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Do you trust the next balance patch and its change to banners?


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well i don't care about warrior anymore so any change is welcome. I don't play warrior anymore at all so anet can't make it worse.

But even if the banner change would somehow be a positiv change for warrior it still would not change the fact that there are so many outdated and cluncky and useless traits, weapon skills and utility skills. It's just not fun to play warrior anymore.

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IT wont be used if aint perma boons :) and since theres still perma boons specs...

useless change maybe?

Somehow i feel certain boon should stay in certain classes or their elites this, thing of giving all boons to all classes never ends  well...  i ment towards the consumption time from dev's making this changes to actually what is being used by players...

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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Everyone is looking forward, even if it's minimal, that's why they wait so long, even if they know they will be disappointed T-T

That's why he didn't trust that translator, although there is the original post "https://es-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/3688-¿confías-en-el-próximo-parche-de-equilibrio-y-su-cambio-a-los-estandartes/" that you can translate more coherently, I think, if you know some Spanish it helps xd


To all those who say "redesign" or that they will do something, but it is not known that... Don't you find it curious that this thing about the banners was mentioned so long ago?, as if they had expected someone from the community to come to them give the answer after all these years ignoring the complaints that the warrior is wrong.


"Something is better than nothing"... well as long as there are no more nerfs and buffs to other professions, of course XD


I've seen many start as warriors and end up playing something else... even other games XD


brought by google translator D:

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On 6/17/2022 at 6:08 PM, Pati.2438 said:

They dont like warrior at all so letz get another nerf done since i gues we need it xd

Boo! Get this negativity out of here. We are warriors, the enduring, unending source of optimism and good vibes! (Don’t look at our forum history, just trust me 😉)



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The thing that some people keep forgetting apparently is that you only have 3 utility slots which kinda represent your whole support kit. Thats why support warrior is just bad in Pve and I dont know how people can assume that its remotely good (and yes there are some, calling shouts fun is just...)

Playing 2 banners means you can only take 1 shout (plus 1 on heal I guess). So thats pretty bad. Priotizing shouts means you cant take PS, so you cant do group might.

You got warhorn for more fury (if traited only) and swiftness/ perma vigor (vigor only with like 60%+ boon duration). The additional effect on warhorn 4 which improves the next two attacks by 25% is kind of useless since it gets wasted on auto attacks or random aoe progs I guess? Warhorn 5 barrier isnt as great as some people make it out to be. On full magi its like 4k barrier. On a 20 second cooldown. Just for comparison: Scourge on full magi F3 is 4200 for 10 targets with no cast time on a 8,5 second cooldown. Using F1 is about 2000-2200 every 8 seconds. Mech is equally as broken. Then again warhorn could be worse (like necro, thank god it got some love).

No mainhand support weapon. No additional F keys that provide something. Elite specs add nothing either in any of their modes/utilities.

They have to adress a bit more than just banner boonspam to make this less one dimensional.

Edited by anbujackson.9564
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4 hours ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

The thing that some people keep forgetting apparently is that you only have 3 utility slots which kinda represent your whole support kit. Thats why support warrior is just bad in Pve and I dont know how people can assume that its remotely good (and yes there are some, calling shouts fun is just...)

Playing 2 banners means you can only take 1 shout (plus 1 on heal I guess). So thats pretty bad. Priotizing shouts means you cant take PS, so you cant do group might.

You got warhorn for more fury (if traited only) and swiftness/ perma vigor (vigor only with like 60%+ boon duration). The additional effect on warhorn 4 which improves the next two attacks by 25% is kind of useless since it gets wasted on auto attacks or random aoe progs I guess? Warhorn 5 barrier isnt as great as some people make it out to be. On full magi its like 4k barrier. On a 20 second cooldown. Just for comparison: Scourge on full magi F3 is 4200 for 10 targets with no cast time on a 8,5 second cooldown. Using F1 is about 2000-2200 every 8 seconds. Mech is equally as broken. Then again warhorn could be worse (like necro, thank god it got some love).

No mainhand support weapon. No additional F keys that provide something. Elite specs add nothing either in any of their modes/utilities.

They have to adress a bit more than just banner boonspam to make this less one dimensional.

I've stated before that I personally have little to no interest in support Warrior, but if such a spec is to become reality then so much the above. 


Sad thing is, you can just about say something like this for any Warrior spec in any role and/or mode game-wide.

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warrior getting so boring because they all save the good "warrior" style for all other classes

while refuse to give "magic" "stealthy" "range" style to warrior.


i've played plenty of warrior specs, specially in Japanese RPG, shiro herald/holo/willbender etc can all basically just classify as warrior, pretty sure rev was supposed to be for warrior elite spec idea before it became a new class. willbender could easily be berserker, imagine berserker with willbender f2 and f3, it would not nearly be as OP and it would actually make the spec 2x more fun.


kinda sad when all other specs can be some what warrior, even thief became mage, yet warrior can only take the weakest warrior ideas over and over, while the better warrior ideas are shared to others for elite specs.


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55 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

warrior getting so boring because they all save the good "warrior" style for all other classes

while refuse to give "magic" "stealthy" "range" style to warrior.


i've played plenty of warrior specs, specially in Japanese RPG, shiro herald/holo/willbender etc can all basically just classify as warrior, pretty sure rev was supposed to be for warrior elite spec idea before it became a new class. willbender could easily be berserker, imagine berserker with willbender f2 and f3, it would not nearly be as OP and it would actually make the spec 2x more fun.


kinda sad when all other specs can be some what warrior, even thief became mage, yet warrior can only take the weakest warrior ideas over and over, while the better warrior ideas are shared to others for elite specs.


engi, rev, and guardian can keep those styles. give me a kittening juggernaut with a 2h axe. 

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2 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

warrior getting so boring because they all save the good "warrior" style for all other classes

while refuse to give "magic" "stealthy" "range" style to warrior.


i've played plenty of warrior specs, specially in Japanese RPG, shiro herald/holo/willbender etc can all basically just classify as warrior, pretty sure rev was supposed to be for warrior elite spec idea before it became a new class. willbender could easily be berserker, imagine berserker with willbender f2 and f3, it would not nearly be as OP and it would actually make the spec 2x more fun.


kinda sad when all other specs can be some what warrior, even thief became mage, yet warrior can only take the weakest warrior ideas over and over, while the better warrior ideas are shared to others for elite specs.


It's because this community and some of its devs are hostile to a strong warrior profession. A warrior, in other RPGs, is a strong staple melee class. Not in Guild Wars 2. Warrior gets treated like a rough draft and a "jack of all trades, master of none" profession. THAT idea needs to go.

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

It's because this community and some of its devs are hostile to a strong warrior profession. A warrior, in other RPGs, is a strong staple melee class. Not in Guild Wars 2. Warrior gets treated like a rough draft and a "jack of all trades, master of none" profession. THAT idea needs to go.

Likely one of the clearest ways of looking at the situation. Though I can envision the roots of part of that this way ...


Newbie intern enters a small, unkempt room for their dev training module.

Longtime Dev: Hey, glad you made it. You're about to learn maybe one of the most important things here at Anet concerning dev work.

NI: Oh, sweet! Combat systems? Bug fixing? Competitive modes?!

LD: Intuitive - I like it. This concerns all that, but mostly that last item. Come here and take a gander while I work.

NI walks behind LD, and watches as LD seems to be feverishly rewriting code as he watches what is obviously some sort of player vs. player combat. After viewing for several moments, NI realizes the big guy with a couple of melee weapons is wrecking the other guy flailing around with a sparkly-looking staff.

NI: Who's that guy?

LD: Which one?

NI: The big one who's obviously winning.

LD: THAT, my young apprentice, is Jack, and it is our job to make sure he becomes "The Master of None" forever hereafter.

NI: Oh ... so a jack-of-all-trades type.

LD: Hah! But no, just a master of none; accomplish this, and we've squashed one of the greatest bugs to make it into the game.

NI: (Envisions a glorious career of cruel and arbitrary nerfs unfolding before them ...)


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2 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

It's because this community and some of its devs are hostile to a strong warrior profession. A warrior, in other RPGs, is a strong staple melee class. Not in Guild Wars 2. Warrior gets treated like a rough draft and a "jack of all trades, master of none" profession. THAT idea needs to go.

Basically this.

Warrior doesn't have a three/four button combo you can memorize and continually cast for the illusion of skillful play, so a lot of people equate it to a simplistic, newbie oriented class that just exists as a dumb group filler that is meant to be abandoned when players learn how the basic combat system works. Then when a warrior manages to kill them because the warrior knew the person's kit better than they did, there's a huge problem with its (damage/cc/healing/cleanse). 

As much as people try to avoid acknowledging it though, it's pretty widely accepted at this point that the current class state for Warrior is bad.  Otherwise, there would be more whining about Bladesworn, because it is specifically a more obnoxious version of healbreaker/healing signet/might makes right/adrenal health, all of which got nerfed because people were upset that they couldn't outdamage a basic class healing at 350hp per second or whatever it was. People can't whine about it without acknowledging that it's the only thing they don't immediately win against that has a warrior-associated icon right now. 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Warriors only get taken in group content for the banners unique effects.

Changing those effects to generic boons will have one of two outcomes.


1. Warrior will still be a banner slave only used for the boons the banners provide.

2. Other classes will be able to generate those boons more reliably, as well as bringing more utility and damage, thus making warrior completely obsolete. 

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11 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

warrior getting so boring because they all save the good "warrior" style for all other classes

while refuse to give "magic" "stealthy" "range" style to warrior.

To be fair, they kinda have. Berserker gets to fling rock and fire around like an elementalist if you have the right weapon and build... but it doesn't have the sustain for competitive, and it doesn't quite have the damage for instanced PvE. Spellbreaker is really grabbing a lot of magical themes from guardian and mesmer (flinging magic blades, magical shields, boonstrip, connecting an enemy with a chain to yank them towards you) but its utilities by and large suck, it's been nerfed to death in competitive, and is a selfish spec with low damage in instanced PvE. Bladesworn is essentially bringing more engineer-like stuff to the table, including a projectile block wall, but... well, dragon trigger. Fun when it works, but it makes you oh so vulnerable.

With that history, I don't think it's that they're afraid to give magic stuff to warrior. What they seem to be afraid of is making it something that's actually strong.

Rifle and longbow have been reworked often enough to indicate that they're at least trying to make ranged warrior workable, but the only thing since hambow where it's really worked is condi berserker.

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On 6/19/2022 at 5:25 PM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

It's because this community and some of its devs are hostile to a strong warrior profession. A warrior, in other RPGs, is a strong staple melee class. Not in Guild Wars 2. Warrior gets treated like a rough draft and a "jack of all trades, master of none" profession. THAT idea needs to go.

yea, what's funny is that, sure if you want to keep warrior a warrior, keep it melee and physical, even with elite specs,

unlike all other classes with elite spec giving entirely new play style.

we are fine with it, but

at least give the superior melee designs to warrior if you want to keep warrior melee and physical for all elite specs. it should have the better melee design for it being entirely melee physical for all specs

but no


i don't think the game design lead is up for the job.

also they have skills that would fit for warrior already in the game and would actually make warrior fun to play again.

like super jump, jump very high, they have these skills in story mode for so long, and maybe have give fall trait back for warrior only to combo with super jump. and it will also reduces the gap between warrior and teleport class, as super jump can jump up to edges. and change the whole pvp dynamic and will be fun to use as well

Edited by felix.2386
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Honesty I'd trust the banner update more if they would become baseline and give core warrior additional f2 f3 f4  abilities that would give pulsing quickness and perhaps the stat boost. And make it so you can carry all the banners at once on your back so you don't need to sacrifice utility slots to carry them around or be inhibited to a set location in terms of world versus world. Perhaps make it so the elite banner pulsed some stability and can be carried to provide protection and resoultion which would proc more from the defensive traitline. Other then that I think I will stick to old school shouts for commanding though lackluster they be in the life of a core warrior of almost 10 years. I shall dawn thy rubber mace and shield with plastic hammer at the ready. As I drift to simpler times to the days earthshaker would shake the very foundation of world versus world. Now it is but a quiet murmur upon the wind. If this dubs us warriors as overpowered then we shall gladly rampage in our rubber boots as we gently toe tap our foes with kick and lightly stomp our toezies upon them as we throw pillow boulders, slip and slide to gently bump our enemy to the ground.

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4 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

like super jump, jump very high, they have these skills in story mode for so long, and maybe have give fall trait back for warrior only to combo with super jump. and it will also reduces the gap between warrior and teleport class, as super jump can jump up to edges. and change the whole pvp dynamic and will be fun to use as well

That's an interesting idea. It'd probably end up having to have places it can't go, similar to how there are no-teleport spots, but it would be a fitting way for warriors to be able to handle vertical mobility. Maybe rather than have the fall trait back, make it a trait of the skill: you don't take damage from falling (or take reduced damage), but when you land you deal damage proportional to how far you fell after reaching the height of the jump. (It'd probably need to have a cap on how much damage it can potentially do, but you get the idea.)

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I still can't get over the fact that ANet said: "Warriors have been telling us for years that they don't want to be banner slaves. We hear you!"


So... They are going to rework banners. And probably tie them to the quickness support that they plan to give warrior.


The practical result of which will be.... Wait for it.... That warrior will have to take banners. 


Wouldn't it make more sense to, idk, rework shouts, or warhorn, or the tactics line if the idea was to diversify Warrior's support identity away from banners? Just saying. 

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