to help with player crashing since the beta started?
  3. WvW crashing over and over again. Generally when the zergs coming together. DX11 enabled.
  4. I didn't see the new tab when I was in wvw or LA. Went to Black Citadel and it showed up. Seems like you have to bounce a map or two to see it.
  5. I hadn't seen very many hackers the last year or so, until the last week. They're proliferating.
  6. Fishing holds zero excitement for me. So, I'll not stop any in-game activity for it.
  7. I think there is a disconnect somewhere in Anets logic. They did all this work for a system that has a lot of great features but makes it vastly harder to share infusions across characters. Having to constantly unload infusions from one character and reload them on the next is a hassle.
  8. I use a lot of different infusions (bling bling) and its a pain to move all of them from character to character to reload them on the legendary trinkets and rings. When before it was faster to double click from the shared slots to swap the items to a different character. Took a few seconds. Now it takes much longer and takes more space. If the infusion just stayed on the item, it would be fine.
  9. When they don't stack (different cosmetic infusions as well as wvw etc) that is a collosal pain. Before this, I simply had my legendary rings/trinkets in shared inventory and could double click to swap with the rings/trinkets that were on the character. Only updating the stats if needed. Now, its unequip, move all those items to shared or to the bank, go to the next character, equip, put on infusions (from shared or bank), set stats. Hardly more efficient or helpful.
  10. The fact it rips out the infusions and you have to put them on again makes it much harder to share them across characters.
  11. This is a mess with legendary trinkets and rings (haven't checked others stuff). Character 1. Equip Conflux Put on Infusions Go to character 2. Conflux is available, but no infusions on it Go back to character 1, unequip Conflux and all infusions are stripped out. Put all infusions some place to go back to character 2 Character 2 Equip Conflux Put on Infusions Repeat same pain in the backside for each legendary trinket/ring. Now I need more shared inventory slots to move around the infusions than I needed to just have the rings and trinkets to share between characters. Anet sure knows how to turn something exiting into a bigger pain.
  12. You an I will have to disagree. Current equipment templates are vastly inferior to what arcdps offered. While I have 'heard' stories of its issues I don't know of anyone who actually had any. While I don't expect anet to allow its use again, I can still hold out a sliver of hope.
  13. All those other players who aren't playing the way I want them to is totally unacceptable. Anet needs to change the game to cater to my play style!! Do I have the gist of the request?
  14. Hordes are a pain, but not nearly as bad as that Claw of Jormag drop to open the collection. In all these years, my wife and I have gotten four pre-cursors across all our accounts, six Teq hordes and zero from the Claw. They should put a sliding scale on some of these items tied to collections. The more often you run them, the higher your chances get for the drop. So a decade later, maybe, just maybe, you'd have a realistic shot at it.
  15. The current system is terrible. Poorly conceived, poorly designed and woefully implimented. I have no faith that Anet could expand or replace it with something that would be useful. My vote would be to let them allow ARC to manage templates again - that third party version was vastly more useful. I'm expecting very little of value to come out of the upcoming legendary armory. Like their templates, it sounds good in theory, but if there is a way to cluster it up, they'll find it. It would be nice to be wrong about that.
  16. I'm glad this is brought up from time to time just so we can be reminded that anet does make good changes like the nerfing of Shattered Aegis
  17. It would be nice if they brought it back - or did just about anything for WvW. Though, I'd prefer they didn't add something to promote even more blob play.
  18. The story writing went downhill with Scarlet and, with very few exceptions, continued its spiral. People come and go, the vision for the game changes and the story suffers.
  19. The saga started out so nicely - then got progressively worse by doing the least possible and calling it content. Essentially, they gave it the wvw treatment.
  20. What's killing/killed WvW isn't the claim buff. That is way, way down the list of issues. Its like saying a paper cut is killing the cancer patient.
  21. Rainbows and unicorns. Anet gave up on the game mode a long, long time ago. They're just not forthcoming enough to publicly tells us so.
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