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Nice update


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Why was anyone even still playing bunk vindicator? The only thing it could do was stall a node. It couldn't win or even decap 1v1 against any build with decent sustain, and had major "all my friends are dead" syndrome in fights in 2v2's or larger. Genuine question what was it actually good for? I almost never saw it after the first treesong nerf in ranked or at's. I am kind of salty because the alliance stance heals are kind of trash now and offensive vindi is super fun but it'll probably be pretty bad now.

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Aww still no fix for the leather and cloth disappearing nodes in home instance.   ☹️

Tks for fixing the shy pirate story re-activating each time i changed map, char or log.  Was quite annoying. 🥰

Edited by Image.8630
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8 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Warrior Mains: "Here is a perfectly reasonable set of changes that War needs".

Arenanet: "Nope, go ahead and take this 5% crit buff. Be happy about it."

While true, they also stated that there was only a small window of time to get a few changes into today's patch as it was already far along the pipeline.

Now, the next few patches however don't have that amount of grace left in them.

But then, warriors have been compiling a perfectly reasonable set of changes for warrior for the past 2 years so...

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32 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

  Now that Vindi heals are as bad as Firebrand ones in PvP ther's no longer an excuse to try to play Vindi at ranked and fail miserably instead of play FB and had a moderate success with a troll build...

Frankly, people could just go Jalis/Shiro instead of Alliance Stance... It's Renegade all over again lol.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Warrior Mains: "Here is a perfectly reasonable set of changes that War needs".

Arenanet: "Nope, go ahead and take this 5% crit buff. Be happy about it."


I'm furious but I don't expect them to uproot _prod just to fix one out of nine of the classes that has been cruelly balanced. The balance devs don't have sway over the skills team, I'm sure the team handling the live release of the game would draw swords on them if they tried. 


It's pointless to be mad about it (ṟ̵̙̄̊i̴̤̿͌g̵͇̺̀͊h̶̘̪͂͐t̴̫̑ͅ ̴̙̋̆ņ̸̊̎ơ̷̥̖̕w̷̦̍̉ͅ) , none of the pieces on the board can move atm. Gotta know when to put a cap on your fury, at least for the time being. Let's hope they get it ironed out before they get to Steam, though. 


A lesson should be learned here, generally, about how obnoxiously difficult it is to crawl out of the nerf pit when Keith the Undodging gets hit for 15k and goes on a nerf crusade to soothe his ego.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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43 minutes ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Frankly, people could just go Jalis/Shiro instead of Alliance Stance... It's Renegade all over again lol.

im glad they haven’t touched these. I already roll Shiro/Jalis for my power vindi and I’m actually glad alliance got hit because now I’m not tempted to keep trying it out.

shiro/jalis forever!

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2 hours ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Frankly, people could just go Jalis/Shiro instead of Alliance Stance... It's Renegade all over again lol.

   But with Renegade Forced Engagement had a reach of 1200, now 600, and Planar Protection a cooldown of 20s, now 30s. I wouldn't touch Renegade at PvP ever again. Rene was already OUT of meta before EoD, and the nerfs to Jalis and Retribution due ANet didn't care to adress Vindi made Ren even worse. Is like them nerfing core Engie for no reasons while no one is playing it while buffing Mech.

   Anyway: meta yesterday was guards, necros and specter, nothing changed.

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9 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

While true, they also stated that there was only a small window of time to get a few changes into today's patch as it was already far along the pipeline.

This... this is just bullsh*t. We know since they pushed an unplanned patch in less than 24 hours after the June 28 monstrosity dropped. Sure that's what the devs say, but we have honestly no reason to believe what they say at this point. The overlap between what they say and what they do is...  lessening. Alliances promised for 2018, rework for the 300 sec traits in 2020 for PvP, even EoD as they repeatedly stated that Cantha is problematic, so we shouldn't expect it ever. And these are just a few big things off the top of my head, there are dozens more....
Giving them the benefit of the doubt would be just like insulting myself at this point. I care what they say when they post "this is coming to the game next tuesday". Anything other than that is just... irrelevant. 

Edited by Bazsi.2734
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I think dmg nerfs are overall bad


Small sustain nerfs are better cuz you have to play more carefully bit you still can pump those big numbers when you need or is left uncheck


Now the bunker meta and support presence is stronger than never


Even as an ele main i think tempest will be super kitten cuz you have no pressure dmg condi or power


We back to pre eod when it comes to boring

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2 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

I think dmg nerfs are overall bad


Small sustain nerfs are better cuz you have to play more carefully bit you still can pump those big numbers when you need or is left uncheck


Now the bunker meta and support presence is stronger than never


Even as an ele main i think tempest will be super kitten cuz you have no pressure dmg condi or power


We back to pre eod when it comes to boring

Agreed, wb defo didnt need damage nerfs when they hit their sustain prior to this. It was already falling off in favor for herald.

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ANet has gotten good at nerfing the overperforming stuff. (in most cases).

I'm glad they toned down WB and 🍔

Can we finally start buffing the underperforming stuff. Starting with 300 sec CDs. Been waiting on that for nearly 3 years now. 

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