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Is ANET silence at this point typical after MMO expansions?

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This isn't so much a complaint as just asking if this is par for the course in MMOs 4 days after an expansion comes out.  I obviously am very hesitant to comment here.  I'm personally just surprised that as many major threads are out there complaining about certain things, how I haven't seen one ANET comment anywhere, even to say "We hear you and we're looking into it."  From release day nerfs, to fishing difficulty/confusion (especially in Tyria and elsewhere), empty EOD maps, to the final meta apparently being nigh unbeatable, how long does it usually take before someone from ANET responds to those threads, or do they typically not respond at all?


I'm sure in the first few days the bugs take precedent, since people need to be able to play the game.  And it's only been 4 days too, so I'm probably just too eager :)


On a side note, when will things like the GW2 wiki have a lot more information on EOD content?



Edited by fourhim.3584
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Players always complain. There is not a single expansion in MMO history where someone did not dislike something and had to voice their unqualified opinion on the matter shortly after.


The developers right now are most likely:

1. fixing bugs as best they can

2. looking at metrics and performance to identify issues with the live game

3. looking at feedback provided


There is nothing a developer could or should say at this point in time. They have work to do and unqualified forum dribble is not high on the to address list.

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I'm not sure the things I mentioned, that multiple players have pointed out, are "unqualified forum dribble", but I agree they may have more important work right now.  But in our office, as an example, we're not all IT folks fixing bugs.  We also have people working on our website communications, Facebook page, public relations, etc.  I understand the behind the scenes folks working hard at what they do, but where are the persons paid to address the concerns of nervous consumers of their product?

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From my experience inside an organization, any feedback they are taking to heart right now means they are having meetings about it and spending time working between those meetings to figure out options. While this is happening, no one will have the go ahead to say anything because they will want to have concrete things to share. That requires working through and coming up with official responses.

That's for anything they actually feel is reasonable feedback.

They will, of course, ignore everything else.

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4 minutes ago, fourhim.3584 said:

I'm not sure the things I mentioned, that multiple players have pointed out, are "unqualified forum dribble", but I agree they may have more important work right now.  But in our office, as an example, we're not all IT folks fixing bugs.  We also have people working on our website communications, Facebook page, public relations, etc.  I understand the behind the scenes folks working hard at what they do, but where are the persons paid to address the concerns of nervous consumers of their product?


So in your office, your public relations people start talking to customers making promises without talking to IT?

Let me guess, your office has an IT department which is in charge of actually making the IT work for the office, and the product or whatever you offer to customers is not entirely based around it being developer BY the IT department? Am I close? Are you seeing the difference here?

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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14 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Players always complain. There is not a single expansion in MMO history where someone did not dislike something and had to voice their unqualified opinion on the matter shortly after.


When you don't have the expansion it's just a nerf you know, so it's normal if some people complaining.

Anyway i'll don't get the expansion in this state

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1 hour ago, fourhim.3584 said:

This isn't so much a complaint as just asking if this is par for the course in MMOs 4 days after an expansion comes out.  I obviously am very hesitant to comment here.  I'm personally just surprised that as many major threads are out there complaining about certain things, how I haven't seen one ANET comment anywhere, even to say "We hear you and we're looking into it."  From release day nerfs, to fishing difficulty/confusion (especially in Tyria and elsewhere), empty EOD maps, to the final meta apparently being nigh unbeatable, how long does it usually take before someone from ANET responds to those threads, or do they typically not respond at all?


I'm sure in the first few days the bugs take precedent, since people need to be able to play the game.  And it's only been 4 days too, so I'm probably just too eager 🙂


On a side note, when will things like the GW2 wiki have a lot more information on EOD content?



For now bug fixes are comming in:



As for the complaints, I doubt having them react to every complaint someone makes would be a good idea in the first place. In case of "meta hard!", I think the patch needs more time to settle first and devs probably will pay more attention to the data they have instead of someone asking for nerfs because they failed.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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They rarely reply to forum topics to say they're going to make changes, but there's been 6 updates since EoD came out with fixes for various things and I'm sure there's more coming so they're not ignoring it either.

I think one difference is because GW2 can be updated whenever, without having to schedule maintenance down time, there's not much point saying 'this will be fixed in the next patch' because by the time they're able to say that they can just go ahead and fix it.

But it's usually the same with QoL updates and other things, stuff has definitely appeared in the game which was previously posted as suggestions on this forum, but the first we know about them using the idea is when it appears in the patch notes and in the game.

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Yes, Anet completely abandoned the game after PoF and didn't start actively working on it again until EoD. It was in maintenance mode for 3+ years, and it took them YEARS to make PoF metas actually "worth" doing.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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56 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

They are now busting their rears with post launch stuff. Bugs, servers, that stuff


The test will be are they going to let them game go into a death slide again like they did post hot and post pof. After both they spent time fixing the bugs, but it mostly stopped there. The last real balance patch the game got was Feb of 2020, 2 years ago. Can we expect at least on patch for the eod specs? Most likely. Afterwards? Well, its up to anet to not let them game death spiral again because they may not have many chances left.

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14 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Yes, Anet completely abandoned the game after PoF and didn't start actively working on it again until EoD. It was in maintenance mode for 3+ years, and it took them YEARS to make PoF actually "worth" doing.

Uh-oh, someone doesn't know what maintenance mode in an MMO means.

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  • ArenaNet Staff
6 hours ago, fourhim.3584 said:

This isn't so much a complaint as just asking if this is par for the course in MMOs 4 days after an expansion comes out.  I obviously am very hesitant to comment here.  I'm personally just surprised that as many major threads are out there complaining about certain things, how I haven't seen one ANET comment anywhere, even to say "We hear you and we're looking into it."  From release day nerfs, to fishing difficulty/confusion (especially in Tyria and elsewhere), empty EOD maps, to the final meta apparently being nigh unbeatable, how long does it usually take before someone from ANET responds to those threads, or do they typically not respond at all?


I'm sure in the first few days the bugs take precedent, since people need to be able to play the game.  And it's only been 4 days too, so I'm probably just too eager 🙂


On a side note, when will things like the GW2 wiki have a lot more information on EOD content?




You're pretty much correct!  End of Dragons has only been out for about 77 hours, but we've been working hard handling issues and getting fixes out for all of you for ... a lot of those 77 hours! 😄 I've been updating as much as I can, letting people know that we are aware of certain issues and working on them. That said, we are also listening to feedback as always. So keep leaving constructive criticism in addition to letting us know what you love, because we are listening. 

For your other question, the GW2 wiki is updated by the player community. The wiki community has a great editing guide in their help center for people who want to contribute updates but aren't sure where to start.


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6 hours ago, Rekhaa.2748 said:

indeed it's strange, even before the launch i don't see a single publicity about the EoD and now? no more talk? after a hard nerf and the launch? really weird, i'm afraid about the state of the game honestly

I saw publicity. Anet sponsored twitch stream videos, made a cup deal with Hardees/Carl Jr.s, had ads in various sites. There were even magazine articles in stuff like PC gamer.  If you didn't hear anything about it you weren't paying attention. I saw more about this expansion than I did about POF.


I'm not afraid about the state of the game, I'm afraid of the state of a playerbase who makes comments without seeing what's actually happening. Anet never comes right out and says we see this and we're working on it right away, because they wait for it to shake out. They didn't comment on the Chak Gerent being way to hard because they were waiting to see if the community could actually learn it. There are always people who think 3-4 days into an expansion devs should drop everything.

I don't know about you but I'm seeing bug fixes every single day.  Day one people complained about a hero point in Seteing Harbor. Anet didn't make a single comment on it. They simply fixed it.

If all they're going to say is they hear you and they're looking into it, that's not saying anything since they're obviously looking into things. They've been making changes steadily since launch day. If you go to the patch notes for that day and scroll all the way to the bottom you'll see how many patches and fixes they've had on this, just the beginning of the fourth day.

The companies future doesn't worry me. The fact the the playerbase lets fear run away from them?  That bothers me.

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25 minutes ago, Gwaihir.1745 said:


The test will be are they going to let them game go into a death slide again like they did post hot and post pof. After both they spent time fixing the bugs, but it mostly stopped there. The last real balance patch the game got was Feb of 2020, 2 years ago. Can we expect at least on patch for the eod specs? Most likely. Afterwards? Well, its up to anet to not let them game death spiral again because they may not have many chances left.

What about May 2021 when they re-worked boons and conditions, changed how mantras work and did a bunch of other changes to various professions: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/May_2021

There have been patches since then which affected balance, but I'm unclear on what constitutes a 'real balance patch' so I just picked the last major one I remember.

Also considering it always takes a while after a balance update for players to get used to it and figure out how they want to play their characters I'm not sure it's a good idea to do them too often. Otherwise we could easily end up never reaching the point where anyone understands how it all works.

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Anet has fixed multiple bugs every day. Traditionally they don't get on the forums and say we're listening and looking into it, partly because there's plenty of kneejerk reactions on these forums and most of the issues go away. 


When Teq came out, a lot of people came here to say it was too hard, same with the Marionette fight when that first came out. Anet watched and changes it.  If you guys think they haven't noticed people are concerned, but the final meta has been beaten here far more times than Teq was. You can bet they're watching it.

Not sure why people need a company that's fixed a couple of dozen bugs in days to say they're watching what's going on, because it's clear they are. Do they intend to change it? Not yet, because there's not enough data in to warrant whether or not it specific things needs to be changed.

What's the value of saying we're looking into it if they end up not changing it?  I'd much rather have devs looking at the game and fixing it than coming to the forums to placate us with platitudes.  They're looking into things that annoy the playerbase, but they don't change stuff on a whim. Most of the time they wait to see how stuff shakes out.

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If anet cant do the bare min of putting out the notes of what there classes added had change then they are running into a lot of problems. Posting here is not what anet should be doing but they should be putting out info on what they have changed to the expansion and game over all. So far they have chosen not to give out the info of what was changed on the elite spec.

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Well hello there ..... Obi Wan would say. Normally i dont reply to forums that much, but i do have 1 concern about the Dragon's End meta. Me and my son have encountered the last fight multiple times and what i see is that every time the player group gets devided into individuals that dont read what a commander is asking for , wich always end up in blaming , name calling and rage quits by members of the squad. Here is how i see it. On 1 hand you could say the time for the boss fight is too short. 20 minutes with 2 phases that can make or break the meta ( yes im talking about the GREENS 😁 ) on a PVE map that has just been released and has so many full maps that its nearly impossible to get a proper squad in 1 map is just too much 2 ask for. If you would slightly rise it to 23 minutes way more people would actually get that deserving feeling of accomplishing the Meta and , here is the most important reason for the casual player base, receive the final mastery unlock of the siege turtle quest line and upgrades. 


Right now the maps are filled with people of way too many skill levels combined in a 60 minute build up that for the vast majority end up in failing multiple times due to the time limit. Trust me thats not the way most people wanna play any game at all. Im definately not gonna quit the game, but i did stop the "mission impossible" for now as i know many others did.  Here are some things that i would suggest as player that played GW2 since the beta in april/may 2012 ( feel old hahahaha ) :


1. Extend the timer to 23 minutes 

2. Make it possible for groups to stay on the map , even after failing a map so they can retry it or place the whole squad on a new map, people now get divided after the fight , and it takes a lot of time to get a (part of the) squad together. When you know the squad you were in had the potential to get it , its frustrating to see that people are being spread out over several new maps , instead of 1 new map for the team.

3. Lower the amount of Health , that of course would also slightly increase the chance of succesfully making the meta.


We all love the game and yes PvE should be a safe haven for all levels of players , i fully agree and understand there is a need for harder , tougher , nearly impossible battles , but what i now see is a massacre for the lets say less talented players that play this game as a form of distraction from the troubles in real life. So make the hard modes in Strike Missions , Fractals etc as tough as the elite wants , but plz plz plz remember the majority of players that are being butchered by other players with endless salty remarks when they do try to their best but their best isnt what is demanded by the encounter. 


I hope you read this as a plea from a faithfull GW2 player who only wants the game to be the game that shelters all.... thank you for reading.


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I don’t understand why you need Anet to speak at the moment. Anet so far has communicated about the patches and bugs that are in game. Also for about few more weeks mostly Anet will be fixing bugs. Anet can’t reply to everyone nit picking. After all gameplay is more important then someone complaining about a certain spec losing certain buffs vs players getting stuck under scenery in story or strikes. 

To think truly about EOD. Anet did a great thing compared to POF launch. The game is more stable. Much more beautiful. Strikes are truly fun. The final boss in the story was very fun. The maps are gorgeous. The specs are good and new which create diff comps and versatility. 

after all Anet is rolling out fixes. Since launch Anet has rolled out about 5 patches. And usually Anet waits until next Tuesday for a new patch. So give them credit for what’s due. After all they could be like other games and don’t create bug fixes till months later. But instead they have been putting the time and effort into fixing the expansion. 

But to think they haven’t been communicating, I’m honestly asking where they haven’t? Even in twitter they communicated some recipes were bugged that we couldn’t purchase yet and they are looking into it. 

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