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Another slap to the WvW community!


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"Fixed a bug with jade bot scavenger protocols. Scavenger protocols will no longer work when killing players."
No more jade bot loot bags. Because apparently arenanet doesn't want wvwers to have any gold. Just PvE players get to have extra drops. To those of you who only play wvw. I feel sorry for you.

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Well, to be honest, we should be used to the lack of meaningful attention by now. It's like WvWers are the poor, neglected step children who are happy to get even a morsel. And then we have to read all the whinging about how, oh so difficult it is to get a Gift Of Battle. 

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Anet confused... people asking nerf in eod meta and the only best thing they could do nerfing everything in wvw... I dont understand why this game name guild wars 2. They should change the game name permanently. Pve grinding 2.. stop put wars name when all fight power is reduce.. nobody go to war with less power.. thats stupid thing to do. 

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5 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

Well, to be honest, we should be used to the lack of meaningful attention by now. It's like WvWers are the poor, neglected step children who are happy to get even a morsel. And then we have to read all the whinging about how, oh so difficult it is to get a Gift Of Battle. 

The complaints about GOB are for the most part justified. Completing a reward track isn't difficult, but for someone that doesn't like playing competitive deathmatch it takes long enough to enter tedium territory. Those participation changes couldn't come sooner.

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57 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Do any wvw player even have some jade bot?

I did. And some of my guild that play even less PvE than I do got it just for that scavenger protocol.

Cause you only need the core you get for free and that chip.


A lot of players were happy they're not going to be losing money playing wvw... 


I don't get it did the price of mats fall that drastically because of WvW players with jade bots I mean come on Anet. Every hour there's a Bjora Marches meta that throws mobs that are the equivalent of 5 hours worth of WvW player kills in a single event chain, yet WvW is the problem?

Edited by Veprovina.4876
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3 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I don't get it did the price of mats fall that drastically because of WvW players with jade bots

I have no idea what happened, but the first thing that came to my mind when I read the patch notes was whether there have been groups of players kill-trading or even just killing alt account characters to farm loot from the scavenger protocols. Wouldn't be the first time few people have abused rewards for killing players in wvw that way and got things axed for everyone in the process 😞 .

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49 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

I have no idea what happened, but the first thing that came to my mind when I read the patch notes was whether there have been groups of players kill-trading or even just killing alt account characters to farm loot from the scavenger protocols. Wouldn't be the first time few people have abused rewards for killing players in wvw that way and got things axed for everyone in the process 😞 .

I mean, killing alts in WvW just has to be a new low if that actually happened. 

That same player could have made a minion necro, went anywhere in PvE, parked it, and farmed way more loot than hassling with alts.

Even if someone kill traded with entire groups, that requires effort to coordinate, certainly more effort than just going to Drakkar once a day, killing thousands of mobs before the actual event, and getting way more loot/hr than kill trading for jade bot loot+bags...


So yeah, i get that it's possible but idk, seems kinda unlikely someone spent so much effort to do that in WvW.

Especially cause the loot is random, not every kill is guaranteed, and you get easier kills in PvE if you really wanna farm that trophy upgrade...

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2 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

I have no idea what happened, but the first thing that came to my mind when I read the patch notes was whether there have been groups of players kill-trading or even just killing alt account characters to farm loot from the scavenger protocols. Wouldn't be the first time few people have abused rewards for killing players in wvw that way and got things axed for everyone in the process 😞 .

Would take gazzilions to affect economy, or these players play 24hrs. 

Because protocol have internal cooldown.


i do lots of pve, and didnt notice big deal about these scavenger, perhaps 50s per hour?

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13 hours ago, ShutUpYou.6985 said:

I dont understand why this game name guild wars 2.

The Name "Guild Wars" actually doesn´t have ANYTHING to do with player-organized guilds. 

The name of the series comes from the Guild Wars, a series of conflicts between Tyrian guilds which led to decline of humanity and allowing the charr to invade Ascalon, and other events of the first series of the games.

So basically, it is called "Guild Wars 2", because it takes place 250 years after the events that happened in Guild Wars (1). 

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4 hours ago, Custodio.6134 said:

The Name "Guild Wars" actually doesn´t have ANYTHING to do with player-organized guilds. 

The name of the series comes from the Guild Wars, a series of conflicts between Tyrian guilds which led to decline of humanity and allowing the charr to invade Ascalon, and other events of the first series of the games.

So basically, it is called "Guild Wars 2", because it takes place 250 years after the events that happened in Guild Wars (1). 

"The game was originally named Guild Wars due to a heavy focus on Guild versus Guild PvP. The concept changed, the name stayed, explained away as something in the lore. There was no Guild versus Guild PvP at release, in fact." Tvtropes article (2012)

"Here's what's new: Guild Wars is all about small multiplayer teams, and it's built from the ground up to support competitive play." Gamespy preview (2004a)

"'It's more like StarCraft than a traditional MMO,' explains ArenaNet Founder and Director, Jeff Strain. /.../ 'It's more of a strategy game with persistence of characters', Strain says. 'It's something that really hasn't been done with competitive RPGs' /.../ As a result, intense games of guild-vs.-guild combat feel a little more like games of Quake clan arena, old-school TeamFortress, or Counter-Strike /.../ We saw this in action by testing one of the new guild-vs.-guild maps the team had just created". Gamespy interview (2004b)

"Hot Guild-on-Guild Action: I am speaking of Guild Wars, a bold new adventure in massively multiplayer online gaming wherein Guilds around the world vie for supremacy /.../ The most important thing in Guild Wars isn't individual skill: it's how you work together as a team. Which means the most important decision you'll make in your bid to stop the Korean juggernaut is which Guild you're going to join." PlanetFargo article (2005)

"GameSpy: Over two-hundred thousand people checked out the game during your E3 launch event. After that intense testing, did the focus of game development shift? What have you been working the most at in the past couple of months?

Strain: Yes, the focus of development certainly expanded after our E3 for Everyone Event. In response to player feedback we decided to put more emphasis on the single-player aspects of the game. Without shorting multiplayer cooperative or competitive gameplay, we broadened the single-player options, expanded our hunting grounds to allow exploration by parties, and generally extended that aspect of the game." Gamespy interview (2004c)

It clearly doesn't have ANYTHING to do with player guilds or GvG, it's all about PvE and lore 🤡.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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5 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

I have no idea what happened, but the first thing that came to my mind when I read the patch notes was whether there have been groups of players kill-trading or even just killing alt account characters to farm loot from the scavenger protocols. Wouldn't be the first time few people have abused rewards for killing players in wvw that way and got things axed for everyone in the process 😞 .

its easier to farm trash mobs.. they come in big hordes and die in a flash alt farming is slow and not worth it

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11 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Do any wvw player even have some jade bot?

 I admit I claim to be a PvXer, but I may have to stop saying that. I did not know about this. Sorry for those that were enjoying it, did a little of the new expansion so far but mostly the new elites in WvW. 

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There's no point in being tribal about the Gift of Battle. I think that no one benefits when that happens. Is it true that ArenaNet treats PvP players unfairly, even like garbage? Yes. Is it true that it's cruel to force people with social anxiety issues into PvP? Yes. It isn't people who play PvE that resent PvPers having fun, that's all on ArenaNet. Frankly, I don't think most PvE players would mind giving up a zone if it meant that WvW players got one instead.

There's just no need to be tribal about it, it's all messed up. The real problem is just how ArenaNet manages to mismanage the hell out of everything. Frankly, if it were me, I'd have just let the Jade Bot thing stand because I—with apparently better business acumen than ArenaNet—realise that the good will that would generate from PvP players is worth it. I mean, maybe tweak the rewards if it's affecting the economy and be very transparent about that and talk with the community about it first, but don't just pull it.

It's funny how they're only communicative before an expansion drops. They really should've spoken to you lot about this first.

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