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Give Rewards for WVW players starting with EOD

Pagan Highlander.5948

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  It is bad enough we are forced to play game content we don't want to play (Via the story) in EOD. However looking at the rewards you give for Raids, Strike missions, and Fractals. You are giving way too much advantage to PVE players. PVP and WVW players get nothing. It would be very nice to be able to spend our Skirmish tickets on such nice things as those Mystic Clovers, or to be able to by Materials or Trophy shipments. Please give consideration to allowing us to also use the currencies to purchase the same items the other content is being given.


Edited by Pagan Highlander.5948
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Why would you want skirmish tickets to have additional uses? You can already get +5 stat infusions among other things after you finish the legendaries and the item skins. They aren't the issue except for the most hardcore of WvWers.

I'd like to see memories of battle in the attack/defend daily chests (not warg please), grandmaster mark shards removed from the game and made into grandmaster marks going forward, and an emblem vendor that gives weekly gated mystic clovers.

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39 minutes ago, Pagan Highlander.5948 said:

  It is bad enough we are forced to play game content we don't want to play (Via the story) in EOD...



By integrating these encounters directly into the story, we’re looking to grow the Strike Mission audience and encourage as many players as possible to give them a try. (A quote from the announcement under discussion.)

This. Beyond the issue of rewards, I really don't like being forced into game modes I don't like and I really don't like strike missions.

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People still dont know how this work.

Anet: These WvW changes take a long time to get right so once we are done with this thing we've been working 3 years on we'll get right on it.

Also Anet: There's gonna be new and exiting changes coming to PvE in a future patch, next week.

The 2x2x4 meter invisible wall on DBL garri T1-T3 remains invisible after 5 or so years. We've literally had entire expansions release in the time Anet has been unable to fix a box shaped mesh for WvW.

They where not joking when they said WvW is a cornerstone of the game.

The invisible cornerstone.

It cant get any more poetic.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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On 2/14/2022 at 9:52 AM, Junkpile.7439 said:

One lege every 1000 ranks 😎

You should settle with Eternity for God of WVW title honestly to make it actually worth something.

1K ranks is far more people covered.

Also, if we're talking about legendaries: having clovers in the dungeon reward tracks would be nice. That way if you work on a gen 1 legendary or even additional monk runes you still get clovers.


Edited by Infusion.7149
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43 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You should settle with Eternity for God of WVW title honestly to make it actually worth something.

1K ranks is far more people covered.

Also, if we're talking about legendaries: having clovers in the dungeon reward tracks would be nice. That way if you work on a gen 1 legendary or even additional monk runes you still get clovers.


The eternity would be pretty cool.  Would need to be account bound though.,,  Or maybe a choice of gen 1 legendaries.  

I do like the idea of adding clovers to the dungeon tracks.

Although I wonder if they didn’t include them as the track gives the option of unlocking 4 skins each track for the corresponding dungeon.  I’ve used it some to work on those collections.

But I also think they have clovers in the tracks for the triumphant armor and the WvW weapons tracks.  

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I mostly make enough gold and other materials or currencies in WvW to do what I need to, but I feel like Memories of Battle are never enough. 

I actually like the story content and a lot of the pve stuff apart from raids and fractals but I also don't like having to drop WvW for days to knock out living world and expansion stuff. Back to my broken record complaint, WvW needs to not be so cut off from the rest of the game, or it needs to be part of the rest of the game somehow.

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No wonder they never change any reward structures, this topic is proof of it.  Person A wants to match what high end PvE gets, and rest of people shoot it down because 'we already get those in the reward tracks'. 

Therefore, Anet will never update the mode or the rewards, as from community perspective they are 'fine'.  

Newsflash, it isn't a problem because the mode doesn't reward things, it is a problem because they reward them in much less quantities than the PvE counterparts.  I'm not sure a majority of this forum has ever stepped outside of WvW however.  

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WvW actually rewarding time played? hahahaha good luck with that. 
As awesome as it would be for the many of us that only play WvW, the main issue with it giving rewards, that stops it from happening, is you have many wvw players who don't want pve players in wvw just farming rewards. 
WvW essentially to them, needs to be one of the worst ways for economic growth, as it currently is. 

WvW takes months longer to achieve something you can do in one, just one day of PVE. And AND you HAVE to have all the boosters active in wvw for it to even have a slight chance of giving something for your time. Imagine playing wvw without the Bday booster, and exp boosters from the event gobblers or Festive gobbler boosts and amulet boosters. Even with many boosters its still one of the worst ways to get gold/items. 


Yeah let me play my entire weeks worth of time for the few mystic coins you get, or just make a second account and spend a second to log into that a day and end up with much more. 

There's a reason it is as annoying as it is to keep participation up unless you swap camps or join a zerg. For some reason, as much as we all want rewards in wvw, there's this group that prevents it from happening. 

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Except aiming for reward parity is extremely poor way to go about it. It needs to have unique rewards and not passive ones. If you aim for PVE level rewards all it does it attract PvE players that are solely there for rewards. There's someone proposing raid rewards in WVW which is just so out of touch it's incredible.

The best way to go about it is incorporating emblems , badges of honor, testimonies of heroics, maybe legendary spikes (these have vendor value), and the dailies (not veteran creature/land claimer/"objective defender") or achievements that take a long time to attain (such as Keep Capture, Stonemist Capture, Camp Defender). Imagine if you could do testimonies of heroics to supreme rune of holding for example which is attained by RNG only right now.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

WvW actually rewarding time played? hahahaha good luck with that. 
As awesome as it would be for the many of us that only play WvW, the main issue with it giving rewards, that stops it from happening, is you have many wvw players who don't want pve players in wvw just farming rewards. 
WvW essentially to them, needs to be one of the worst ways for economic growth, as it currently is. 

WvW takes months longer to achieve something you can do in one, just one day of PVE. And AND you HAVE to have all the boosters active in wvw for it to even have a slight chance of giving something for your time. Imagine playing wvw without the Bday booster, and exp boosters from the event gobblers or Festive gobbler boosts and amulet boosters. Even with many boosters its still one of the worst ways to get gold/items. 


Yeah let me play my entire weeks worth of time for the few mystic coins you get, or just make a second account and spend a second to log into that a day and end up with much more. 

There's a reason it is as annoying as it is to keep participation up unless you swap camps or join a zerg. For some reason, as much as we all want rewards in wvw, there's this group that prevents it from happening. 

Because if your whole premise to wvw is the tangible rewards you are not there for the PvP aspect, you are in fact there for the PvE aspect. Which is why we see wvw degenerate into karma trains. Which is why you see actual wvw players saying the rewards are fine. Wvw is half pve half pvp. To that end we get half tangible rewards, half "the PvP is the reward" payout. If you want pve rewards in the wvw format go do silverwastes or drizzlewood. Then you will be safe from those pesky perma stealth gankers preventing you from returning to the karma train.

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2 hours ago, Shroud.2307 said:

What can you not get in WvW?

Besides Gift of Exploration, everything you need to make Ascended and Legendary gear can be acquired through regular WvW play. It may take longer, but that doesn't make the point moot.

We can't get legendary amulets or earrings.

Would be nice if we got to though amulets are  all over the place.

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On 2/14/2022 at 1:57 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

People still dont know how this work.

Anet: These WvW changes take a long time to get right so once we are done with this thing we've been working 3 years on we'll get right on it.

Also Anet: There's gonna be new and exiting changes coming to PvE in a future patch, next week.

The 2x2x4 meter invisible wall on DBL garri T1-T3 remains invisible after 5 or so years. We've literally had entire expansions release in the time Anet has been unable to fix a box shaped mesh for WvW.

They where not joking when they said WvW is a cornerstone of the game.

The invisible cornerstone.

It cant get any more poetic.

AHH YES! there is also a spot like this on alpineborderlands! the Camp in the southeast has a big square in the middle of the camp that will block all projectiles! it is somewhere inbetween the dollys that spawn there! Just this little bug has caused me to miss SOOOO MANNY Rapidfires :C

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18 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Because if your whole premise to wvw is the tangible rewards you are not there for the PvP aspect, you are in fact there for the PvE aspect. Which is why we see wvw degenerate into karma trains. Which is why you see actual wvw players saying the rewards are fine. Wvw is half pve half pvp. To that end we get half tangible rewards, half "the PvP is the reward" payout. If you want pve rewards in the wvw format go do silverwastes or drizzlewood. Then you will be safe from those pesky perma stealth gankers preventing you from returning to the karma train.


Sure...let's not think about WvW seasons or actual reward tracks (i.e. non-paid battlepass style instead of tied to pips) like most competitive games have nowadays, let's just settle with 'basically crap' rewards to...keep PvE'rs out....

For real, what is the flip side of this logic for PvE? I never looked but do they kitten and moan as much about Drizzlewood essentially being a 'WvW lite' map? Do they say: "give us more rewards to keep the WvW'ers out as they like pain and we don't want sadomasochists here!"?

I have both Aurora and Vision and I've never seen it, at least not in-game.  PvE mostly is chill outisde of a few metas people get riled up in that have fail conditions, but no mention of PvP or WvW really.  Yet you see some guy get a vista in one of the Borderlands and it's a topic of discussion like they are some new breed of Big Foot.  

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Sure...let's not think about WvW seasons or actual reward tracks (i.e. non-paid battlepass style instead of tied to pips) like most competitive games have nowadays, let's just settle with 'basically crap' rewards to...keep PvE'rs out....

For real, what is the flip side of this logic for PvE? I never looked but do they kitten and moan as much about Drizzlewood essentially being a 'WvW lite' map? Do they say: "give us more rewards to keep the WvW'ers out as they like pain and we don't want sadomasochists here!"?

I have both Aurora and Vision and I've never seen it, at least not in-game.  PvE mostly is chill outisde of a few metas people get riled up in that have fail conditions, but no mention of PvP or WvW really.  Yet you see some guy get a vista in one of the Borderlands and it's a topic of discussion like they are some new breed of Big Foot.  

It's not about boxing pvers out rofl.

It's about "we need pve rewards why?".

We have like 10x more loot in wvw than we had at launch. Idk how it's still not enough for some people.

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