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Jumping puzzles deserve better rewards.

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I want them to for the sake of people who love JPs, but I have mixed feelings about it because of how easy it is to get a port for some of them and how the mostly good-natured, helpful porting culture might get marred if the rewards were too lucrative/desirable and in turn, estrange some of the people who love JPs the most.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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43 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Not anything mandatory of course, but unique skins would be nice.

I'd love a JP collection to reward a set of unique armor, or a mount skin. It'd be neat considering how underwhelming the chests at the end tend to be.

Only if mesmer portals, and anything else that allows players to port others, were not allowed.  Players also would have to complete the JP in its entirety rather than park a character at the end. 

That said, jumping puzzles do not really need additional rewards. 

Edited by mythical.6315
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Unless there was a mechanic that prevents alt farming, I don't see this being a good idea.

Right now, you have to many people who park alts at the end chest and just use them for quick login grabs.


If they fixed JPs so that on logging back in, you were sent back to the starting area of the Jumping puzzle OR a mandatory check point quota before interacting with the chest then I could see rewards getting changed. Even if it's just an unique currency that allows you to buy skins from a vendor (similar to the beetle race stuff).


You also have the issue of people griefing if the rewards are too good. You'll always have that one bad actor or guild of bad actors that don't want anyone else to have anything nice. 



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I'd rather they add some adventure-style JPs with farmable rewards a la Wintersday JP.  Those are more fun than your standard JP and can provide some solid loot.  With a currency/crafting material linked to them they could add skins to unlock as well.  I always miss those festival JPs when they're gone!  Bonus points if they can make some version of SAB available for farmable rewards!

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29 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I want them to for the sake of people who love JPs, but I have mixed feelings about it because of how easy it is to get a port for some of them and how the mostly good-natured, helpful porting culture might get marred if the rewards were too lucrative/desirable and in turn, estrange some of the people who love JPs the most.

Good point, would kind of defeat the kindness of mesmers.  Rewards would be nice e but it won't work if everyone can get there with a port.  Or they'd have to put in checkpoints to all the jumping puzzles.  Icky.

Edited by Farohna.6247
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4 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I’d rather have the unique community that has evolved around jumping puzzles than give a reason to destroy that community because the new rewards need to be protected.

Leave JPs as they are, please.

Yes because more rewards would totally ruin your little community 😏

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10 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Yes because more rewards would totally ruin your little community 😏


I didn’t say they would. I said if they would lead to measures that would (thwarting ports as has been suggested in this thread), then it’s better not to change things.

And it’s not my little community. I know you haven’t seen a mesmer porting at the time you play for months, but it’s a unique part of GW2 that has been part of it for years. No need to condescend just because you don’t encounter it.

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9 hours ago, Wolfey.3407 said:

Right now, you have to many people who park alts at the end chest and just use them for quick login grabs.


Just make it so if you log in in the area considered "inside a jumping puzzle", you're teleported back to its entrance. Pretty easy fix.

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48 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Just make it so if you log in in the area considered "inside a jumping puzzle", you're teleported back to its entrance. Pretty easy fix.

That'd be awful though. DC? All your progress lost. Person who can be teleported to? Gone. Person who has an easier time porting people through with some puzzles by leaving themself parked at the end? Gone.

If anything punishing would have to be enacted to justify making JP rewards better, it's not even remotely worth it. Especially if it could punish people who are just trying to get through it normally, without help.

Could you imagine being 3/4 of the way up Chalice of Tears and DCing only to be teleported back to the entrance?

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53 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Could you imagine being 3/4 of the way up Chalice of Tears and DCing only to be teleported back to the entrance?

There's no need to imagine because we've all had such experiences in MMOs and other games. 

But you know, DCing isn't something that's part of your regular journey. You don't DC several times a week every week.

It sucks when it happens but we shouldn't refrain from implementing measures just because they're going to suck that one time of the year when you just so happen to DC in the specific time frame during which you were completing a jumping puzzle.

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11 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

There's no need to imagine because we've all had such experiences in MMOs and other games. 

But you know, DCing isn't something that's part of your regular journey. You don't DC several times a week every week.

It sucks when it happens but we shouldn't refrain from implementing measures just because they're going to suck that one time of the year when you just so happen to DC in the specific time frame during which you were completing a jumping puzzle.

Some people do DC several times a week every week, if not more. I used to be one of them. Had a provider and connection that was pretty unreliable. I would estimate most of the time it was up, but it was down often enough consistently enough that it was a huge pain even trying to play online games sometimes.

There's also no "just because" here. I gave more than one reason for why your suggestion would have unwanted consequences.

The cost/benefit of what you're proposing makes no sense: risk alienating people from JPs by punishing and restricting ways people have done them for years so they can be justified having a little bit better rewards, or keep them as they are.

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Something like "Dungeon Frequenter"-Achievement for JP's would be nice. However it would need a protection against portals and parked alts, e.g. by turning them into "mini games" with defined start and end and limited skills while you do it. Would have the advantage that these arbitrary and often useless no-fly/mount zones could go.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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14 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Good point, would kind of defeat the kindness of mesmers.  Rewards would be nice e but it won't work if everyone can get there with a port.

It's like saying that nice rewards would not work in raids because you can be carried.

Seriously, we're not talking here about massive reward upgrade to the point where JPs would become obligatory part of farm runs. We're talking about putting a bit more nice things in there, nothing more.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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3 hours ago, HowlKamui.5120 said:

Jumping puzzles with nodes along the way would be nice. This way people are encouraged to do the whole thing instead of just port at the end, and the better you are with the JP, the more efficient you are at getting the loot!

With how many mesmers (and porting thieves) are often at the daily, you’d probably just end up with chained ports.

I’m not objecting to that, though.

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42 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's like saying that nice rewards would not work in raids because you can be carried.

Seriously, we're not talking here about massive reward upgrade to the point where JPs would become obligatory part of farm runs. We're talking about putting a bit more nice things in there, nothing more.

OP is suggesting unique skins as a collection reward, not just some extra mats.  So it would be just port, port, port, bam collection done.  No issue, those who like to try puzzles will continue, those who just want it done will port.  But a mount skin would be excessive for that..no excuse for not getting that skyscale now eh? Maybe a weapon skin, since jps are already a part of many collections..including legendaries.  

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