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Everything posted by AgentMoore.9453

  1. Yep, this would make a water map (and watery areas in general) much more accessible. Most of the pushback people have for UW content is either 'I hate the movement' or 'I hate the skills/lack of skills'. With a gravity boot mastery of some kind, you could swim, skim, or run around on the floor at your leisure. The only swimming you'd 'have' to do would be to seek out vistas, puzzles, or collect loot chests tucked out of the way. Mobs would technically be considered flying enemies, and the map(s) in question could include environmental weapons and masteries to allow you to attack at range from the sea floor. I'd absolutely love to see this in future releases (in addition to them fixing and finishing existing UW abilities - some specs are massively broken in water right now).
  2. Probably not right now since the Cantha window of opportunity has passed, though if they ever implement a new round of weapons, I'd love to see gauntlets/fists added in so that we could have some purely martial/hand-to-hand combat specs like you describe.
  3. Involuntary actions that negatively affect gameplay aren't flavor, they're annoying. If they still want something cool to happen when you level up then so be it, but knockbacks ain't the way. Instead, perhaps a level-up should simply apply something like the Elixir of Heroes buff. If something's gonna happen that's outside of the player's control, it might as well be something useful.
  4. They're not. Most of these are just improvements and clarifications that would be good to implement, not a commentary on the intelligence of the new target market. While ArenaNet is already in the guts of their game making changes, people might as well make their suggestions. Being clear about the stuff you're selling seems like a good idea to me, and I suspect that's why they're finally releasing an actual complete edition of the game for the Steam release. Can you think of anything that'd be bad about letting people know that buying skins won't unlock the associated mount?
  5. Unfortunately, we don't know yet. Judging by the weapons held in the promo picture and the wording of the announcement, we have a pretty good idea that the decade armor will: - Be an armor set (separate pieces) - Have dye channels (not sure how many) - Most likely look the same across all armor weights (excepting that sometimes the skirt will be connected to the top part for some) - Be available for everyone to work on - permanently - at their leisure We don't know: - If it's just skins or actual gear (probably gear, since they pointedly don't call it the decade armor skin set) - What rarity that gear might be (idk bro, get hyped I guess) - If the cape is part of it (big shruggy; it probably is, but it could also just be a teaser for the 10-year gift as some have speculated) - What, specifically, will be required to earn proofs of legend (Single completions of tasks? Tiered completions? Bear-wrangling? It is a mystery) - If the tokens for purchasing the armor will be awarded strictly through achievements or awarded by the activities themselves as part of the loot table (My guess would be achievement only, but in that case, I hope they provide more achievements than you need to complete the set so people can have some choice of how they complete theirs) Hopefully, all things will be made clear on the 23rd.
  6. This is exactly how people learn about GW1 these days, and it was true for me as well. I got in on GW2 early, liked it, then saw there were achievements for going back and playing the first game (which I did). Not only is this some nice extra money for ArenaNet, but the game actually turned out to be quite entertaining and holds over a decade after its initial release. If people buying GW2 through Steam won't be able to do this, I can absolutely see someone buying the game (maybe even the complete package) and then feeling burned that they can't benefit from linking, as it's something they probably won't realize until they're already invested and playing. This kind of information feels too important to be tucked into an FAQ on the ArenaNet website; this should be in bold on the Steam store page. Huge thanks to the OP for this thread; I wasn't aware of this limitation for the Steam release and will be telling the people I know who have been considering a second (or first) account there.
  7. Credit where credit is due, the Decade Armor seems like a really good addition to the game and scratches two long-term itches that players have had: - Meaningful in-game rewards for in-game tasks - Armor pieces instead of outfits The journey to getting it might end up being goofy (I do see WvW and PvP listed in there), but I've kinda come to expect that over the years. If there's anything particularly painful about acquisition, my hope is that they'll listen to feedback and implement fixes (like being able to repeat preferred activities to slowly accrue the needed tokens or whathaveyou). The preview image does show signs that this set will have the usual weird scaling on Sylvari and other races, but you know what? It's armor. This is what I want. I hope it succeeds and a lot of people engage with it so that ArenaNet can see metric proof that armor is not only requested, but something worth working on in the future. Who knows, maybe they'll do something really crazy like... add swimwear. 😈
  8. Nothing. I said they're a race-specific trait, like Sylvari bioluminescence, which makes them different from tattoos, which are not a race-specific trait. There are a few posts in here insisting that without tattoos, Norn have no defining traits at all. I say that their shapeshifting is the most obvious one, followed by their build, idle animations, and race-specific emotes. The idea that tattoos are a Norn-only thing is not supported in any source that I can find whereas I have already found several examples for you of tats on other races. So, since other races demonstrably have access to tattoos already without making it impossible to identify the Norn among them, asking for more seems like a nonissue. I asked you about sales and how the addition might hurt the game based upon these things you posted, because hurting the game in some way or negatively impacting sales are the only two reasons I can fathom why you might be opposed to this. If you have a different reason against this, feel free to share. Here are the things you said on page 1: > adding tattoos to human character customization would likely be a hassle that probably isn't worth the effort (Why do you think this wouldn't be worth the effort? I would think Human cosmetics would sell incredibly well based on past offerings.) > Arenanet made the design decision to make tattoos specifically and exclusively a Norn feature (Disproven in my previous posts, but is there a source for this that you were referencing?) Fair enough. If this is your last post here, I will not continue to quote you. I agree with this sentiment. I'm disappointed by the EoD additions and feel that they are well below the skill of what ArenaNet has produced in the past (not to mention broken). Going back to fix old content, repairing broken events/achievements, and ensuring CC options and gem shop offerings are up to current standards (and bug-free!) are all improvements I would like to see. Looking at the long list of things that haven't been repaired or polished is depressing, but after sticking with this game for close to a decade, I hit the hopium now and then that they'll respond to feedback threads like this one. Whether something like tats would be added through the CC or simply sold in the shop like the masks of the wanderer and the silent, I think they'd be welcomed (and purchased) by players.
  9. I've been very consistent, actually. Tattoos aren't race-specific by lore or by mechanic, and the Kurzick and Luxon Human NPCs added this year are the most recent example alongside the from-launch selection I mentioned earlier that can be worn by all races. Asking for tattoos and increased CC options for Humans (or any of the races) shouldn't be a hot-button topic to rail against, but here we are. Norn shapeshifting and Sylvari bioluminescence are race-specific traits, but they're not what the OP is asking for, so I'm not sure where you're going with your comparison. When you get back, please enlighten me as to how adding tattoos (more than already exist for other races), would be harmful for the game or for ArenaNet's sales, because I'm really not seeing it.
  10. I mean, are you sure? The starter gear for Necromancers gives you a selection of facial tattoos to pick and choose from, and the scar and facial marking masks from the gem shop can be worn by anyone. The only unique thing Norn have going for them in customization is body tattoos and massive feet (for males). I don't think it was intended to be exclusive at all, I think they just added in some nice tat options at the start and then pooped out on adding more. I think a better comparison would be if people were asking for the Norn shapeshifting ability for other races (which has been asked for in the past) as that's purely a distinctive racial trait whereas tattoos can be given to anyone with skin which the others races have. Pragmatic and conservative fashion options are still fashion, not to mention people have asked for years to have more practical armor alongside the skimp. What I think hurts fashion more than the style of those things is the fact that they're packaged as outfits. Outfits can be useful for a simple, cohesive look, but the mix-n-match of armor is always going to be vastly superior. I'm heartened by the new water dragon set for precisely that reason. If I like one piece of an armor set, I'll buy that set; if I dislike one piece of an outfit, no sale. If they're willing to do armor again, who knows. Maybe there's hope for tats and other long-wanted customization?
  11. Not adding basic customization options like tattoos (or facial hair/horns/skin patterns) after a decade in a game that people often refer to as Fashion Wars 2 is understandably weird. That's why these threads exist. And the longer these things go without being added, the weirder it is. Barely any cultural pieces, one-off masks made to look like scars/makeup in the gem shop that never get iterated on, no new skin/fur tones in CC since launch, and an incredibly stingy application of new faces and hairs over the years is right up there with 'huh, kinda weird that we didn't get any Kurzick/Luxon tats with End of Dragons even though NPCs are wearing them everywhere'. They must be aware that giving us new cosmetics and ways to customize characters is a great way to sell character slots, matching mount skins, weapons, skiffs/fishing poles, gathering tools, and gem shop armors, so seeing these threads seems perfectly normal to me.
  12. The monkey's paw curls for OP. Instead of being placed in-game, the ads are applied to the forum and you now have to watch three unskippable commercials about diapers, other NCSOFT franchises, and Kung Fu Tea before you can browse or post a new thread. (I've played - and quit - games with ads in the past; believe me when I say you do not want this anywhere in any form)
  13. I'm glad workarounds exist for this, but it really would be nice to have an easy way to test name availability that doesn't involve multiple panels. Maybe a simple tool through the official GW2 site would suffice.
  14. ArenaNet defines endgame content as 'stuff you can do once you hit level 80'. If you use an instant 80 boost and voop to the Silverwastes, this is the wording from the 'are you sure?' window when you opt to confirm the boost: Journey forth? All of the endgame content in Guild Wars 2 opens before you. Will you take up the challenge? (Confirm/Cancel) Outside of this, 'endgame' is usually just a term people change the definition of depending on what works best for the argument they're making in a discussion.
  15. I've weighed in on this topic heaps and agree with OP's pain points, but overall I think the biggest problem right now with the way fishing was implemented is that fishing is not integrated with the rest of GW2 in the way other gathering activities are. You're either fishing or you're playing GW2, and that sucks. Fishing requires you to prepare to have fun every single time you do it which, if I recall, was something the devs were explicitly trying to avoid in their designs back when the game was launched. I enjoy the activity a lot, but I often find myself doing something else simply because I don't have the time available to isolate on a boat for an hour working on stacks while events happen around me and players die just far enough away from the shoreline that I can't assist them without losing my progress. I want them to keep working on this feature as time presents itself, because it doesn't feel finished.
  16. I'm in support of the movement, but I think it feels more genuine when a community comes together to celebrate it than when a company or brand tries to do the same. For that reason alone, I'd say it probably wouldn't be worth it for ArenaNet to try to make some kind of in-world pride festival or event when players are already doing a good job of it each year. +1 for the male couples thing though. We have a handful of background characters peppered around the game, but for the most part it's straight and female couples in the front row. Let Canach and Laranthir find happiness as they reach for the same grenade and bond over traumatic experiences. Reveal that Rama's an equal opportunity romantic. I'd love to see them add this missing dynamic without relegating it to throwaway NPCs.
  17. *looks at the wreckage of the balance patch burning on the horizon* Y'know, given that it was recently proven that there are areas of the game where players legitimately do know more about the subject than the devs working on it, I have to say I'm fine with people offering potential solutions when giving feedback. If your delivery is coherent and polite, I don't see how that could ever be a negative thing to do.
  18. Indeed, the bad square, killer of men (and everyone else). If these aren't showing up for you, you should probably pick through your settings and make sure your graphics drivers are up to date. The other changes OP proposes look fine though. +1 to tidying up old content.
  19. Well, and please take this with a grain of salt as it's a snapshot assessment of the current moment, I think there are two issues keeping raids weird in terms of player engagement: ArenaNet insists that various things in the game are meant to be a 'ramp' to the coordination and difficulty of raids, but that's not actually how it is in practice. There is no ramp. That is half the issue. They're simply very different from what most players are used to, and so a lot of people just don't bother. Strikes (and the newly-implemented raid emboldened mode) were an attempt to bridge this gap, but the empty LFG is a sign that it's not working (yet) to turn raids into something people engage with as openly and as comfortably as they do fractals, dungeons, and other group content. What this means is that most grouping isn't happening in LFG which brings you to the other weakness of raids: They require 10 people. Couple the fine art of collecting 10 knowledgable people with the wonky nature of the current LFG system and what you get is - for a lot of folks - an annoying experience. Because of this, most raid groups are formed through guilds or out-of-game Discords and other social apps (Assigned raiding nights, statics, scheduling). Groups getting formed outside of the LFG panel makes the LFG panel look lonely which in turn makes it look like there's nothing but run sales happening (Which, whatever, let people buy things if they feel like it). Raids require people to understand encounter mechanics and have a level of competency with their builds and skills that can be hard to find when you spin the PUG wheel, moreso in raids than in nearly any other part of the game. I don't think strikes managed to make a meaningful impact on this, and the emboldened buff is still new so we'll probably have to wait and see if it's enough to make raids feel more accessible to the average player. The emboldened buff is somewhat close to what people have asked for since raids were first added: different tiers of difficulty that can be opted in or out of. Is it possible this might be the direct ramp that could help raids open up to more people? Only time will tell. So to answer your initial question: At the moment, yes, the empty LFG and the kill-proofing is normal as a result of the way raids were implemented, their level of difficulty and coordination compared to the rest of the game, and the shortcomings of the LFG system itself.
  20. Make it an upright fish head/skeleton to easily differentiate it from the other tags and +1 to this. Good for variety, function, and good for people who struggle to distinguish between colors on the existing tags.
  21. Do you have a source for this? I haven't seen anywhere that this is something support is doing for people (though it's good news if it's true since usually support will not replace achievement items like that).
  22. That's not what's being compared, Kharmin. The way LW is marketed (or rather, not marketed at time of purchase) and the high pricing of this Jade Bot skin (combined with the FOMO nature of the gem shop) are two separate examples of predatory tactics. Someone asked how predatory monetization could apply to something that doesn't directly hinder gameplay, and a short-form explanation of predatory monetization/marketing with examples was the answer I gave. I hope that clears things up. Yes, this is what I mean. Popping the price up arbitrarily while knowing that the gem shop has an irregular and unpredictable schedule is why the cat is particularly bad. It's not great for anything in the shop, but it's especially not great when it's applied to what is essentially a mail carrier yet is inexplicably four times the price. People had similar opinions when ArenaNet started selling armor pieces again, but raised their prices significantly as well. Again, I was explaining what predatory monetization is and giving examples of where it can be found in GW2. It's a common practice in this and other games, but we may as well call it what it is. I agree. If this kind of consistency were applied in several areas of the shop, I'd probably spend a lot more money there. Jade Bot skins and carriers and finishers are like the candy you buy in the check-out line, and it's pretty wild to me that they've chosen to price them like high-end merch instead.
  23. Well, according to Google: > Predatory monetization schemes in video games are purchasing systems that disguise or withhold the long-term cost of the activity until players are already financially and psychologically committed. (The definition is also often expanded to include high prices that use FOMO as a means to tempt people who would normally say hell no; that's the psychological part) In other words, they're marketing tricks meant to separate people from their money via deception, mind games, or obfuscation of cost. Y'know, like not telling people they'll have to buy living world after they purchase the game's complete collection and offering no way to purchase it all in one go. This skin isn't the first example of predatory monetization in GuildWars2, it's just the latest. I wish it would be the last, but I doubt that too. Now, people have the ability to self-educate before buying things, of course, but that doesn't change what it is.
  24. Can confirm this is happening throughout the game. When I swing my camera near a lightsource, the light clicks on, when I angle it away, it shuts off. Odd.
  25. I think adding well-rested to more areas is a good idea, OP. Not sure about the varied buffs though; it should probably just be one flat thing rather than trying to customize per lounge. Well-rested is a new buff added with EoD, but I don't see why it couldn't be added retroactively to the pay-for lounges or even the player home instances once the mastery is unlocked. Pros: - Requiring people to get the Arborstone mastery first to enable this buff elsewhere would incentivize the purchase of EoD - Arborstone is already the 'free' option (with purchase of EoD), meaning it is accessible to the average player without additional purchases - Incentive for people to continue to buy/use old lounges even as new ones come out (layout preferences, vibe, etc.) - May ease overcrowding in lounges and Arborstone by allowing people to spread out between them without missing out on the rested buff Cons: - A dev would have to look at the code for these lounges and poke it with a stick - Someone, somewhere would prefer resources be spent elsewhere and be very unhappy So, like I said, I don't think unique buffs per lounge is the way to go, but going back and periodically updating lounges with attractive features across the board does seem like a good way to keep them relevant even as more get added.
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