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What's wrong with people in Obsidian Sanctum?


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11 hours ago, Darkardo.7602 said:


  • "Be prepared for opponents camping the puzzle and the Dark Room in particular." the official guild wars 2 wiki on the topic

This is how i do it. Best spot is to stay by the stairs in the dark room. If you stand high enough they cant see you when they use their torches to light the path so when they come close knock them to the basement and finish them.

Dat lemmings minigame 🙃

Edited by SlateSloan.3654
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8 hours ago, Mike.3196 said:

What is this topic a person mad that he's getting trolled when he's in a pvp area it's pvp  like huh

Well tehcnically yeah, it's a pvp area. But in reality it's sucha pathetic way of "pvping". What are you achieving by camping there? You're improving your pvp skills? Are you even challenged? You find it fun to just sit in 1 spot and wait for pve'ers to troll? You're gaining pips/chests or in general good loot/hour? Idk, to me it seems like a huge waste of time. I never "pvped" there. It's an obvious griefing/trolling environment, i wouldn't call it pvp even. And i'm not really mad, i just found it perplexing that some people even do that. Just genuinely surprised that there are that kind of low level players in this game and interested what is it they're after. 

Edited by Dave.6819
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19 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

First year of the game, when siege was harder to get, we would fight for control so the commanders could port their zergs straight to the chest so the raid could get siege drops and give them to the tag.  Used to have siege in there too, which made it interesting.  Now I guess it's just trolls who can't fight real fights.

Ah yes the good ole' days, when entire guilds (lookin' at you IoJ!!) used to camp up towards the top of the OS JP with 3-5 ballista set up; of course players/guilds used to do the same in the Alpine JPs hiding behind the waterfall...but I don't think anyone still runs the Alpine JP?


13 hours ago, Mike.3196 said:

What is this topic a person mad that he's getting trolled when he's in a pvp area it's pvp  like huh

You're joking right?  Based on all the posts on these forums asking Anet to make it easier to get GoBs, you're surprised that a PvE player is complaining about having to enter a PvP zone to play PvE? 🤣 Probably 1/3 of the players out in WvW nowadays don't even want to be there.  And yet ironically, it seems these same players who don't want anything to do with the PvP-aspects of the game are the same ones Anet keeps building this "cornerstone" mode of the game around.  I often envision that particular cornerstone as a big pile of smashed up rock.  If you look REALLY CLOSELY you can tell it was once made up of a single, solid piece of stone...but now it's just been smashed into bits with no hope of ever being put back together.  OK starting to get a little off topic...rant over.

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11 hours ago, Dave.6819 said:

Well tehcnically yeah, it's a pvp area. But in reality it's sucha pathetic way of "pvping". What are you achieving by camping there? You're improving your pvp skills? Are you even challenged? You find it fun to just sit in 1 spot and wait for pve'ers to troll? You're gaining pips/chests or in general good loot/hour? Idk, to me it seems like a huge waste of time. I never "pvped" there. It's an obvious griefing/trolling environment, i wouldn't call it pvp even. And i'm not really mad, i just found it perplexing that some people even do that. Just genuinely surprised that there are that kind of low level players in this game and interested what is it they're after. 

The JP was designed for that. 

Bring your friends, stab up and kill them. 

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I play a lot of WvW but haven't done the Obsidian Sanctum, most of my time is in Borderlands, occasionally the Battleground.

But the thought that crossed my mind, if the reward track works the same as the rest of WvW, killing players gets 10 mins grace time. They could be trying to keep that up.

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Trolls will be trolls, everywhere they go. Whether it is in a PvP or PvE environment, they are still trolls. It's a personality trait.

However, I did the OS JP on the morning before weekly reset and I was alone in there so all the falling off I did was my own fault. Thankfully I was totally alone in there; just me and some NPC's. I was surprised to be honest.

Annoying of ANET to make this a LS1 achievement. It was just asking for trolling. Enabling of the behaviour. Poor form.

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All I can say is you have to respect the fact that it's a pvp zone. When people are letting you pass, they are doing you a favor. Taking that for granted is the mistake here. It is not an expectation you can expect from everyone.

When you enter any game mode, be it raids or WvW, it's your responsibility to understand how the game mode works. Coming in under the guise of "I'm only here for achievements" does not remove this responsibility.

Well of course, you can. But if you get subpar results, you just need to own up to that.

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7 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Why did nobody tell me they removed stability from wvw?

If you aren't aware i'm a wvw player. Minstrel hfb. So yes, i had tons of stab/blocks/cleanses/reflects. U can't do much when u're focused by multiple players in the dark room with a torch in your hand and you dont have any weapon skills. All it takes is a quick cripple/immob when you're jumping from 1 platform to the other and that's it, when u're in the air u can't do much. Stab wont help u here. Unless u can pop some resistance quickly. But there's that much u can do before your skills go on cooldown. But sure, nice sarcasm, maybe some people aren't aware of stability.

I just went there to check out because lots of ppl in my wvw guild were complaining, they were very frustrated. So i went to check out what's happening, what's causing all this fuss. I'm done arguing, all i can say is that during all those 9 years that i've played i never once thought about going there to just grief people and waste my time like that. To each his own i guess. For some it's "top tier" pvp experience 🤣

Edited by Dave.6819
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16 minutes ago, Dave.6819 said:

If you aren't aware i'm a wvw player. Minstrel hfb. So yes, i had tons of stab/blocks/cleanses/reflects. U can't do much when u're focused by multiple players in the dark room with a torch in your hand and you dont have any weapon skills. All it takes is a quick cripple/immob when you're jumping from 1 platform to the other and that's it, when u're in the air u can't do much. Stab wont help u here. Unless u can pop some resistance quickly. But there's that much u can do before your skills go on cooldown. But sure, nice sarcasm, maybe some people aren't aware of stability.

I just went there to check out because lots of ppl in my wvw guild were complaining, they were very frustrated. So i went to check out what's happening, what's causing all this fuss. I'm done arguing, all i can say is that during all those 9 years that i've played i never once thought about going there to just grief people and waste my time like that. To each his own i guess. For some it's "top tier" pvp experience 🤣

Maybe because it's not top tier pvp people like it. If your guild has a bunch of people complaining then maybe they should do it together?

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9 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Maybe because it's not top tier pvp people like it. If your guild has a bunch of people complaining then maybe they should do it together?

We could've but its just.. not worth to waste the time for some 3-4 griefers. It's probably what they want. Mostly people will just go early in the morning or at night when it's empty and get it done.

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I'm glad people are still doing the lords work... Haha


That jumping puzzle used to be such a bloodbath back in the day. Was a lot of fun, although frustrating at times as well. Unless it's bugged, there is a stealth spring that grants a few minutes of invisibility. Helps even the fights a bit. 


You can also try taking classes that have good stealth to try and push through their shenanigans. Engineer is probably best for being both tanky, having knockbacks and stealth. Good luck!

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On 5/27/2022 at 7:08 AM, Dave.6819 said:

They're literally camping all day in such spots that are hard to reach and just knocking you back so you can't do the JP. I mean.. how pathetic u must be to do that? Quite often i do the JP with enemy and we dont kill each other. I'm seriously now interested about this. What's wrong with them? If you are one of them tell me what do you gain from it? Do you feel some kind of satisfaction ruining other peoples nerves? Do you play games just for that reason? From my perspective its some kind of psychopathic/sociopathic behaviour, i don't understand it, explain it to me. Maybe some psychologists could comment? Maybe i'm lookin at it too deep though, maybe they're just kids with 80IQ that are just laughing at other people. Though still it would seem like a bizzare behaviour, something that isn't quite right in the head.

Just to clarify:

You went into a PvP game mode and are upset that you got attacked by an opposing player...and THEY are the ones who have an 80 IQ?

I wouldnt attack people in a JP and clearly you wouldnt, but why are you going into a PvP area, especially without stability, if you are concerned about being attacked by other players with a KB?

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3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Just to clarify:

You went into a PvP game mode and are upset that you got attacked by an opposing player...and THEY are the ones who have an 80 IQ?

I wouldnt attack people in a JP and clearly you wouldnt, but why are you going into a PvP area, especially without stability, if you are concerned about being attacked by other players with a KB?

Without stability? Did u even read what i wrote in some other comments? I wasn't concerned about getting killed. Just my guildies told me to check out what kind of nonsence is happening there. So i went to check out and it was pathetic to see so many people griefing people who came to do an achievement. The guys that i talked to sounded like.. yeah.. not very intelligent and very toxic. So yup, that's why i made a comment about their IQ and i was interested what is driving them to waste their time like this. Just today i went there again and talked to some guy. Basically he said "yeah, i like killin noobs and make them angry and cry. it's fun to make them mad." So it kinda gives away what drives these people. Just pure griefing and toxicity, not very mature players i'd say, the more drama the better they feel.

Edited by Dave.6819
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5 minutes ago, Dave.6819 said:

Without stability? Did u even read what i wrote in some other comments? I wasn't concerned about getting killed. 

Stabilty doesnt keep you from being killed (and I made no comment about being killed in the first place).


Again, you went into a pvp area and got upset at people engaging in pvp. The toxicity isnt with the people playing the game mode as designed...

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Love how a lot of wvwers don't care about challenges and just easy wins. Is that why the two strongest servers avoid eachother in a matchup and just bully the weakest server? And also why they farm pve players in a jumping puzzle?

React with a confused/laugh/crying emote if you agree with me.

Edited by Caliboom.3218
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