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I asked for Taimi to die 4 years ago.


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19 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:


And she since has contracted a severe illness, which we were told would be fatal. I'm grateful, but that's not enough.

When you introduce a plot point, that plot point NEEDS to pay off eventually, or else it just leads to frustration for the playerbase, like it did with Malyck for example.

Taimi has been sick for way too long by now.


So yeah, it's time. Kill Taimi please, preferably in the next LW episode. 

always possible to find a cure. not sure why so many in this thread want her dead she is a fav among a huge player base

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1 minute ago, trunks.5249 said:

always possible to find a cure. not sure why so many in this thread want her dead she is a fav among a huge player base

Because people think killing a character is the best solution to any troubles, instead of you know, improving the character or changing things with growth and events.

And sometimes there is a weird smidge of "Well I think this way, a few friends think this way, therefore the world of Tyria/real world thinks this way!"

I once encountered a dude who went "I should've been able to just shove Trahearne off the airship at Orr, make him fall to his death. Then everybody would've applauded and cheered me for getting rid of him!"

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On one hand it is bad for the story to have a terminal illness drag on so long with a consequences.
On the other hand killing the most entertaining character of the main cast is also bad.

Besides didn't you pay attention in the EOD story? She got jade tech upgrade for her Medical suit or whatever. 4 more years of taimi LET'S GO!!!!!!

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11 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

If they kill Taimi i'm done, they need to kill of Brahm and Ritlock or Rox.... they are useless characters, at least Taimi makes herself useful and her voice actress is great.. They already killed off Zojja.. We need more Asuras. Not less.

She an awesome character, shes what makes following the story fun.

Plus Jade Tech seems to have fixed her for now.

Her voice is the part I don't especially like, though her voice actor does a great job.  I've liked her more as the story progressed. 

I was going with the jade tech has helped slow or stabilize her degenerative condition as well.   Maybe we could just let her stay in Cantha.


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This... Is probably quite a creepy discussion. I don't like some characters like Logan and such, but even I wouldn't wish them to die, would just want them off the spotlight for a while.


Guess me wishing Zojja to be back somehow would just greet me with flame wars. -.-

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2 minutes ago, JayHog.3280 said:

Guess me wishing Zojja to be back somehow would just greet me with flame wars. -.-

Nah, I don't think you'd be flamed for that. As for Taimi, advocating for her dying in the story isn't about liking or not liking her. Example: I absolutely love Trahearne, but his death was very impactful, meaningful, and left a lasting impression on me after HoT that gave weight to the sacrifices he's made throughout the game's story. He was willing to die to do the right thing for his allies and for Tyria - and then he did.

Regarding Taimi in particular, the logic behind her dying in the story has to do with the character being extremely intelligent and saying many times in no uncertain terms 'Yo gang, I'm not doing so hot, I'm going to die soon'. Given the very complex and novel things Taimi has been correct about in the past, I'd have a hard time believing she was somehow wrong about this. Generally, when this character states something as a fact - repeatedly - it's a fact. It's nice that we can point to realworld examples of conditions that kill slowly, but that's not what Taimi is saying, and we have no reason to doubt her.

That this has in no way impacted her ability to contribute as normal throughout the story coupled with the fact that she's been in 'serious' condition for so long without consequences it's starting to seem like the narrative equivalent of crying wolf. There's no punch behind the 'threat' of terminal illness if it's only ever a conversation point and doesn't actually contribute to the story or have consequences. It would have been very easy for Taimi to simply have been written with a nonlethal condition, but that's not the direction ArenaNet has decided to take. If they really want to push the 'she's dying' angle, they should go all the way or else it will feel cheap.

We shouldn't settle for cheap writing for a character, even if it means keeping them around longer.

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11 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

That was their official stance during Season 1. They dropped that after and only have the stance of years syncing up because the canon timegap between the end or S2E8 and beginning of HoT is 24 hours while irl it was an 8 year gap.

Of course there are still issues with this, such as how S3 begins a full year after HoT (which canonically took 43 days) but the events that begin S3 shoulda been weeks/months after HoT instead of a year. Or how EoD is written with dialogue pretty heavily establishing the year is 1334 AE, when the story journal says 1335 AE to match the annual time syncing and the 4 month delay that happened (originally EoD was to release in November 2021 which would have fit the 1334 calendar sync).

S2E8 was released early 2015 and HoT released late 2015. There was not an 8 year IRL gap. If there was an 8 year gap HoT would not release until next year.


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7 hours ago, Nintendo Power.7821 said:

I do not understand all the Taimi hate. She is at least top 3 best characters of the main cast. 

She was interesting until she was overused as a wonderkid. By using her as they did ANet ruined her as a character. She became an excessive deus ex machina plot device.


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42 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

S2E8 was released early 2015 and HoT released late 2015. There was not an 8 year IRL gap. If there was an 8 year gap HoT would not release until next year.


99% sure he typed months as years.

1 hour ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Regarding Taimi in particular, the logic behind her dying in the story has to do with the character being extremely intelligent and saying many times in no uncertain terms 'Yo gang, I'm not doing so hot, I'm going to die soon'. Given the very complex and novel things Taimi has been correct about in the past, I'd have a hard time believing she was somehow wrong about this. Generally, when this character states something as a fact - repeatedly - it's a fact. It's nice that we can point to realworld examples of conditions that kill slowly, but that's not what Taimi is saying, and we have no reason to doubt her.

Alt, because she's actually being open about her condition, has actual, trustworthy, honest helpers (Gorrik) to help her in day to day life post season 4, she was about to/able to get treatment due to connections to the Commander, and support from her friends.

She never has really said "I'm going to die soon", but at most in S4 opened up and said "Listen, my condition has started getting worse, when it had been doing middlish."

Likewise at start of EoD, she's pushing herself constantly and hard again trying to find answers. After reaching Cantha, she gets to use Jadetechs more quality of life "Actually help people" theme to reduce her symptoms and pain, meaning she can sleep easier, work better, and enjoy better life.


TBH, I've recalled Taimi talking about her condition getting better, or getting worse, but these things have ups and downs. I don't recall her ever talking about dying soon besides the private "Catch up" video at the start of EoD. Which was, of course, when she's scrambling to find answers, low on sleep, and dealing with a lot of pain.

Edited by Kalavier.1097
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She should have died in PoF. I found her obnoxious during the entire expansion and you legit just were her errand boy/ girl the entire game. It would have served as a fitting end.

Not a fan in the first place of the character... that said, her 'incurable disease' has been around for years and at this point she's outlived healthier characters. Just saying.

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5 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

S2E8 was released early 2015 and HoT released late 2015. There was not an 8 year IRL gap. If there was an 8 year gap HoT would not release until next year.


8 month gap*

Context is critical to reading comprehension, but thanks for pointing out the typo.

S2E8 was released in January 2015. HoT was released in October 2015; which is technically 9 months, but we had the preview Mordremoths' Minions Invade event a month earlier.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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On 5/28/2022 at 7:41 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:


And she since has contracted a severe illness, which we were told would be fatal. I'm grateful, but that's not enough.

When you introduce a plot point, that plot point NEEDS to pay off eventually, or else it just leads to frustration for the playerbase, like it did with Malyck for example.

Taimi has been sick for way too long by now.

So yeah, it's time. Kill Taimi please, preferably in the next LW episode. 

I wish I had your problems (with the game). Well, not really. 😅

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I dunno from experience Taimi is a hugely popular character, i believe that's why she hasn't died, i know there are a small percentage of frankly evil players that seem to want her dead but on a whole shes incredibly popular of the dragon's watch group.

Killing Taimi off would be a bad idea for the game and the forums would be set into explosively toxic mode when and if it ever happens. Also incurable diseases do get cured, it just takes time to find the cure..

Killing off a favorite character never ends well for a franchise, just look at the walking dead.


Edited by Dante.1508
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13 hours ago, JayHog.3280 said:

This... Is probably quite a creepy discussion. I don't like some characters like Logan and such, but even I wouldn't wish them to die, would just want them off the spotlight for a while.


Guess me wishing Zojja to be back somehow would just greet me with flame wars. -.-

Just might be the one thing no one would flame you for as some kind of resolution to the Zojja situation is widely desired by the player base.

49 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Killing off a favorite character never ends well for a franchise, just look at the walking dead.

Or the original Transformer series from the Eighties.  There were a LOT of kids (and parents) that were NOT happy with Hasbro when Optimus Prime was killed off (IN THE FIRST ACT OF ALL PLACES) in the original animated movie.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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I loathed Taimi for a while, but she's grown on me over time. That said, I still agree that from a narrative perspective she should die sooner rather than later.

ANet just invested too soon and way, way too hard into the "dying genius, so sad" route for Taimi that anything less than death would be a cop out.

Then again, it would just be the next in a very long line of cop outs and dropped story threads, so perhaps ANet wouldn't be wrong to think they could just keep Taimi around for no compelling reason.

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On 5/28/2022 at 7:41 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:


And she since has contracted a severe illness

We have known of her illness since the character got introduced in 2015. Your claim is nonsense, sorry. She was already in bad physical shape back then, limping, sitting in her golem to travel around. She didn't "contract" anything later on, it's a birth defect.

Also, there are many ways to dispose of a character. Having every character you don't like killed off is pretty uninspired.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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18 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

8 month gap*

Context is critical to reading comprehension, but thanks for pointing out the typo.

S2E8 was released in January 2015. HoT was released in October 2015; which is technically 9 months, but we had the preview Mordremoths' Minions Invade event a month earlier.

People make widely inaccurate or outright false claims here fairly frequently. Countering the factual inaccuracies so that they are less likely to feed others' false narratives or misunderstanding of the topic at hand is a way to help a topic to retain its purpose.

You are welcome for correcting the mistake (using the wrong word is not generally considered a typo). 

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

We have known of her illness since the character got introduced in 2013. Your claim is nonsense, sorry. She was already in bad physical shape back then, limping, sitting in her golem to travel around. She didn't "contract" anything later on, it's a birth defect.

Also, there are many ways to dispose of a character. Having every character you don't like killed off is pretty uninspired.

And even then, it's a condition that explicitly has been described as having severe periods, and tame periods.

The last bit is completely true. Look at Braham, was barely used in EoD. That's how you can "ditch" Taimi in the future. Hey, she's too busy with Joon to truly adventure with us, so we make do and keep solving issues while she's not around! *And I say this as a person who likes Braham and Taimi both lol*

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On 5/31/2022 at 2:12 AM, Kalavier.1097 said:

And even then, it's a condition that explicitly has been described as having severe periods, and tame periods.

The last bit is completely true. Look at Braham, was barely used in EoD. That's how you can "ditch" Taimi in the future. Hey, she's too busy with Joon to truly adventure with us, so we make do and keep solving issues while she's not around! *And I say this as a person who likes Braham and Taimi both lol*

Braham could have been great but hes a very one dimensional character.. Hes either really nasty or nice... no real emotion, also even Rox disappeared this time. I really dislike Ritlock.. I don't know why he just grates on me.

Personally noticed Caithe was not invited to the marriage thing at the end.. I really like Ayumi, Ivan and Rama as new characters in EoD disliked Yao and Joon.

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4 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Braham could have been great but hes a very one dimensional character.. Hes either really nasty or nice... no real emotion, also even Rox disappeared this time. I really dislike Ritlock.. I don't know why he just grates on me.

Personally noticed Caithe was not invited to the marriage thing at the end.. I really like Ayumi and Rama as new characters in EoD disliked Yao and Joon.


I mean, did Kasmeer/Jory ever develop a bond with Caithe? AFAIK they only know Caithe through LWS2, when Caithe was still the enemy (Think LWS2, HoT or LWS3, when the commander was VERY hostile towards Caithe).


I (sort of) enjoy Braham's character. He's young, emotional, and he does what he believes is right - but unlike certain other "independent" members of Dragons Watch (*cough* Jory), he actually gets kitten done when offscreen. It's the same reason why I like Joon - these npc's are independent characters who can make irrational emotional decisions based on their circumstance, which makes them feel more organic.

Edited by Westenev.5289
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14 minutes ago, Westenev.5289 said:


I mean, did Kasmeer/Jory ever develop a bond with Caithe? AFAIK they only know Caithe through LWS2, when Caithe was still the enemy (Think LWS2, HoT or LWS3, when the commander was VERY hostile towards Caithe).


I (sort of) enjoy Braham's character. He's young, emotional, and he does what he believes is right - but unlike certain other "independent" members of Dragons Watch (*cough* Jory), he actually gets kitten done when offscreen. It's the same reason why I like Joon - these npc's are independent characters who can make irrational emotional decisions based on their circumstance, which makes them feel more organic.

Caithe was never really part of Dragon's Watch or had any interaction with Marjory or Kasmeer, outside of times where Aurene was involved.

Braham's great to me. He's smart, but not wise. He's pretty young and growing, learning and reacting to those around him. I always loved how the main thing he got bashed for in S3 was refusing the commander/storming off. Me: "You are telling a young Norn, to literally put down and walk away from something that can make his legacy, and his mother's legacy, immortal. He's also dealing with grief for his mom, linking her death to the Commander's holding him and others back from going after the prisoners *rightfully, though she may have already been weakened by the crash anyway* and the Commander getting a swarm of Svanir pissed at him and trying to kill him."

TBH, I love that scene, especially looking back. Because it was a case of the commander being slapped in the face and told "No, f off."

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My mother has a degenerative dissues for over 45 years now.  She is now in her seventies and it is still likely to be the cause of death one day.

An illness being severe and deadly, doesn't mean it has be deadly very soon.
it might very well be severe cause it causes a lot of pain and dissabilities. It can still be deadly in the long run.


I actually like that arenanet seems to know what they are doing by not just killing someone off cause they are ill or have a dissadvantage.  People with disabilities are still capable of forfilling an important role in society. And yes, some people with dissabilities are very unpleasant to be around.

So in short: complain about Taimi and ask her to be written out. I disagree with those complaints, but all can have their opinion.
But do not demand her being written out just cause she is ill. It is actually very biased and just plain wrong.

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