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New playeable races

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A good diversity on races makes fantasy games more deep and mystic. I would love to play some other races like dwarfs, frogs, tengus, kodas as some examples and if its possible with its own locations/cities/lore.


  Please make it real for upcoming expansions.💗

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There is 2 big issues with adding new races:

1 - You have to probably add the new race in a new region of the expansion, so you will need to create like at least 5 leveling maps just to lvl that race to lvl 80. Thats a lot of freaking work just for leveling maps. Unless you added in core tyria and use old leveling maps which wud be well.

2 - You have to spend x2 more voice actors in EN, GER, FR and Chinesse (not sure about korean) for that new race, and voice act all that has been previously voiced in the game, which is crazyyyyyy

Nontheless would like to see it.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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4 hours ago, Ruisenior.6342 said:

A good diversity on races makes fantasy games more deep and mystic. I would love to play some other races like dwarfs, frogs, tengus, kodas as some examples and if its possible with its own locations/cities/lore.


  Please make it real for upcoming expansions.💗

I agree op what i'd like to see is race changing items added, for level 80s after they finish their race stories. As long as you aren't wearing race specific armor i cannot see why we could not have such a thing..


Also tonics that completely change you in all parts of the game would be good enough imo.. The only real issue is coding armors and weapons to fit some of the races tonic changes.

Edited by Dante.1508
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7 hours ago, Ruisenior.6342 said:

A good diversity on races makes fantasy games more deep and mystic. I would love to play some other races like dwarfs, frogs, tengus, kodas as some examples and if its possible with its own locations/cities/lore.


  Please make it real for upcoming expansions.💗


6 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

There is 2 big issues with adding new races:

1 - You have to probably add the new race in a new region of the expansion, so you will need to create like at least 5 leveling maps just to lvl that race to lvl 80. Thats a lot of freaking work just for leveling maps. Unless you added in core tyria and use old leveling maps which wud be well.

2 - You have to spend x2 more voice actors in EN, GER, FR and Chinesse (not sure about korean) for that new race, and voice act all that has been previously voiced in the game, which is crazyyyyyy

Nontheless would like to see it.

Third issue, and possibly the hardest and most time consuming reason why they won't: adapting the SEVERAL HUNDRED pieces of armor and outfits sets to fit whatever body types these hypothetical new playable races would have.  Arenanet has stated that it takes them a year to make a new full armor set for the current five, now extrapolate that to the work, time and money to remake each existing one for a new race.

Its not going to happen.

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9 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

1 - You have to probably add the new race in a new region of the expansion, so you will need to create like at least 5 leveling maps just to lvl that race to lvl 80. Thats a lot of freaking work just for leveling maps. Unless you added in core tyria and use old leveling maps which wud be well.

As an example for frogs will be locating it's city at the east side of caledon forest, just adding the city could be enough cause there are plenty of frogs locations on this starter map.


9 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

2 - You have to spend x2 more voice actors in EN, GER, FR and Chinesse (not sure about korean) for that new race, and voice act all that has been previously voiced in the game, which is crazyyyyyy

I dont know how this stuff works but most of those clases have already been voiced, maybe recycling some phrases...

Also note an important thing, armor, they could just ignore all low level armors and just add 3 racial sets. From there just add two sets of each expansion plus dungeon armor to them. I dont think it will take that much cause they nonstop throwing new designs on the store for all classes.

I would pay like full price of eod for the adition of a new race.


Pls Anet show some love!!! 💗

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Yeah, let anet fix the game first before adding more insanely complex cosmetic options as new races.

Also... raceS as in more than one? Who's going to redo all the armors and outfits to fit a new character model, male and female, and now you want multiple? Anet can barely muster a balance patch update without plunging the entire game in the gutter, let's hold the bigger projects for when they get their stuff together.

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10 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:

GW2's 10 years old, and yet you still have hope. Optimism.

Yeah, i'm an optimist lol. That's accurate. 😜


But true, even i can't really see the game going in the right direction after the recent fiasco.

Still... Hopefully one day i'll get the will to log in again, and things will be interesting, gameplay not dumbed down for X class while overly complex and useless on other, no permaboon circus but rather strategic application of boons during vulnerable boss stages for burst damage, changed bosses to have phases where you need to defend yourself with now underused boons, etc...


I'm a dreamer...

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9 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:


Third issue, and possibly the hardest and most time consuming reason why they won't: adapting the SEVERAL HUNDRED pieces of armor and outfits sets to fit whatever body types these hypothetical new playable races would have. 

*Several thousands (roughly 2500)

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

*Several thousands (roughly 2500)

  So if they have this much output on creating new armors, it wont be that much of a problem. Put on them just a few as i stated some posts above.

  Make for them the 3 racials, and just adapt 2 of each expansion *2 Hot, 2 Pof, 2 Eod and thats it, i would even prefer to play with a nude Frog than with a fully shinny female human.

  And from there add the new upcoming stuff.

Edited by Ruisenior.6342
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One of the big problems I see with new races that don’t have the full armor, story line, voice acting, etc, of the 5 original races is that while forumites might suggest it and think it’s a good idea, other players who get these new races are very unlikely to be happy with a cut rate version and will come to the forum to complain about it, repeatedly. 

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4 hours ago, Ruisenior.6342 said:

  So if they have this much output on creating new armors, it wont be that much of a problem. Put on them just a few as i stated some posts above.

  Make for them the 3 racials, and just adapt 2 of each expansion *2 Hot, 2 Pof, 2 Eod and thats it, i would even prefer to play with a nude Frog than with a fully shinny female human.

  And from there add the new upcoming stuff.

That's over TEN YEARS of work, it would be a significant problem, especially since your asking for more than one new race. AGAIN, Arenanet has stated that it takes them about a year to make a complete armor set for the existing races.  Every single piece would have to be remade to fit the new body shapes that a single new race would have, much less multiple races.  It would take them YEARS.  And your idea of just giving these new races only a handful of sets instead?  They wouldn't waste their time, a playable race that has such a small pool of armor options is going to be the playable race no one but you plays.  This game gets called "Fashion Wars" buy its playerbase for a reason.






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18 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

That's over TEN YEARS of work, it would be a significant problem, especially since your asking for more than one new race. AGAIN, Arenanet has stated that it takes them about a year to make a complete armor set for the existing races.  Every single piece would have to be remade to fit the new body shapes that a single new race would have, much less multiple races.  It would take them YEARS.  And your idea of just giving these new races only a handful of sets instead?  They wouldn't waste their time, a playable race that has such a small pool of armor options is going to be the playable race no one but you plays.  This game gets called "Fashion Wars" buy its playerbase for a reason.






   They can do it without any problem and lots of people will be happy. 10 years of work for a single race XD thats hilarious and a lie. Just check the amount of outfits that are availeable, not to mention the amount of armors that there are ingame.

   Most of us will probably be ok to pay the price for it and we will be happy with our game and our new lore and customization, to make it possible is just all about numbers and selling a new race is something fresh to the game.

Edited by Ruisenior.6342
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People saying it's not realistic... why bother? It may be it isn't, but the allocation of time and money is a question for Anet to decide. Why not let Anet say it's not gonna happen if they want to say that officially and otherwise let people share what they'd like to see without browbeating them about practicality.

I'd still like to see outfits split up into armor pieces and transmutation charge system abolished and replaced with overlay like a number of other games. I figure it's about as likely to happen as me getting an infusion from AB, but it doesn't change me wanting it.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well lore dont need a new race just a mastery line and maps to sprinkle the tidbits out on, for costumization you  can have combat tonic with 1-5 different apperances.

That is what most likey are to be implemented not the outlandish goals you say are easy to implement mate sorry  to say.

Did you accidentally tag me? I didn’t say anything about easy to implement goals. 

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2nd time I've seen this thread, and its the 2nd time I'll say that I'd kill for Tengu as a playable race, I think I would swap all my characters over to them, or it'd be a split between Charr and Tengu. There's already lots of diffirent Tengu's in diffirent attire and faces in game, the ground work is already there for Anet. 

BUT. and this is a very big BUTif Anet needs to cut corners, or otherwise half as a new race to get them in, I'd rather not have a new race all together. Played FF14 before I quit to play GW2, and the two new races they used could only pick from one gender at launch and TO THIS DAY they cannot wear helms, despite both races likely being easier to fit helms on then bloody Charr.

I'm not saying say Tengu won't be able to wear helms if Anet suddenly decides to add them, but its just about other ways they can manage to F them up, like imagine no voice acting for the likely over thousand voice lines for the commander.

And to be fair while, while the balance team for GW2 is a joke, the races look great overall and the fashion choices in this game are pretty awesome too, but still, I'd want Anet to go big or go home



And I say look great overall from my lens of seeing races apart from Charr, I tried playing Sylvari, like honestly, I love their lore, but I literally couldn't and had to make a Charr instead, I felt so small as Slyvari and I missed not having a tail, I'm not even a furry 😕


Edited by SamuelW.2685
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18 hours ago, Ruisenior.6342 said:

  So if they have this much output on creating new armors, it wont be that much of a problem. Put on them just a few as i stated some posts above.

  Make for them the 3 racials, and just adapt 2 of each expansion *2 Hot, 2 Pof, 2 Eod and thats it, i would even prefer to play with a nude Frog than with a fully shinny female human.

  And from there add the new upcoming stuff.

Yes I think I quoted the wrong person will fix it when I have had my sleep


Well my post dident make any sence to any of the posts around your so I just deleted it.

Must have been my sleep deprived brain.

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5 hours ago, Ruisenior.6342 said:

   They can do it without any problem and lots of people will be happy. 10 years of work for a single race XD thats hilarious and a lie. Just check the amount of outfits that are availeable, not to mention the amount of armors that there are ingame.

   Most of us will probably be ok to pay the price for it and we will be happy with our game and our new lore and customization, to make it possible is just all about numbers and selling a new race is something fresh to the game.

Work on your reading comprehension instead of getting a "Gotcha", it was over ten years of work to get us to the current amount of armor pieces, roughly a third of which was done in the years leading up to the game's initial launch.  Which means your assumption of "they have this much output on creating new armors, it wont be that much of a problem" is not at all accurate.

And who is this "most of us"? What proof do you have that you speak for anyone, much less a supposed majority of players?  You speak only for yourself.  And you've shown that you likely don't fully comprehend what the "Price" of all this actually would be, for Arenanet and for the playerbase, what with how you've ignored each person that's brought up some of the reasons why Arenanet hasn't and likely isn't going to add a new playable race.  Yes you think you know who's willing to pay this.  Shear Kittening Hubris.


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23 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:


Third issue, and possibly the hardest and most time consuming reason why they won't: adapting the SEVERAL HUNDRED pieces of armor and outfits sets to fit whatever body types these hypothetical new playable races would have.  Arenanet has stated that it takes them a year to make a new full armor set for the current five, now extrapolate that to the work, time and money to remake each existing one for a new race.

Its not going to happen.

Couldn't they just write a script that adapts current armors and their reference points with those of the new race's skeleton? I think a Tengu skeleton would not be that much different compared to the Charr skeleton. Just let the script change the reference points and then have a team do some manual cleanup if certain textures become too stretched or bugged? A new race would definitely be a huge selling point for another expansion so the return on investment might be worthwile.

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This won't ever happen. Biggest hope was for Tengu - that a lot of people liked. I preferred Largos. (Thought the new expansion would go to water combat and underwater maybe ... cause of  "water dragon".) Didn't happen though. And most new races would require work for all the current (and then future) armor sets I guess.

And then people would complain because not their favorite race got made playable but something else.

The existing ones are enough and cover a lot that classic role playing games have. (Elves->Sylvari, Orcs->Charr, Gnomes->Asuran.) Other than that you interact a lot with the minor races as NPC.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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