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EoD Fishing needs work! [Merged]

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After reading all the horror stories here I decided to try more fishing and I'm still not sure what gives people so much trouble?


So far I've seen three difficulties (hook icon on the left of the fishing bar):

Green - an actual snooze fest, very slow fish, I'm really not sure how you can fail that one (seitung)

Yellow - faster, you actually need to predict it's movement instead of blindly following it (queensdale)

Red - fast, erratic, very hard to predict, almost a guaranteed failure if you lose it a couple times (frostgorge)

I only have +40 from 2 masteries, +25 from striped rod you can buy and +50 from bait you get from the story, but if fishing power is the problem just level up and get better rod and bait. GW2 is still an RPG and stats are important.

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On 3/2/2022 at 4:01 AM, Ziggy.8150 said:

I've had zero issues with fishing. Been fishing for about an hour or two total now since yesterday and haven't had a single one get away. I hope they keep this as I love how different it is from just regular "hit a single key" collection. The only thing I can't understand is how to determine the dusk/dawn, daytime, and nighttime time frame. What tells you this and how can you time it?


I have been using this to time it https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Day_and_night


Which leads me to another point.

It has been utterly impossible for me to catch any of the Dusk/Dawn specific fish because the two combined last a whole 10 minutes every 2 hours.

The only fish that need it are exotic/ascended/legendary rarity too. This leads to a rather unfun scenario where you're just waiting 2 hours to stress for 10 minutes and leave disappointed.

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I've enjoyed fishing for days until suddenly it became seriously difficult. My red square couldn't catch up to the fast jumping green bit and I was losing fish after fish.

Sure, you can say "oh, fishing is easy!" but I was gonna say just that until I started getting these "difficult fish" I kept losing one after the other.

Who says some poor people didn't get the more difficult fish on their first try?

And yes, Anet needs to fix this. Fishing can be crazy difficult sometimes and an impossible task. It's really not relaxing.

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Fishing is pretty awesome so far. Here's how to improve it.


Requiring 2 keys to move left and right to follow the "catch zone" box is too troublesome and suffers from perceived lag. You could improve it by only using LEFT MOUSE button to keep the player controlled reticle within the catch zone. See the Genshin Impact fishing system. With this change, you'll only need to press LEFT MOUSE button to keep the player controlled reticle in the catch zone---the player controlled reticule will go into the opposite direction (left) automatically when not pressing anything and only go to the other direction (right) when pressing the LEFT MOUSE button. This would make fishing easier in two ways: 1) only need to click 1 button to keep fishing (assuming you also make LEFT MOUSE throw the line as well, and 2) players will catch fish more easily due to minimizing input delay from keyboard use. The other issue with current implementation is that "1" should go left when catching the fish.

Edited by ListenToMe.5130
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It's easy enough right now from what I've experienced. I imagine you can key-bind them to whatever you wish.


I haven't fished in many places so haven't caught more than a few of the common fish. I would hope the different species of fish would "fight" differently and the box to move "L" and "R" would increase with the better fishing percentage. 


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Well they said it was time to kick back, relax, and fish.  The mini-game is not too difficult, but for me it is no fun, and certainly not what I would call 'relaxing'.  I am mostly disappointed because I love fishing in games so much, and it was fishing and skiffs that were my main attraction to EoD.  The skiff is great but mostly useless if fishing is no fun. 😎

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staggeringly annoying.

I'm only 2/5 with fishing mastery so I guess it gets easier, but atm its almost imposiible to catch fish in Tyria.

I understand that I shoulnt be able to catch rares, but I'm only after basic fish for a dialy.

Why put a daily in that I have zero chance of completing?

Its garbage, makes me want to turn off.


Edited by HitmanHaydon.1053
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My only suggestion to fishing is to match the maximum speed between the green bar with the two yellow bars.  The green bar's max speed is too high and penalizes the player too much especially when it makes the long travel distance from side to side you lose too much progress.

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I like fishing and have had no problems with it. If it is made easier THAT will ruin it for me. Not understanding how so many people can't catch. 

I don't know much about how those dang bots work but I feel like it may be a little harder for them to do fishing. If it is harder for them it needs to stay that way. 🐟🎣

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Personally, I love fishing. I don't mind the mini-game aspect of it.

What I do want though is an account bound tackle box where I can access all of my bait & lures regardless of what character I'm on so I don't have to waste 10-15 inventory spots carrying my bait & extra lures. I like to be prepared to fish when I find a spot. I've finished 3 collections so far and I guess until I get a tackle box I'll just fish on the one character I have the most inventory space on. I'd even be okay if it was just a tackle box I could put into a shared inventory slot.

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As many others have mentioned, the fishing minigame isn't complex necessarily, but it is not what I would call "relaxing."  

For me, that was the whole point of fishing in MMOs.  It was a relaxing, quiet, sedate activity to engage in while waiting for other stuff to happen, something to do while listening to music or talking with friends, etc.

The need to keep attentive and active during the entirety of the catch -- and the frustration of the marker at times simply being faster than your bar will move, meaning you cannot help but lose progress -- means that this is something that, while I was quite looking forward to, ultimately doesn't look like something I'll be able to really enjoy all that much.

Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but currently, it appear that you only gain progress towards the catch if the fish marker is 100% fully within your bracketing box.  If the marker is not completely within it, then you lose progress at the same predefined speed, whether it's outside the bracket by only one pixel, or the entire marker is outside it. This means if the fish is fast enough, it can be almost impossible to keep it within the bracket (aside from luck) because it moves faster than your bracket is capable of moving.  This does not make for an enjoyable minigame, IMHO.

Ideally, I would have loved to see the minigame be more interactive and based on casual skill than on raw timing.  Heck, even if the minigame were adjusted so that you lose progress based on the amount you are off by, instead of a set amount, that would be better.  If the marker is outside the bracket by only a pixel or two, you lose just a little progress; if it's outside completely, you lose a LOT, and graduate the losses between the two.

Not to mention the fact that apparently, you can't yet assign keyboard shortcuts to either the fishing or skiff actions?  That really is seems to be a no-brainer.
Anyway, it's a neat idea, but ultimately not something I am likely to bother with, sadly. Which is a real shame, as I had been looking forward to a nice relaxing option with which to still be constructive within the game.


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4 hours ago, Baby Cakes.1539 said:

I like fishing and have had no problems with it. If it is made easier THAT will ruin it for me. Not understanding how so many people can't catch. 

I don't know much about how those dang bots work but I feel like it may be a little harder for them to do fishing. If it is harder for them it needs to stay that way. 🐟🎣

Because not everyone has a really fast computer (and with inflation right now I am not going to be getting a new one any time soon) or fast reflexes.  There are lots of reasons why people would lose fish.  Lag for instance.

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Just gonna put this out there, because inventory is a problem here. 


If Finishers can have type and count in their selection, Bait and Lures should too. In a game as alt-friendly as GW2, how this 2012 fishing inventory design went past internal QA, I'll never know. 


Please just add baits and lures to an internal inventory.


And while we're at it, can we make the infinite tools part of the legendary armory? 

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It's really, really strange they decided to make fishing into some kind of twitch mini-game. Combat in GW2 is really high intensity if you do content that actually challenges you, and side activities have to be a break from that, they can't be another hectic game system that lacks all the depth and nuance of the core one (combat). Jumping puzzles are an excellent example, in that while they can be difficult and require many attempts, they are very rarely timing critical (a few are, sadly).


What doubly surprises me is that they added that Simon Says-like mini-game for fixing skiffs, which I find to be a really strange choice for *that* context (how does this relate to repairing a boat, exactly?), but would have been a reasonable choice for the fishing, at least in terms of intensity.


What I'd like to see is some kind of low intensity Guitar Hero-like mini-game. Do away with having to time the bobber and the whole "slider" mini-game, then take the symbols you already have in the skiff mini-game and have them float up from bobber while a note plays and have it be very low intensity - like one symbol every 5 seconds. For every three or four symbols hit, the player lands a fish. You cannot fail this mini-game, you just catch nothing. The fact that a note plays means you can do it without intently watching the screen with only a little bit of practice. You can add all sorts of weird streak mechanics and gimmicks that can depend on lures and the specific kind of pool you fish from and so on.

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10 minutes ago, Tarami.9124 said:

It's really, really strange they decided to make fishing into some kind of twitch mini-game. Combat in GW2 is really high intensity if you do content that actually challenges you, and side activities have to be a break from that, they can't be another hectic game system that lacks all the depth and nuance of the core one (combat). Jumping puzzles are an excellent example, in that while they can be difficult and require many attempts, they are very rarely timing critical (a few are, sadly).


What doubly surprises me is that they added that Simon Says-like mini-game for fixing skiffs, which I find to be a really strange choice for *that* context (how does this relate to repairing a boat, exactly?), but would have been a reasonable choice for the fishing, at least in terms of intensity.


What I'd like to see is some kind of low intensity Guitar Hero-like mini-game. Do away with having to time the bobber and the whole "slider" mini-game, then take the symbols you already have in the skiff mini-game and have them float up from bobber while a note plays and have it be very low intensity - like one symbol every 5 seconds. For every three or four symbols hit, the player lands a fish. You cannot fail this mini-game, you just catch nothing. The fact that a note plays means you can do it without intently watching the screen with only a little bit of practice. You can add all sorts of weird streak mechanics and gimmicks that can depend on lures and the specific kind of pool you fish from and so on.

I agree 100%.  I really hate the twitch game, and the note game based on the Simon symbols would be much better.  I prefer no  mini-game, but I guess they want to avoid bots? 

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Well, fishing has to be interactive in some way and WoW-style "click the bobber every 20 seconds" feels just a little *too* archaic to me.


It's also inflexible, in the sense that you can't subtly tweak the rules to, for example, make different fish feel different to catch. If a halibut used a different pattern of symbols than a carp, you'd eventually learn to recognize them and could decide whether to keep trying to catch it, or let it go because it wasn't the kind of fish you were looking for.

Edited by Tarami.9124
Grammar snake.
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7 minutes ago, Tarami.9124 said:

Well, fishing has to be interactive in some way and WoW-style "click the bobber every 20 seconds" feels just a little *too* archaic to me.


It's also inflexible, in the sense that you can't subtly tweak the rules to, for example, make different fish feel different to catch. If a halibut used a different pattern of symbols than a carp, you'd eventually learn to recognize them and could decide whether to keep trying to catch it, or let it go because it wasn't the kind of fish you were looking for.


I am going to be honest here. I doubt they are going to listen to your suggestion and change the system just because some don't like it to a completely new one from scratch. I personally like the mini game they have now. Could it use a few tweaks in speed? sure. But I seriously doubt they are going to scrap it all like some want because there are those who enjoy it like me. You need to take that into account as well.

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1 minute ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


I am going to be honest here. I doubt they are going to listen to your suggestion and change the system just because some don't like it to a completely new one from scratch. I personally like the mini game they have now. Could it use a few tweaks in speed? sure. But I seriously doubt they are going to scrap it all like some want because there are those who enjoy it like me. You need to take that into account as well.

No worries, I'm under no illusion that'll they take something a rando wrote on their forums as the holy grail of design. I'm giving a suggestion as a point of discussion. It's more about what a fishing mini-game *could* be than what it *must* be.


Yes, there are people who enjoy the mini-game as it is. I can't say how many they are, or how many absolutely hate the slider mini-game or even what the love:hate ratio is. We're the vocal minority speaking up in here and may not be representative of the playerbase at large. Thing is, regardless of where you fall on the love-hate scale, there might be options that the majority of  all players find to be an improvement.


Personally I don't think just making it EZ mode and near impossible to fail is really one of the good options. That just frustrates both groups; those that like it now will not like the reduced challenge and the ones who hate it will still hate it for being "click bobber" with extra steps.

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Just now, Aloha Kahuna.3976 said:

I hate it - I cant even continue my story and I will try a bit more, but maybe this is the time to switch to another game after playing since gw1. Sadly I spend the money for the game but I dont play to get frustrated.


If I may ask, what is the part you are struggling with?

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