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are there even other runes besides Divinity/Dolyak/Orr/Soldier/Fighter/Lynx?


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These are the only runes that ever see play. Maybe your occasional Rune of the Eagle at some point... but thats about it.

I think its time to buff some of the others to get a bit of diversity. There is runes that make no sense whatsoever... looking at you Exuberance!

The next "Big Patch" is mayb a good time to think about amulett and rune diversity to spice pvp up a bit.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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  • Sahne.6950 changed the title to are there even other runes besides Divinity/Dolyak/Orr/Soldier/Fighter/Lynx?
1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

are there other runes? 90% of builds use one of these runes, with your occasional Fighter rune and maybe Lynx if someone is missing swiftness.... but thats it.

I think its time to buff some of the others to get a bit of diversity. There is runes that make no sense whatsoever... looking at you Exuberance!

I imagine that the devs theorycraft potential problems when they make the runes, but mostly everyone wants to run the highest dps amulet with some vitality and a little everything else.


i play zerk/scholar...lmao

Edited by Crab Fear.8623
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2 minutes ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

I imagine that the devs theorycraft potential problems when they make the runes, but mostly everyone wants to run the highest dps amulet with some vitality and a little everything else.


i play zerk/scholar...lmao

yeah scholar / Eagle might see play when someone tries to go for max dps... but even that is rare nowadays. almost all powerbuilds use Berserker/Divinity.

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The first one that comes to mind is Radiance on Heal Tempest. 

A few of them see niche use on Offmeta builds. 

Ice on Condi Rev

Svanir on Elementalist (chill immune build)

Herald on Prot Holo

Balthazar or Forge on burning builds

Flock on off meta supports (The non-shout variety)


If some of these builds got some love we'd see rune diversity increase as well. We definitely need more rune options in PvP though. More amulets as well. 


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People will always pick the strongest rune and they can't all be strong.  There's a limit to how many are meta, which is why you see certain ones on most builds, but the other options aren't far behind.  It's pretty much always been this way in the best of times or with a shorter list of runes in the worst of times.

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I like speed on any rev spec cause we have almost 100% swiftness uptime. 

im tempted to try adventurer with vindicator for the endurance boost.


I actually ran exuberance with valk amulet for a little while! It gave me slightly more crit or power than divinity did, I don’t recall which stat it boosts. 

but most of the time I run divinity. I wish there was a more power specific rune with 10% health bonus. I think the rest are all condi/healing runes. 

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Runes are actually pretty good, its sigils that are bad. For any given build you have maybe 2-3 sigil options, and in most builds at least one slot will always be dedicated to some type of cleanse.


PvP build options are overall quite bad compared to WvW (though I wish I had Demolisher stats there..).


It gives the illusion of creating balance by restricting powercreep, but all it really does is hurt diversity and turn entire matches into predictable copypasta, which makes balance worse rather than better since what works best-in-slot will almost always come out on top.


True balance is when you have enough noise to make adaptability the determining skill factor.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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