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Tired of being forced to waste time and money on trolls

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I was advised to post this here, since support apparently has no pipeline to the developers of the game. News to me, but ok.


Please fix portals and deployable items so they cannot be placed near reward chests. I am tired of having people drop portals to map breaks on top of reward chests, especially after metas, where I just want to get my rewards and go on to enjoy the next bit of content. Instead, I have to spend money to port out of the hole or from behind map geometry and waste time traveling back to the reward chests, hopefully in time before they despawn or the map resets.

The same goes with deployable items, like merchants and BL traders, and also bobblehead labs, aviator boxes, fun boxes, etc. Often they are placed such that you cannot interact with the chest, or even click on it to force prioritization. This is all anonymous troll behavior, because you cannot identify who placed the portal or the deployable. If I could, I would report them specifically.

This is ruining my play experience in PvE. I understand that troll behavior is normal and expected in PvP, but I don't do PvP modes. I don't want PvP, and ESPECIALLY not PvP that costs me money to mitigate while trying to enjoy PvE content. Hardly a meta passes where some troll doesn't drop something on a reward chest and prevent numerous people from getting their rewards without spending money or hassle, or both.

I know you all have the tech to detect deployables and refuse to drop another already in the game, because that's the way banners work. Please consider extending this feature to reward chests and block placement of portals and other deployables near them.

Another potential solution is to always ALWAYS prioritize reward chests over everything else nearby in the client. Make it a configuration option if necessary.

Please do something about this unnecessary anonymous harassment. I am so tired of it ruining my evening session to the point I don't want to do the content anymore.

I am not simply complaining here, I am offering ideas for solutions to curb this behavior or lessen its impact on other players.

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I have "Next Ally" bound to a key. That will take care of (almost) all such situations, and keep my blood pressure levels in check 🙂


Sure, it would be better, probably, if Anet found a way to actually solve this (without breaking some other valid scenario), but as an interim this works very well.

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1 hour ago, Katastroff.1045 said:

What would Auric Bassin be without the aviator box? or Portal prank at the wall in Tangle Depths?
They are easily avoidable, just be mindfull of what you doing when pressing "F".

I've seen somewhere a super fun meme about this, a guy rushing to put his Aviator Box and kill the MP boss; every time I go for chests after meta I remember about this meme and I rofl. 

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27 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I’ve been noticing a distinct lack of aviator boxes the last few times I’ve done octovine. Have people just gotten tired of placing them? Just something I’ve been musing about.

Thats because now most are doing it at the wintersday events. so sick of these trolls. To those not having issue with this all i can say is good for you i guess. tired of going for the dropped gift and getting that regoddamndiculos aviators box,they drop them so fast on the gift you cant help but click it.

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You just made the trolls day and encouraged them to continue. For ab you just right click the big chests on approach then open and for the traitor what I do is tag the traitor to about 50 then I'll run over and start the hero point and after traitor dies and the troll gets them with the portal they help kill the hero point and you can then go loot the traitor chest unmolested.

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8 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

As this has been discussed, and nothing has changed, it's fairly safe to say that Anet doesn't see this as an issue.

I'd even go so far as to say that things are "working as intended" given that the aviator box applies its effect without asking the "user" to confirm, and doesn't allow removal of the effect outside of changing map.

It seems designed to be a troll item.

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If you want to make sure to avoid the troll portals, just wait 30 seconds after everyone rushes to the chests, and as for the aviators, it is really easy to avoid that by clicking the chest or using a key to target next ally.

Trolls will be trolls, no matter what anet does, there will always be a way to be annoying.

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4 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

All of this has been said before.  These suggestions are not new.  Forums search function works.

As this has been discussed, and nothing has changed, it's fairly safe to say that Anet doesn't see this as an issue.

In fact, one could peruse Gaile Gray's response on the topic; she stated it was not an issue.

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2 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

Adapt and ignore them.


Definitely this. 


Also depends on your mindset whether prank stuff like this really bothers you or not?


As I taught myself to do some years back, try to adapt your attitude to laugh/cry it off, move on, not dwell on it or give a second thought and certainly don't rage in map chat about it as you're just feeding the trolls.  


One Mesmer prank portal in AB meta actually made me really smile though - wasn't a simple portal back up to the surface but to a small space trapped between 4 pillars - it was a stroke of genius, if it wasn't for the fact I dwelled on less than a second all I need to do is WP back to the centre of AB while the other players proceeded to go into a full on rage in map chat.  I kindly told them just WP!!!!!!!  I guess the "red mist" of the situation had got them.


Adaptation is really key, don't take this stuff too seriously, keep your calm, change instance if you need to and most importantly don't let it enjoy your own gaming experience - laugh or cry it off and move on.  

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First, thank you to those who responded with helpful advise. It always amazes me how many people respond to this complaint by demeaning or belittling the person being harassed, like it's one's own fault for being harassed or trolled. A person completing an event in this game is not asking nor should be trolled or harassed when attempting to collect a reward, period.

Anet, please fix this issue.

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One loser should not be able to force every player to modify their behaviour when it comes to looting meta chests. Gaile Grey said it wasn't an issue because she didn't play the game enough for it to affect her. I second the idea of not being able to place any interactable objects (including portals and npc's) within the interact radius of the chests; they would simply be shunted away upon spawn.

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