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[Suggestion] Solo Bosses

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I will be quick here. Runescape has a lot of enjoyable solo bosses that you can earn gear and good drops through that are enjoyable to grind. Could we get some solo / duo boss content in the game? My problem with raids and dungeons is waiting on getting a group and organizing. Sometimes i just want to jump in, put on some background music and just go do some bossing.


Anyway, just a suggestion. Im sure there will be loads of people who have issues with someone wanting to play the game differently than it already is.

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I agree. Having hard solo content in MMOs is good for when you can't stick with a schedule to do hard group content because of irl things. While Dragonfall farms and similar content are already drop-in drop-out, it's too easy (just have to tag things). Having a mode that tests your build is great.

My advice to you though is to try soloing bounties. It's a fun do-at-your-own-pace style of content that tests your skill/build. The downside though, is that it's a waste of time in terms of getting gold or any mats to progress your account. I do it solely for fun, but it kinda feels bad that it's not a good gold farm. 

Edited by HowlKamui.5120
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Well ... we sort of do have that ... many Bounties can be soloed if you are good enough. 

MMO doesnt mean you have to directly play tethered to someone else the entire time. MMO means massive multiplayer... so how would me or anyone else playing in a solo portion of the game (just like how the story is) effect you at all?

Edited by Matthius.9104
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53 minutes ago, Matthius.9104 said:

MMO doesnt mean you have to directly play tethered to someone else the entire time. MMO means massive multiplayer... so how would me or anyone else playing in a solo portion of the game (just like how the story is) effect you at all?

I never said it did tether you to someone else the entire time and to be fair, it doesn't either. I don't know how it would affect me; I don't care. My point is simply that we already have what you are asking for. 

Anything else you want to try to argue with me about?

Edited by Obtena.7952
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5 minutes ago, Matthius.9104 said:

MMO doesnt mean you have to directly play tethered to someone else the entire time. MMO means massive multiplayer... so how would me or anyone else playing in a solo portion of the game (just like how the story is) effect you at all?

Don't let these people's comments affect you. You'll find that the GW2 forums is a toxic place filled with people who have too much time. They will make confused reactions on sensible posts that challenge the status quo, and comment things they think are witty just to farm reactions from others like them. Haha. There are exceptions though.

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1 hour ago, Matthius.9104 said:

enjoyable solo bosses that you can earn gear and good drops through that are enjoyable to grind

ANet isn't in the habit of encouraging people to grind. On the contrary, they have a history of trying to encourage people to play a variety of content with other people, and giving out comparable rewards for any activity you do in game.

"Good" gear is also something you can get pretty easily through all kinds of content (unless you only count legendary gear as good, in which case you might've missed the point of the gearing system).


Find content you enjoy playing for the content's sake, and rewards will pile up in your storage automatically.

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Dungeons are soloable. Sure it depends on your personal skill and what kind of build you prefer, but it is not that difficult. The only real problem with Dungeons is the loot. If the encounters would give small portions of the loot (dungeon currency), it would be acceptable. But you usually get all tokens at the very end. So there is no point in just entering quickly for 1-2 encounters.

While soloing a Dungeon is possible, completing the entire thing can take a while. I did that a few times. Imo it takes too long. If I spend a full hour or more in a Dungeon a group can clear in 15 minutes, it is not really fun. It is challenging none the less, but you ask for quick and easy access encounters. Clearing an entire path for the loot, while you are satisfied after e. g. Kholer already (AC) can be rather tedious.

Finally I have reached a point where I fail to remember the past - which indicates that I am either getting old or it is too long ago XD. Somewhere in my head is the memory, that the loot-system in the Dungeons have been different at the beginning. Like you have got tokens from all kinds of encounters, but only a few. How many tokens you received from a path was quite random. When they have introduced the daily caps and the tokens only after the final boss, this was changed. There are plenty of veterans on the board, I'm sure someone can help me remember ^^.

The problem of implementing such a feature nowadays is the extreme chance of abuse. If I put a bucket in Lion's Arch next to the Mystic Forge with a post it "Free Candy! Only one per person". I am immediately spammed with pms of aggressive farmers, who demand their unlimited supply of candy. /shrug

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Dungeons are easy with a duo. I did this myself and i'm a very average player. More advanced players even do it solo.


There are also champions or HP's who are easily done solo, really easy.
But someone already said it. What for loot are you expecting? Gw2 loot is more about max-profit and then buy or craft from this.

And stuff likes Raids or Fractals, where you can get ascended in a regular basis, sorry, would be just bonkers when anet just puts Solo bosses in OW where you can farm this stuff. So, don't know really what i should think about this idea.

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I guess im looking for something that is both challenging and rewarding. The challenge should be do-able by most classes/builds of course which i think could be accomplished by the boss being more mechanic heavy with very few dps checks.


As for the rewarding part i would just say make it something comparable to the loot for a meta event train? Or maybe give a tiny chance for some kind of infusion drop. Im not sure on that. It could even just be a bunch of rares for salvage.

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1 hour ago, Matthius.9104 said:

MMO doesnt mean you have to directly play tethered to someone else the entire time. MMO means massive multiplayer... 

I very much agree with you. When Ultima Online first came out and shortly after, Everquest in '99, I was thrilled by the aspect of lots of real people playing in the same Fantasyworld as you. I never once thought of "groups" or "grouping" or Raids, or even Guilds then. 


That only became a thing once  the whole "race to the top(level)"  had established itself into MMO's, which was pretty soon after the first releases, I'll admit.  In a group in Everquest you would be way "ahead of the the curve" if you grouped up.  Ever since then I felt I had to "defend" the fact that I could enjoy a MMO without frantic group-play, and just enjoyed encountering people in my favorite Fantasy world. 


Maybe people figured that a MMO was an extension of playing D&D at the dinnertable, which was very much a group activity off course. 

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22 minutes ago, Matthius.9104 said:

As for the rewarding part i would just say make it something comparable to the loot for a meta event train? Or maybe give a tiny chance for some kind of infusion drop. Im not sure on that. It could even just be a bunch of rares for salvage.

If anet would do this, this would not be a "Solo"-boss anymore, because everyone would do them instead of the meta's.

I mean, do you know the Piniata? You gotta be fast to attack this guy, with all the people wanting the Infusion.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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As someone who primarily plays solo, I see where you're coming from.  However, there are champions throughout the world that fulfill this as well, DRM can be soloed, dungeons can be if you have a lot of time, personal story, and guild bounties.   The game is designed where players can all jump in, get credit, help each other out in a friendly manner.  The loot is not really great for anything except to sell or use as mats.  Occasionally an rng pops and you get a precursor or something and of course infusions.  I think it's a good balance currently for groups or solo players.  Achievements reward interesting loot, and the game is more favored towards that.

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I don't think providing competitive rewards for solo play is a good idea.  However, if you just want challenging solo bosses we have that in a variety of forms.  This includes HoT HP champs, PoF/LS4 bounties, dragon response missions as well as open world maps like Bjora that spawn many champions.

One of my favorite chill activities is to just roam around HoT maps doing HP champs and events.  If it's bauble week and you hang out for the meta as well the loot is decent enough.

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1 hour ago, Matthius.9104 said:

I guess im looking for something that is both challenging and rewarding. The challenge should be do-able by most classes/builds of course which i think could be accomplished by the boss being more mechanic heavy with very few dps checks.


As for the rewarding part i would just say make it something comparable to the loot for a meta event train? Or maybe give a tiny chance for some kind of infusion drop. Im not sure on that. It could even just be a bunch of rares for salvage.

Bounties challenging? CHECK

Bounties rewarding? CHECK.

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This suggestion reminds me a bit of the named bosses in GW1 that were peppered around the world. They had varying levels of difficulty which meant you could kill them solo or with a handful of players and they had an RNG chance of dropping weapons with unique stats/skins/names. Translated to GW2, this would most likely be bounties or champions with a loot table expanded to include a rare chance at a unique weapon related to the enemy you killed. If they added this to existing bounties/champs (and continued adding bounties/champs here and there), that'd be neat.

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5 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

This suggestion reminds me a bit of the named bosses in GW1 that were peppered around the world. They had varying levels of difficulty which meant you could kill them solo or with a handful of players and they had an RNG chance of dropping weapons with unique stats/skins/names. Translated to GW2, this would most likely be bounties or champions with a loot table expanded to include a rare chance at a unique weapon related to the enemy you killed. If they added this to existing bounties/champs (and continued adding bounties/champs here and there), that'd be neat.

This would be awesome. I really like that idea

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2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Bounties challenging? CHECK

Bounties rewarding? CHECK.

Rewarding? How? Thought you only grind them for mosaics for 2 legendaries. Definitely not rewarding at all to do them solo. Like almost all rewarding content in the game its best to blob up and press 1 while watching netflix. Only exception are fractals and maybe spvp but condi meta, hfb and scourges turned fractals into a braindead farm aswell.. raids are barely above drizzlewood and only if you run them in speedrun static. strikes are blob press 1 content. 

This game does not reward skill.

Edited by Nephalem.8921
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4 hours ago, Tyncale.1629 said:

The "good drops" part is the biggest problem of your request, I am afraid.   

GW2 has no good drops, unless you consider ultra rare cosmetics a good drop.  All the rest is just gold(value). 

Ultra rares aren't really good either. That is more like gambling or buying a lottery ticket.

"good drops" is overly vague of a description. Most things can be converted to a gold/hour equivalence. Which leads some surprises like dungeons having the highest gold/hour.

3 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

Finally I have reached a point where I fail to remember the past - which indicates that I am either getting old or it is too long ago XD. Somewhere in my head is the memory, that the loot-system in the Dungeons have been different at the beginning. Like you have got tokens from all kinds of encounters, but only a few. How many tokens you received from a path was quite random. When they have introduced the daily caps and the tokens only after the final boss, this was changed. There are plenty of veterans on the board, I'm sure someone can help me remember ^^.

Dungeon loot has gone through several changes but in the current form they still drop tokens from various encounters. I don't remember the tokens being random.

In terms major changes. One of the biggest was when champions started dropping gold directly and this gold drop was affected by gold find. That was later changed. The other major change was the per path rewards going from per character to per account.

1 hour ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

This suggestion reminds me a bit of the named bosses in GW1 that were peppered around the world. They had varying levels of difficulty which meant you could kill them solo or with a handful of players and they had an RNG chance of dropping weapons with unique stats/skins/names. Translated to GW2, this would most likely be bounties or champions with a loot table expanded to include a rare chance at a unique weapon related to the enemy you killed. If they added this to existing bounties/champs (and continued adding bounties/champs here and there), that'd be neat.

Translated into GW2 ... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_loot_bag

The major problem with trying to do a faithful translation that into GW2 is that your first step has to be "delete the trading post from the game" in order to make trading equally inconvenient and inefficient. Wardrobe might have to go as well because one of the reason some items had value was because they had a particular combination of skin and stat. There was also value in an item being perfect. Continually adding new items to the pool would be nice but that is unrealistic. I can't think of any content where they've done that.

3 hours ago, Matthius.9104 said:

Champion solos it is. Kind of annoying hunting them down on timers though.

Nearly all are at fixed locations ...


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