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Icebrood saga feedback from returning player


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I believe I still have 2-3 episodes left, but this is by far the best content addition, with the exception of expansions (and I might even put this above PoF honestly) that GW2 has had.

Back in the day, I HATED living story and living world content because it was such a small drop of story and content.  1-2 hours and done. Back to doing whatever it is i was doing.  I was one of those people that felt it detracted from other parts of the game, and I still believe that (see neglected areas of the game... dungeons, wvw etc). 


But I am glad and happy to see that arenanet has evolved and matured in their development of living story and living world to make it entire zones, with massive meta events and evolving stories that ebb and flow depending on time and player involvement in that map.  The legion war episode that I am on now is a fantastic example of that.


Very well done.  Looking forward to seeing how it ends.

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Ill be interested to see if your opinion holds up after Drizzlewood. The Season is... different after that and there was a lot of vocal reaction about Icebrood Saga.

Personally I thought it started strongly and I liked the additions EoTN and associated strikes and instances brought. Whilst Bjora Marches I was critical of, I actually played it a lot so really I cant complain too much.

After Drizzlewood however.... well let us know your thoughts - good or bad

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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

After Drizzlewood however.... well let us know your thoughts - good or bad

to be fair myself I felt sort of disjointed at drizzlewood already - map is nice and fun, but


Ever since prologue we are all about stopping charr civil war from erupting, all the way up to the end of shadow in the ice. There we get wounded, supposedely gets carried to aurenes new lair in eotn for recovery and once we get back into the fray....

We get greeted with rytlock's going "this civil war is taking too long", apparently during our recovery not only civil war has erupted, but also managed to get from fair successes of united legion, through collapse of united legions frontline in drizzlewood, with perspecitve of united legions actually loosing it. It kind of felt to me like there was supposed to be something in between that was skipped for some reason. (And I don't mean Echoes of the Past, since that interlude does not seem anyhow aknowledged within rest of story, I suppose it could count if we got some dialogue going like "ok so that civil war started, but you are still in need of alot of recovery so let's rest of dragons watch handle it for now, while you study the scryin pool, m'kay?", but unfortunatelly we didn't)

But I am blaming Covid for that 🙂

About champions I think it's... meh. Ain't imo as tragic imo as some people proclaim, but it ain't even remotely close to the levels we had in LWS4.

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Im also back from a 3 years break. what i find really boring about icebrood saga, is that mastery grind. There are  not enough insights. Every LS Since HoT gave me some choices but icebrood saga is pure grind. Do Events here 100X and swung the sword...not really funny.

Edited by Grebcol.5984
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On 8/25/2021 at 10:28 AM, AgentMoore.9453 said:

We'll be here for you after you get to the ending. My recommendation is to withhold your judgment until you do.


On 8/25/2021 at 11:33 AM, Randulf.7614 said:

Ill be interested to see if your opinion holds up after Drizzlewood. The Season is... different after that and there was a lot of vocal reaction about Icebrood Saga.

Personally I thought it started strongly and I liked the additions EoTN and associated strikes and instances brought. Whilst Bjora Marches I was critical of, I actually played it a lot so really I cant complain too much.

After Drizzlewood however.... well let us know your thoughts - good or bad


I now see your point 🙂 

I can only surmise the redundant, repetitive, flat, and unimaginative nature of the last episode in the saga is due to covid restrictions... not being able to collaborate as easily, maybe less access to resources, etc.  Because if not, if someone genuinely thought this is a good idea even under normal circumstances...good god.  3 or 4 of these would be OK.  These missions seemingly never end and the story has fallen nearly (I say nearly because there is some, SOME substance) flat.  The prologue plus episodes through Jormag Rising were absolutely  fantastic.  And now this 😞 lol


And I wanted to get this done by yesterday.  MAYBE if I no -life I can get it done by end of the weekend.



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On 8/25/2021 at 11:33 AM, Randulf.7614 said:

Ill be interested to see if your opinion holds up after Drizzlewood. The Season is... different after that and there was a lot of vocal reaction about Icebrood Saga.

Personally I thought it started strongly and I liked the additions EoTN and associated strikes and instances brought. Whilst Bjora Marches I was critical of, I actually played it a lot so really I cant complain too much.

After Drizzlewood however.... well let us know your thoughts - good or bad


Drizzlewood is a fantastic addition to the game and I hope they add more zones and content like that.  Its almost like a WvW zone inside of PVE.


YEARS ago, when GW2 was struggling a bit and the then CEO (I think Mike Obrien??, not sure if he is still around) was holding AMA sessions, I had floated the idea to him/arenanet/anyone that would listen on forums that overworld PVE needs a cohesive system where We choose to participate in events in any zone throughout the world.  Our participation and completing events successfuly moves a bar in one direction in our favor globally (across all zones).  If you log in and see that Queensdale needs a bit of help, go do events there, move the global bar of progress in a positive direction because more events are being completed and more zones are under OUR control by players.  The more events that fail, the bar moves in the other direction.  We lose control, our rewards are diminished.


Our individual participation plus our "player-wide team effort" is rewarded according to how we do as a playerbase.


The intent was to get everyone into the zones they want to play in and have fun in, and contributing in some way.  While this isnt fully realized, I do see some of that general idea in drizzlewood and in the metas overall, especially how they have taken shape over the years.  

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Drizzlewood I really like. That has to be the best map overall from my POV. The goals and meta progression are so clear; really good job there. Also works really well with griffon and roller beetle, so traversal is fast.

The rest of the icebrood saga varies from meh to ugh. I liked PoF and HoT way more.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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1 hour ago, cesmode.4257 said:



I now see your point 🙂 

I can only surmise the redundant, repetitive, flat, and unimaginative nature of the last episode in the saga is due to covid restrictions... not being able to collaborate as easily, maybe less access to resources, etc.  Because if not, if someone genuinely thought this is a good idea even under normal circumstances...good god.  3 or 4 of these would be OK.  These missions seemingly never end and the story has fallen nearly (I say nearly because there is some, SOME substance) flat.  The prologue plus episodes through Jormag Rising were absolutely  fantastic.  And now this 😞 lol


And I wanted to get this done by yesterday.  MAYBE if I no -life I can get it done by end of the weekend.



Dragon Response Missions were hinted at before lockdowns were a thing. Back in Feb 2020 they talked about something along these lines. Whether more content was planned alongside is unknown, but the end result was 1 episode split in 4 tiny chunks of instances in 2 month intervals. 

The missions themselves I have no issues with, but not as the sole content spread over months 

As for Drzzlewood, I just found it too long and too visually confusing at the end. The second half of the map didnt feel balanced for anyone not on a skyscale and wanting to explore. I get why people liked it though

Edited by Randulf.7614
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3 hours ago, cesmode.4257 said:



I now see your point 🙂 

I can only surmise the redundant, repetitive, flat, and unimaginative nature of the last episode in the saga is due to covid restrictions... not being able to collaborate as easily, maybe less access to resources, etc.  Because if not, if someone genuinely thought this is a good idea even under normal circumstances...good god.  3 or 4 of these would be OK.  These missions seemingly never end and the story has fallen nearly (I say nearly because there is some, SOME substance) flat.  The prologue plus episodes through Jormag Rising were absolutely  fantastic.  And now this 😞 lol


And I wanted to get this done by yesterday.  MAYBE if I no -life I can get it done by end of the weekend.



As Randulf.7614 said covid dont have much to do with it, they shifted over alot of people to work on -end of dragon expansion.

The lack of new things to do is something we still are struggling with to this day.

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It sounds like you missed all the awesome content they made since launch. For sure IBS will look like an improvement then. They did a lot of great metas on a lot of maps since release. Very fun!

Sadly, IBS is about the worst of this, with some notable exceptions. Also, it sounds like you don't follow the story, so you may enjoy IBS more than most. Otherwise, you'd know about the other maps by the time you start IBS. So enjoy it OP, glad someone's having fun! 

I'm enjoying the return to old content they've been doing. 

Hopefully EoD takes the best parts of IBS (And all previous releases) and leaves out the sense of isolation and cheap delivery from Eye of the North. 

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On 8/28/2021 at 11:43 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

Drizzlewood I really like. That has to be the best map overall from my POV. The goals and meta progression are so clear; really good job there. Also works really well with griffon and roller beetle, so traversal is fast.

The rest of the icebrood saga varies from meh to ugh. I liked PoF and HoT way more.

I really like Drizzlewood too....for South that is, North omg who thought re-using events were a good idea? If it isn't portal it's cannons that are just portals in disguise

North meta is when i noticed they went for "Quantity over Quality" route, DRM prove this to me, if they were meant to replace dungeons then that is the best out-of-season April's Fool joke

Edited by Ultramex.1506
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Im really love Drizzlewood Coast.


1. Finnally a "farming" map that inst a Desert(Silverwastes) and/or inst related to "Aurene Saga" lore(Dragonfall, HoT Metas).

2. A map that resemble the Dwarven Valley of Neverwinter, a mix of Tundra Forest/Icy areas.

3. The "flow" is very dinamic, u can "jump" in anywhere.

4. I like the currency and economics there.

5. I liked all scavenger hunt achievments there.

6. Its give a good immersion in what should be like a ferocious charr civil war.

7. the loot and reward are consistent.


The "weak" or not so weak point, is that is the longest meta on the game, a complete South+North run could take up 3 hours.

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I really enjoyed Icebrood Saga up until Champions. Ive been enjoying revisiting the story as and getting new rewards from the revisit achivements and really want that legendary amulet. But the thought of having to do achievements in Champions is putting me right off. I dont want to have to touch those appauling DRMs ever again. To the point that if champions is required, I'll probably give up on the amulet.


It's that bad. The rest of it is pretty good, the first few chapters are the best in my opinion and the maps are interesting, the events are reasonable. There's some good reward to unlock. Until Champions where the rewards range from pitiful to down-right dreadful and you have to grind the most tedious and poorly designed content ever put into the game, to get them.


TL;DR I didn't enjoy Champions but the rest is pretty good, great in places.

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I really enjoyed Saga up until Champions as well.
It started off very strongly, seriously and it had depth. I didn't feel story depth that much before, but in IBS I really got immersed with story.
I suppose it also has to do with lack of Taimi; as she just made everything sound/feel childish.
The eerie feel of Bjora Marches, the whispers...just beautiful.

However...Champions and that ending 😞 I really expected more. A lot of it felt rushed and just seemed like they wanted to get over it as soon as possible. It's such a shame, cause IBS would've been one heck of a release.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really enjoyed the beginning of IBS.  The grothmar map was fun and the story was interesting.  The bjora marches map ended up being one of my favorites and I loved the mysterious and sinister feeling the story generated.  Then they pulled a game of thrones last season manouever.  Drizzle wood was ok but the champions story just felt rushed and lacking

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