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End of Dragons Elite Specializations Are Overtuned


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  • Willbenders with constant blind and weakness, 5 stacks of stability, 2 additional evades, invulnerability, teleport out of sight, extreme damage.
  • Vindicators with crazy sustain, permanent dodge and blocks.
  • Virtuoso with permanent invulnerability, block and extreme condition ticks or power damage.
  • Specter with 30 000+ shroud that you cant even see properly, also stability, damage and insane mobility.
  • Condition Harbinger spews out weakness with Pistol, CPC, Lesser Enfeeble on top of every other condition.

Less severe issue that still should be addressed.

  • Bladesworn with the amount of healing it does is super unfun to play against.

Rarely see Mechanist in PvP anymore and I hope it stays that way.

Edited by Heisen.2315
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Possibly unpopular opinion, I like that the meta is heavy on EoD specs. We've been fighting core/hot/pof ones for years and it is nice to have the new ones take the spotlight at least for a few months. Eventually bring them inline with the old ones but for now its still kinda new and more interesting than same old same old.

I should add that EoD specs aren't nearly as oppressive as the other two expansions were in their primes. I do find harbinger in particular obnoxious to go against but compared to stuff like release scourge, sb, herald, etc. it's pretty tame.

Edited by ArthurDent.9538
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4 hours ago, Heisen.2315 said:
  • Willbenders with constant blind and weakness, 5 stacks of stability, 2 additional evades, invulnerability, teleport out of sight, extreme damage.
  • Vindicators with crazy sustain, permanent dodge and blocks.
  • Virtuoso with permanent invulnerability, block and extreme condition ticks or power damage.
  • Specter with 30 000+ shroud that you cant even see properly, also stability, damage and insane mobility.
  • Condition Harbinger spews out weakness with Pistol, CPC, Lesser Enfeeble on top of every other condition.

Less severe issue that still should be addressed.

  • Bladesworn with the amount of healing it does is super unfun to play against.

Rarely see Mechanist in PvP anymore and I hope it stays that way.

No surprise here. This is post-expansion powercreep to sell and market the expansion. Pay no attention to how overpowered all of this is, you can have a special bonus reduction of End of Dragons for -30% off! Also, please like and subscribe! (don't do it...)

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43 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

No surprise here. This is post-expansion powercreep to sell and market the expansion. 

The things for me is...the specs we have now are not what Anet wanted to release at all...


Anet had the specs in their respective beta 1s.


Players complaied about them being to week. "Why would I play this?", "It needs buffs to be viable", "trash compared to what we already have..." Etc. Only a few were reasonably strong. 


So what did Anet do? They did what people say they don't do. They listened and buffed the specs in one way or another. Some of the reasonable ideas, not the I dont like it please rodo from the ground up, from players  in the suggestion threads were directly implemented.


And here we are. 


Anet didn't make the specs to be OP so people would buy the expansion. In fact they made them mostly weak/ balanced / "too fair" compared to PoF and HoT specs. Look at the first beta time spans of the respective feedback threads. Almost all of them are negative and say make it stronger in one way or another. 


For me it's more a be careful what you wish for. 


I remember before Willbender got buffed, along with base guard. People mocked it hard, said it needed buffs to be even remotely playable and not a grief pick for your team by forcing them to be 4v5 the entire game. Now look where we are. 


It's very hard to say "Anet made then OP to sell expacs" when players were the ones saying buff these or I won't play them.


Anet: Here are the new specs. 

Players: These are trash. Buff or no point in them at all. 

Anet: Ok. 

Players: Of course they made then OP to sell expacs lol. 

Anet: ...



Edit: before anyone comes at me with a "but my class..." Or " well I didn't ask for X" ... I'm talking in a general sense. 





Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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I think a lot of people forget the meta how it was before. The game was nerfed af and got pretty boring. 

Im not saying the new specs are in balance with the old one or fine, dont get me wrong. 

Still we should be carefully with our wishes for nerfs and should hope more for buffs. 

Things like harb elite or grav well need a nerf for sure. But i rather the old specs being buffed to deal dmg again, maybe have old traitlines reworked again (300 sec cd traits that trigger 2x a match wtf) and things like dagger dagger on thief made viable again. 

All i can say is, for the first time in years the meta is somehow enjoyable again if you play a eod spec. The trick now is to make the old specs enjoyable again and bring in some sort of balance. Mostlikely with buffs, not with nerfing the fun stuff to be unenjoyable again.

In this state of the game, nerfs should happen only for the things that enable a non-skillbased gameplay (elite elixir on harb, endless stability on cata ect.)

But i start repeating myself. 


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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:



We starting to realize virtuoso isn't trashcan on the forums now?


I still don't think virtuoso is overtuned.  Personally, I feel it's on the level of holo/reaper/herald, and only if it's played well.  It's also the only non-terrible mesmer build, so probably best to leave it alone.

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3 minutes ago, thepolishman.2348 said:


I still don't think virtuoso is overtuned.  Personally, I feel it's on the level of holo/reaper/herald, and only if it's played well.  It's also the only non-terrible mesmer build, so probably best to leave it alone.

Agreed. It's not overtuned and doesn't deserve nerfing.

Its just really strange people are pretending its nonfunctional. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 6/19/2022 at 12:24 PM, Heisen.2315 said:
  • Willbenders with constant blind and weakness, 5 stacks of stability, 2 additional evades, invulnerability, teleport out of sight, extreme damage.
  • Vindicators with crazy sustain, permanent dodge and blocks.
  • Virtuoso with permanent invulnerability, block and extreme condition ticks or power damage.
  • Specter with 30 000+ shroud that you cant even see properly, also stability, damage and insane mobility.
  • Condition Harbinger spews out weakness with Pistol, CPC, Lesser Enfeeble on top of every other condition.

Less severe issue that still should be addressed.

  • Bladesworn with the amount of healing it does is super unfun to play against.

Rarely see Mechanist in PvP anymore and I hope it stays that way.

Didn’t even mention cata. Love it.

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Hm, with the EoD elite specs, the amount of professions and specializations is just too much to keep track of. I can remember what 9 different professions do, playing against them, how they function and what their dangers are to me as ele. And to my own surprise I somewhat managed to keep track of what I can expect of the HoT and PoF elite specs. But with the additional EoD ones it's just too much.


I now Just focus on my own Tempest skills and still happily play ranked at silver/gold leagues.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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4 hours ago, Poelala.2830 said:

It has it.

In what aspect? I mean, it had a gimmick in PvP for a bit that was quickly nerfed, but that was about it. For any instanced PvE content Soulbeast is still a better choice. Maybe open world solo play? But even there I can do just as well with a celestial condi Druid and actually provide some benefit to other players as well if I'm at some group event. Untamed is nowhere near the level of strait up powerhouse upgrade that some of the other classes received. 

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5 hours ago, Poelala.2830 said:

Didn’t even mention cata. Love it.

Getting one shot by hammer Catalyst in Fire attunement is pretty dumb yes but I guess that's because I don't know how it works, I guess.

Edited by Heisen.2315
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11 minutes ago, Heisen.2315 said:

Getting one shot by hammer Catalyst in Fire attunement is pretty dumb yes but I guess that's because I don't know how it works, I guess.

w00w! someone actually thinking about the possibility that a EoD build is not overpowered, but you rather dont understand how it works yet!!!  


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On 6/19/2022 at 10:37 PM, ArthurDent.9538 said:

Possibly unpopular opinion, I like that the meta is heavy on EoD specs. We've been fighting core/hot/pof ones for years and it is nice to have the new ones take the spotlight at least for a few months. Eventually bring them inline with the old ones but for now its still kinda new and more interesting than same old same old.

I should add that EoD specs aren't nearly as oppressive as the other two expansions were in their primes. I do find harbinger in particular obnoxious to go against but compared to stuff like release scourge, sb, herald, etc. it's pretty tame.

100% only small tweaks id do is increase f1f2f3 virtues cd by 5-10sec on wb.


harb just nerf death magic tankiness.


then buff core/hot specs. 

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2 minutes ago, sentient.2081 said:

100% only small tweaks id do is increase f1f2f3 virtues cd by 5-10sec on wb.

not enough.

As long as they can 100% reset the cooldowns with ultimate... the real Cooldowns dont matter that much.

the f skills should no longer be ammo skills / OR the ultimate should only reset 50% of the remaining cooldown.

Some powercoefficients also need to go down. not much just -0.2 on some skills. Damage is absurd... and no CD change on f skills will change that.

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On 19/6/2022 at 23:39, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Para mí, las especificaciones que tenemos ahora no son las que Anet quería lanzar en absoluto...


Anet tenía las especificaciones en sus respectivas beta 1.


Los jugadores se quejaron de que estaban a la semana. "¿Por qué jugaría esto?", "Necesita mejoras para ser viable", "basura en comparación con lo que ya tenemos...", etc. Solo unos pocos eran razonablemente fuertes. 


Entonces, ¿qué hizo Anet? Hicieron lo que la gente dice que no hacen. Escucharon y mejoraron las especificaciones de una forma u otra. Algunas de las ideas razonables, no el No me gusta, por favor rodó desde cero, de los jugadores en los hilos de sugerencias se implementaron directamente.


Y aquí estamos. 


Anet no hizo que las especificaciones fueran OP para que la gente comprara la expansión. De hecho, los hicieron en su mayoría débiles / equilibrados / "demasiado justos" en comparación con las especificaciones PoF y HoT. Mire los primeros intervalos de tiempo beta de los hilos de comentarios respectivos. Casi todos son negativos y dicen que lo hagan más fuerte de una forma u otra. 


Para mí es más un cuidado con lo que deseas. 


Recuerdo antes de que pulieran a Willbender, junto con el guardia base. La gente se burló mucho, dijo que necesitaba mejoras para ser jugable incluso de forma remota y no una elección dolorosa para su equipo al obligarlos a ser 4v5 durante todo el juego. Ahora mira donde estamos. 


Es muy difícil decir "Anet hizo entonces OP para vender expacs" cuando los jugadores eran los que decían mejorar estos o no los jugaría.


Anet: Aquí están las nuevas especificaciones. 

Jugadores: Estos son basura. Buff o sin sentido en ellos en absoluto. 

Anet: Está bien. 

Jugadores: Por supuesto que hicieron OP para vender expacs lol. 

Una red: ...



Editar: antes de que alguien venga a mí con un "pero mi clase ..." O "bueno, no pedí X" ... estoy hablando en un sentido general. 






It is not that they improved them, but that they nerfed all the other specifications on the same day, otherwise they would have nerfed them, the pvp would be more even, that is if anet had not sold a lot of EOD

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

not enough.

As long as they can 100% reset the cooldowns with ultimate... the real Cooldowns dont matter that much.

the f skills should no longer be ammo skills / OR the ultimate should only reset 50% of the remaining cooldown.

Some powercoefficients also need to go down. not much just -0.2 on some skills. Damage is absurd... and no CD change on f skills will change that.

No start small and then iterate further. All i hear from ppl is nerf dmg of harb,wb,untamed etc and we gonna go back to tanky snoozefest. 


stuff doesnt get blown up unless u dont press a single button and close ur eyes

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Gw2 history:
Core - Tamed with few outliners here and there.
HoT - Powercreeped game into hell, core barely usable, nerfed a bit to "reasonable" levels before PoF release.
PoF - Powercreeped game into hell even more than HoT, core worthless, HoT usable, nerfed a bit before EoD release.
EoD - Powercreeped game into hell even more than both HoT and PoF with even lazier design, core worthless beyond saving, HoT barely usable, PoF usable, still not nerfed.
I don't know about you guys, but I start to see some pattern here...

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22 minutes ago, sentient.2081 said:

No start small and then iterate further. All i hear from ppl is nerf dmg of harb,wb,untamed etc and we gonna go back to tanky snoozefest. 


stuff doesnt get blown up unless u dont press a single button and close ur eyes

agreed no one wants a snoozefest. But simply adding +5 seconds on those skills will not change anything. As long as they are ammoskills and can be completly reseted.

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