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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

10 man raid then uses excuses to try and get away with it. 

It’s a strike. And strikes in EoD is extremly easy, my friends and I went in blind and  completed it in the first try, even the last strike was not a problem. 


Those strikes are more like an open world legendary bounty if anything, minus the timer.

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40 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Guess you're really this arrogant and going to gate keep players out of a mount with your RNG-fest of a fight.

I lost this fight with a group that did VERY well, then beat the fight next run with a clown fiesta of a "raider" group that had 20 people dying to every stomp and half the map perpetually dead. Why is this? RNG, the better group got bad RNG, and the bad group got good RNG.  I didn't get downed in either of the fights once.

The fight is fantastic, and the best open world fight in the game, but it's completely ruined by the RNG nature of it. 



I agree. At least have the boss pull from a list of possible actions, so that it would be able to do other things in a fight beside spamming tail.

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29 minutes ago, Michaelsnakefang.9642 said:


I agree. At least have the boss pull from a list of possible actions, so that it would be able to do other things in a fight beside spamming tail.

It probably is randomly pulling from a list of possible actions, which is why you get the RNG. And from reading the comments it's likely doing it faster and faster as the fight progresses.

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So after 3 days of constant trying at this meta I commanded a full squad and we cleared it with 1 minute left on timer. Only in-game chat, no voice coordination whatsoever.


What really helped was viral spread of  people mentality in map chat even during pre-meta who just went into beast mode and said to themselves "this is it, let's do this sheet done finally"


I'm going to bold key tactics I used that brought success


I was brainstorming with guildies and we were wondering why are Bloodstone glider skills available here and we realized it's the key to success as it deals IMMENSE dps on split phase minibosses - we hit 70K DPS with glider attacks!!! 


I set lfg - alac, barriers, mad dps and people joined stating their roles, I did 10 subs for boon efficiency and we prepped the map, while constantly calling events on map so everyone gets 10 stacks of buff plus reminding constantly to charge offensive and defensive protocols as they stack up to 90 minutes each. 


Before encounter I had everyone who unlocked jade bot wp set their wp on the platform in case of death they have one quick respawn immediately there. Also before fight I had everyone mount up so no one dies from first attack.


Learning from that, I commanded my squad to have 5 people DEDICATED to gliding attacks per miniboss group as the attacks bring mad dps, cc and small aoe heals for people on the miniboss platform. it took around 30 secs for minibosses to clear and we got back to main arena.


Same tactic is applied to tail phase - I had few people dedicated to jumping off platform, using jade bot height bump and catching the updraft to get above platform and nuke the fk out of that tail with glider. Tail melted within 10 secs.


Main problem I saw in previous runs was people not realizing the tail hitbox stays at same place regardless of moving animation so they chased and stopped hitting it. Never chase a tail, stay on the spot and keep mashing those skills!


During green circles I had Necros spam Epidemic and everyone who could spam stability. When she does her final attack you will see pretty visible arrow markers where she will blow from, simply hide behind crystals facing the arrows direction and no one dies. Same like pillars at Adina W7.


Above all, it's mandatory to keep hyping people as a commander and constantly doing calls, reminders to refresh EMP's at waystations while also letting your squad know they CAN shout too to flood the local chat, map chat, squad chat so everyone notices there is something to be done like TAIL, CC, OUT (of orange). Phrases like LETS SLAP THAT SNEK HARD, GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT, GIVE ME ALL THAT DEEPS GUYS, GOGOGOGOGO really kept people focused, engaged, hyped and at the last 5% we had like 1:30 left on timer, CC phase came and breakbar melted, and whole chat went WE GOT THIS, GOGOGOGOGO, TUTEL HERE WE COME and bam, in 30 secs we cc'd, melted 5% and everyone got their tutel. 


Commander Trap

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2 hours ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

How did you guys have enough DPS, if 1 squad was never dpsing the boss head for the whole fight?    Or did you all have raid gear?

Not sure about gear but I was on Trailblazers the whole time. 1st squad had 50 full. 2nd squad (the tail squad) had around 25 maybe? DPS was enough to put down the tail relatively quickly as soon as it's up. We were on discord VC the whole time so the com would just talk if tail comes up. Only the tail squad was moving a lot from what I recall coz we would go back to the head when tail's down. And when tail's up, we're the only ones who are moving. Also since only the tail squad is moving, the main squad didn't get whirlpooled or bubbled as much.

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3 hours ago, Heretic.6928 said:

I have a suggestion, maybe someone presented before not sure: how about not making too many nerfs, instead rewarding cooperation? For example, take the other platforms bosses. If people do them quickly, reward everyone with extra on the timer. This way you lessen the terrible choice of adding randomness to this degree to an open world end boss with rewards locked behind it.


Also as was suggested, please add to the rewards at the end when total map readiness and final battle takes this long. 


 in the real world we cant even work together to stop another country murdering thousands of people, let alone stop kitten fighting over political agenders, what makes you think a bunch of gamers from two different crowds will get along

ive done this meta 22 times and id say nearly everyone had a full squad pulling their weight and doing the best they could and the fact is the best doesn't even begin to help when the meta biggest problem is immunity frames and an absolutely brutal timer even a some of the most organized squads couldnt do this camelducking saladtossing full blown rim job piece of dung meta

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3 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

The terrible rewards thing is in nearly all metas from expansion maps and Living world content. I think rewards should be increased for the longer events.

Attempt #310 of Dragonstorm to get that Frostsaw (a friend got it twice (some people has all the luck)).
Only gotten some cheap Blues and Green pieces of garbo that immediately got destroyed. (The 2 Gold ain't worth it imo...)
Yeah... I can feel the mood with this.

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9 minutes ago, Shogen.5071 said:

political agenders


Kind of freudian tbh. Yao is already really baseline irritable as is.


9 minutes ago, Shogen.5071 said:

saladtossing full blown rim job


Is that an offer, a request or an insult?

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At this point any “casuals” that aren’t providing the dps and are dying to mechanics are people who got to the last zone within one week of launch. 

There is a wave of us coming to Dragons End who are even more casual. We’re still working through the earlier zones. Over the next few weeks more and more of us will be arriving at DE, ready to get our turtle.

Are you ready for us?


Edited by Gibson.4036
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5 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

There is a wave of us coming to Dragons End who are even more casual. We’re still working through the earlier zones. Over the next few weeks more and more of us will be arriving at DE, ready to get our turtle.

Are you ready for us?



Oh god. I haven't even thought about this yet. Thanks for the sleepless night I'm going to have later. :classic_ohmy:

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6 minutes ago, Desh.7028 said:


Kind of freudian tbh. Yao is already really baseline irritable as is.



Is that an offer, a request or an insult?

its a slight on how I feel about this meta and what it did to me , im happily boycotting gw2 for final fantasy 14 till this kitten clears up this meta single handedly sullied the whole expansion for me 22 attempts all failed, 22 times ive sat through the same dialogue, 22 times ive hear that dragon go all emo woe is void bs, 22 times ive watched countless groups fail to jump the wave, 22 times ive heard people say they have horrible lag 100 times 22 times ive hit that boss with 140k burst of damage 22 times ive perfectly done the green circles bar one bug that made me receive delayed fall damage from the initial knock off, 22 times ive watched that boss spam immunity frames, 22 times ive rushed that fking tail 22 times ive written notes into blish pad and on the 22nd time 1% left we fail cause of an immunity frame... 

words dont even describe how tired i am of this meta let alone how much it ruined the whole expansions experience, i did the strikes before even getting to the map and even though they had their bugs they were fun I signed up for it and we had control over the group, you dont have control over people fishing the entire meta or farming jade or just wanking into a hanky. while on siege turtle cause their f wits .... this meta only puts gw2 biggest short comings on spotlight 

hell i havnt even beaten heavensward and an expansion so ancient managed to do a colossal dragon fight better then A net did for IBS in one scene let alone the strike like boss that came after it , and even though i died alot not one of the 10 people in the group were rude to me or voted to kick me ... gw2 expects perfection without anyone doing anything to get people to get better it just expected to be better and if you cant you get punished by stupid meta's like this or by its community and im so sick of it

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After finally completing the meta, here are a couple more of thoughts:


Got into a group that while not demanding or excluding professions, was very organized (boons management, etc), knowledgeable and properly lead (Commander Trap, if you ever read this, thanks again!). While it's expected to have better results than a pug group, there was a big difference compared with the tries I've done before: you guessed it.... Tail phase. There were less tail switches than I had before. Whether this is because phases become shorter or just pure luck, I'm more convinced this meta needs to change.


For me personally is not even about the turtle. I understand this is one of the complaints and understandable people feel locked out of it because of this meta.


But I cannot accept that Anet argues this is the epitome of a 10 years story and therefore justified to have an amazing event (I still love it, despite the failure rate) to then lock important lore aspects behind it. I'm really dumbfounded that people who lived through this adventure and have a keen interest in Elder Dragons for this long, are not going to experience several key dialogues that only happen after the meta has succeeded - several times.


I see more frustration, I see more people wanting to give up, I see more people claiming that once they have the turtle they won't be doing this ever again. I see more people clashing with each other. This meta is meant to be experienced more than once. And it's not going to happen. Your lack of action is not only destroying your meta, but your finale. 



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46 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

At this point any “casuals” that aren’t providing the dps and are dying to mechanics are people who got to the last zone within one week of launch. 

There is a wave of us coming to Dragons End who are even more casual. We’re still working through the earlier zones. Over the next few weeks more and more of us will be arriving at DE, ready to get our turtle.

Are you ready for us?


I know you are making a joke and it's truly funny.  But you also bring up a good point.  So I am what many of you would consider a casual player who needs to "get gud" I guess, but if I made it to the last boss fight by completing the story line/map completions in two days after release am I really THAT casual?  Or how many hours in a row did I spend getting there?  Not to mention the added hours of 14 honest, doing my very best attempts and not just spamming 1, at the meta which isn't as much time as some people have invested already.  There are a ton of genuinely casual players who didn't spend that much time getting there that fast that really are coming.

Edited by Minjin.8259
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35 minutes ago, Everwyn.8537 said:

After finally completing the meta, here are a couple more of thoughts:


Got into a group that while not demanding or excluding professions, was very organized (boons management, etc), knowledgeable and properly lead (Commander Trap, if you ever read this, thanks again!). While it's expected to have better results than a pug group, there was a big difference compared with the tries I've done before: you guessed it.... Tail phase. There were less tail switches than I had before. Whether this is because phases become shorter or just pure luck, I'm more convinced this meta needs to change.


For me personally is not even about the turtle. I understand this is one of the complaints and understandable people feel locked out of it because of this meta.


But I cannot accept that Anet argues this is the epitome of a 10 years story and therefore justified to have an amazing event (I still love it, despite the failure rate) to then lock important lore aspects behind it. I'm really dumbfounded that people who lived through this adventure and have a keen interest in Elder Dragons for this long, are not going to experience several key dialogues that only happen after the meta has succeeded - several times.


I see more frustration, I see more people wanting to give up, I see more people claiming that once they have the turtle they won't be doing this ever again. I see more people clashing with each other. This meta is meant to be experienced more than once. And it's not going to happen. Your lack of action is not only destroying your meta, but your finale. 




Actually I am Trap and reading this haha thanks for the great run, it was a pleasure with the whole squad and every each of you gave 120% which lead to success. Kudos to you all!

Feel free to add me in game

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ArenaNet can you please at least break the silence before your community is destroyed?

If Mukluk feels depressed after playing the content, the person I consider the most capable of wording and understanding both sides of the community, that means... you messed up.

This silence is not doing the game and the community any good... we need answers.

And btw: Getting siege turtle in a different way is not the prime solution. You locked SO MUCH behind a succesful Dragon's End, it's not even funny anymore.

I was doing achievements while waiting for your responce, but... I am getting more and more frustrated with achievements that unlock step by step and end at "talk to so and so after conclusion of Dragon's End" 

Cantha right now, is the worse place one can be as a casual or mid-field player. You see walls rising in front of you around every corner due to 1 Raid like Meta.

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19 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

I know you are making a joke and it's truly funny.  But you also bring up a good point.  So I am what many of you would consider a casual player who needs to "get gud" I guess, but if I made it to the last boss fight by completing the story line/map completions in two days after release am I really THAT casual?  Or how many hours in a row did I spend getting there?  Not to mention the added hours of 14 honest, doing my very best attempts and not just spamming 1, at the meta which isn't as much time as some people have invested already.  There are a ton of genuinely casual players who didn't spend that much time getting there that fast that really are coming.


My son and I are still in Echovald. We circle strafe, we dodge, we use our cc skills on break bars, but we also miss mechanics and get downed, get confused by all the flashing indicators, and have a hard time understanding what commanders are trying to tell everyone in map chat some times.

In a week or two a lot more players like us will be in DE. Interested in learning and trying, but taking some time to get fully up to speed.

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Just imagine this: Drizzlewood being an actual wvw zone, server vs server. Story is tied to it with AI but the real meta is players vs players. To unlock the United Legions mastery you must win a 2 hours skirmish that you have to join from the beginning but you happen to be always paired against one of the big servers and yours is a small one. You lose over and over and over again. You don't need the EMP to play this game. You don't need the mount stealth either. It's a commodity and a main feature of that release, locked behind some gamemode that just part of the community does and not everyone enjoys.


I've played just wvw and no pve for years till I switched and do it casually to finish the last armor pieces. I could tell you to git gud because this is the content I play for and finally, at last, there is something like this in open world and forceful. I would be being a jerk for that. And this is what this mess is turning into and Anet remains silent: players that love a gamemode vs those that don't like it and had it shoved down their throats being promised it's as easy as other unlocks.


It's good you got harder content with shinies, but you can't build a game over needing min organization and complete it with numbers when you finish it with something that pushes all that aside and raises the difficulty to this extreme.


As is I made a chill game for kids, do what you want, get your friends and fairly easily beat everything, and then I put a Dark Souls-like boss at the end and you need to bring and coordinate your whole school that never played this, that don't even like it, while everyone many are blaming those that won't play it right.


I hope today Anet will release a statement and / or a patch about it with a solution and of course, that the data they have been gathering isn't distorted by all of the people that stopped trying till it's fixed and the raid squads farming the event pumping up the percentage of success, totally a lie. And with the poor rewards and being so long, nothing that you would come back to do often if ever again after getting the egg.

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The "Casuals"-argument is getting really annoying.

There are already several people in this thread who are trying to find a reasonable middle ground - which is first and foremost making the fight more consistent by lessening the impact RNG has and maybe adjust some intricacies - yet people are still complaining that this fight will be too difficult no matter what.

What does being "casual" mean in the first place? Being a casual - at least in every other MMORPG besides GW2 - means, that you more or less only play at most one to two hours per day. You won't be able to achieve BiS equipment, but you should at least get something decent which will serve at the very least as entry-level equipment to any kind of content. You will most likely not be the best player, you also won't be a catastrophe though, since - while not understanding the intricacies - you understand the basics, meaning in normal, everyday kinda content, you'll be able to at least pull your weight. More often than not, you will have one main character and at most one or two alts. You will use said main character for higher tier content and use your alts for crafting, storage or simply for fun.

Skimming through the forums during the last few days, being a "casual" seems to mean something entirely different to certain parts of the community in GW2 though! Apparently, a "casual" in GW2 is fundamentally useless since a "casual" neither understands fundamental game nor fundamental class mechanics. S/he is unable to socialize on a very basic level in order to do basic instanced content (- something which is bread and butter in any other MMORPG).

Seriously, nobody should expect to solve every problem the game offers just by using some scuffed Level 80 Booster build. Neither should Arena Net expect that people aren't even able to read their kitten traits and traitlines. Soo Won is an awesome encounter. Yes, there need to be fundamental changes in how RNG affects that encounter and there probably need to be soft and hard caps on several mechanics, but no, it certainly shouldn't be nerfed into oblivion. Learn basic game and your own class' mechanics. This is a game, not an interactive movie, for kitten's sake...

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Well, I liked the fight and the atmosphere of the meta, but as it stands it shouldn't be open world content where people play with different classes, gear and builds. Watching videos and comments from people who managed to complete it, or you need a lot of luck or group of meta classes and builds.

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It would be good if ANet released a statement, They put this threat here and 22 pages later we have not a word.

I would also like to see what data they are collecting. It needs to be weighted based on how many players have completed and how many attempts it took those players to complete. rather than just a "20% success rate", as I am, along with a lot of others I suspect still not completed this and I have spent +26 hours on this alone.  

Edited by carrolltech.9215
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58 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

At this point any “casuals” that aren’t providing the dps and are dying to mechanics are people who got to the last zone within one week of launch. 

There is a wave of us coming to Dragons End who are even more casual. We’re still working through the earlier zones. Over the next few weeks more and more of us will be arriving at DE, ready to get our turtle.

Are you ready for us?


And there is another wave of us, who for various reasons, haven't even stepped onto an EoD map yet.

Personal reasons aside, even a quick review of the forums is enough to alert anyone, that there is a problem with one of the heavily marketed features, the Turtle & that the problem is dividing the community in an exposed, unappealing way. 

Add to that posts about empty maps, the result of the deliberate reduction in map population(I think, but I'm not sure, to ensure some form of success in the a/m Turtle acquisition); the disappointment felt by players experiencing that emptiness, especially because the majesty & beauty of these maps, these environments, was another of the marketed features highlighted & this is afterall, an mmorpg. 

For anyone new to the Franchise, I imagine there is a lot of confusion & quite possibly, regret at having invested in the game. 

Many of us love this game. I pre-purchased EoD as soon as it was on sale. Reading the forums has slowly deflated any hype that I had for EoD, a first for me in a long life of gaming. 

I've seen & heard enough to know that EoD is beautiful, that the music is phenomenal, the art style & environments are unique, the story is promising, but I'm not in any hurry to get there. 

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33 minutes ago, carrolltech.9215 said:

It would be good if ANet released a statement, They put this threat here and 22 pages later we have not a word.

I would also like to see what data they are collecting. It needs to be weighted based on how many players have completed and how many attempts it took those players to complete. rather than just a "20% success rate", as I am, along with a lot of others I suspect still not completed this and I have spent +26 hours on this alone.  

Well, today would be the day that we might see some action. Tuesday is usually patch day.

I'm thinking the response will be "We're happy with the progress we've seen and will continue to watch the people who payed for this be frustrated." Sorry that's just my pessimistic thought on this. Nothing will be done.

This META cannot continue on this path. The good commanders will soon stop coming to this event and the players who have their turtles and suffered through the frustration will also rarely visit this event. The map will become a desert wasteland.

Edited by Heibi.4251
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29 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

And there is another wave of us, who for various reasons, haven't even stepped onto an EoD map yet.

Personal reasons aside, even a quick review of the forums is enough to alert anyone, that there is a problem with one of the heavily marketed features, the Turtle & that the problem is dividing the community in an exposed, unappealing way. 

Add to that posts about empty maps, the result of the deliberate reduction in map population(I think, but I'm not sure, to ensure some form of success in the a/m Turtle acquisition); the disappointment felt by players experiencing that emptiness, especially because the majesty & beauty of these maps, these environments, was another of the marketed features highlighted & this is afterall, an mmorpg. 

For anyone new to the Franchise, I imagine there is a lot of confusion & quite possibly, regret at having invested in the game. 

Many of us love this game. I pre-purchased EoD as soon as it was on sale. Reading the forums has slowly deflated any hype that I had for EoD, a first for me in a long life of gaming. 

I've seen & heard enough to know that EoD is beautiful, that the music is phenomenal, the art style & environments are unique, the story is promising, but I'm not in any hurry to get there. 

We are only one (!) week into the expansion and Arena Net is far from being the largest development team - NCSoft isn't particularly known for being a good (parent) company after all. There are also other issues that are more important than fixing DE - Seitung's meta event doesn't work properly in most cases and needs fixing first. There are also some other things in EoD that don't work properly - Valdhertz Crypts being one of the examples.

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