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Daily Achievements Bugged? [Merged]

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I also see all the Dailies in all game modes. I am not sure what to think of it. I first saw it when i was in a Home Instance and there it was nice to see all the dailies. But when I was in open world PvE I could not see the 4th daily for PvE (Daily Timberline Falls Event Completer) in the list of five because three PvP dailies where shown instead. That wasn't convenient. And now I think of it, when I am in a specific Home Instance to do a specific daily (like Shiverpeaks Miner) it will almost never show for me in the list of five when I am in Hunter's Hearth. Several PvP dailes will show instead because they are earlier in the alphabet (and I never do PvP dailies so they will always be visible). So unless we get an option to sort the dailies we see in the list of five I don't think this change will be convenient for me.



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I think you only mean the "watch list" - that is supposed to show dailies when you are not watching other achievments? Since the normal display when chosing the login reward ... still has the 3 tabs with each one having the 4 dailies visible for those game modes.

I am constantly having other (older where I slowly progress but do not want to forget about) achievements on the watch list - so dailies are not shown for me. And I basically often select from PvE and PvP - at least the easier ones to complete 3. Sometimes more. (And WvW only at Friday when I play at reset to get the wood tier chest for commitment.)

Then selecting the ones manually. Having shown all when I basically never do dungeons and tournaments - does not seem like a good idea. I basically needed to select easy ones of at leas 2 game modes unless PvE had 3 convenient ones and I did not want to play PvP at all (which I still regularly do for reward tracks and the seasonal league chests).

When there is a dungeon and the "do 4 events" thing I basically always to just the JP and the gathering. And doing 1 PvP match instead of doing multiple events - for example. A priority order (own priority) ... would not be a bad thing though. (Like "putting it automatically on watch if some of the ones you prefer ... are on daily". Remembering if you had previously put it on watch ... maybe.)

This would work as well for people that also have other stuff on watch permanently.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Something bugged when the festival update was released, I think. I used to see only PVE dailies in PVE maps - PVP dailies in the PVP lobby - and WvW dailies in WvW maps. It's been like that for years. I can't think of any good reason why it would be deliberately changed now, so...bug?

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It's not in the patch notes, makes no sense and is absolutely inconvenient. Has to be a bug.

And if for some reason it was done on purpose they should implement it as a setting that is deactivated by default, as most people will not want to have it this way, but want it to behave just like it always has.

Edited by Honnullul.8952
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48 minutes ago, Ray Koopa.2354 said:

Do you people mean the window the appears when left-clicking the daily chest?

It used to also show a category for festival dailies but AFAIK they removed that some years ago. Who knows, maybe they wanted to bring it back but messed up...

No, the achievement tracker in the upper right of the screen. It used to default to listing only the daily set for the game mode you were in (PvE/PvP/WvW). Now it lists all of them and, given that only a limited number show before it just says "more...", it does not necessarily show all of the ones for the mode you are in.

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3 hours ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

Lol and here i am thinking what are you all talking about? Maybe i disabled it but i havent seen dailies for years unless i went to the acheivement panel. Where you can obviously see them all. 

If you're tracking any achievements at all the dailies don't show on the UI (unless of course you choose to track them as well). If you're not tracking anything the list is automatically populated with daily achievements. The automatic list used to change based on what area of the game you're in - for example only showing WvW achievements in WvW - and now it seems that's stopped happening and they're all jumbled together.

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13 minutes ago, slpr.2647 said:

yeah, i guess its fairly trivial, but it irks this kitten outta me.  do not like it this way.  really dont understand the "why" behind it

It wasn't mentioned in the patch note so my guess is it's a bug.

There would have to be something in the game to identify which dailies go with which game mode and automatically filter the display, and it looks like it's broken.

The question then is how important Anet consider it to be and what else they've got to fix, it might be one of those bugs which sticks around for a while because it's still functional, just not as good as it could be. (Like when the black lion icon wasn't fading.)

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