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Next expansion should have this.

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Please add overall more abilities for 6-10 and additionally 1-2 more ability slots. 1 heal, 3 utility and 1 mediocre elite skill feels lackluster and is not enough. Yes there are 10 more abilities through the weapons, but weapon skills most often don't feel like a class specific skill. Make more class skills, which are not dependent on the chosen profession and make more available to access. Compare your Guild Wars 1 please.


Also, for collectors which leave WoW or some other MMORPG, make more (mount)skins that are prestige through farming and not only through buying in the shop.


And moreover, please add Castbars. Generally speaking update nameplates, add custom pins for map, etc.


Thanks, I will wait till the next expansion.




Two more things to add:


1. Official DPS/Healing meter.

Preferably I would like an API like WoW offers, to program it myself.


2. Consumables that are only available with farmed mats and crafted. They have to be good and seen as necessary for endgame content to create more dynamics in the auction house.


Edited by VexOQ.2836
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I agree. There are not enough buttons to press in this game, and yes I have a Weaver.

One or two additional talent slots wouldn't hurt. Perfect balance can never be achieved, fun should always come first.


And yes, in-game activities and challenges should reward mount skins, even if there aren't that many or they're rare/difficult to obtain. 


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Honestly I think there are enough buttons in the game and I don't think it feels lacklustre, there's already a lot of customisation with traits/skills/gear/weapons. It sounds like you're suggesting a complete overhaul of the system to make it a GW1 clone.


I would love to see more mount skins available from playing the game, though.

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@OP, sounds like you should be playing elementalists and engineers with multiple kits. That'll give you plenty of buttons to mash. Otherwise, no, a build is about choices.

How is a mount skin prestigious? Maybe you should be looking at infusions, those are "prestige" items in GW2.

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1 hour ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

I agree. There are not enough buttons to press in this game, and yes I have a Weaver.

One or two additional talent slots wouldn't hurt. Perfect balance can never be achieved, fun should always come first.


And yes, in-game activities and challenges should reward mount skins, even if there aren't that many or they're rare/difficult to obtain. 


Ahhh. I purely openworld player i see.

Wanna join PvP/WvW after the change? We dont want to miss the pure chaos going on with 2 extra utilities.

A 50 man zerg where every single player can use its Rezz skill for free sounds fun.


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No ty. I am playing a game and not a piano. I like that you can face roll the keyboard in open world if you want to play casual or play serious with rotations when you want more challenge. And elementalist is a class with many skills already. Imagine playing a weaver with even more skills and a rotation the size of a novel. 

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4 hours ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

Please add overall more abilities for 6-10 and additionally 1-2 more ability slots. 1 heal, 3 utility and 1 mediocre elite skill feels lackluster and is not enough. Yes there are 10 more abilities through the weapons, but weapon skills most often don't feel like a class specific skill. Make more class skills, which are not dependent on the chosen profession and make more available to access. Compare your Guild Wars 1 please.


Also, for collectors which leave WoW or some other MMORPG, make more (mount)skins that are prestige through farming and not only through buying in the shop.


And moreover, please add Castbars. Generally speaking update nameplates, add custom pins for map, etc.


Thanks, I will wait till the next expansion.


Try elementalist, specifically weaver, but really any melee build (cause staff kinda blows). The left side abilities, it's like 4 in 1. You have 4 different elements you switch between each with their own abilities, but there's a cooldown on switching between elements too often, so you have to learn timing of things and when best to be in what element for the situation.

If you're bored with too few abilities, that's a way to be more engaged. Weaver (Path of Fire elite specialization) expands the complexity even more by having the center ability be a mixed element ability of the two elements you are most recently in, unless you fully attune, in which case it will become full element ability.

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4 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

I agree. There are not enough buttons to press in this game, and yes I have a Weaver.

You sound like you can play Sebastian Bach's fugues without effort.

People com-plain about playing the piano to be effective in this game, but you're already playing the pipe organ.  Not sure if more skills would necessarily solve your desire for challenge.

For one thing, more skills simultaneously accessible only allows for builds that are good at everything.  We already have some issues with the ability to be extremely offensive with outstanding sustain.  Throwing in more skills means that everyone would easily be full dps with all the defense they'll ever need in one build, no trade-offs.


What I would like to see, instead, is better interplay between existing skills.  The best way to do this is to revamp the combo system.  I imagine that a more robust, more complex combo system would be the thing you're looking for.  I'm assuming that it is less about just mashing buttons and more about executing high action-per-minute combos.  More skills just means more button spam.  Better combo system would get more high apm skill-based play.


If that's what you're looking for, I totally agree.  Also, teach me to play the pipe organ!

If not, please correct where I misunderstood.


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I understand the concerns of people who are already stroking on the current speed and button smashing. My background is just speedwise very high (350 eapm sc2 gm) and I think button smashing should also instead have the option to be valuable choices. With more utility choices, it enables less button smashing for 1-5 standard abilities because of choices to use the right (re)action at the right time. I understand that not everybody sees it like that, but also not everybody should be next to the leaderboards or is in the upper quantile of neocortex and cerebellum intelligence to make use of the possibilities. You will still win 50% due to matchmaking and you can still buttonsmash with 2 more abilities; but for people who can push faster, it is more satisfying to play more cognitive complex (more abilties, interactions and slots) and demanding games. Also, external factors like imbalancing (in other words, meta) further decrease these opportunities to one or two choices. Balancing is also not only outwards from class to class but also part of the class design and therefore inwards, whether all choices a class can make are on par (and this is currently not the case for the specializations as we can read in this forum everywhere). I accept that most of you won't understand, this is just because of the Gaussian curve.

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27 minutes ago, VexOQ.2836 said:

I understand the concerns of people who are already stroking on the current speed and button smashing. My background is just speedwise very high (350 eapm sc2 gm) and I think button smashing should also instead have the option to be valuable choices. With more utility choices, it enables less button smashing for 1-5 standard abilities because of choices to use the right (re)action at the right time. I understand that not everybody sees it like that, but also not everybody should be next to the leaderboards or is in the upper quantile of neocortex and cerebellum intelligence to make use of the possibilities. You will still win 50% due to matchmaking and you can still buttonsmash with 2 more abilities; but for people who can push faster, it is more satisfying to play more cognitive complex (more abilties, interactions and slots) and demanding games. Also, external factors like imbalancing (in other words, meta) further decrease these opportunities to one or two choices. Balancing is also not only outwards from class to class but also part of the class design and therefore inwards, whether all choices a class can make are on par (and this is currently not the case for the specializations as we can read in this forum everywhere). I accept that most of you won't understand, this is just because of the Gaussian curve.

Comparing gw2 and sc2 is not really possible.

One in an mmo the other rts.

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Hm...buttonsmashing = proof of higher intelligence...

Sounds like what a metagaming asura would say! I'm on to you, OP. I for one do NOT bow to our new asura overlords! Those grubby little rat-rabbit-troll-gnome-goblin...things...will never have my allegiance! I say no to more buttons! [is dragged off by the Arcane Eye] No! They're after me because I know the truth! No more buttons! GW2 doesn't need more utility slots! SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! THEY'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIIIIIIIVE.........

...ahem. Silliness aside... 😜

No, we really don't need this game to have more abilities or utility slots. I like that abilities are tied to main-hand/off-hand/two-handed weapons, and utility slots are in a good place. More would destroy any notion of builds where you need to pick the right utility for the right situation. And, yes, there is PVP/WVW balance to consider. It's hard enough to balance the skills we have now...it would be utter chaos if more were added with fewer limitations.

That said, I would like a few mount/glider skins to be earnable in achievements. That'd be nice.

Edited by Batel.9206
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Tera was like that, you could have all your skills on a bar at one time and it made the combat *very* unwieldy once you were at top level with all your skills unlocked. I went back after playing GW2 for a few years and it was just, far too much. Found myself paring down my skill bar to half of what it used to be, pruning out any skills that were too niche to be worth it, and it made battle a whole lot simpler.

Sometimes, less is more. In GW2, half of the fun is optimizing your 10 skills (and gear. and build.) to be the absolute most effective at what you do. It doesn't need to be diluted down with another batch of extra skills.

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Buttons: There are more then enough. What would it accomplish to add filler utility #3 to the bar. Morpgs like guild wars and wow for that matter are hard enough on the normal person with average finger dexterity already. In PvP/WvW it would be a balancing nightmare. In PvE endgame it would just be a thing you learn once and becomes muscle memory after a while. In addition to make the game harder for newer players for no benefit.

Class specific skills: The skill don't feel special because we have to little because we have to many. Everything becomes a blur in a perfect executed rotation.

Mount skins: I too would like that. But GW2 has no sub fees, Mount skins are one of the more rewarding things to buy and least offensive to make money off. So I'm fine with that overall.

Cast bars: Yes pls. I'm Human not an eagle. In PvP I would really like to see if mine or the opponents support guardian is using handwave #64 to give a minor heal or rezz a kitten player.

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