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Time to retire every longbow spec?


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Never thought I'd see this day....the Longbow was the main reason to play ranger, the best way to actually feel like a ranger in a fantasy MMO but now...kitten, the amount of reflect/projectile block/destroy is simply over the top. Not too long ago I was a lenient advocate of reflect, in good measure they were essential for the game balance but now.....it's perma reflect/block 24/7 to a point where not even Signet of HunT makes any difference, yes you can still pewpew the occasional baddie but 8 times out of 10, he will get ressed in a matter of seconds.

You can still play longbow but given the amount of scrappers/FB, it's simply no worth it, waited years for a decent Legendary longbow and finally I had Pharus ....sad to see myself now forced to retire one of the most enjoyable weapons for this class, killing the occasional baddie is no worth it anymore

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Cheer up, smoke screen is nerfed to last 4s only instead of 7s. It may be a small step in reducing projectiles counter, but it's still a step. That said, perma block/reflect exist in WvW since 2014 so it's not like it's something truly new that longbow user didn't have time to adapt to.

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As ranger with a longbow, you deal massive damage from 1200-1500 distance. Is far, very far from being a bad weapon, specially since you can just NOT ATTACK and keep the distance with the enemy while it has reflect up.

In my opinion the only OP reflects are Aftershock and Rebound (Magnetic Aura), which gives projectile reflect to a full party.

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21 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Errrmmm the amount of blocks and reflects were well over the top a lonnnnnnnnnng time ago… but I still enjoy 100-0ing some clown with pharus lol

This is exactly why reflects exist, because the abiilty to 100-0 someone from 1.2k+ range (1.5k+ on a hill) exists. And I don't just mean Ranger LB, I mean Dragonhunter LB, Warrior Rifle (Killshot), etc.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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42 minutes ago, Nimbus Nomad.1237 said:

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Longbow  soulbeast with Sic Em is an absolute menace in teamfights. 

The other day I took my Soulbeast into PvP for the first time, (I normally play Ele, Thief or Mesmer). One player tanked the entire enemy team on a point while I stood far away, at max range, and with a height advantage. Within 15-20sec, the entire enemy team was dead, the game was won, and the player PM'ed me saying "amasing".


Ranger may be lack luster in WvW, but they're essentially siege weapons in PvP. Its too bad they have diminishing returns on fights that involve more than five players in this game.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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1 hour ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The other day I took my Soulbeast into PvP for the first time, (I normally play Ele, Thief or Mesmer). One player tanked the entire enemy team on a point while I stood far away, at max range, and with a height advantage. Within 15-20sec, the entire enemy team was dead, the game was won, and the player PM'ed me saying "amasing".Ranger may be lack luster in WvW, but they're essentially siege weapons in PvP. Its too bad they have diminishing returns on fights that involve more than five players in this game.

Don't get me wrong i am sure Ranger is fine in PvP. But I am pretty sure you contribution to the game wasn't that great. In fact LB is a meme weapon it only works if you are playing against meme players.  I find much more dangerous True Shot than a fully loaded RapidFire. 

On 2/19/2022 at 9:24 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Never thought I'd see this day....the Longbow was the main reason to play ranger, the best way to actually feel like a ranger in a fantasy MMO but now...kitten, the amount of reflect/projectile block/destroy is simply over the top. Not too long ago I was a lenient advocate of reflect, in good measure they were essential for the game balance but now.....it's perma reflect/block 24/7 to a point where not even Signet of HunT makes any difference, yes you can still pewpew the occasional baddie but 8 times out of 10, he will get ressed in a matter of seconds.

You can still play longbow but given the amount of scrappers/FB, it's simply no worth it, waited years for a decent Legendary longbow and finally I had Pharus ....sad to see myself now forced to retire one of the most enjoyable weapons for this class, killing the occasional baddie is no worth it anymore

Long bow is fine.  Barrage ignore reflects so there you go. 

It is true the creep in AoE reflection (as sharing reflection with the team in opposite to personal reflection) uptime is annoying and Virtuoso will feel it more than anybody else. The buffs to aurashare and the FB bubble needs some fine tunning but otherwise it fine. 

Those AoE reflects scale very strongly with the more players there is but at the end is something WVW is about. Anet will have to do something with it at some point if they expect AoE elites to perform in some way in PvP / WvW . 

Reflects are not more prominent in PvP because ranger does very little contribution in PVP and whenever the longbow starts getting some dangerous level of damage the whining get it back to normal levels. 

TLDR: Reflects are here top stay, just deal with it. Would I fine tune the AoE reflects? A little yes but I do think there are bigger fish to fry than touching that aspect at the moment. 

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I seriously believe the notion that reflects are the reason LB is unusable points to a decline in player competence on all classes.  There are many gap closers and many CC's---using any of those against a LB ranger is far more dangerous than popping a reflect IMO. 

I mean sure, yes, it's funny 100-0'ing a sic' em ranger using reflects but doesn't bother smart ones all that much.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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You complain that the game is filled with reflect and block but you dont complain when you just have to press 2 button (Sick em and #2) or 3 button (Sick em + #4 + #2) or 4 button (Zephyr thingy that grants quickness + Sick em + #4 + #2) and the guy is dead without barely any counterplay because you're sitting at 1.2k-1.5k.


And I fail to see how longbow ranger is bad when it's the only class in the game that has a mobile fast projectile ranged weapon. Engineer mortar has to deal with arc and flying time and Deadeye has to kneel and give up mobility to gain 300 extra range. Meanwhile ranger can just kite with longbow without any drawback.  It can burst you with #2, it can turn invisible for a few seconds and break LoS, it can knockback in case you try to get too close and has a mini arrowcart skill that cover a decently large area and cripple anyway standing in dealing good damage as well.


If anything the amount of block / projectile block / reflect just show how strong ranged weapon are. 

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42 minutes ago, Levetty.1279 said:

Literally the only thread I have seen people defend the passive reflect spam found in WvW.

The fun part those reflects are not "passive" just the reflect sharing part from aurashare or planting a bubble in the middle... 

Walls design was fine you can balance in many aspects like duration or the size , I don't understand d why Anet keep pushing dumbed down mechanics like making all walls into circles or bubbles. As i said i personally would have a look into them and maybe even changing the circle/bubbles back to walls. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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24 minutes ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

And I fail to see how longbow ranger is bad when it's the only class in the game that has a mobile fast projectile ranged weapon. [...]

Not saying lb is bad, but a lb ranger is a lot less mobile while attacking than engi - who can run arround with superspeed without having to face the target while spamming mortar shots or nades - or deadeye, who can port and stealth all over the place without having to swap off their ranged set. LB offers nothing in terms of mobility. Yes, you can move during most (not even all) of the skills, but since you have to face your target to hit anything, you are slowed down considerably while attacking, making the weapon rather bad for kiting and forcing a swap to a melee set once an enemy closes the gap.

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2 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

The fun part those reflects are not "passive" just the reflect sharing part from aurashare or planting a bubble in the middle... 

Walls design was fine you can balance in many aspects like duration or the size , I don't understand d why Anet keep pushing dumbed down mechanics like making all walls into circles or bubbles. As i said i personally would have a look into them and maybe even changing the circle/bubbles back to walls. 

I call it passive because there is so many reflects now that in big groups reflects are guaranteed to be up all of the time.

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19 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Not saying lb is bad, but a lb ranger is a lot less mobile while attacking than engi - who can run arround with superspeed without having to face the target while spamming mortar shots or nades - or deadeye, who can port and stealth all over the place without having to swap off their ranged set. LB offers nothing in terms of mobility. Yes, you can move during most (not even all) of the skills, but since you have to face your target to hit anything, you are slowed down considerably while attacking, making the weapon rather bad for kiting and forcing a swap to a melee set once an enemy closes the gap.


Engineer grenade has no superspeed. Scrapper does. But grenade has a max range of 900 which is basically the same as a lot of ranged weapon : scepter, shortbow,focus,pistol... As for mortar, if you're constantly getting hit by a mortar shell at max range, the issue is you and not the mortar kit.


Deadeye do have a lot of TP and stealth but this has nothing to do with the longbow at all. I mean I can also say Soulbeast indirectly has a tons of stealth and mobility. But this isnt about profession. 


I dont even know why "having to face the target" is mentioned here when pretty much every profession and almost every weapon skill in the game requires you to face your target. The only exception I know is the grenade kit (there must be some few stuff here and there I'm missing but point is 98% of ranged skills requires you to face the target). If the LB on ranger makes you slow, then that means other ranged weapon also slows the user : Engi rifle has to face its target to shoot and only has 1.2k range. Warrior rifle and longbow have to face its target to shoot and they both have 1.2k range.  Staff user have to face their target with 1.2k range. But ranger can do that at 1.5k range so 300 more range . And that 300 extra range is very convenient to keep the early HP advantage.

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2 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


I dont even know why "having to face the target" is mentioned here when pretty much every profession and almost every weapon skill in the game requires you to face your target. The only exception I know is the grenade kit (there must be some few stuff here and there I'm missing but point is 98% of ranged skills requires you to face the target). If the LB on ranger makes you slow, then that means other ranged weapon also slows the user : Engi rifle has to face its target to shoot and only has 1.2k range. Warrior rifle and longbow have to face its target to shoot and they both have 1.2k range.  Staff user have to face their target with 1.2k range. But ranger can do that at 1.5k range so 300 more range . And that 300 extra range is very convenient to keep the early HP advantage.

It is mentioned because you are talking about mobility. Being able to move at full pace to kite while being able to attack someone behind you is more mobile/faster than back/side stepping and kiting a target.

Have a read..



Edited by Abyssisis.3971
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11 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Long bow vs ppl that are not bad is useless, it is a useless weapon that you rly rly should not die too. 

I think it depends on the gamemode but in pvp its absolutely not true. 

All Ranger forms can use a build with longbow (mostly paired with greatsword) and are viable for up to plat 2 in ranked 

Druid falls a bit off than but slb and core are super fine up to legy with this weapon set. Stealth, cc, 1.5k range autoattacks (easy to bait dodges) 1 pretty strong aoe and even a burst. All in 1 weapon set. 


Again its pvp, not wvw and absolutely not pve

Edited by Avatar.3568
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2 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

All Ranger forms can use a build with longbow (mostly paired with greatsword) and are viable for up to plat 2 in ranked 

I keep reading this "platx" thing but i am still asking myself if this "platx" thing is in NA. 

In EU LB is not a good weapon to use in your ranger. And pewpew meme not that great either. 

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