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List of banned players


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I say kudos to Anet for pulling out the ban hammer.  Better late than never.  And kudos to those in the community who brought the issue to light.


My question is this though.  PvP is free to play right?  Even ranked and ATs?  What keeps the accounts that got banned from having a fresh account ready to go at it again tomorrow, essentially risk free?

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1 hour ago, TheDarkness.6947 said:

I say kudos to Anet for pulling out the ban hammer.  Better late than never.  And kudos to those in the community who brought the issue to light.


My question is this though.  PvP is free to play right?  Even ranked and ATs?  What keeps the accounts that got banned from having a fresh account ready to go at it again tomorrow, essentially risk free?

i think main accounts got banned too, just a guess tho. there isn't really anything keeping them from trying again, they know anet only does a big blanket ban every once and a while. all we can hope for is the ban was a mood killer, pvp is already small and getting smaller and they might say f it to the whole thing and move on to another game.

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56 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

i think main accounts got banned too, just a guess tho. there isn't really anything keeping them from trying again, they know anet only does a big blanket ban every once and a while. all we can hope for is the ban was a mood killer, pvp is already small and getting smaller and they might say f it to the whole thing and move on to another game.

This wont really effect the average player but anyone who ATs consistently or is constantly fighting for top 100 will benefit from this banwave. It may just save them only a game throw, but it's still a win.

Me personally, a couple jerks that I've blocked got banned so this news put a smile on my face.

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Don't get excited.

They've done this plenty of times in the past, but they always magically miss the main culprits that continue to do the same thing each and every season.

Before you clap your hands and give praise, consider that 83 accounts is only the tip of the iceberg of how many alts these people have who are doing this. Gonna take a lot more deep cleaning than 83 accounts.

Arenanet has some work to do if they want to regain any level of trust from the community. I want to see & feel in-game results with the matchmaking, not just be told that 83 accounts were banned.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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12 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Don't get excited.

They've done this plenty of times in the past, but they always magically miss the main culprits that continue to do the same thing each and every season.

Before you clap your hands and give praise, consider that 83 accounts is only the tip of the iceberg of how many alts these people have who are doing this. Gonna take a lot more deep cleaning than 83 accounts.

Arenanet has some work to do if they want to regain any level of trust from the community. I want to see & feel in-game results with the matchmaking, not just be told that 83 accounts were banned.

But the reason it’s so bad now is cuz of that.


it’s called karma.


we all already know they are losers anyways so just buckle up

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Don't get me wrong, I'm really grateful that ANet banned those 83 accounts--thank you! This is certainly a step in the right direction.


But it raises some questions....

The forums have been blazing about this for just a few days. Teapot's video came out 3 days ago.  So in less than 72 hours, ANet cleaned house and found 83 accts to ban. This suggests that these were either particularly obvious/egregious cases of wintrading...or were known already.  If they were just obvious cases, why did it take an internet furor to get ANet to act? And if they were already known....wtf was ANet waiting for?


All this suggests that ANet really isn't paying much attention to the PvP scene, and that's deeply disappointing. And, as others have speculated, this is likely just the tip of the iceberg of the wintrading problem. The good news, I suppose, is there's still time for ANet to change course and put some much-deserved attention into PvP. And if they can find and ban 83 accts in just 3 days, imagine what they could do with a whole week or two!



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23 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Don't get me wrong, I'm really grateful that ANet banned those 83 accounts--thank you! This is certainly a step in the right direction.


But it raises some questions....

The forums have been blazing about this for just a few days. Teapot's video came out 3 days ago.  So in less than 72 hours, ANet cleaned house and found 83 accts to ban. This suggests that these were either particularly obvious/egregious cases of wintrading...or were known already.  If they were just obvious cases, why did it take an internet furor to get ANet to act? And if they were already known....wtf was ANet waiting for?


All this suggests that ANet really isn't paying much attention to the PvP scene, and that's deeply disappointing. And, as others have speculated, this is likely just the tip of the iceberg of the wintrading problem. The good news, I suppose, is there's still time for ANet to change course and put some much-deserved attention into PvP. And if they can find and ban 83 accts in just 3 days, imagine what they could do with a whole week or two!



There were already screenshots but anet never looked into them until now.

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