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nerf the boonblob


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every fight is incredibly boring it's like the pirateship meta if the pirateship shot waterballoons at eachother. every driver on NA does the same thing walk up pull kill like one or two people and reset until the pull is back up 


do some (not all) of the following

- revert shade back to 10 target and give it it's damage back

- revert rev hammer nerfs

- revert meteor shower nerfs

- delete minstrel

- delete all rez utility

- make winds not trash again it was honestly fine when it was stationary and stripped all incoming boons

- nerf cleanses

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Arenanet recently murdered a counter to "boonblobs" for no respectable reason.

It couldn't be more obvious that they want "boonblobs" to flourish excessively.

It's bad for the game, but if the developers want it that way, we can do nothing against it.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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20 hours ago, God.2708 said:

Every single one of those except delete rez utility will do two things.

Make blobs stronger.

Make it so you have no one to fight.


i am speaking in context for blob v blob and besides even if you're a smaller zerg busting guild these changes benefit you more than the blob. the only way you can wipe the blob is if you kill them before they outsustain/outresource you anyway. with the lower target cap and lower damage you can't really wipe blobs if you're much smaller than them anymore


oh yeah i should also mention they should nerf projectile hate too

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Been playing on and off since beta. Back after taking a break just before PoF came out. WvW used to be the place I spent most my time, but imo, its in the worst state its ever been in. There have always been annoying and op specs and stuff, but now it feels awful. Boon blobs are boring as hell to play and to play against. Some specs are just crazy, like crazy. I remember the days when 100 blades warriors were what people complained about, god I'd love those days back. It felt that everything could be made work, power creep was kept in check. 


Power creep is an utter mess, boons have become like a cult design direction, seen the usual few hackers too. Its totally unenjoyable, simply not fun. Guess its break time again and hopefully in a year or two positive changes come, though WvW seems bottom of the list for Anet.

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5 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Yes, Leave my Mesmer pulls alone also.


Hills is an awesome place for pulls. You can even use that lower ledge too, and walk along it entirely.


3 hours ago, Cogadh.1845 said:

Been playing on and off since beta. Back after taking a break just before PoF came out. WvW used to be the place I spent most my time, but imo, its in the worst state its ever been in. There have always been annoying and op specs and stuff, but now it feels awful. Boon blobs are boring as hell to play and to play against. Some specs are just crazy, like crazy. I remember the days when 100 blades warriors were what people complained about, god I'd love those days back. It felt that everything could be made work, power creep was kept in check. 


Power creep is an utter mess, boons have become like a cult design direction, seen the usual few hackers too. Its totally unenjoyable, simply not fun. Guess its break time again and hopefully in a year or two positive changes come, though WvW seems bottom of the list for Anet.


It's only going to get worse, they pretty much want to allow 100% uptime for the important buffs from multiple classes, alacrity/quickness/fury/might. Watch rangers walk out the june update with insane alacrity/quickness/might/fury. And while it might be good to spread the boon love around the classes, the problem is they don't counter control it properly, and players will always, always, always, look for the best one to use. They never should have given boons so much importance to take over combat.



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Its called being scared to die in a game. The fear causes the user to find more and more carry me attributes and skills, whatever to give them an advantage to stay alive cuz of fear. And this fear is irrational and only there cuz the players themselves created the stigma of "git gud" and shaming players who do die by whatever means. And so anet caters to the criers and now we have a pirateship carry me boon spamming meta cuz the ones full of fear have dominated this game mode and made it what it is. This won't go away cuz even the devs are caught up in it. WvW players brought this on themselves.

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3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:




It's only going to get worse, they pretty much want to allow 100% uptime for the important buffs from multiple classes, alacrity/quickness/fury/might. Watch rangers walk out the june update with insane alacrity/quickness/might/fury. And while it might be good to spread the boon love around the classes, the problem is they don't counter control it properly, and players will always, always, always, look for the best one to use. They never should have given boons so much importance to take over combat.




Ouuf. Yea I kinda assumed they were going in that direction, good to see it confirmed tho. It feels like they're trying to recreate the trinity type setup without explicitly doing it and I think its ruining at least WvW. There is so much bloat. I'm no theory crafter, just a casual scrub, but it feels like there are specs that can do everything now. Mobility, damage, healing, sustain...maybe its celestial and the boon obsession. I use celestial on most of my classes, but its mainly due to laziness as I hate inventory minigames and managing multiple gear sets (tho the template helps a tiny but) and I love messing around with builds. But jez, does it seem to be busted like hell in WvW. Even though I've spent a ton of gold kitting out my chars in it, I wish they just deleted it. 

I dunno, I'm kinda ranting now, I guess I'm just really disappointed at the state of WvW balance as I was really looking forward to coming back and put in a lot of time trying to catch up with the PvE side of things. I've been trying out specs, usually build my own, but I've resorted to meta builds as there is so much powercreep it feels like meta or bust. I really think its in a really really unhealthy state right now, more than it ever was. In the past there were frustrating aspects, but it was still fun. Now its just either boring blobs or frustrating overpowered specs that do everything.

Thanks for listening to my very disappointed rant. I really wish more from it and hope that sometime in the future it will get the attention I believe it deserves (and someone takes over combat design that isn't obsessed with boons)

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9 minutes ago, Cogadh.1845 said:


Ouuf. Yea I kinda assumed they were going in that direction, good to see it confirmed tho. It feels like they're trying to recreate the trinity type setup without explicitly doing it and I think its ruining at least WvW. There is so much bloat. I'm no theory crafter, just a casual scrub, but it feels like there are specs that can do everything now. Mobility, damage, healing, sustain...maybe its celestial and the boon obsession. I use celestial on most of my classes, but its mainly due to laziness as I hate inventory minigames and managing multiple gear sets (tho the template helps a tiny but) and I love messing around with builds. But jez, does it seem to be busted like hell in WvW. Even though I've spent a ton of gold kitting out my chars in it, I wish they just deleted it. 

I dunno, I'm kinda ranting now, I guess I'm just really disappointed at the state of WvW balance as I was really looking forward to coming back and put in a lot of time trying to catch up with the PvE side of things. I've been trying out specs, usually build my own, but I've resorted to meta builds as there is so much powercreep it feels like meta or bust. I really think its in a really really unhealthy state right now, more than it ever was. In the past there were frustrating aspects, but it was still fun. Now its just either boring blobs or frustrating overpowered specs that do everything.

Thanks for listening to my very disappointed rant. I really wish more from it and hope that sometime in the future it will get the attention I believe it deserves (and someone takes over combat design that isn't obsessed with boons)

It would be one thing if they were spread between different classes, And had much longer cooldowns and decreased durations..  so that it was more difficult to sustain them and would require more coordination…. 

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