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Anet just killed EoD meta

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Let me reformulate it and please think realistic and be honest.

MAIN reasons to complete the meta are:

- Achievement/mastery
- Egg
- People who like doing events

The design its not bad its entertainment to do, the problem is that it last 1h, and many people are not willing to spent 1h to fail/succeed there are other things to do, but I respect the people who want to do it, because they can get more money in another way, infusions or whatever.

My point is that considering those reasons, people who has completed 1, they are more likely to not return.
And now having the option to buy the egg, less people will do it.

In LFG still people trying but day after day will be less.

Being able to farm the matts for the egg means that maps will be full but nobody will do the meta.

They could easily resolve it making is as HoT meta that progress and add time, adding 2-3 mins, adjusting the RNG, adding an infusion.

Edited by Kuronca.4138
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24 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

It would have died anyway, if a non-repeatable award was the only thing it had going for it.

Agreed; the meta needs to be able to stand on its own as a fun and repeatable activity even with the turtle completely removed from it. If this is supposed to be the culmination of the entire story and therefore a 'big deal', then repeatability and accessibility should be their primary concerns for improving it. Right now the people who can complete it have no reason to keep doing so long-term and those who can't complete it have no incentive to keep trying.

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3 hours ago, Kuronca.4138 said:

Being able to farm the matts for the egg means that maps will be full but nobody will do the meta.

Instead of adding 5 mins or removing the rng they decided to the another wrong thing.

So you mean people don't get forced into content they obviously didn't want to play in the first place?  Gotcha.

Because if they did want to play it, the turtle wouldn't be the motivation.  What you're saying is everyone should be forced to do it once, because you like it, even if you're carrying them.  Sounds like a bad design decision to me.

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They did the right thing in this way, though tbh, it should have never been tied to this meta to begin with. Not if it was gonna be such a slog for people.

If anything has killed the EoD meta, it's the way they designed it. Based on what I read, the primary issue was and still is being punished by RNG, followed by reasons like overtuned DPS check expectations for open world and overtuned organizing expectations for open world. Heck, some people have trouble getting that oil floes meta done in Thunderhead Peaks and that just requires enough people and coordination to split into 3 groups total that can hold their own as you go.

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18 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

They did the right thing in this way, though tbh, it should have never been tied to this meta to begin with.

Honestly, it should have remained part of the meta with meta completions (Or even partial completions like how HoT has a progress meter) giving progress towards unlocking it.  Y'know always letting people progress forwards even if they fail.

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3 hours ago, Kuronca.4138 said:

Im very surprise, they probably spent a week or month planning the event and they decided to kill it after 3 weeks.

Perhaps they should have thought of that when they made the bonehead decision to make arguably the most challenging open world boss encounter require a lengthy, repetitive, and boring series of copy/pasted pre events that waste over an hour of the player's time.  It's hard to make that feel rewarding.

Bad design is bad design.  They should have thought of a lot of things, but apparently they were so enamored of the cool mechanics, aesthetic, and voicework of this fight that they couldn't be bothered to think of anything else.  It'll be a waste until/unless they completely rework this mess.  Nobody wants to waste their time on it.

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6 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Perhaps they should have thought of that when they made the bonehead decision to make arguably the most challenging open world boss encounter require a lengthy, repetitive, and boring series of copy/pasted pre events that waste over an hour of the player's time.  It's hard to make that feel rewarding.

Bad design is bad design.  They should have thought of a lot of things, but apparently they were so enamored of the cool mechanics, aesthetic, and voicework of this fight that they couldn't be bothered to think of anything else.  It'll be a waste until/unless they completely rework this mess.  Nobody wants to waste their time on it.

ANet literally threw out everything that made the final map of HoT actually nice to play on when making Dragon's End.  The optional side events, the multiple lanes, the fact that players could push themselves to make the meta go faster.  Sure it had a 2 hour time limit, but the meta really only took about an hour and a half on bad days.

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It's not dead, I've done it twice this evening.

Once with about 50 people and once with a full map. Both failed but the second one came very close and on both attempts we had a lot of people who had never done the meta before (including me) so we didn't really know what to expect and were caught out by a lot of the mechanics. I know there was at least 1 other map running each time, but I don't know how they did. I also missed an attempt earlier this evening because I was having dinner, but I saw the LFG message when it started.

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Just now, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

ANet literally threw out everything that made the final map of HoT actually nice to play on when making Dragon's End.  The optional side events, the multiple lanes, the fact that players could push themselves to make the meta go faster.  Sure it had a 2 hour time limit, but the meta really only took about an hour and a half on bad days.

I've never been a huge fan of Dragon's Stand.  As a mostly solo player, it isn't made for me.  But I can appreciate the design and the failure that is Dragon's End makes me appreciate what they got right with that design.  I really wish they had thought to make this last map function the way Dragon's Stand did.  I'll do an hour in a map like that, but asking me to repeat copy/paste events for even longer than that just to start the meta is asinine.  Games are supposed to be fun, right?  Where's the fun in this?  I don't get it.

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op either only play discord organized metas or didnt tried it at all
Getting rid of the casual ish dps' through the egg for writs deal, and giving it one (should be 2 for the time rly) daily legendary craft incentive for tryhards was the best they could do short term to save this meta while keeping a "high" dps requirement

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I did the meta today with a organized group and it was honestly really fun. No more complaints in squad chat about turtles, just a bunch of folks goofing off and enjoying themselves. We had bad rng at the end, but still finished with several minutes to spare. And everyone there felt more like they wanted to be there.


Ideally, I'd like to see a split where the public meta becomes easier/more accessible and the current version becomes a private instance experience w/heightened rewards, bc both the casual players and the less casual players deserve big group content they enjoy. But for the time being, it's really nice that people who don't want to do the meta can still work towards a turtle while those of us who enjoy the meta can keep doing it. It's definitely not dead, just less of an issue now for those who'd rather not.

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4 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Were the rewards for the metas even any good vs time spent? I think that would be the biggest problem.

The only thing worth farming there is Antique Summoning Stones which is a Daily Reward you can add on top of the 5 Weekly Stones you can get from Leivas in Arborstone. If you're not hunting for Gen 3 Legendary though, it's pretty garbage for time spent. 


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20 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

The only thing worth farming there is Antique Summoning Stones which is a Daily Reward you can add on top of the 5 Weekly Stones you can get from Leivas in Arborstone. If you're not hunting for Gen 3 Legendary though, it's pretty garbage for time spent. 


It sells on the TP for 14g so its still a pretty good reward, so long as they hold value.

As soon as they don't have value on the TP though, no reason anyone would do this meta.    Adding an infusion could keep people coming back though.

Edited by Ruisen.9471
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Just now, Ruisen.9471 said:

It sells on the TP for 12g so its still a pretty good reward, so long as they hold value.

As soon as they don't have value on the TP though, no reason anyone would do this meta.

It’s only awarded if you succeed, though, right?

So 12g for two hours with a chance of failure. How does that compare to gold/hour of other metas?

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I don't expect the summoning stones to hold onto that value, as they become more plentiful each week and are an easy cash opportunity for anyone who's not making the new legendaries. More diverse rewards, and well, more rewarding rewards, would be great!

I'd specifically like to see increases in gold and mats, i.e. things that people can get elsewhere. That way there's no pressure or obligation to do this meta specifically, but it's still rewarding for those who choose to do it. (I personally love the meta and would eagerly keep doing it if it felt profitable)

Edited by Deekkru.5128
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17 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

It’s only awarded if you succeed, though, right?

So 12g for two hours with a chance of failure. How does that compare to gold/hour of other metas?

They've said they'll continue adjusting the event until the completion rate is high, so I see this more of a temporary transition phase.


17 hours ago, Deekkru.5128 said:

I don't expect the summoning stones to hold onto that value, as they become more plentiful each week and are an easy cash opportunity for anyone who's not making the new legendaries. More diverse rewards, and well, more rewarding rewards, would be great!

I'd specifically like to see increases in gold and mats, i.e. things that people can get elsewhere. That way there's no pressure or obligation to do this meta specifically, but it's still rewarding for those who choose to do it. (I personally love the meta and would eagerly keep doing it if it felt profitable)

I agree, I was personally hoping they'd reward exotics of various stat types and infusions for the meta.

Edited by Ruisen.9471
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5 hours ago, Kuronca.4138 said:

Being able to farm the matts for the egg means that maps will be full but nobody will do the meta.

Instead of adding 5 mins or removing the rng they decided to the another wrong thing.

This is actually a re-occurring problem for a lot of metas, not just the one in DE. You spend 1-2 hours in the map for rewards only worth about 15-30 mins of that time. It's not just metas though, even things like world boss runs for the most part drop trash and unidentified armor items. Some of them give 1-2g max with a handful having a chance at ascended drops, or even an eye infusion from Dragonstorm if you're really lucky. I think overall some of the rewards need to be worked over again and maybe add some new things for players to have better incentives to wan to keep revisiting old maps, metas, and boss runs. I know Drizzlewood, Dragonfall, and Silverwaste are probably some of the best meta-based maps, but Drizzlewood use to be a lot better until they nerfed the rewards. They keep the economy extremely tight in GW2, but I think they could easily afford to loosen up a little bit.

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Mesmer still need a kill on the Meta so womp womp 


psssssst anet can we have zero head breakbars on tail dps? Instead of every breakbar on tail dps? And can we pretty please have tail do damage to the head as every other noodle dragon operates. Dps mordy belly, get mordy mouth, etc. bless. 


*passes the mic* 

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