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Everything posted by AgentMoore.9453

  1. It might be a memory thing. I've definitely experienced player animation locks and the Smooth Criminal Moa coasting along the hillside with two others running at its sides, but as long as I can remember that's been a thing. On the bright side, it doesn't seem to be impacting anything mechanically and has instead been quite entertaining over the years.
  2. This right here is the problem, because it seems to be a recurring issue when ArenaNet runs this kind of promotion. Either it's not available for people to buy because of where they live, or it's a promo through a sub shop only located in myth, or the planets align perfectly and it's available through a retailer you can access - but the stock is gone before you can sneeze. It isn't that ArenaNet's not allowed to do promos or that they can't partner up for wonky little marketing offshoots, but it sure would be nice if they offered more 'hey, get our product directly from us for less than usual' sales too.
  3. +1 to OP's suggestion. I like dungeons quite a lot even though I know they've moved on to fractals (then raids, then DRMs, then strike missions, etc.), and would love seeing a big ol overhaul to address the many bugs and other pain points people have raised about them over the years. Dungeons are intrinsically linked to the base story in this game, and it will always be weird to me that ArenaNet doesn't curate that core experience (personal story, core maps, dungeons, the absence of LS1). It'd take some resources, time, and effort; we know this. Still worth it. They must know they still get new players who play through that content for the first time and sit there like 'why is this like this after 9 years??' They have to know. The forums tell them all the time.
  4. I think OP's position is a perfectly reasonable stance to have, but also that it's not the only stance that's valid, which seems to be what the fuss is about. Companies (and other creatives) can sometimes do weird things when they receive payment before their work is completed. Sometimes this manifests as a lazy or unfinished product, and other times it can add pressure to a creator and influence the finished product in negative ways that have nothing to do with dedication. If your experiences suggest that early money leads to a poorer product, then I totally understand opting to wait and see rather than leap and hope. Example: If you're someone who pre-purchased HoT back when hype for it was through the roof and then realized on release that raids weren't in LFG, an entire path of Dragon's Stand and related storyline were cut during production but left behind some of the NPCs, your guild hall had an unfinished jumping puzzle, incomplete levels players initially weren't meant to see (no mounts or accessible paths to these), and an unfinalized system for queuing upgrades and decorations, you might have sat there thinking 'man, this kinda feels unfinished'. And people did. There was a huge amount of feedback regarding this stuff, and to some degree it happened with PoF as well. If those were your experiences, you might have a view that ArenaNet flies by the seat of their pants sometimes and it's better to wait for release and see what you're actually getting. Now, on the other hand, you may have all those same experiences and your takeaway might be different. You might say 'well, they've done unfinished things before, but they went back and fixed some of it later and I'm fine with that, so I'll pre-order despite this'. This is also a valid view. You might also say 'well, it's finished enough for me, or at least the things I want are finished and therefore I don't really care if they go back and give it another pass later'. Valid as well. You may even unchain the notion of pre-ordering from product quality completely and just assume no amount of time, money, or effort would change what you're going to get from ArenaNet. Valid? You betcha. Being wary of pre-ordering (for any reason) is a choice I can respect because it reflects a person's experiences and faith in a product as well as personal preference, just as I can respect the people who immediately smacked the ultimate button on EoD completely sight unseen. Choices like these may not always be the same as mine, but I'm always interested to learn why people do what they do. Anyway, here's wordywall. 🎵
  5. Still here, but the Marionette delivered was a re-imagined version of the requested encounter shoved into an instance with poor visibility on top of its deficit of meaningful loot. The fight itself is quite entertaining, it's just the implementation that could do with some improvement which would help put it in line with other world bosses (or even just Dragonstorm). Simply put, if someone asks for Coke and they're given Coke without any carbonation and express disappointment, it's pretty silly to ask 'gosh what happened to all the people who wanted Coke?' They still want Coke, they'd just also like the bubbles.
  6. Yes, and I was agreeing, saying in addition to better loot, there should also be better broadcasting instead of just picking one or the other. Hence the 'why not all the things?' meme. It's all good, all helpful for this particular piece of content. Marionette is certainly not the only content that suffers these issues, but it's definitely up there as one of the most obvious. Oh it was totally an arrow, I'm convinced for life now.
  7. Porque no los... all of that? Put some LS1 things in as uncommon drops, bring back key pieces, add Marionette-specific cosmetics/infusions/weapons. Pop this fight into the world boss portal device. Make it a rotating daily. Call it out in EotN with a visible countdown timer. I'm not inherently against instanced content, but the Marionette is a perfect of example of how it can be weaker than openworld (insomuch as people doing/grouping up for it). It needs to be given every opportunity for players to see it, know when it's happening, and access it in a timely fashion. Without these things, it's just kind of tucked into a broom closet until it's suddenly needed for a return to achievement.
  8. For what it's worth, OP, even after getting this achievement step I was still shaking my fist at being bested by poultry for so long. It's able to be done, but the attempt process can be very annoying. That said, I think Dani's advice on timing and event choice will help you a lot. Also, my 1,000th post happens to be about chickens. How do the birds keep winning? How do they keep managing these power plays? 😠 🐔
  9. I am. I want to see more fun things in the gem shop (released at the times of year you'd expect, depending on what they are) with an in-world flair. ArenaNet has shown a recent interest in creative chairs and mount skins, and by pairing releases thematically, I think you can sell more of both. And swimsuits, well swimsuits are already a no-brainer in terms of highly-marketable cosmetics with widespread appeal and near-endless options for variant/seasonal designs to maximize their profit potential. That they're not already available for purchase is truly mind-boggling.
  10. I'm glad you're still here; it's nice to have company when you're campaigning for a good cause. I notice you never followed up on our BBQ plans, but I understand scheduling conflicts can be pretty serious at the tail end of the year; raincheck in spring? Maybe late February? In the meantime, I've had some new ideas for water-related goodness in addition to ye olde swimsuit: - Ice skating boots novelty, complete with gliding, twirling, and trick animations (Sure to pair well with the sweet campfire treat and the cozy hat/sweater armor pieces) - Icefishing chair, complete with secondary seat for those times when you and a friend want fishing to be an even lazier activity - Surfboard Skimmer
  11. Nothing is wrong with LoL (if you enjoy it). The upcoming Skyscale, however, looks like a Hextech Drake, which - with Arcane/LoL being relevant right now - means this is a good time to offer something like this. And I'm surprised, because their marketing usually comes at weird times with weird subjects.
  12. The design is interesting, but Reddit quickly pointed out that it much resembles a creature from League of Legends. Paired with the recent popularity of the related show Arcane, it's easy to see why we might be getting this now. Timely, relevant marketing in the gem store? Color me surprised.
  13. This. Sometimes I'm social and don't mind having company while I run around doing stuff, but other times I prefer to play solo or among other people rather than with them. I also have concerns that the turtle will function like the new 2-seater chair and thus share its weaknesses (anyone can jump on without permission, and a technical oversight can allow other players to forcibly dismount you). I look forward to testing various things during the beta, but I hope they consider allowing the driver to access the cannons (would likely put you into an unmoving siege mode as a tradeoff) when you don't have someone else with you. If not, it's gonna feel real weird having a mount I don't have full control of.
  14. I can understand not being thrilled with the specs we've been shown for EoD, but who's to say you wouldn't just get nine more bad ones if they went for round two? I'd much prefer they just rework/repair what they have since they're already spread so thin.
  15. Coming back with some of the pain points I've noticed: - There is currently a technical oversight people are using to forcibly remove people from their chair and lock them in a transformation that can't be canceled (bad news for the upcoming Turt if it works the same way) - Slim Charr body types hover above the chair seat - Some Asura and Norn sipping animations are actually drinking tea through their noses I'll be curious to see how much of that gets addressed next week - or ever. In the meantime, purchase (or don't purchase) responsibly.
  16. Can confirm this is happening to everyone in my instance who's been trying to use the new table. If the tech behind the table is linked to the upcoming Siege Turtle (as I imagine it is), this should be taken care of before it can evolve into a bigger issue.
  17. I'll tell you what, I actually feel the opposite on this one. I haven't been tempted by the gem store for a long time because the things being offered were too unattractive or lacked lore explanations for their existence. I'm not a hardliner on immersion (though it'd be nice to have more visual options in our settings panel), but it's at least a little important to me because I really quite like the world of Tyria and do flinch a bit when something is made to exist in it 'just because' when there are 40 million lore appropriate alternatives that weren't considered. Now, the tea table? I am genuinely happy about this one. Good poses, good basic teapot/chair/table design to appeal broadly. Fits with the world, fits most player models. If anything, it adds immersion rather than taking away from it. The only quips I really have with it are the same as with many other chairs; graphical glitches (Asura drink the tea through their noses and some Charr body types hover above their seats, for example). I can absolutely respect someone not enjoying the aesthetic (believe me, I feel that way about plenty of things in this game), but I feel like this item in particular is a big win for Casual Tyria Enjoyers.
  18. I hope it's not the last expansion, even though I do have some misgivings about EoD. The alternating 'LS, Expansion, LS, Expansion' model felt like it was working, and deviating from it seems to have seriously damaged the resulting content. At any rate, I'd appreciate even a vague roadmap of what they're hoping to do after EoD since they haven't clarified. "Don't worry guys, we'll do something!" isn't as reassuring as "We hope to go back x model if EoD does well and if not, we will continue experimenting until we find a formula that works". I understand that you can't 100% predict the future of a live service game and how you'll be packaging future content, but even a 'we want to do this' vision would feel less vague than the 'just trust us' we have from them currently.
  19. A lot of people crinkle their noses at what they perceive to be an 'easier' way to get legendary gear, but I welcome the thought of more players having stat-swapping available to them across all of their characters. There's a hefty segment of players who wish the rest would 'git gud' and I absolutely think the benefits of legendary gear can help with that. There should always be a journey and an investment of time/effort involved with legendary things (you do want people to engage with the game after all), and from what I've seen of the Return To achievements, I'd say both of those measures have been met. So, more paths to reach legendary gear? Good, fine, go for it. I can see this being genuinely helpful. As for going back and adjusting older legendaries, I have a 50/50 feel on it. On one hand, you'd have people expecting compensation if the old legendaries became 'easier' to get, but on the other hand, those legendaries become more attainable for more people. I lean a bit more toward no on this if only for the fact that it'd be better to bite the bullet, leave old legendaries alone, and simply introduce new ones using new methods. People will get to carry the cosmetics of the old leggies for whatever prestige it grants them, and other avenues will be available for those who don't care about prestige.
  20. 🫖 Pip pip, friendo.☕ Looking for a video of the new chair in action, will come back when I find one. Here we go.
  21. For me, the benefits are twofold: - If I see Tequatl, active threat, I have had a 100% success rate of getting to a populated map with the device (versus normally being out of luck if I'm trying in LFG any closer than 10 minutes til the boss spawn) - I no longer have to fiddle with the wiki and can lazily check when the urge strikes to see if a boss I need is available from in-game and immediately be taken to it if it is without any further steps So it effortlessly informs me about bosses and reliably gets me to them compared to the 'by hand' approach of LFG or waiting around for a spawn. Up to you whether that makes it useful compared to its cost. My list, in order of usefulness: - Infinite Gathering Tools - Infinite Salvage Tools - Bank Storage Slots (Why do I need all of those marsh frogs? None of your business, that's why) - Gem Store Lounge Passes (it's nice having swift access to a hub city both for the socializing and for the services available there, though I should note if you could craft everything in a guild hall, I'd just be doing that instead) - World Boss Portal Device - Character slots, when on sale (I can stop making joke characters whenever I want, I just haven't wanted to) - Bag slots (I'd like these more if they were accountwide, but I can live with just one character having full capacity) And least useful, in my view: - Transmutation Charges (I use so many of these yet haven't bought a single one) - Boosters, including the primers as well as any item that gives you random boosts for trivial amounts of time (These are much better attained through gameplay or as incidentals when buying packages of other stuff)
  22. Thank you, OP, for the update. I'm sorry to hear about your experience trying to do the Marionette; your frustration is understandable. I was kind of curious how things would turn out with this boss once the novelty wore off (I chased all the achievements at release and haven't been back to the instance since), but this seems like another complication on top of everything else people brought up when it was first put in. That's very odd that it didn't put everyone together until the instance filled, but evidently that's not how it's designed. Weird. I wonder if there's a way to fix it that isn't just people herding cats in LFG to get everyone over to the same IP address. It's stuff like this that really leaves me wanting manual instance selection as part of the UI. I don't mind instanced content as a general rule, but man is it cumbersome to get people together sometimes.
  23. Multiple posters have already offered examples of how and why 'just block them' isn't cutting it largely because the block/friend/follow systems in GW2 don't function as expected, so I'm not sure why this suggestion is still being repeated or why defense of the status quo is more important to people than considering where things can be improved for everyone. More importantly though, why are you opposed to changes that would reduce stress for players when you started a thread not long ago about wanting the forum reactions gone because of the stress/negative interactions they contribute to? Having blocked people be able to track you in any capacity should be as weird to you as the fact that people can spam out your notifications with no option to shut them off. I can't imagine someone telling you to 'just turn off all of your notifications completely' would be a satisfying answer. Would both situations not be improved with the addition of more settings that let you curate your experience?
  24. Not that I think this would happen often, but if they implemented a 'restore character' button like OP suggests, couldn't people artificially bypass their active character slots by deleting and calling back characters at will? I think they want to keep restoring characters limited for a variety of reasons, but this is at least one that comes to mind right away. As to OP's situation, I think your best bet in this scenario is to: - Create a free account for your kid (and later upgrade it when package deals (or promotions) for the full game are available - Secure your account (Separate laptop, sure, but consider changing your password as well) - Contact support; explain your situation as well as the steps you've taken to secure your account, and request a one-time restoration of the deleted characters with the understanding that this shouldn't be an issue in the future - Be ready for them to say 'I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that' - Let us know how it went here on the forum - I'm curious
  25. I know what you mean, but I think it's more the delivery system that could use a tune-up. Specifically, the LFG system is a weak point when it comes to instanced group content. Not only do you have to advertise or join a party, but you then have to physically go to a specific map or portal in order to get where you're going instead of just selecting the desired activity from a list and getting a teleport prompt as soon as you have enough people or a space opens up in an existing group. As a semi-relevant example, I can tell you right now that being able to use the World Boss Portal Device gets me doing world bosses way more than when I manually had to check maps or hope for an LFG listing I could get to the proper IP address for. Sometimes I open that thing and see an active boss I hadn't even considered going for that day and next thing I know I've done 4 or 5 of them. If I had a panel that'd let me opt-in to 'go do a dungeon' either at random or with specific selection, I'd be delighted. For some, the manual nature of LFG is fine, but I think having a 'go do the thing from anywhere' method in addition to it would be useful in making instanced content more attractive/easier to pop in and do.
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