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Players Helping Players is a JOKE!!!!

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Here is in a nutshell. Most of the players here on this game don't give a tinkers darn about helping other players. I was hoping that being an exception on a MMORPG game such as this after playing this game since the beginning of Guild Wars. I used to have friends on here to help me when I had any trouble with certain aspects of the game. Now some of them have gone to other games or other pursuits. Some have gone on to the great beyond. Now I am stuck with a game I like alot with know one to help me. This is my gripe with this part of the forum. The title says Player helping Players on the Forum. I am not talking about the game. I am talking about these so called players that like to say they will help other players. There have been on a number of times that I have asked for help in the game, even with some of them standing around in game. Noted they maybe AFK but I have even asked some I can see that are active on the same map as me and all I get is NOTHING! Okay I am ranting right now because maybe alot of these players are kids and don't know the meaning of teamwork BUT I do know there are some Adults out there that do know the meaning of teamwork. I have had a response or two but That is it. If someone asks for my help I will gladly help. It is amazing to me that people will come together in a crisis but nothing in as simple as a video game.

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I'm curious how you know it's the same people, given we see account names (aka display names) on the forum and character names in the game. As far as I know I've only been recognised from the forum once, and that's because I have my main characters name in my signature and someone remembered it. It's possible other people have seen me and didn't say anything, but given I'm not aware of spotting anyone else from the forum randomly in towns I doubt it. There's a lot of people in GW2 and only a tiny minority ever come to the forum.

But even if it was the same person there's several valid reasons they may not have responded to you. They might have had say or map chat or even whispers turned off (a lot of people keep say and map chat off at all times). They might have been busy with something, like talking in guild chat (which would look like doing nothing unless you can see their guild chat), or they might have been about to log off. Or they might have been in a bad mood and didn't feel like being sociable at the time.

Regardless of the reason no one owes you their time on your schedule. We choose to come to this forum to chat to other players, including helping them where we can, but doing that does not create any type of commitment to do more.

I know I'm far less likely to help people in-game than on the forum, for a few reasons. For a start it's harder for me to be articulate in chat because I'm dyslexic so I often have to re-write something several times to get it right, which slows me down. But also my free time is very unpredictable. I can make time for a forum post here and there but it can take me a week to finish a living world episode because I might do a couple of steps, then I have to stop and I often have to log off in the middle of an instance. I'm ok with that, but I doubt other people would be happy if I offer to help them then have to leave in the middle of it.

I do what I can with the time I have, for example when I'm doing random Fractals because I need the relics I'll often pick groups saying they need to do an achievement. But if I get an unexpected whisper saying "Hi, I know you often help people on the forum, please can you come and help me do X?" the answer is very likely to be "Sorry, I don't have time".

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Most players in the game may or may not give a kitten about helping other players, but just because you need help at a specific moment doesn't mean someone can drop everything and help you right then.  The whole attitude of this OP feels very self-centered to me. 

There are days when I help a ton of people and days when I can't for real life reasons, or even because I'm already helping people in game.  There are times when I'm in voice and barely see map chat, and times when I'm looking at another screen altogether, because I don't only have one monitor.

Assuming no one wants to help because people are otherwise engage, or simply oblivious to text at any moment says more about you than it does about people playing this game.

I often offer to help people, but this kind of attitude turns me off.  No one owes anyone anything. Players are playing the game they played for the way they want to play the game, and no one has a right to tell them otherwise.

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Could be any number of reasons.


1. They're busy with something and don't have time to help. Everyone only has so much time to play each day and have different goals for each play session. Helping someone may not be able to fit into their time period.


2. They can't help you. They may not have unlocked what you need help with. They may not be in the mood to be helpful. There are some days where I just want to play by myself and not be social.


3. Bystander effect. Everyone assumes someone else whispered you or spoke in say chat to help you.


But as to the reason that drove you to make this post, are you NA or EU? If NA, what do you need help with?

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There is certain guilds that you can join, that have the sole intention to help players... just gotta know where to ask for help i guess...

from my experience, people LOOOVE to brag about how much they know about the game and rub it in noobs faces....

Just head to lionsarch and drop the allmighty: "How do i craft a mount?" and you will have millions of people coming running towards you, crying in laughter because they think, that you think you can craft mounts.... When you have their attention you can proceed with your real questions!

Or you act like you are explaining something to somebody... but you explain it in all the wrong ways:D people LOVE to correct others! you will have 20 people running around you explaining how its done properly within seconds! Then you can ask your questions or ask for help! You just gotta trigger the elitists:D Do it like the newspapers! you need a catchy headline. ^_^

please dont take that seriously xDD  just join a guild and ask your Guildies. (altho the tips will work 100%!!! i know my gw2 community ❤️)

Edited by Sahne.6950
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6 hours ago, Pahaska.8504 said:

Here is in a nutshell. Most of the players here on this game don't give a tinkers darn about helping other players. I was hoping that being an exception on a MMORPG game such as this after playing this game since the beginning of Guild Wars. I used to have friends on here to help me when I had any trouble with certain aspects of the game. Now some of them have gone to other games or other pursuits. Some have gone on to the great beyond. Now I am stuck with a game I like alot with know one to help me. This is my gripe with this part of the forum. The title says Player helping Players on the Forum. I am not talking about the game. I am talking about these so called players that like to say they will help other players. There have been on a number of times that I have asked for help in the game, even with some of them standing around in game. Noted they maybe AFK but I have even asked some I can see that are active on the same map as me and all I get is NOTHING! Okay I am ranting right now because maybe alot of these players are kids and don't know the meaning of teamwork BUT I do know there are some Adults out there that do know the meaning of teamwork. I have had a response or two but That is it. If someone asks for my help I will gladly help. It is amazing to me that people will come together in a crisis but nothing in as simple as a video game.

Like many players, I'm perfectly willing to help, but I'm not on call to assist you.  And if you came at me with the sense of entitlement on display here, there's no way I'd help you with anything!

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I've seen people help out others who don't know how to farm meteors in domain of istan.

Also most mentor tags are generally really helpful.

A side note: don't waypoint if downed so early, especially in low difficulty, zones usually people will come rez you in a matter of seconds(this includes me) i even rez afk people.

Edited by Infinity.2876
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I just can't help finding OP's rant a little strange.

I'm not in a guild, my own doing, but I have always been able to find help. Just by asking in map chat. Or from my friends list.

Granted, it's not always instantaniously but I also know I can't expect that. Cause as said above, sometimes players are busy doing something else.  And if I have time, or see someone struggling with a hero point or whatever, I jump in. Gives me a reward too, so why not.

If you don't get a response right away, go do something else first and then try asking again! It's also not uncommon to stumble upon others doing the same thing, so join in.

Sure, not everyone is willing to help but I'm pretty sure that it's not as bad as you make it sound OP.


Also, the forum and the game are two totally different things! Like I would be glad to lend a hand but you didn't even post on what server you play.  As for the most players being "kids" comment, sure they are there 😉 But I find that there are a lot of players over, lets say 21, that have played this game from the day it started.

Edited by SandraSolace.7682
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It's just a game, as you say. The incentive for other people to help you is that the activity itself is fun, or they get some sense of social benefit — gratitude, camaraderie, recognition, &c.

Are you creating a situation where helping you would be fun for anyone else?

Are you clearly communicating your situation and your needs to other people?

Are you asking in the right place and time? (E.g. are you trying to get a buddy for the Balthazar HP while the little bug in the corner says it's time for the final Tarir meta?)


As an example — and, to be clear, I am NOT accusing YOU of doing this, I don't know  you— if someone's trying to get help by just doing a frothy rant in map chat, I'm gonna give them maybe 1 sentence of advice disguised as a dunk. Because I suspect going out of my way to interact with them further would be an unpleasant experience (they'll probably spend the whole time complaining or demanding things, for example). Whereas someone who comes off as friendly or a quick study is likely to get more help when they ask because people think helping them will be an easy and pleasant experience.

It's useful to keep that in mind when you're trying to rally some support from strangers.

Edited by ASP.8093
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Joining a guild and asking in guild chat for help or questions is usually a good way to start.

Depending on what you asking for help with, some players are busy with other things or don't even read map chat. It's possible that they can't respond because free to play accounts don't have access to map chat.


Edited by kokocabana.8153
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Okay! I have gone through your answers. Wow... some of them had great advise and some of them didn't deserve a response. I was wondering who would give me advise about the game and who would give me there two cents worth. The ones with the two cents is laughable. I am on a NA server. Good point to the ones that pointed that out to me. This will be my last post on here. I am Not a social media addict like I see some of you on here are. I see your posts and it is in the thousands and hundreds. I am just trying to get across to you ppl is if you can take the time to play a game as this. Why is it such a hardship to help? Some of you say you help but after all these years I have not seen it. Okay there are exceptions I will grant you that.  When I said ppl will come together in a crisis I meant it in the real world. But when ppl need help in a game they can't be bothered. Really!...Your wasting your time in a video game!!!! That has to be the easiest thing to do!!! Sure it is an escape from your problems. I am just curious what kind of response I get this post. Will it be constructive?  Or opinionated bs! Here is a post  I just read a post concerning not helping ppl. Read this post and say I am Wrong. Got blown off by devs

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1 hour ago, Pahaska.8504 said:

 Some of you say you help but after all these years I have not seen it. 

If you just wanted an example, here you go.  It took me several hours to help that guy duo the achievement, being one of the hardest fights I've ever had in the game.  I have fibromyalgia, so this little expedition came with quite the agony for me.

There's others, too.  I couldn't count how much gold I've given away on a whim, how many times I've tagged up to help people do overworld events or raids, how many times I've shown people how to do events or jumping puzzles, nor could I measure the strange amount of good will that my dad-advice has gotten me from the forums.  If you want another example, I once typed out a lengthy commanding guide for pre-nerf Serpent's Ire, then proceeded to host a successful run just to show people it was possible.  

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Players Helping Players is a sub-forum (you did seem to find it).  If you have questions - ask.  I have found the forums to be very helpful.  I rarely use the chat in game so do not look for help there.  I do not play with my chat window open, and would not see anyone talking to me in the first place... 

2 hours ago, Pahaska.8504 said:

Read this post and say I am Wrong. Got blown off by devs

He asked for help on the forum, and got help.  Sounds like the forums work well.  

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On 6/1/2022 at 9:34 AM, Pahaska.8504 said:

Most of the players here on this game don't give a tinkers darn about helping other players.

I'd say this is true everywhere. Most folks just want to live their lives and I don't blame them because in the end that is the most important life for each of us. However, I do agree with the premise that people should help eachother more when/if they are able. When it comes to GW2, in my experience the game's population is generally more helpful than people irl.

2 hours ago, Pahaska.8504 said:

Here is a post  I just read a post concerning not helping ppl. Read this post and say I am Wrong. Got blown off by devs

To me it looks like every player in that thread is trying to help. If you mean the support team, then they can't help you achieve ingame goals or with health issues since they are not medical professionals.

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10 minutes ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

I'd say this is true everywhere. Most folks just want to live their lives and I don't blame them because in the end that is the most important life for each of us. However, I do agree with the premise that people should help eachother more when/if they are able. When it comes to GW2, in my experience the game's population is generally more helpful than people irl.

To me it looks like every player in that thread is trying to help. If you mean the support team, then they can't help you achieve ingame goals or with health issues since they are not medical professionals.

Dont bother the OP clearly just read the thread title.

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Well, I'm curious what you needed help with tbh. 

Some tips:
- Never ask for help with the attitude " i'm entitled to your time, you have to help me". Ppl no like that.
-  If no one responds in a min or two ask again in map chat. Then try a third time. Makes people realize you really do need help with something and that no one else showed up yet.
- Join an active guild, talk to them, help them, do stuff like guild missions together and you'll have a bunch of ppl who'll be much more willing to help you compared to a random passerby. 

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50 minutes ago, Friday.7864 said:

Well, I'm curious what you needed help with tbh. 

Some tips:
- Never ask for help with the attitude " i'm entitled to your time, you have to help me". Ppl no like that.
-  If no one responds in a min or two ask again in map chat. Then try a third time. Makes people realize you really do need help with something and that no one else showed up yet.
- Join an active guild, talk to them, help them, do stuff like guild missions together and you'll have a bunch of ppl who'll be much more willing to help you compared to a random passerby. 

That's a good list. I'd also add: say exactly what you need help with in the first message (and each subsequent request). "Can anyone help me?" is very, very ambiguous and no one will know if they can help or not without more information so it saves everyone time if you say something like "Can anyone help me reach a vista?" or "Can anyone help with [event name] near [waypoint]?"

Also, not suggesting the OP is one of the people who does this, but as general advice since I've seen a lot who do: please remember other players cannot see where you are unless you have a commander or mentor tag switched on or you're in the same party. In any other situation saying you need help "here" or "on me" narrows it down to the entire map. (Even if you have a commander or mentor tag on it's helpful to say that's you as there can often be a few tags on the map for different things.)

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On 6/1/2022 at 2:34 AM, Pahaska.8504 said:

Here is in a nutshell. Most of the players here on this game don't give a tinkers darn about helping other players. I was hoping that being an exception on a MMORPG game such as this after playing this game since the beginning of Guild Wars. I used to have friends on here to help me when I had any trouble with certain aspects of the game. Now some of them have gone to other games or other pursuits. Some have gone on to the great beyond. Now I am stuck with a game I like alot with know one to help me. This is my gripe with this part of the forum. The title says Player helping Players on the Forum. I am not talking about the game. I am talking about these so called players that like to say they will help other players. There have been on a number of times that I have asked for help in the game, even with some of them standing around in game. Noted they maybe AFK but I have even asked some I can see that are active on the same map as me and all I get is NOTHING! Okay I am ranting right now because maybe alot of these players are kids and don't know the meaning of teamwork BUT I do know there are some Adults out there that do know the meaning of teamwork. I have had a response or two but That is it. If someone asks for my help I will gladly help. It is amazing to me that people will come together in a crisis but nothing in as simple as a video game.

There is a massive difference between people asking and getting help and you thinking people are on call to help you when YOU want them to. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Also found this comment very odd in the context of this thread:

8 hours ago, Pahaska.8504 said:

I am Not a social media addict like I see some of you on here are. I see your posts and it is in the thousands and hundreds

So, in a thread where he is berating people for not helping, he is also attacking people for making too many helpful posts in the forum! Not that 1000 posts is a lot over the lifespan of this forum - 2 a week is hardly proof of any sort of addiction 🙂

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5 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

Also found this comment very odd in the context of this thread:

So, in a thread where he is berating people for not helping, he is also attacking people for making too many helpful posts in the forum! Not that 1000 posts is a lot over the lifespan of this forum - 2 a week is hardly proof of any sort of addiction 🙂

I suspect they're specifically referring to the minority at the upper end of that. There's 24 people with over 5,000 posts and 4 with over 10,000. (The drop off is less dramatic after that, there's hundreds of people with between 1,000 and 4,999 posts.) Although even then, the most prolific poster on here averages 84 posts a week (and the second most prolific 'only' posts 47 a week).

It's also debatable how many of those posts are intended to be helpful, just because someone writes a lot (even in this section) doesn't necessarily mean they're always trying to help.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Based on your posts, the attitude, the aggression, etc I think that it is safe to say that although people here do help others, they just dont want to help you specifically.  If your behavior in game matches your attitude here you will continue to find that others avoid playing with you.

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I rescind my offer to help. I offered on the assumption that your tone in the first post was just due to frustration, but given the follow up had the same attitude, it's not frustration.


I only have so much free time and want to spend it it with players who have pleasant attitudes.

Edited by Seera.5916
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