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New playeable races

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7 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

Honestly now i really wanna see them releasing a new playable races, not because if i liked to play any new race myself in this game, but just because i would enjoy watching some people on this forum start losing their minds about it

I have a happy spot in my heart every time I see someone write, “I argued against mounts, but once we got them I changed my mind.”

The cool thing is they lost the argument, but ended up winners in the end.


Please note, I’m not saying mounts and a new race are equivalent. Just noting the satisfaction of looking back at old arguments that turned out well for most people in the end.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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26 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I have a happy spot in my heart every time I see someone write, “I argued against mounts, but once we got them I changed my mind.”

The cool thing is they lost the argument, but ended up winners in the end.


Please note, I’m not saying mounts and a new race are equivalent. Just noting the satisfaction of looking back at old arguments that turned out well for most people.

I can guarantee it would be the same story here too. Idk you just cant take seriously what people are saying in forums.. this post isnt an exception, if u look at how some people react to a balance patches too its like they understand those in the opposite way, and then despite spec beeing buffed it ends up in a million complaints how they "nerfed it" xd

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18 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

My one question to you is: What value does adding a new playable race bring to the game to justify the additional costs?  To add a little more to this, I'm referring to something that couldn't be achieved without the race itself being playable.


This is kind of hard to quantify. Does a new race open up new possibilities in gameplay? No. But it doesn't need to. If I was no longer playing GW2, adding a new race to an expansion is much more likely to bring me back than adding fishing or boats. There will be other people for whom the opposite is true; with smaller expansions in future, they'll need to mix it up so that people aren't skipping too many in a row, or they'll fall away from the game entirely.


There's also the possibility of attracting new players by adding an extra race, but I think that's a little harder for GW2 because the obvious choices are fairly unique to the game. There may be people who never played GW2 because it had no races that interested them, but I'd imagine they're looking for fantasy staples like elves or dwarves, which ANet would have to abandon all respect for their world building to add.

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4 hours ago, Ben K.6238 said:


This is kind of hard to quantify. Does a new race open up new possibilities in gameplay? No. But it doesn't need to. If I was no longer playing GW2, adding a new race to an expansion is much more likely to bring me back than adding fishing or boats. There will be other people for whom the opposite is true; with smaller expansions in future, they'll need to mix it up so that people aren't skipping too many in a row, or they'll fall away from the game entirely.


There's also the possibility of attracting new players by adding an extra race, but I think that's a little harder for GW2 because the obvious choices are fairly unique to the game. There may be people who never played GW2 because it had no races that interested them, but I'd imagine they're looking for fantasy staples like elves or dwarves, which ANet would have to abandon all respect for their world building to add.

The likelihood of a new race being the determining factor as to whether someone new starts playing the game, or a previous player picking it up again, is marginal at best.  When I say determining factor, I'm referring to players who would not be playing if the new race wasn't introduced.  How likely are you to pick up playing WoW if they added a dragon race if you previously were not interested in playing that game?  Given GW2's marketing, you probably wouldn't even hear about it if you weren't already keeping up with the game whether it be to start playing it or to come back. 

Those that they do happen to attract would unlikely to even come close to covering the costs to implement the new race as well as the costs to maintain it going forward.  We're looking at an additional 6 skin variations for every armor set as well as several new voice actors for each gender to list a couple of the costs.

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On 3/11/2023 at 2:24 PM, mythical.6315 said:

The likelihood of a new race being the determining factor as to whether someone new starts playing the game, or a previous player picking it up again, is marginal at best.

I'm not confident that that's true - I've seen people saying precisely that on Facebook (returning players, though, not new ones). My anecdotes are not a replacement for hard data, of course (how many of these people really are there?), but they do make me question the "no-one really cares" narrative.

Whether it's enough for the benefits to outweigh the costs is a question I absolutely cannot answer, though.

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8 hours ago, Sirius.4510 said:

I'm not confident that that's true - I've seen people saying precisely that on Facebook (returning players, though, not new ones). My anecdotes are not a replacement for hard data, of course (how many of these people really are there?), but they do make me question the "no-one really cares" narrative.

Whether it's enough for the benefits to outweigh the costs is a question I absolutely cannot answer, though.

So you’re saying that there’s a greater than marginal number of players who would come back only for a new race and would not have if there wasn’t?

Edited by mythical.6315
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If ANet had allowed you to choose your character's voice instead of making voice actors race-specific, they could have had the freedom to come out with new races like most MMOs. But they dug themselves into a hole with an early design decision, and it would be extremely expensive to make a new race and having to record two new voice actors over every line in the game.

But... if they updated character creation to allow us to choose our voice, maybe with a pitch modulator like many games have, they could make a new race and "only" have the armor issue remaining. I think many of us would accept a new race with limited armor options over never getting to play as Tengu or Largos.

This request is made so often, I really hate seeing people spit on it with their arguments for why it'll never happen. Y'all know you want new races too and are just bitter. Think outside the box a little.

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4 minutes ago, Anonynja.3172 said:

This request is made so often, I really hate seeing people spit on it with their arguments for why it'll never happen. Y'all know you want new races too and are just bitter. Think outside the box a little.

I don't want new races.  New races don't add anything of value to the game, in my opinion.  I'd prefer Anet spend their resources on other things that would have a more substantial impact to the game and a larger portion of the player base.

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2 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I don't want new races.  New races don't add anything of value to the game, in my opinion.  I'd prefer Anet spend their resources on other things that would have a more substantial impact to the game and a larger portion of the player base.

That's okay. This request gets brought up so often because obviously a huge portion of the playerbase DOES want new playable races. ANet can do multiple things. Like, I don't play WvW. But I'm not poopooing on everyone's requests for WvW to get attention. This is a theme park MMO, everybody's got their favorite rides and the ones they don't care about.

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As much as I'd love to see Tengu and Skritt as playable races, that's not going to happen, Anet already struggles enough as it is to make GW2 a decent game and how much they struggle to model armour decently for non-humanoid races, it's just not likely. (Just look at the Charrs) It's much more likely that new races will be playable in a sequel to this game. There's already hints that they may be making a GW3 and even then, I dunno how likely it is for a new race to be added.

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4 hours ago, Anonynja.3172 said:

because obviously a huge portion of the playerbase DOES want new playable races.

Not sure that's so obivous, similarly like I'm not sure it really is "a huge portion of the playerbase" in the first place.
Seems like a negligible value in terms of impacting the gameplay and if I had a choice between anet creating new race along with making it compatibile with the past outfits/armor skins vs them adding even half of a new map or some more group content or another set of especs ooor adding more weapon types compatibility for the current classes/especs, it's an easy choice for me. It's quite literally anything but a new race.

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On 7/4/2022 at 2:42 AM, kharmin.7683 said:


1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Not sure that's so obivous, similarly like I'm not sure it really is "a huge portion of the playerbase" in the first place.
Seems like a negligible value in terms of impacting the gameplay and if I had a choice between anet creating new race along with making it compatibile with the past outfits/armor skins vs them adding even half of a new map or some more group content or another set of especs ooor adding more weapon types compatibility for the current classes/especs, it's an easy choice for me. It's quite literally anything but a new race.

The first responses to this post chastized OP for repeating such a frequent request. Same trend on reddit. You are of course free to disagree with prioritizing a new race, but the truth is lots of people want it.

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6 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I don't want new races.  New races don't add anything of value to the game, in my opinion.  I'd prefer Anet spend their resources on other things that would have a more substantial impact to the game and a larger portion of the player base.

Sure. It's not like this is a role-playing game or anything where character creation and fashion are a huge part of the player experience. Choosing your race is only the first choice you make with major consequences for storyline and experience. How could a sixth option possibly add value? 😛

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7 hours ago, Anonynja.3172 said:

That's okay. This request gets brought up so often because obviously a huge portion of the playerbase DOES want new playable races. ANet can do multiple things. Like, I don't play WvW. But I'm not poopooing on everyone's requests for WvW to get attention. This is a theme park MMO, everybody's got their favorite rides and the ones they don't care about.

Please cite your source for "huge portion of the playerbase".

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11 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

So you’re saying that there’s a greater than marginal number of players who would come back only for a new race and would not have if there wasn’t?

I'm saying there might be. But I don't have proof. If the people I saw are signs of a wider trend, then it might be enough to make a material difference to sales figures (which I assume is what "greater than marginal" means). If I just saw a handful of unicorns, then no.

Ultimately it's up to ArenaNet to figure out from their data whether there is anything to do here. There's no point in me trying to tell them what to do, because I don't really know anything. I can tell them what I'm interested in, and other players can do the same, and they can figure things out from there. Similarly, I don't see any point telling people they're wrong for requesting things. It's ArenaNet's job to make that decision, not mine.

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12 hours ago, Anonynja.3172 said:

Think outside the box a little.

The inside the box element here is the request for a feature, such as a new race, as is done elsewhere. Outside the box would be, "other games use new races to encourage players to replay existing content, what can we do instead?"

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