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Where's the loot?

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Alright, guys.  The main crisis addressed, here's your next fire to put out: Rewards.  Where is the loot?  These metas take so much time, but once your achievements are completed what is the draw?

Another question.  What's up with Kaineng?  There is nothing to do in this map aside from the meta.  Can you add some events, please?

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Just now, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Another question.  What's up with Kaineng?  There is nothing to do in this map aside from the meta.  Can you add some events, please?

There is a pair of events in NKC, about guarding technicians that go about fixing stuff. Did the north group a dozen times now. Dialogue in game and an achievement both hint that there is a "south group" too, but I'm yet to find it.

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This is something I would like clarified as well. So far the only neat stuff I've seen are the new Saltspray weapon skins, which actually look nice and are quite detailed. Beyond that, it's mostly T5 mats and junk, and bags/chests containing more T5 mats and junk.


Also, what's with all the new currencies? I thought they were simplifying that? We have individual Cantha map currencies (writs), imperial favors, jade slivers, unusual coins, research papers, green prophet shards. It seems like the same old system where we're going to have to deal with multiple currencies in different maps and different activities. Even then, there's not a whole lot those currencies can buy either.  About the only need I had so far with those currencies is to unlock specialization collections and resell antique summoning stones while they're still hot on the market. And I suppose if you're nuts, you can work towards the jade throne. I'd like to see more consumable stuff to buy that isn't just recipes or minis. You have food stalls around the 2 starter zones, let us buy some decent Canthan food or ingredients there for writs or whatever. Carrots, Kale, Lettuce, and Strawberries are in high demand now, I wouldn't mind parting with map currencies to buy some. Something, anything. These currencies are just stockpiling.

Edited by Nate.8146
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Haven't really figured out where the loot is.

But after 20+ New Kaineng meta chests without the capacitor, I can tell you where my motivation to gear up any alts is.


The basics are covered, but there really doesn't seem to be much in terms of variety. The whole thing just seems very... void.


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4 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Another question.  What's up with Kaineng?  There is nothing to do in this map aside from the meta.  Can you add some events, please?

I'm actually struggling to find people doing the meta here.  Literally since launch I have yet to complete it due to dead maps.  Unlucky or people just don't care?  Seitung's starting to suffer the same fate.  

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5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Alright, guys.  The main crisis addressed, here's your next fire to put out: Rewards.  Where is the loot?  These metas take so much time, but once your achievements are completed what is the draw?

Another question.  What's up with Kaineng?  There is nothing to do in this map aside from the meta.  Can you add some events, please?

Nowhere it seems in Eod...

... hence when the hype or lack of hype dies down, players have given hope on Turtle or realised its not even that functionally great anyway - most of playerbase will resort back to their pre-EoD gold making routines. Incoming desolate EoD maps in few months if not next week. 

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1 hour ago, Gregg.3970 said:

Nowhere it seems in Eod...

... hence when the hype or lack of hype dies down, players have given hope on Turtle or realised its not even that functionally great anyway - most of playerbase will resort back to their pre-EoD gold making routines. Incoming desolate EoD maps in few months if not next week. 

Well, there will be people popping in and out of Arborstone buying their weekly Antique Summoning Stones, at least. 😄

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I made a killing the first two days to be honest because no guide resources were online yet. What you have right now is over-saturation of the market, the only easily obtainable thing worth of value over 2g is antique summoning stone from map loot trade-ins. I would say Memories of Aurene are better gained from Dragonstorm private instance or Shatterer and Dragonfall meta than slogging through Dragon's End.

That said, if the longterm health of EOD metas is to be considered they ought to add more than just a super-rare jade throne drop which most people won't be using or the Jade Bot upgrades. There should be ascended weapon drops similar to Tequatl / Dragonstorm / Drakkar with possibly ascended boxes with the skins that people are crafting (Monastery, Ancient Canthan / Jade Tech / Antique armors , Jade Punk & Shadow Serpent weapons).

See https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bounty_of_Dragon's_End

Loot bags:
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Tech_Lockbox --- presumably the weapons from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Canthan_Champion_Weapon_Box

Craft/vendor armor:

Edited by Infusion.7149
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2 hours ago, Borked.6824 said:

I'm actually struggling to find people doing the meta here.  Literally since launch I have yet to complete it due to dead maps.  Unlucky or people just don't care?  Seitung's starting to suffer the same fate.  

Probably due to players rushing to the end of the expansion.

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2 hours ago, Borked.6824 said:

I'm actually struggling to find people doing the meta here.  Literally since launch I have yet to complete it due to dead maps.  Unlucky or people just don't care?  Seitung's starting to suffer the same fate.  

LFG. LFG is *chock full* of meta groups. You are most likely in an overflow map.

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After playing almost exclusively just new maps ever since EoD came out i came to notice amount of gold i have is steadily going down instead of up. I am not gold farmer, i do dailies every day for my 2 gold and then play random stuff that feels fun that day. With this playstyle before EoD i was slowly gaining mats and gold day by day.
Now in EoD i  noticed that if i craft something i am not gaining mats i used back but stack stays lower. If i spend gold on something, my gold count is not going up again slowly over the days. Amount of unids you get as rewards to open and salvage is super low - especially yellow ones that grant ectos. New orange reward containers offer only 1-2 blue or green unid.

Been doing new content for fun and will keep doing so, but just to keep my economy from collapsing i have to return to do older content on daily basis. Old content is fun too so no problem there, but i am deeply worried new maps will turn to ghosttowns as soon as peple get their achievements done. Why would anyone go do unrewarding fun metas if there is rewarding fun metas available as well?

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40 minutes ago, radium.7350 said:

After playing almost exclusively just new maps ever since EoD came out i came to notice amount of gold i have is steadily going down instead of up. I am not gold farmer, i do dailies every day for my 2 gold and then play random stuff that feels fun that day. With this playstyle before EoD i was slowly gaining mats and gold day by day.
Now in EoD i  noticed that if i craft something i am not gaining mats i used back but stack stays lower. If i spend gold on something, my gold count is not going up again slowly over the days. Amount of unids you get as rewards to open and salvage is super low - especially yellow ones that grant ectos. New orange reward containers offer only 1-2 blue or green unid.

Been doing new content for fun and will keep doing so, but just to keep my economy from collapsing i have to return to do older content on daily basis. Old content is fun too so no problem there, but i am deeply worried new maps will turn to ghosttowns as soon as peple get their achievements done. Why would anyone go do unrewarding fun metas if there is rewarding fun metas available as well?

check these pages with your account API as well





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The maps are huge, to visual and exploration its amazing, but its create a problem: 50~60ppl dont give a "feel" that they are filled.

In other words, these maps are in size to fit 100ppl +, but theres the lags and performance issues haunting.
But its first week(s), i wonder if they turn into late comers punishment.

theres less events, but have more event chains. which is good, more event chain reduce the depedency on random popup events(like dragon fall).

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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12 minutes ago, Peterson.5172 said:

check these pages with your account API as well

I do use those sites when i need and i know how to make gold, that is not the issue. I was just trying to give an idea about the lack of loot in expansion by describing playstyle and differences in gaining/losing wealth depending which areas i play in. I find it worrysome than doing pretty much same things gains wealth in older content and loses wealth in new one. I would feel better if they would be equally rewarding.

Thank you for being helpfull soul anyway 🙂

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EoD metas are extremely unrewarding compared to HoT, PoF or IBS metas. Currently I'm doing all of the EoD metas (except for DE meta which is overtuned, but this isn't the topic for that) because they are fun, but there is an insane difference between rewards from them and rewards from old metas. Doing any one of the shorter mirror puzzles in Bjora give the same amount of loot as doing an EoD meta, except the former takes around 5 minutes while the latter can be between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending on the meta. This is simply wrong and they need to greatly increase the amount of loot from EoD metas to make them as rewarding as old metas.

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4 minutes ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

Metas aside, the loot in EoD is terrible, or am I just having bad luck?  Most elites, vets, whatever, barely give more than some rags and broken lockpicks.  I am SO not inspired to keep doing this content.

You're not imagining it - it is horrendous loot. Supposedly the update on 15th will start giving better loot, if not, sticking to old content, not worth my time to do EOD meta's until loot is comparable to HoT loot in terms of worth my time - in fact - I want more loot than HOT meta's for ED meta because it takes longer than any other.

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1 hour ago, NOneWarhead.7648 said:

You're not imagining it - it is horrendous loot. Supposedly the update on 15th will start giving better loot, if not, sticking to old content, not worth my time to do EOD meta's until loot is comparable to HoT loot in terms of worth my time - in fact - I want more loot than HOT meta's for ED meta because it takes longer than any other.

Thanks.  Not going to waste any more time in the EoD maps until after the alleged big update on Tuesday.

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I just did Leviathan on gold contribution and  my loot was:

1 essence of luck (green quality)

3 unidentified gears (blue quality)

2 writs of Seitung Province

1 fallen branch (trash item worth few copper)

Leviathan is not meta event but it is a boss event and after being rewarded like this  i understand why no one is usually doing it when it swims by. Event left me confused and wondering is there somewhere some boss chest to loot i am not aware of?

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Actually, I lied.  I just spent another hour or so in EoD to be able to get from New K. City to Arborstone.  Once again, I was gobsmacked by the utter garbage from completing a story step:  One (1) pile of Bloodstone Dust, a trash object (gear), and one (1) piece of green unidentified gear.  That was it.  Truly mind-boggling, and yes, I guess I am a glutton for punishment!

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