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Do you believe the devs are so disconnected with ele community to make ANOTHER melee spec?


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Just now, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Yes, and I said the same thing about Hammer, especially since we have Rev Hammer. Still doesn't change the fact that people wanted GS, a melee weapon. 

Your not making any sense. Are you referring to the way it's used ingame or the fact that it is a weapon designed to be used up close? Because as we have seen ingame, gs is not just a melee weapon. Even our FGS isnt really used as a melee weapon.

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1 minute ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Same with hammer right? 🤔

Except you're completely ignoring the video that's been posted where it's straight up TOLD US that hammer was melee, as well as showing it in use IN MELEE. With how far you've buried your head in the sand it wouldn't surprise me to see you continue to deny the fact that it's melee even after the beta weekend comes out and it's playable.

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1 minute ago, Srolo.5208 said:

Except you're completely ignoring the video that's been posted where it's straight up TOLD US that hammer was melee, as well as showing it in use IN MELEE. With how far you've buried your head in the sand it wouldn't surprise me to see you continue to deny the fact that it's melee even after the beta weekend comes out and it's playable.

No I'm not ignoring that ... I already explained why. It doesn't even matter because it's faulty premise to claim 'we' didn't want this in the first place ... there is no 'we'. There is no collective of players that ALL think 'we' didn't want this. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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3 minutes ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

Your not making any sense. Are you referring to the way it's used ingame or the fact that it is a weapon designed to be used up close? Because as we have seen ingame, gs is not just a melee weapon. Even our FGS isnt really used as a melee weapon.

I'm literally saying a melee weapon, regardless of what it is, can be a RANGED WEAPON, including the Hammer, BECAUSE REVS ALREADY HAVE IT AS A RANGED WEAPON. 

But ANet chose to have it as a Melee weapon instead, and because of that, Ele players preferred to have GS instead of Hammer if it was going to be Melee combat focused. 

Elementalists have been asking for a GS Melee weapon this entire time and people chose to ignore the fact lel

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No I'm not ignoring that ... I already explained why. It doesn't even matter because it's faulty premise to claim 'we' didn't want this in the first place ... there is no 'we'. There is no collective of players that ALL think 'we' didn't want this. 

We have an outdated staff and scepter to use for range. The past TWO expansions have already been melee and you're trying to justify the fact that it's better to give us more of what we already have instead of MORE OPTIONS.

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Just now, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Ele players preferred to have GS instead of Hammer if it was going to be Melee combat focused. 

Not gonna lie, I really wanted ranged GS since release, I mean FGS is a really cool design of a skill but it's very limited in usage, so something close to that referring to the fun you can have with it. That would be AWESOME. GS 600 range abilities please.

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3 minutes ago, Srolo.5208 said:

We have an outdated staff and scepter to use for range. The past TWO expansions have already been melee and you're trying to justify the fact that it's better to give us more of what we already have instead of MORE OPTIONS.

I'm not justifying anything ... I'm just saying that people should stop blatantly lying about what everyone wants to complain about the fact that Anet can't cater to their individual wants. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I've been hoping for Hammer or Mace since before PoF. I was sure  Sword killed any chance of these weapons but I'm super glad that this spec basically looks like everything I've hoped for.

I think a few people are casting a wide net over what the community wanted. I think the biggest request from the Ele community has always been its survivability first, then the weapon (or lack of) issue second. Seems to make sense Anet would target the biggest request first.


Anyway I'm hyped, I'm sure people are gonna love this spec once we get our hands on it.

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1 minute ago, fuzzyp.6295 said:

I've been hoping for Hammer or Mace since before PoF. I was sure  Sword killed any chance of these weapons but I'm super glad that this spec basically looks like everything I've hoped for.

I think a few people are casting a wide net over what the community wanted. I think the biggest request from the Ele community has always been its survivability first, then the weapon (or lack of) issue second. Seems to make sense Anet would target the biggest request first.


Anyway I'm hyped, I'm sure people are gonna love this spec once we get our hands on it.

Glad you like it, I hope you'll enjoy it 😉

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10 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

I'm literally saying a melee weapon, regardless of what it is, can be a RANGED WEAPON, including the Hammer, BECAUSE REVS ALREADY HAVE IT AS A RANGED WEAPON. 

But ANet chose to have it as a Melee weapon instead, and because of that, Ele players preferred to have GS instead of Hammer if it was going to be Melee combat focused. 

Elementalists have been asking for a GS Melee weapon this entire time and people chose to ignore the fact lel

I been seeing kitted FGS more then I seen people wanting melee GS if I ever seen that, dont recall.

And when it came to this espec it was for a ranged 2h option. So not sure about melee GS like you say 🤔

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I am.genuinely surprised they gave it another melee weapon. I am not upset by it, but I would have thought the obvious would be to give it another ranged option given the state of their ranged options.


With that said, I have never played Ele for the "mage" fantasy, which I saw referenced in some other poselts in this thread. In fact, I have never really been much of a fan of that fantasy in general. I like that GW2 approached Ele differently...really fell in love with how dagger/dagger felt back in the core game, and Tempest is one of my very favorite elite specs in the game. I am excited to see what this e-spec brings to the class.

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This feels a lot like WoW shaman totems and shields to me. Video says they are in melee ranks, could mean that its meant to sit on melee with wells adding effects to melee strikes while doing damage also, doesn't totally 100% mean hammer only does melee, but it won't be long range for sure. Seems like you drop a well of an element, lets say fire to damage, then add other elements for effects, so maybe air adds another strike, fire more damage, kind of like Druid spirits too. Maybe also then if you drop water it heals and fire on top removes conditions. So similar to how totems work in WoW with a little more nuance.


My worry is that this won't attune to an element like ele does usually so you are pigeon holed into using Hammer. 

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Dictate is a strong word. "We" don't get to dictate anything. They design the game. We get to play it. We can give feedback. They can listen to it. They are under no obligation to do so however. 


They have the data, we don't. And they have the teams that help guide the direction of the game based on their data, and optionally, the feedback provided by the playerbase, and only a section of the playerbase at that. 

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1 minute ago, Bish.8627 said:

This feels a lot like WoW shaman totems and shields to me. Video says they are in melee ranks, could mean that its meant to sit on melee with wells adding effects to melee strikes while doing damage also, doesn't totally 100% mean hammer only does melee, but it won't be long range for sure. Seems like you drop a well of an element, lets say fire to damage, then add other elements for effects, so maybe air adds another strike, fire more damage, kind of like Druid spirits too. Maybe also then if you drop water it heals and fire on top removes conditions. So similar to how totems work in WoW with a little more nuance.


My worry is that this won't attune to an element like ele does usually so you are pigeon holed into using Hammer. 

In the video you have those augmentations being called as it seems by your F1-F4 skills. those can be released as a ranged attack.

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4 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I'm not justifying anything ... I'm just saying that people should stop blatantly lying about what everyone wants to complain about the fact that Anet can't cater to their individual wants. 

You need to learn some social nuance because you're taking every comment to the extreme literal definition. You're doing it for one of two reasons, and one is medical. The other is just because you're an kitten. Obviously there's going to be outliers that want something that the vast majority do not, but just because a handful of people compared to the overwhelming majority want something doesn't mean that they should be the ones catered to, to turn the argument back on you. 

The biggest issue we have is that hammer could have been a much needed refreshing weapon for ele. Instead, we get more melee. This wouldn't be the issue that it is if our current TWO choices for range weren't nearly dumpster tier. If staff and scepter were inline with the current version of the game it'd be much less of an issue, but as it stands, we're screwed out of any GOOD ranged weapons and there doesn't seem to be any hope for a fix. 

I don't PvE. If hammer works in whatever yall do for PvE fantastic. Great. I'm sick of being forced to use an outdated clunky weapon like staff that can't keep up in WvW because of all of the slow cast times, cast times that require me to be stationary for extended periods of time or they get canceled, and delay on damage from those skills.

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Just thought I'd post in this thread as well to break up some of the negativity, but according to this press release, it looks like hammer has some mid-range capabilities as well. For those that haven't seen it:


“Catalysts were casters from a bygone era, working to protect Cantha and the throne from enemy threats. They wielded intricate apparatuses called spheres that were used as conduits to channel their immense power. This technology has been revitalized once again—with a couple of improvements! Catalysts imbue ancient magics into their jade tech spheres, calling upon imagery from all over Tyria to concentrate into a powerful burst of elemental energy. The catalyst is primarily a damage dealer that is adept at controlling areas of the battlefield. After building up elemental energy through combat, it can be expended to deploy and maintain the Jade Sphere, creating an area of power that bolsters allies and damages enemies. Wielding a hammer, the catalyst gains access to a mix of midrange and close-range abilities, allowing it to adapt to the situation at hand.

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Blech. I couldn't be more disappointed: ele already has a specs that heavily rely on ground-targeted abilities that aren't far from wells: power tempest and condi tempest. They already have melee and it's garbage because of their survivability (sorry, that bandaid patch didn't fix weaver, nor did it fix non-support core or tempest). Pair this with the fact that most of the more recent encounters are VERY high movement fights and it just feels like the devs straight up don't care about ele. I'll try it, but I'm trying REALLY hard not to gag.

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45 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

Are you sure? I remember the warhorn during HoT caused quite a stir because people wanted sword already then

HoT was before PoF, was it not? The point is that people might have asked for it, but that doesn't mean that people wanted to get another melee specialisation after they got it.


Tempest was effectively melee if you wanted to use its abilities, even if dagger is short range rather than technically being melee. People wanted a 'true' melee after that, and got Weaver. People didn't want a third melee specialisation after that.


Just because people want something once, does not mean they'll continue to want more of it after they've already got it. Instead, people tend to want something that will fill in for something that's missing.

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I mean, they've changed weapon skills before in update patches. They've also fundamentally changed utility skills before... Let them have a try at it, show how they make it work, and after we have our hands on it -then- we can argue whether or not it's preferable to stay Melee Hammer or Range Hammer.

I've personally never played any of my elite specs with the elite spec weapon, except scrapper, reaper and deadeye... So honestly Not using Hammer is a non-issue for me, so long as the class mechanic is relevant to other weapon setups as well. Wait for the stream that shows gameplay, then wait for the beta and Then we can debate on the merit/lackthereof of the spec.

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I don't think they're out of touch with the ele population.

I think they're out of touch with literally ANYONE who wants to be ranged.

Posted this on reddit but I'll post it here too Just looking at the EoD especs we know with supposed range options:

...give warrior a gun, lmao nvm its a melee sword spec.

Give necro a gun, lmao nvm, your shroud has you gap closing and punching.

Give mesmer a throwing dagger, the dev has to assure his precious widdle melee players that the class will be unoptimozed at range, even more so than the base game mechanics force them to be, and they're big good tactical gamers for not wanting to worry about spacing outside of being IN the hitbox...


And thanks to most career ranged players peacing out of this game as an act of self care, most of the feedback they get now is "lul git gud ranged players just stack with everyone else" instead of "please make it so we don't have to be clipping into our entire party to access and provide team buffs, there is nothing tactical about everyone standing on the same spot for most of the fight.  And bosses can AND DO have ranged hazards to prove a threat to those not stacking, so there's no reason in this day and age of high tick rate mmos, for the ranged players to have a dps tax because melee have to deal with PBAoEs some times."


The obvious bias / straight up GRUDGE against ranged players is the only reason I haven't commited myself more to the game and its high end content. And it's the reason why I can't get my friend group to move from other mmos to here, because half of us like to play ranged classes and them figuring out that the game doesn't respect their playstyle means if half of us won't commit, then none of us will.

Edited by Roda.7468
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