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You get to add 3 new classes, which do you pick?


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One per armor type, of course.


My personal wishlist: 

Light: A standard magician, an master of the arcane. The Elementalist focuses on raw elements, I'd like something more "neat & clean", more sophisticated. A book nerd with stylish casting circles, similar to those in the Harbinger's shroud visual effects.

Medium: I'd love a standard monk class. I know Daredevil was supposed to scratch that itch, but it really doesn't. It doesn't help that Staff daredevil is pretty useless in PvP, along with the talents that come with it. I won't lie, I also kind of miss my Mistweaver from WoW. 

Heavy: A nature-oriented,  plate wearing caster could be refreshing and innovative. I dig the aesthetics of a Sylvari in heavy cultural armor shooting vines in the ground and whipping enemies with them from range. Or encasing himself in a wooden trunk to become immune and provide stability/regen to allies nearby? Growing thorns on himself and hurt attacking enemies? So many cool concepts you can come up with.


Your turn. 

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Light armor: Generic mage and the spells can let you pick if you want to he a light or dark mage or just arcane in specific matters like summoner and caster. So you can be anything without being tied to an alignment (Like necromancer mostly assumed to be around evil alignments).


Medium Armor: Shooter that only focuses on ranged weapons such as bows and guns and his whole ordeal is that you can do trick shots and stat changing effects or even buff yourself to do fast attack speed. Basically allowing the player to go between being fancy, between being a machine gun turret or by trying to pull a super shot that could destroy most of PvE enemies in little effort. (Bonus points if we could have something similar to Hanzo from Overwatch where we just shoot a flying animal out of an profession skill to hurt anything in it's path).


Heavy armor: Cavalier, where you mostly fight on a class specific mount that allows you to actually fight and STAY on it, with a few skills on the side when unmounted. Meaning you're meant to be the first to engage and trample enemies while maintaining speed and momentum. Basically if mounts were more than just engage tools or convenient travel. (Would say it should be tied to buying path of fire to avoid people using this class as a free way to travel without using mounts)

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I think we're good on classes, so I'd just introduce specs for the existing professions.

- Ghost-themed Necromancer (Essentially a Ritualist, but with a respectful relationship to the dead they partner with)
- Plant-themed Ranger (Druid/Untamed is not this, sorry; Also, I'd introduce the whip as a weapon and let this spec slap people with vines)
- Brawler Warrior (Dual-gauntlet/fists as primary weapon, kicks and bodyslams as secondaries)

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The thing is that 3 new professions mean 3 new and "unique" main mechanism. Personally I think I'd go with:

- Light armor: I'd go with a Skald archetype. A "rage bar" that fuel it's weapon skills like initiative fuel thief's skills and as main mechanic songs (e-specs would simply change the song).

- Medium armor: let's go with Musketeer. The main mechanism would be a kit like ability that allow him to get it's musket (e-specs change the musket form: 1st spec would be a gunslinger with double pistol, 2nd spec would focus on melee making use of a bayonnet at the muzzle of the musket, 3rd spec could replace the musket with a chaarzooka... etc.).

- Heavy armor: Let's try a Runesmith. The profession would have 4 F skills that work as mantra used to work. For flavor, we will say that by using these F skills he engrave some runes onto it's weapons or armor. Core could use runes of conjuration while the specs would get their own type of runes from D&D (abjuration, enchantment, illusion, conjuration, necromancy, trasmutation)


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Fashionista - No skills, but can mix and match pieces of all three armor types. Gets killed by ambient bunnies, but OP in Fashion Wars.

Doppelgänger - You have the skills, gear, and traits of whatever enemy you target as long as you have them targeted.

Quagganmancer - Summon and direct an army of Quaggan.





First elite spec for Quagganmancer will be Skrittmancer.


Edited by Gibson.4036
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16 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I would rather have them trying to start attempting to balance the game, rather than them introducing more professions that wouldn't receive much care.

The boring answer we all expected.

StarCraft II has only 3 races, with a balance of about 51/49 winrate, and the community still complains about balance on a daily basis.

True balance can never be achieved, and if you do want perfect balance in a PvP game, I suggest you play Pong. 

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54 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

True balance can never be achieved

If you had read closely, you would have noticed that I want Arenanet to try balancing the game.

It's not about achieving "perfect" balance, but about trying to make everything close to equally viable, which Arenanet currently refuses to.

We don't need another three professions with lackluster elite specializations that are stupidly underpowered in comparison to the love children that are Guardian and Necromancer.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Sadly I don't think they will ever add new professions. Besides that, the general opinion of the community seems to be against it anyways, for whatever reason. The main arguments are balance and money/effort required. While I can agree with the 2nd, the first point just makes no sense, as the game is unbalanced anyways and it isn't suddenly gonna become unbalanced with introduction of new professions (though let's be real it can become more unbalanced than it is, though only for a short period of time).


The same community keeps arguing how adding Elite specs is enough, how every class fantasy/identity already exists, and how you can get every new idea through new elite specs. Elite specs are still tied to the core class in some way, so you will never get a truly unique class with a new elite spec. All 3 of Mesmer's elite specs are really similar in a lot of ways - their F1-F3 keys do pretty much the same thing on all specs (F1 power dmg, F2 condi, F3 daze/cc). Guardian applies burning on F1, heals on F2, def boons on F3 across all 3 specs - though the abilities itself are different and Firebrand introduces whole new skill bars, but the general class idea is the same. Revenant has to manage energy and switches between 2 legends on all 3 elite specs.
Unless they decide to completely transform a class with an elite spec, by either getting rid of core mechanics and changing them for something new, and/or changing the weapon abilities to something completely new, then asking for a new profession will always make sense. This especially makes sense, because even with the new elite specs, the weapons (and with that the main class abilities) you use are often going to be the same that you were already using before. 
The whole class/weapon system is my main criticism of the game anyways, I'd really love the ability to change weapon skills, just like we can change our heal/utility/elite skills.

But with that being said, here's what they could add.

Light Armor: I'd agree with an Arcane Mage.

Medium Armor: A bard of sorts. Generally a class that focuses on instruments, songs, chords, etc. to deal damage or provide boons or heals.

Heavy Armor: Something closer to a Holy Warrior/Paladin. For me, Guardian just doesn't fit in there in any way. I'd like to see more of "holy" looking abilities, barriers...Instead, we have a blue fire type of class.

If you feel like Guardian fulfills that Paladin role, then a Cleric type of class, that would focus on holy magic, light beams, auras or lightning strikes, barriers, etc. could work in the Light Armor class.

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Gonna be real original hear and go with the remaining 3 from Guild Wars 1. Dervish and paragon are cool unique classes, and ritualist is my baby. 


Ritualist for light armor. I want my ghost stuff. I want to bind ghosts, have real spirit weapons, and I want glowing cyan effects. Less blood and guts necromancer, and more poltergeist spooky dude. And no, ritualist shall never be a necro espec. they historically hate each other. 

Dervish for medium armor. I play rev and like it, but tbh dervish's theme and role and everything was a lot more cohesive and edgy. You're basically a pious monk invoking these mysterious and powerful gods and going around slicing heads off. Rev is cool, but the "legends" are all kinda bland and not to be lame but kinda wish they were a little bit edgier. Summon st. viktor and archy feels like you're summoning two old bickering geezer's and the greatsword seems to have nothing to do with them. Kalla is just some walking cat lady. Ok I'm going to skip some, but shiro, mallyx, and glint are the only cools ones to me. Maybe jalis too, I like his skills a lot. Those three are the only ones with inhuman strength for the most part, they are something more powerful than the person invoking them which makes more sense to me. Idk, Rev just seems way to all over the board conceptually that it doesn't feel very cohesive a lot of the time. 

Paragon for heavy. honestly would be cool If they made it like Jayce from League of legends, instead of a weapon swap, they have a combat style swap, so for example if they had a land spear, one mode would be throwing it, but if they weapon swapped it could go melee. You could make it so there is no recharge on swap (maybe 1-2seconds) so you can freely change back and forth. The disadvantage would be being stuck with one weapon, if you want one fighting style then you are also stuck with the second. They could have some sorta shot skill as the mechanic.

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22 hours ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

And no, ritualist shall never be a necro espec. they historically hate each other. 

No they don't. There were one or two quests where a ritualist got frustrated at a necromancer leaving their minions wandering around. There were also a few quests where other necromancers were frustrated at a rogue necromancer leaving minions wandering around. There may have been some rivalry, but we also saw rivalry between mesmers and elementalists, and some ended up marrying.

There's both fluff and crunch indicating that necromancers have expanded into the spectral realm since GW1.

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8 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

No they don't. There were one or two quests where a ritualist got frustrated at a necromancer leaving their minions wandering around. There were also a few quests where other necromancers were frustrated at a rogue necromancer leaving minions wandering around. There may have been some rivalry, but we also saw rivalry between mesmers and elementalists, and some ended up marrying.

There's both fluff and crunch indicating that necromancers have expanded into the spectral realm since GW1.

I guess I shouldn't have said hated. But I always got the vibe that they disagreed on methods and that ritualist revered spirits and their ancestors and that's how they draw from the spirit realm, while necromancers are more about defilement and don't really care about that stuff so much. A much more selfish vibe. They don't really work with the dead in the same context, but more-so draw their power from dark magic and mess with the dead that way. Not canon or nothing, but that's my interpretation. In my opinion its like trying to compare guardians holy magic and producing fire compared to elementalist conjuring fire from elemental magic. Similar results, totally different methodology. Also ritualist magic is pre-god magic while necromancers use god magic which I imagine has slight implications. 

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   Heavy: Either DIII's Crusader or BDO's Nova. Vindi should have been a Drakania, by the way.

   Medium: This is easy, the Striker from BDO or Lost Ark. GW2 just lacks a mele based, combo focused martial artist. Closest thing right now are some aura based Elementalist, but the feeling is entirely different.

   Light: The Sage from BDO; a magic user centered around forcefields and telekinesis. Tons of AoE ranged attacks which looks magic, instead of  "Ele goes mele" for fourth time on a row...

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6 hours ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

I guess I shouldn't have said hated. But I always got the vibe that they disagreed on methods and that ritualist revered spirits and their ancestors and that's how they draw from the spirit realm, while necromancers are more about defilement and don't really care about that stuff so much. A much more selfish vibe. They don't really work with the dead in the same context, but more-so draw their power from dark magic and mess with the dead that way. Not canon or nothing, but that's my interpretation. In my opinion its like trying to compare guardians holy magic and producing fire compared to elementalist conjuring fire from elemental magic. Similar results, totally different methodology. Also ritualist magic is pre-god magic while necromancers use god magic which I imagine has slight implications. 

Depends on the individuals in question. There are/were some that have reverant attitudes towards the dead and see themselves as shepherds, while there have been ritualists that see the dead merely as tools to be used. EoD in particular demonstrates this fairly starkly, where it's the Speaker ritualists committing atrocities against the dead while necromancer Marjory is horrified at what they're doing.

Regarding 'god magic' - that's not really a thing with either of the classes. Human necromancers first appeared after the gods unlocked the Bloodstone, with Desmina being taught by Grenth... but necromancer magic is still of Tyrian origin and can be used independently of the gods (Grenth's blessing could augment necromancer magic, but he blessed ritualists as well). Ritualists technically existed before the Bloodstone was unlocked... but An Empire Divided makes it clear that ritualists received a big power boost from the magic of the bloodstones, and that it's unclear if any of the pre-Bloodstone practices survived.

The only real barrier is if Ritualists drew from a different bloodstone than Necromancers (personally, I think they drew from Preservation, while necromancers drew from Aggression). However, that's a distinction that's much less important in modern Tyria, and even if it does remain, theoretically any pre-Bloodstone practices could be absorbed into any profession. 

Now, I would say that it's certainly likely that we'd get a much deeper recreation of the ritualist concept if it came as a full profession rather than an elite specialisation bolted onto another profession. More weapons, more utility skills, its own traits, a profession mechanic that isn't repackaged from an existing profession's mechanic, etc, etc. But there's really no lore barrier to a necromancer picking up a bit (more) ritualist magic in an elite specialisation (N/Rt was something you could do in GW1, after all), and I think the core of necromancer does bring a lot of things that make it more suitable as a basis for a ritualist elite specialisation than most. Especially if the elite specialisation allowed for some graphical alterations to existing skills.

If we were to have additional professions somehow, then yeah, ritualist would probably be near the top of my list. Outside of that, though, necromancer is a fairly solid foundation for a ritualist-themed elite specialisation. (Although it could probably also work on elementalist, ranger, and/or guardian.)

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Light: Elementalist - I'm imagining some sort of high-fantasy wizard class It would be difficult to play, but should be able to be versatile and effective in most scenarios


Medium: Thief - Your standard rogue-esque class that relies of poke and prodding. Might be a bit frustrating in PvP and WvW, but is a niche that is missing in PvE right now.


Heavy: Warrior - It's kinda funny how GW2 is missing the archetypal MMO class, nothing much more needs to be said.

Edited by Eclipse.4295
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