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With EOD Launch why cant we stat change ascended?

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I...would love this.


Yes, There is legendary...but if you think I am going to PVP or go fight in WvW, or, horrors, become a raider.....I just....cannot.


I am too clutzy, and if someone in PvP tells me "my mother wears combat boots" I would probably take up sinning in the local beer joint.


Seriously though, I come to acknowledge that my beloved Renegade is far better decked out in condi than power.


Meaning, as they are all in ascended Marauder, I need to switch to ascended Viper..Yassith.


Armor and weapons  I can stat change.   My trinkets bought in Bloodstone Fen I can change....but not the other trinkets.


Please Anet, give us a way to change stats on trinkets...or make power renegade as worthy in Cantha as it's condi counterpart.








Edited by Julischka Bean.7491
Added weapons as things I can swap change
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2 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

You misunderstood the poster. He said that probaly 0.001% of people make legys for the statswap. Not that only 0.001% player have legy's.

No, I'm just saying I don't see people showing those skins very often, but that seems to be the sole purpose of the skins for almost all of the players. 

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

IIRC, legendaries came after the community outcry from ascended being implemented?  The stat swap on legendary was the biggest pull for players, especially since the 5% buff or whatever was maintained from ascended.

That's the way I remember it.  I had little to nothing to do with the fashion wars aspect.

Legendary armor, yes.  Legendary Weapons I believe were actually exotic level initially (and soul bound I think as well), but then ascended came out, leading to a stat buff for legendary.  

But, I agree with you that fashion wars for the armor wasn’t the primary reason as the people I play with sought it mostly for stat swapping for WvW and fractals/raids.  Gave them the flexibility when the meta changed to just jump right it.  

Certainly it was/is a convenience based change, but minimally (for the people I play with) a cosmetic change.

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4 hours ago, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

I...would love this.


Yes, There is legendary...but if you think I am going to PVP or go fight in WvW, or, horrors, become a raider.....I just....cannot.


I am too clutzy, and if someone in PvP tells me "my mother wears combat boots" I would probably take up sinning in the local beer joint.


Seriously though, I come to acknowledge that my beloved Renegade is far better decked out in condi than power.


Meaning, as they are all in ascended Marauder, I need to switch to ascended Viper..Yassith.


Armor and weapons  I can stat change.   My trinkets bought in Bloodstone Fen I can change....but not the other trinkets.


Please Anet, give us a way to change stats on trinkets...or make power renegade as worthy in Cantha as it's condi counterpart.











They are the same trinkets as WvW and PvP.  Just need pristine fractal relics.  The stat changing option can essentially be purchased from the tp using the one from the PvP lobby.


you’re welcome.  No scary PvP or WvW.  Good luck.  (And buy your mom a change of shoes). 🙂🤨

Edited by Strider Pj.2193
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5 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

No, the primary appeal - besides the fun I had with those legendary journeys and collections - has always been the ability to swap stats (you could use ArcDPS for that prior to the Legendary Armory).


As per my signature, before I suggested it, a Legendary weapon's only reason for existing was cosmetics. Heck, originally, they were even only Exotic stats.


On topic, while Bloodstone trinkets can stat-swap, they unfortunately don't support the new stat combinations, like Dragon's.

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The discussion about legendary gear being crafted for visuals or stats swapping is pointless.


Neither is correct or can be assumed to be correct because legendary gear as well as its quality of life benefits has changed drastically over time. So did other aspects. Which leads to drastically different motivation to craft legendary gear ober the lifespan of the game.


Yes, initially legendary items were fancy cosmetics. In fact, they were often even worse stat wise conpared to berserker gear and came with soldier stats only.


Stat selectability came years later, was not all that useful (and still is suboar to ascended in certain areas, weapon swapping in WvW for example) and took  the armory and convenience of character sharing to push it beyond multiple ascended items. This is double true for legendary trinkets, which until the armory were a huge cost and effort compared to getting multiple ascended sets and only now have become intersting to more players.


Meanwhile, legendary cosmetics have taken a huge hit for a long time now competing with in part far better and more shiny gem store skins which are easily available.


This discussion is akin to debating which came first: the chicken or the egg.

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5 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:


As per my signature, before I suggested it, a Legendary weapon's only reason for existing was cosmetics. Heck, originally, they were even only Exotic stats.

Originally, maybe. Since stat swapping feature was introduced however years have passed. And in those years a quite significant number of players made legendary gear just for (or primarily for) that QoL feature. And since coming of Armory even more people did that, because the QoL (as opposed to purely visual) reasons for having legendaries turned out to be good enough for them. Also, remember, that every player that did legendary armor in WvW or SPvP did it for other than aestethical reasons (seeing as their skin is unlocked by ascended precursors and doesn't need crafting legendaries to obtain).

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Re: the issue of whether players make Legendary Items for looks or stat swap.  Two things can be said with certainty.


1) Anyone who made such an item before the stat-swap feature was added, made it for the skin (and/or any prestige attached to the look).

2) Anyone who has made an item that doesn't offer a unique look (e.g., WvW Lege armor) is doing it for stat switch.


Not as certain, but likely: since the stat, anyone who has made a Lege item is doing so for both.


Any claims to know which is which for a majority beyond that are speculation, not fact.

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12 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I don't think OP was even proposing that, I think they were wondering about using mystic forge to change stats of trinkets. But even if they were, this is an odd statement to make. Legendaries primary appeal has always been the special looks and only recently became more appealing beyond that with the legendary armory.

I know more people who started seriously pursuing legendary for stat selection than for the appearance. Sure one might have a particular legendary crafted for its appearance but then get three armor weights, trinkets, and multiple weapons because of stat selection.

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There is another factor beyond fashion and stat-swapping. I will never need to craft another greatsword ever again, unless it is something like Eclipse that I do just to unlock the skin. Same for shortbow, pistol, and staff. Nor will I need to buy, store, or equip runes or sigils. And when I finish collecting one of each weapon, I'll double up on other ones I'd use two of. That's a huge convenience.

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ascended trinkets don't take *that* long to farm up. forget about ritualist/dragon's for now that's a separate problem that needs to be dealt with.


amulet and earrings are kind of locked but you can reselect stats when you attune or infuse rings and backpacks.

though each backpack infusion is a gift of ascension and also 250 ecto, so it probably costs less just to make ad infinitum honestl


Rings are your 2nd largest stat slot (after amulet, which you can get a basically free legendary by doing return achieves) so each one having basically two stat reselects isn't the worst deal in the world.


If you want to be weird like me though, I kept basically 300-400 of each lws3/4 currency on hand so I can buy whatever I want whenever I want. Except Dragon/Ritualist but I dont' want to derail this too much

Edited by lissiandra.1357
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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Originally, maybe. Since stat swapping feature was introduced however years have passed. And in those years a quite significant number of players made legendary gear just for (or primarily for) that QoL feature. [...]

^ This.

4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

This discussion is akin to debating which came first: the chicken or the egg.

While that may be correct, my first response merely stated that I didn't agree with the claim that the purpose of getting legendaries was just for their cosmetics and that I have gone full legendary for the stat swap capability (and that I am certain that I'm not the only one). That's all.

Anyway, back on topic: I understand the frustration about not being able to change the majority of ascended trinkets' stats like you can do with the Blood Ruby ones and the Mist ones. (After the Legendary Armory was introduced I had hundreds of trinkets left to salvage.) My assumption is that this was made impossible in order to make people play all the Living World maps more, farming map currencies which make it super easy to get a new ascended trinket when you need different stats.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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11 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

IIRC, legendaries came after the community outcry from ascended being implemented?  The stat swap on legendary was the biggest pull for players, especially since the 5% buff or whatever was maintained from ascended.

That's the way I remember it.  I had little to nothing to do with the fashion wars aspect.

Legendaries have existed since launch so I am not sure what you mean by "after".

The stat swap might have been implemented because the previous situation was ridiculous. After spending a lot to get this weapon in order to use it with the stat you want you still have to buy a transmutation stone from the gem store unless you really like Soldier's gear.

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26 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Legendaries have existed since launch so I am not sure what you mean by "after".

The stat swap might have been implemented because the previous situation was ridiculous. After spending a lot to get this weapon in order to use it with the stat you want you still have to buy a transmutation stone from the gem store unless you really like Soldier's gear.

It's clear that I don't remember correctly.  Don't get old, folks!

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21 hours ago, HonesltlyX.7164 said:

You can change the stats of Ascended Armor and Weapons using the Mystic Forge with mats, but you cannot change the stats on accessories.


I don't think the feature was added to change the stats on those because you can buy ascended accessories in mistlock (except for the backpack).

This! This should answer everything. It's even explained in the wiki but I guess people don't use that anymore these days... 

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12 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Originally, maybe.

Oh, I fully agree that nowadays, it's a mix of motivations.

My post was just in response to Ashantara's particular assertion that the primary reason for making Legendaries has always been the stat swap.


Personally, I kind of regret ever having made the suggestion that this should have been a feature of Legendaries, as I feel it locks a huge amount of gameplay (build theory) behind a grind that the vast majority of players will never complete.

I would have preferred that GW2 remained as flexible as the first game, with all builds available to all players.


Unfortunately, I think one could also argue that Legendaries and stat-swapping are now probably one of the biggest drivers of the economy, if not the biggest driver of the economy, and so ANet are extremely unlikely to make stat-swapping available to all, even if it would be to the benefit of the game.

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2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Personally, I kind of regret ever having made the suggestion that this should have been a feature of Legendaries, as I feel it locks a huge amount of gameplay (build theory) behind a grind that the vast majority of players will never complete.

I would have preferred that GW2 remained as flexible as the first game, with all builds available to all players.

That flexibility was gone long before stat swap was added to legendaries. It is a consequence of the original GW2 gear design. Legendary gear may require a massive grind, but at least offer an option for some players to circumvent that issue. Without that QoL, there would be no option at all.


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