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Have you been in a situation like this !

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I find that alot of the elites either are fun, or boring.


I love my mirage...its a fun fun class.  However, while I do play Virtuoso--I find it rather boring in comparison.


I havent played my necro much, since scourge.  I found scourge boring and slow.   However, fast forward today--and Qharb is so fun for me--its slowly getting more play time than my Mesmer.  Even if the dps is lower (due to gear & spec), that fact my attacks are fast in shroud--keeps me enjoying it.

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People will have different favorites. It's inevitable. One person's boredom is another persons fun after all. This should not be surprising, but you may change your mind a couple of times. That's pretty normal in an MMO where new elite specs come out every so often and skill balances are regular.

Even  a skill balance patch might feel different to the point where you may not enjoy a class or spec anymore. That's why I'm a proponent of playing different classes. Personally I never wavered from Guardian but there have been many build changes for me just the same. Some were triggered by some changes in the class/spec/traits/skills.

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3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Ele doesn't have to be squishy, but it is definitely difficult to perform well with it by using only one attunement.  You might be able to come up with something feasible using tempest relying mostly on one attunement (e.g. condi scepter in fire attunement), but weaver and catalyst require attunement swapping to function.  You did say classes like ele look like more fun than your current spec, right?  Maybe give it a chance and try to learn it a bit better?

Here's a clip of an ele build that is decidedly not squishy.

So far, it's barely feasible by going mostly AoE spells and keeping rebound on me in case I have to go down soon, while having an AoE heal that multiplies with nearby targets.


The idea is that I do lots of damage around clusters of enemies, especially being dead center. Of course this isn't something I can 1vseveral alone, thankfully mostly play it with a friend to keep me alive or keep some aggro off of me, even with randoms. But for now, it's tricky to do, considering I'm wearing a jumble mess of gear that I get from story mode.

Edited by JayHog.3280
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4 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

People will have different favorites. It's inevitable. One person's boredom is another persons fun after all. This should not be surprising, but you may change your mind a couple of times.

I think this is a really important point. If someone tells you only certain professions/specs/builds are fun (or playable at all) or that you should play a specific one I think it's important to consider whether the person saying that knows you and whether they're likely to play the same way you do.

The worst advice I was ever given for RPGs was to make my first character a basic human fighter and not try anything else until I'd finished the game with that because otherwise it would be too complicated and I wouldn't enjoy it. Fortunately I was told this when starting Baldur's Gate, where you have to play your whole party anyway, quickly realised I was spending all my time with the casters and largely ignoring my boring fighter. So I started over, trying a few classes and eventually settled on a half-elf cleric, which was much more fun.

One benfit of that experience is it taught me to figure out what I like for myself instead of going off other people's recommendations. The possible downside is it means my first few days with any new game are likely to be spent rerolling characters to see what I like and I'm liable to end up with several, but I'm ok with that.

I spent the GW2 betas trying out different professions, and different race/profession/backstory combinations to see what fit so by the time the game launched I knew what I wanted to make. (Then I deleted and re-made 2 of them early on, to make changes.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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15 hours ago, JayHog.3280 said:

I don't mind Ele, but people talk about how the only way is to mix attunements, meanwhile I wish I could stick to one. 😕 Doesn't help that I'm squishy as F, have to start investing in Marauder's gear so I don't get constantly nuked by PvE enemies.


I almost died several times to early game enemies in my story mode.

I agree that's the main reason i avoid Ele. The multi tasking required is over 9000..

12 hours ago, attractiveman.7164 said:

I have this problem all the time, mostly with meta builds/elite specs. Especially spectre, no idea why anyone enjoys it

This is the specter build i run and its very nice, it is costly to make but worth it imo.


12 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Then you must have been doing something wrong.

By the way, I like Ranger, just not Untamed (which is a 100% useless spec).

Again, it seems you are not playing the professions right. 😄

What?!? 🤣

You are wrong and celestial works well.

Edited by Dante.1508
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20 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

You are wrong and celestial works well.

Of course "it works well" for players who are insecure with their class. But if you want to produce highest possible DPS with Soulbeast in PvE, you don't pick Celestial (nor Trailblazer, as your video suggests).

Just because some random YouTuber shows you their builds doesn't automatically make them viable for high DPS.

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9 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Of course "it works well" for players who are insecure with their class. But if you want to produce highest possible DPS with Soulbeast in PvE, you don't pick Celestial (nor Trailblazer, as your video suggests).

Just because some random YouTuber shows you their builds doesn't automatically make them viable for high DPS.

Dps is non existent when your downed in every event.. guess whose ressing all those high dps berserker and viper builds ... me!

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Thief when I first started the game. Coming from Elder Scrolls, I thought I could actually pickpocket and burgle houses. But after a year I got into PvP dueling and thought about giving it another shot.After getting some training, I started to get into it and really main it when I realized that I could play like a TF2 spy. Still get kinda bored whenever I remember that I can't burgle like an actual thief.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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9 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Just because some random YouTuber shows you their builds doesn't automatically make them viable for high DPS.

As opposed to the opinion of a random person on the forums?

Sure, it depends on what you go for. Survivability comes at the cost of DPS. But a person might go for survivability for any number of reasons. I just think you're being entirely too derisive about that.

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I'd love to see multiple professions on one character, just like in FFXIV. Of course, you'd have to level the new profession from level 1, because naturally, both yourself and your character would have to learn everything from scratch, but you could stay on the character you and your friends know and love.


So, the character level would be removed, but you'd instead have a level for each profession (which is the same thing in practice, i.e. your character has the level of the current profession). The profession would become part of the build. The mastery system is already account-wide, so no problem there. The hero points in the open world would probably have to be reset for each profession.


One problem is that additional professions would be missing the XP from playing the story. FFXIV solves this by granting an XP boost whenever the character has at least one job at a higher level than the current job. This makes the XP grind for the second job bearable, but still forces the player to start at a low level and learn the new job.

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2 hours ago, Abnaxos.4305 said:

I'd love to see multiple professions on one character, just like in FFXIV.

Or at the very least, dual professions like GW1. That would shake things up a bit for the better, imho. Plus it made for more fun and challenging theory crafting.

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Btw, when trying out new classes, don't need to level them fully, just go to pvp lobby, and you can try all elite specializations, skills, different gear attributes, build, weapons for virtually zero cost, and then you can decide whether you want to continue with the class or not.

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What is it exactly that you find boring?

My first main was an ele. I disliked the way I had to swap attunements all the time. This was in the starting days of GW2 and I'd played GW1 before.
My friend who played GW1 with me, had troubles with the movability in GW2 and he stopped playing, atleast for a while. As he always played as a turret, I decided I migth as well fill the gap by changing to engineer.
But at max level I soon got bored by engineer. So I ran Guardian. This was perfect for me and I played it as my main for over 4 years. By that time it was getting bored. I hoped that PoF would relight my interest in the guardian, but  I really didn't like the firebrand elite specialisation. Atleast not as I liked the dragonhunter (that I played since HoT). So I tested a few things and when I got holosmith on my engineer it was an eyeopener to me. The game was new and fresh for me again as it really changed the experience.

Bottom line:
1: It is ok to try something else.
2: Try out all the elite specialisations as well. They really make a class different.

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On 5/29/2022 at 4:09 AM, Dante.1508 said:

Dps is non existent when your downed in every event.. guess whose ressing all those high dps berserker and viper builds ... me!

Maybe enlighten us how you do the gear check on other players. Or is it just an assumption, since it just can not be, that those high dps berserker and viper players also found out about the magic dodge button, while the super casuals in some random tanky gear just try to facetank everything up to the point of no return?

Edited by Nash.2681
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Despite playing all open world content including HoT hps (frequently solo) and world bosses, and wearing only exotic zerker gear on everyone, I average a single death per hour. I don't see how Dante can possibly know that's why people are dying, and not because they don't know their dodge/block/cc/heal skills.

Edited by Emberfoot.6847
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The only reason why I get bored on a class is because of wanting to play an elite spec that groups just don't allow in endgame group content like strike missions and raids and realizing the game would be better if buffs like alacrity and quickness were either nerfed into near-pointlessness or outright removed from the game.

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18 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:

Maybe enlighten us how you do the gear check on other players. Or is it just an assumption, since it just can not be, that those high dps berserker and viper players also found out about the magic dodge button, while the super casuals in some random tanky gear just try to facetank everything up to the point of no return?

Because glass cannon builds always go down first, its the nature of the builds, high damage no survivability? Works in raids maybe because you have dedicated healers keeping you alive.. In open world no they go down way fast because they are terrible as soon as you meet anything that can burst you or is stronger than your few seconds of high dps, they have zero defense and poor healing ability..

Edited by Dante.1508
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6 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Because glass cannon builds always go down first, its the nature of the builds, high damage no survivability? Works in raids maybe because you have dedicated healers keeping you alive.. In open world no they go down way fast because they are terrible as soon as you meet anything that can burst you or is stronger than your few seconds of high dps, they have zero defense and poor healing ability..

They still have all the active defenses. Most people are doing open world in offense-oriented gear, they just trade a few traits or utilities for stun breaks, defensive buffs, or sustain.

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13 minutes ago, ASP.8093 said:

They still have all the active defenses. Most people are doing open world in offense-oriented gear, they just trade a few traits or utilities for stun breaks, defensive buffs, or sustain.

Maybe top tier players and veterans, most everyone else is dying in them constantly.

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1 hour ago, Dante.1508 said:

Because glass cannon builds always go down first, its the nature of the builds, high damage no survivability? Works in raids maybe because you have dedicated healers keeping you alive.. In open world no they go down way fast because they are terrible as soon as you meet anything that can burst you or is stronger than your few seconds of high dps, they have zero defense and poor healing ability..


1 hour ago, Dante.1508 said:

Maybe top tier players and veterans, most everyone else is dying in them constantly.

Ok, so you have no certain way to tell and it's all pure assumption. 

Going by your logic, I'd constantly die at things like Chak, Istan Amala, etc. etc., since I'm always running full glass raid builds in open world. But -surprise!- I don't. Why not? Well, most open world bosses don't even require much active defense, just proper positioning. And if you don't take dmg, you don't go down first, no matter how glassy you are. Heck, I even soloed the Legendary Wyvern Patriarch in VB just for fun at off hours. And I'm by no means a top tier player. A veteran? I play the game since 09/2012, so you can probably call me that. But then again, there's tons of people playing just as long and are still using soldier gear and alike and still just stop and stare at that big fat boss AoE about to onehsot them, just to get picked up by that glassy elitist me...

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17 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:


Ok, so you have no certain way to tell and it's all pure assumption. 

Going by your logic, I'd constantly die at things like Chak, Istan Amala, etc. etc., since I'm always running full glass raid builds in open world. But -surprise!- I don't. Why not? Well, most open world bosses don't even require much active defense, just proper positioning. And if you don't take dmg, you don't go down first, no matter how glassy you are. Heck, I even soloed the Legendary Wyvern Patriarch in VB just for fun at off hours. And I'm by no means a top tier player. A veteran? I play the game since 09/2012, so you can probably call me that. But then again, there's tons of people playing just as long and are still using soldier gear and alike and still just stop and stare at that big fat boss AoE about to onehsot them, just to get picked up by that glassy elitist me...

Yeah i don't believe you, you may get lucky a few times but sooner or later you will be dead and more times than non glass builds.

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I would recommend against making any legendary gear if you only have one character unless it's a trinket, sigil or rune.

Of you are bored with your ranger and are attracted to mes/ele, what is it about those classes that catches your eye that ranger doesn't have?

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On 5/30/2022 at 5:06 AM, Abnaxos.4305 said:

I'd love to see multiple professions on one character, just like in FFXIV. Of course, you'd have to level the new profession from level 1, because naturally, both yourself and your character would have to learn everything from scratch, but you could stay on the character you and your friends know and love.


So, the character level would be removed, but you'd instead have a level for each profession (which is the same thing in practice, i.e. your character has the level of the current profession). The profession would become part of the build. The mastery system is already account-wide, so no problem there. The hero points in the open world would probably have to be reset for each profession.


One problem is that additional professions would be missing the XP from playing the story. FFXIV solves this by granting an XP boost whenever the character has at least one job at a higher level than the current job. This makes the XP grind for the second job bearable, but still forces the player to start at a low level and learn the new job.

No. God please no. Nooooooooo

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