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Who ok'd the dungeon currency/item decision?

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Just here to rant and point out how stupid of a change this is, you have effectively just removed 2/3 of the dungeons from the game and invalidated anyone's time who got the Dungeoneer title. 
Only having to do a dungeon once before having full access to its rewards and never having to do that dungeon again because you can just farm faster/easier ones.
Congratulations you had already forced dungeons feet into the grave previously by your lack of attention to them and now you come outta nowhere with a change as radical as this one and hit dungeons and the people who play them with a mallet to further force them into the grave. There was a million and one changes you could have made to improve dungeons and the experiences outside of them (Currencies) yet you chose a change this bad in favor of those with NO PLAYER INPUT and absolutely NO discussion surrounding it prior to implementation. As someone who is in 2 full guilds built around doing dungeons we can all immediately agree that this is just an awful decision all round. You could have effectively implemented this same change by just making items bought from dungeon vendors stat selectable instead of negating players time and killing 2/3 of the dungeons in the game.

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4 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

People were complaining, that there are too many currencies in the game. I think it’s a good change, you can still run every dungeon path you want. 

Dungeons are possibly the worst currencies they could have "simplified" and no you practically cannot most people are never gonna touch 2/3 of the dungeons in the game and just repeat the fastest 8 paths because there is no reason to ever do otherwise now.

Edited by RoastedWalnuts.4618
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3 minutes ago, RoastedWalnuts.4618 said:

Dungeons are possible the worst currencies they could have "simplified" and no you practically cannot most people are never gonna touch 2/3 of the dungeons in the game and just repeat the fastest 8 paths because there is no reason to ever do otherwise now.

You can make your own group, go with your guild or friends. 
It still is good that they changed it. For example someone doesn’t like Arah but wants the armor set or a weapon, he now can run the dungeon he likes to get it. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

You can make your own group, go with your guild or friends. 
It still is good that they changed it. For example someone doesn’t like Arah but wants the armor set or a weapon, he now can run the dungeon he likes to get it. 

The reasoning you give is literally the exact reason why its a bad decision and you just confirmed what I have just stated about 2/3 of the dungeons now being useless. Invalidating content so players can get the rewards from that content without ever doing said content is never a good decision for the longevity of a game and the diversity of its content portfolio.


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4 minutes ago, RoastedWalnuts.4618 said:

The reasoning you give is literally the exact reason why its a bad decision and you just confirmed what I have just stated about 2/3 of the dungeons now being useless. Invalidating content so players can get the rewards from that content without ever doing said content is never a good decision for the longevity of a game and the diversity of its content portfolio.


They are still doing dungeons, right? Having a different currency for each dungeon was a bad idea. Now players can choose what dungeon they want to go. 
I mean most dungeons were already dead before today and you never found a group in LFG. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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And since they’ve outright stated they aren’t developing or working on dungeons further, simplifying reward gains in this way seems like a sensible move. It really doesn’t matter if Arah armour can be bought with time spent in Ascalonian dungeons since prestige isnt a thing. Sure people will take path of least resistance, but in an area of the game largely abandoned, I don’t think there will be much effect across the board - and this is a change for the wider game

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1 minute ago, Archer.4362 said:


Wasn't there a specific dungeon currency needed for a legendary or am I wrong?

Sort of. You needed a gift that was tied to a specific dungeon currency. Now I’m guessing any gift can be bought by running any dungeon which simplifies things in an empty part of the game

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6 minutes ago, RoastedWalnuts.4618 said:

This was simply not true as someone who does dungeons practically daily and is now going to be made more true due to this change.

I just checked the LFG: no groups for 5 of 8 dungeons. I don’t believe it was that different yesterday. But I must admit, I rarely do dungeons and don’t keep track of their LFG. 
For the majority of players it still is a good change. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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26 minutes ago, RoastedWalnuts.4618 said:
1 minute ago, Lottie.5370 said:

You realise you still need to have done the story and explorable of each dungeon to buy stuff from it? You can't just only run CoF P1 and AC and instantly get everything.

Only having to do a dungeon once before having full access to its rewards and never having to do that dungeon again because you can just farm faster/easier ones.


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I agree, now there is absolutely no reason for me to do any Arah explorable path ever again. People who still need the achievements will have a harder time pugging some dungeon paths.

The change is not as harsh as it seems, but they effectively devaulated Arah currency.

A friend made a suggestion I agree on, with this change, dungeons should be merged on the LFG window so its easier to see who wants to run what.


PD: The rare gear as a reward is really pitiful and barely an incentive.

Edited by Wolfb.7025
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Good change imo. Never really played dungeons - besides the story mode Arah from the personal story (solo content). And fractal rushes got me into fractals ... since they also were fast (only a few mins).

I might try the dungeons - for achievements once - should be easy with the elite specs nowadays. Currency and skins I had from the PvP reward tracks. You mainly have to do it only for the achievements.

Now with the unlock requirements for the vendor ... it actually means you have to play them more. If you previously got only currency and some skins from PvP + saving the currency for buying other skins from the vendor.

For me none of the weapon vendors seems locked - despite never having played any dungeon (besides Arah story) - but maybe this does not apply to old accounts. I only got the armor vendor's locked. (Do they need all explorable paths completed?) Can buy the legendary gift normally from weapon vendor.

I just hope the legendary gifts do not get locked (according to the patch notes they should be) - would make this a bit more annoying.

As it is now ... you can have more fun/incentive cause you fan faster complete a collectng ... if getting the tokens mainly from doing dungeons. You can try different dungeons while still working on one collectoin first. (Otherwise you had to do only 1 dungeon repeatedly ... which could get boring. If you wanted to focus on one collection first.)

Less currency is good though. But I think it will devalue the Tyrian Exchange vouchers (good/interesting for specifig currency ... now I have almost 4k of that tokens just from the PvP reward tracks ... waiting until I need legendary gifts lol ... but maybe actually motivatd to unlock the armor vendor options since I now have more and can easier work at one collection - as explained by me above)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Just imagine if they did this with the living story currencies next?  On the plus side, we’d now have an actual use for the hatched chili’s (or whatever they’re called) but then we’d only have to farm Bitterfrost for all of the ascended trinkets and mount collection items (which required currencies). 

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Nobody was doing anything but AC and TA anyway, so this doesn't make the situation worse, it just shifts it from "people only play the dungeons that give the items they want" to "people only play the easy paths".

I wouldn't solve the problem by fiddling with dungeon currency, I would instead add/improve rewards for doing the full rotation of dungeons. Maybe something like strike weekly rewards.

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Kind of a rotten change for the people that got the currencies via WvW reward tracks and now are locked out of a way to spend them. Wish there had been some warning - would've bought the leggy gifts yesterday. Now I have thousands of a currency I can't spend

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1 minute ago, Arbelor.9036 said:

Kind of a rotten change for the people that got the currencies via WvW reward tracks and now are locked out of a way to spend them. Wish there had been some warning - would've bought the leggy gifts yesterday. Now I have thousands of a currency I can't spend

Basically this. I have some gen1 pres laying around I hadn't finished yet, would have been good to know I needed to get the gifts yesterday.

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17 minutes ago, Arbelor.9036 said:

Kind of a rotten change for the people that got the currencies via WvW reward tracks and now are locked out of a way to spend them. Wish there had been some warning - would've bought the leggy gifts yesterday. Now I have thousands of a currency I can't spend

Same. 😕

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Oh lol what a random change I saw literally no one asking for. And all it does is lock people getting the currencies from WvW out. 
Way to nerf WvW some more. 

And the people actually doing dungeons don't seem to like it much either. Did the runes also get locked? 
Forced to do a run of every dungeon. That's a funny one. 

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I really don't understand what they are trying to achieve with this change?
do you try to get people who haven't played this content in years to replay it for new players?
that people who wanted to make an old legendary can't do it or find it more difficult?
If they really want the dungeons to have a constant flow of players, they could put rewards like ascended materials for 500 tokens, but they didn't add anything new, just a wall to access something that everyone could get in the past by different means.
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