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New Map Empty For New Expansion I Am Sad

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I normally stay positive but playing new expansion in new map is make me sad. I rarely see more than 2 people. I do events tagging up one person come sometimes 2 person. Map chat always queit no discussion. I am sad ... Right now for me it not feel like a new expansion. i hope it gets better in coming days. it feels like im not playing a massive multiplayer online game but a massive single player game. i sad man.


okay i am done i want the game to be better but right no i just sad, it dosnet feel like new expansion. and sorry for me bad london.

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Been my experience too and it is kind of odd. When I first entered the first map I thought maybe I was still in a story instance, or it was somehow bugged and I was in the map alone. Mayb they were worried about performance and limited the amount of people per map?

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Maybe they've overdone the instancing. I am on a relatively crowded server and was surprised not to see large crowds of players everywhere. I guess this is precaution for the release and will sort itself out in the coming days/weeks.

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Well it hit yesterday, at least for eu early evening, large download and today workday. And first you need to do mission to get to map. Check some novelties, specs...

I think many, me included will start exploring in the following days. 

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If this is happening right now it's probably worth bearing in mind most players are in Europe or the Americas and right now it's late morning on a week day in Europe so most people are at work or school and it's the middle of the night in America, so there won't be many people in either location online. (I haven't logged in yet either and I'm not working today, I've just had other stuff to do.)

Having said that I think they might have also over-done the instancing. Last night even though about 15 people from my guild were in Seitung at any given time there never seemed to be more than 2 of us in the same copy of the map (and the servers are supposed to prioritise grouping you with guild members) and even though I was in maps where events were starting up and getting finished frequently I still got told that map was closing and to move to another one two or three times.

Maybe Anet were expecting map or server crashes and so spread players between servers more than they usually do (yes there's a mega server system, but that just means they're all joined together, there will still be a bunch of servers running these maps).

Edit: It also depends on which of the 4 maps you're talking about. A lot of people will be taking their time to get through the story and map completion and won't have been able to play for more than a few hours yet (if that) so they won't be on to the later maps. I remember that happening with both HoT and PoF and with Orr when the game launched - it took a while for later maps to get a decent population because most people didn't get that far through very quickly.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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56 minutes ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

My guess is this expansion is very bare bones with nothing exciting and new so a lot of people passed on it.


feels more like a living story update then an expansion.

nope, it's literally just an issue of creating too many instances

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Yeah, Was playing a few hours ago and my first experience into EoD in its first map, was almost devoid of players. I just figured that meant that most were on the other maps if they had meta's or something over there to do and being on the first map was pointless. Looks like we actually need to use the LFG to even find instances with people in it now 🙂 Hopefully this is changed soon... just like the speed reduction with strafing 

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The most people I've seen so far was when leviathan spawned on the launch day and we had 10 whole people killing it. The rest has been 1-2 people around occasionally. The world boss meta events are also a ghost town. And now when I finally unlocked the hub there are some 10 people afking in it. Honestly it feels empty as hell.

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It's too empty. I feel like a lot of stuff could be more entertaining if I saw other players, like the gliding tutorial obstacle course. Gorrik is funny if you talk to him there. It's nice to do it once and see what's in the chest (nothing special). But if there were more players running around it, it would have a more upbeat energy. Right now, everything feels so meditative. But forcibly meditative, so it's not enjoyable, just lonely. Hopefully, they'll fix this soon.

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28 minutes ago, knomslayer.9457 said:

i want to update i see alot groups in looking for group ... but every map i try to join is full ... hmm i dono. at this i point i think i just finish story and do meta event later

That really sounds like they've set the new maps to have a lower population cap than the normal ones, so players are more spread out.

If that's the case I hope it's a tempoary thing for launch, to reduce the risk of lag and other problems and how many people are affected if a map crashes, and once they've fixed the bugs and fewer people are trying to pile into the map at once they'll increase the limit so more people can play together.

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5 hours ago, kiranslee.4829 said:

I am not sur ewhat is happening for me also maps are almost empty i hardly see anyone ? Is there some issue witrh grouping players ?

Same happening here. Probably GW2 is not as populated by actual players  as we may think? I mean the pve-bots are not updated for the new maps /metas so you won't see them.

Maybe during he weekend you will be able to see more people. 

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5 hours ago, knomslayer.9457 said:

 I rarely see more than 2 people. I do events tagging up one person come sometimes 2 person. Map chat always queit no discussion.

That's standard GW2 open world PvE, right there. I guess devs didn't learn their lesson with PoF then? Without meaningful large scale events, nobody has any reason to stick around. It's why core maps are dead, and why PoF has a handful of roaming singles.

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I was really surprised to see the new maps so empty. Sure, EoD is not something new and hyped like New World or Lost Ark but that level of emptiness is disturbing. If it is actually just too many map-instances being open with too few players on them, I hope they fix that soon! New or returning players might actually think the game is dead by the sorry population on the EoD maps.

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Maps are currently quiet because ArenaNet is likely instancing things to prevent any lag or other problems.  They have done this before.  (Most everyone I saw yesterday was in my own guild.)


Metas aren't being done because people are still leveling through the story.


These are both things we've seen before, just saying.

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I see the same thing. No where NEAR what HoT or PoF launch days where like as far as players. Don't even think of bringing gw2 core launch in where there were absolute MASSES doing a single event. That brings me to what might be going on.


I am wondering in they are creating smaller instances so skilled 40k dps players don't sounder over and whack boom kill 1/2 the mob the solo player is to "LEARN" new skills "to succeed at higher level content". So that YOU learn how to handle mobs and become a build master not an entertained casual.


It's just a thought, and don't get me wrong. I'm one of those "a game is a source of entertainment, RPG's that tout Dungeons & Dragons as a source provider should know casual game play and social interactions are the mainstay of that source. They also hail form Magic the gather or is it Might and Magic? I forget. Either way both are the build system at work and perform a great service to the game. O'Brian having lefft I feel the core concept of "CO-OP" for PvE is Dead. I had high hopes for strike missions fitting in so well to the game of mechanic focused and play focused groups. But meh still playing Shing Jea so well see......

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