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EoD seem kinda cool, but Anet should announce they will work on 4th Expansion

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You should have used this one:  https://massivelyop.com/2019/10/15/flameseeker-chronicles-is-it-time-for-guild-wars-3/


Amidst the fallout from his departure, we confirmed earlier rumors that he and a handful of developers had been prototyping a possible Guild Wars 3, which failed to receive approval from ArenaNet’s parent company NCsoft.

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16 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You should have used this one:  https://massivelyop.com/2019/10/15/flameseeker-chronicles-is-it-time-for-guild-wars-3/


Amidst the fallout from his departure, we confirmed earlier rumors that he and a handful of developers had been prototyping a possible Guild Wars 3, which failed to receive approval from ArenaNet’s parent company NCsoft.

Thank you for finding that one mate.

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On 1/14/2022 at 2:54 AM, Linken.6345 said:

Well its quite nice that anet have already done so aswell right?

Next update is lunar new year and after that the expansion in feburary so it already speak about more then just the next update.

Festivals are just maintenance content that always shows up on a schedule.

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20 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

How about this one?


But I guess thats not enough either and only Mike himself coming and saying yes this was the reason would be enough right?


That and the one from the fellow just below you are better, but in both case there is still "possible" Guild Wars 3, and it is still just reporters word for it.

That being said it wouldn't have to be Mike himself to confirm it - any official statement from either AN or NCSoft would do - could be in an interview.

If massivelyOP says that they managed to confirm that he "worked on prototyping possible GW3" I say it would be nice if they provided exact quote from confirmation and who was the source.

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3 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

That being said it wouldn't have to be Mike himself to confirm it - any official statement from either AN or NCSoft would do - could be in an interview.

They'll never confirm it. It'll be one of those things that only gets revealed long after when someone talks about their time back at the studio, but it was probably untitled and had no story yet, so no one could truly say.

All we know for sure is that ArenaNet was specifically hiring (a lot) for new game(s). There was apparently a mobile game, a console game, a pitch for a Dune game and what people believed was "GW3" (sample art 1, 2). The only information we have about them is from art that was posted by people who had worked at ArenaNet and had listed it as such. More info: dune game, mobile and ue4 game, unannounced project


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On 1/3/2022 at 3:00 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

I believe its in Anet's favor for the developers to make a clear and precise statement to the public soon after EoD release. Telling the community that they will set aside some developers to work on Expansion 4, while the rest of the team handle the living world and rest of EoD

This part stands out more now that EoD has released huh?

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10 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

This part stands out more now that EoD has released huh?

I dunno, how do you think "Hey we're working on the next expansion" would be received by the community at this point?

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5 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I dunno, how do you think "Hey we're working on the next expansion" would be received by the community at this point?

WoW. One of the most successful MMOs, handled public relations just like this back in its blooming days. They would let the community know that part of the development team was working on the next expansion,  even while the player base is still involved with its current expansion and content. It gives the consumer comfort in knowing that there is more to come and more expansion level features in the future.


Gw2 has Expansions and Living World. Most of the playersbase in GW2 know that expansions add new elite specs and new Features. While Living World is just new story and pve maps, with rarely new features, which usually are Zone specific.  

We saw how people reacted to the reveal of Ice Blood Saga when most people were expecting an Expansion reveal.

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10 minutes ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

WoW. One of the most successful MMOs, handled public relations just like this back in its blooming days. They would let the community know that part of the development team was working on the next expansion,  even while the player base is still involved with its current expansion and content. It gives the consumer comfort in knowing that there is more to come and more expansion level features in the future.


Gw2 has Expansions and Living World. Most of the playersbase in GW2 know that expansions add new elite specs and new Features. While Living World is just new story and pve maps, with rarely new features, which usually are Zone specific.  

We saw how people reacted to the reveal of Ice Blood Saga when most people were expecting an Expansion reveal.

I can see that, but was thinking at this point I don't know how reassuring it would be until EoD... settles some.

I went back and looked and was suprised to see they released the first chapter of LW4 only two months after PoF release! That kind of schedule wouldn't need a whole lot of announcement because things would be dropping so regularly.

LW3 took 9 months after HoT launch, though.

It would be nice to know how long EoD is supposed to stretch before we'll see new LW content. At this point, I'm not sure there's all that much difference between a LW chapter and an expansion, though, so "and we're working on an expansion on the side" might not mean a whole lot.


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I still think a roadmap of what they intend to do going forward would be good, though as of right now I expect whatever's coming next to be as rushed as IBS and EoD were. As ever, I hope to be proven wrong by future releases. They really can do a good job when they give the proper time and resources to a project.

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4 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I still think a roadmap of what they intend to do going forward would be good, though as of right now I expect whatever's coming next to be as rushed as IBS and EoD were. As ever, I hope to be proven wrong by future releases. They really can do a good job when they give the proper time and resources to a project.


This is an important thing to remember. People are disappointed and upset for a variety of reasons. That means we had high expectations at some point, because ArenaNet has done really great stuff in the past.

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For now i wish for a feature pack update. Focussed on QoL-features, guilds (Where is pof and eod music upgrade!!), achievement panel update(1 big mess), guild decorations (what happened to all the eod decorations???) and lots and lots of other great small feature ideas other players had. Improve what they have before creating another living world or expansion. I feel like some important basic stuff (Like above) has been left out, that should have been released along side Eod.


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3 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I still think a roadmap of what they intend to do going forward would be good, though as of right now I expect whatever's coming next to be as rushed as IBS and EoD were. As ever, I hope to be proven wrong by future releases. They really can do a good job when they give the proper time and resources to a project.

I can't remember, was Path of Fire rushed as well. Is that why players didn't like it?  It's been so long.

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Just now, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I can't remember, was Path of Fire rushed as well. Is that why players didn't like it?

If I remember correctly, people didn't like the vastness of the maps (little to do in between PoIs), continuously being trapped in combat by swift respawn rates, mob density, and out-of-control aggro range, and the mere existence of hydras. PoF had some bugs and imbalanced PvE elements at launch (all of their expansions have, so far), but those were secondary to the other things if we're going by prevalent forum and Reddit reactions.

The xpac as a whole was generally well-received, though HoT seems to be the more popular of the two.

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6 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

If I remember correctly, people didn't like the vastness of the maps (little to do in between PoIs), continuously being trapped in combat by swift respawn rates, mob density, and out-of-control aggro range, and the mere existence of hydras. PoF had some bugs and imbalanced PvE elements at launch (all of their expansions have, so far), but those were secondary to the other things if we're going by prevalent forum and Reddit reactions.

The xpac as a whole was generally well-received, though HoT seems to be the more popular of the two.

So, one of the prevalent laments was not that it was rushed?

I don't understand why End of Dragons was 'rushed' and Path of Fire was not. Both took 2 years to release. 

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Just now, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't understand why End of Dragons was 'rushed' and Path of Fire was not.

Because it's not a matter of development time, but a matter of development conditions. You can spend two years writing book with no issues and produce a full-fledged story or you can struggle through those two years and still be rushing to wrap it all up by your publishing date with a lackluster piece - It seems to me that this is what happened with the latest expansion. The devs sarcastically described being 'gifted' with the opportunity to work on EoD in the middle of trying to make IBS, meaning their workflow and storytelling were both interrupted as they suddenly had to shift gears and simultaneously craft a new story while significantly altering what they were already working on.

A number of the complaints I've seen raised regarding EoD's systems, aesthetics/assets, and story have been that things feel incomplete and unexplored. The easiest explanation I can think of for this is that the disruptive process of closing out/altering IBS while also making EoD had an effect on the finished product. So they weren't just spending two years on EoD, they were spending two years on two projects at the same time on a fast-tracked schedule.

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12 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I can see that, but was thinking at this point I don't know how reassuring it would be until EoD... settles some.

I went back and looked and was suprised to see they released the first chapter of LW4 only two months after PoF release! That kind of schedule wouldn't need a whole lot of announcement because things would be dropping so regularly.

LW3 took 9 months after HoT launch, though.

It would be nice to know how long EoD is supposed to stretch before we'll see new LW content. At this point, I'm not sure there's all that much difference between a LW chapter and an expansion, though, so "and we're working on an expansion on the side" might not mean a whole lot.

S3 took so long because Colin had no plans for after HoT, except raids and legendaries. He quit shortly after launch and MO (the head of ArenaNet) took over, immediately announcing a restructuring to create 3 living world teams and an expansion team, confirming another season and expansion were in development. This is why they were able to slip PoF between living world releases. MO then split the team after PoF to work on a new game and had hired over 100 people in that time, but then the layoffs happened and MO quit, leaving MZ (the head of IBS) in charge, then MZ quietly quit and IBS was practically cancelled before it started. Fast forward, the living world teams were cut for EoD, development of EoD took longer than S3 + PoF, and Colin came back. S6 could happen whenever, but will likely be smaller in scope as the focus from now on is likely expansions, which is what NCSoft wanted, whereas MO wanted the living world to replace expansions.

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Just popping in to say they've announced a 4th expansion, among other things.


One last update before we go: we’re happy to confirm that there will be a fourth expansion for Guild Wars 2! We mean it when we say we’re focused on the long-term. This is a very early confirmation (the earliest we’ve ever done this, in fact), so don’t expect news anytime soon. Expansions take a very long time to develop.

This was a good move, especially for communicating with people who found EoD to be lackluster.

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On 1/3/2022 at 5:49 AM, Sigmoid.7082 said:

I don't think Anet need to release a statement for the community here. I think they need to release one for you. You keep mentioning the community, other players etc...but this is in fact just about you. Doing this standard thing of "if I use plurals, wording to include a larger group, it will make my points, criticism and suggestions more valid." The post is not really different from many posts before it; "I don't like the features so they don't count and the expac doesn't have anything / any main selling points!". 


This post just happens to go that one step further with the implied assumption that is Anet announced another expac it would "fix" all the perceived problems with this one and add all the features you want in the game, which is a little naïve honestly. 


If you want to voice something, be it criticism, lack of hype, lack of excitement, by all means. But realise that it is I/Me not Us/We.

they just announced a 4th expansion

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8 hours ago, Ausar.9542 said:

they just announced a 4th expansion

This has no bearing on the message behind what I was saying and the actual point still stands that people need to spend more time speaking for themselves rather than trying to speak for everyone. 

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On 1/12/2022 at 7:00 AM, zealex.9410 said:

Im here for the confused reactions because the concept of longtern faith and security for the players is lost to ppl in the forums. 


Getting eod is cool, but if following eod theres another 9 months drought and even after that expac 4 isnt confirmed then we are back to square 1 and anet will once again have justified ppl's opinions that they simply dont have their kitten together.

Spot on. Seem Anet is learning and listening.  They announced a forth expansion.  So the EoD backlash won't be as harsh as the post IBS reveal. 

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On 3/23/2022 at 3:10 AM, Sigmoid.7082 said:

This has no bearing on the message behind what I was saying and the actual point still stands that people need to spend more time speaking for themselves rather than trying to speak for everyone. 

I am trying to figure out your point and how it helps improve the game and its direction. 

Somebody has to speak on issues, flaws and any criticism.  That's what public forums are for right? So when somebody observe one of these things, should they just say nothing and let it all bomb?

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