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What honestly can be done about toxic players?


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There is a well known deadeye (also plays dragon hunter).  I know we can’t name and shame so.   Will avoid it.   That said he always plays enough that I get him with or against twice a night.  Every time.  No fail he trolls his team.   Will afk near home or base.   Will run to some corner.   All while spewing chat.  Blocked him.  But I had 4 games today.  2 with 2 against.   Same thing.    I know 7 others report him.   This has gone one for weeks

what more can we do.    

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I think I know exactly who you're talking about. If they were also a 'top 5' player recently then for sure its the same person.


I mean you could queue dodge them. If you have them added to your block list, since that basically functions the same as friends and contacts, but if they're hiding offline that would be harder to do.

But even that isn't guaranteed protection, so usually I prefer to fire back. If idle player/match manipulation reports get ignored then there's really nothing more to be done than to join them in spamming vitriol or otherwise give up just like they did. Since they're tossing the game and wasting the time of multiple people, odds are you will be joined by your other 3 teammates in attacking them. 👍


Yes; i'm a toxic monster, but consider what made me this way.

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Oh that's steamy 


There're 2 options


You either q dodge or q as the same class to try to mirror him in the other team

I were not aware of this guy till i played 5 games in a row with/against him and he was the common factor in all losses, it was mostly the same 10 players shuffling teams, but funny enough he lost all the games.

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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Tbh im really thinking in placing my pvp opinion on steam as soon as the game hits steam, they dont cate about reports. So the only way of making things heard seems to be bad PR, steam review of pvp. Months or even a year before banning in case someone gets banned, everyone gets rewards so people just come to get rewards, not even trying to play as a team, one of my last games the player was literally just running around and admited he was and he didnt care because there is never punishments in pvp.


What would have happened if in raids you had to go as 10 people, but you could only enter with 5 and the other 5 were assigned by the game randomly, and just by going raids you got some reward?

Edited by Nymthalas.4019
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This is probably just me tinfoil hatting, but..


I'm not sure how much good the reports do, they seem to outsource customer support now or something. Every time you make a ticket about any issue in the game the answer is always "we can't help you". I'm not sure anyone who actually has the power to deal with these AFKers is even on the support team anymore.


You might get someone banned if its an outright fly hack or something, but that's about it. And even then, they'll just be back after a few weeks for some reason.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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45 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

This is probably just me tinfoil hatting, but..


I'm not sure how much good the reports do, they seem to outsource customer support now or something. Every time you make a ticket about any issue in the game the answer is always "we can't help you". I'm not sure anyone who actually has the power to deal with these AFKers is even on the support team anymore.


You might get someone banned if its an outright fly hack or something, but that's about it. And even then, they'll just be back after a few weeks for some reason.

I think they just don't look at pvp cuz ppl will report for reasons like


played bad, bad rotation, didn't follow my call, played bad spec or any other stupid reason. Hackers get to be caught on camera and need a ticket, you sure somebody is looking at reports because if you racist on chat you surely get banned. But things like bots they pretend that just don't exist, at some point i had 23 bot accounts in my friendlist that combined played over 45k games in a season, posts about those accounts were all over forums/reddit, the only account banned was 1 bot that reached top 100 with less than 50% winrate cuz it played so many games that glicko would reward him like +15 for a win and -9 for a loss. All posts on forums were deleted even if all acc names were erased and only the numbers of games shown, in fact none of those bots were banned and they just not playing cuz the bot service moved to FF and left gw2 unsupported lol.

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3 hours ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:

Tbh im really thinking in placing my pvp opinion on steam as soon as the game hits steam

This is really the best thing that we can do for this game mode at this point. Rather, we beat the dead horse time after time, patch after patch. GW2 PvP will always be a great memory to me, but it got old. It got outdated. People stringing it along, rather than voicing their concerns and simply refusing to play- has led ANET to pretty much cease development into it. 

If players would just stop participating it would do this game mode a favor. 

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A toxic player complains about having friends help you, Challenge them to a duel at an agreed point and kill them. They will be less likely to complain after that. Or that might encourage them but they were already bad so you didn't lose anything but gained 5 points. If they don't take up your duel offer you can publicly claim they are a coward.


If they are on your team try to get them to rage quit. This is a fine art. Too much abandonment and they will simply assume that there team is bad and afk. Too little and they will keep insulting you, your team, and your mother. The easiest way is to be The only ally on the point they die at and do your best. They will obviously assume that you are a comrad and when they say something like:

"Everybody on my team is garbage except 'your name'" then you say helpfully "they are trying as hard as I am, I'm sure of it" (even if your not "sure of it") this might work but might not it depends on how frustrated they are.

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13 hours ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:

Tbh im really thinking in placing my pvp opinion on steam as soon as the game hits steam, they dont cate about reports. So the only way of making things heard seems to be bad PR, steam review of pvp.

This is literally the only thing left that has the potential to make anet remember that pvp and wvw exist. Steam release will be one of the first times this game has got some publicity. I dont doubt that the harsh criticism of pvp among other things like boon spamming class design will be a huge turnoff to a lot of mmo fans.

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14 hours ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:

What would have happened if in raids you had to go as 10 people, but you could only enter with 5 and the other 5 were assigned by the game randomly, and just by going raids you got some reward?

This actually kind of highlights the issue here. Toxic players exist everywhere in the game, but there are a few reason we see them more prominently in sPvP. One of the main reasons is the queue system. In any other area of this game, you choose who you party up with. If someone in you group is being toxic, you can simply choose to never again party up with them.


In sPvP however, you have no choice in who you party up with. Aside from duo queue, you are completely at the mercy of the queue system. Win or lose, your team will gain some rewards, albeit far less for a loss. Combine that with the lack of enforcement from Anet, and it becomes a safe haven for toxic players. They can farm sPvP games while being as toxic as possible knowing that no matter how they act, there is absolutely nothing the player can do to stop them. They could be a famous troll that no one in the game wants to play with, and it will not matter. The queue system is going to force 9 other players to play with them every single time they queue. 


The two fixes are either Anet actually gets serious and starts banning these players, or we ditch the queue system and instead use the lfg system that is used in quite literally every other area of the game. The first solution seems unlikely after all this time, the second will never happen because the vast majority of this game seem to be solo players that hate having to put in any effort to group up with others. 


So..... I guess that means that there is no fix for this and you just have to learn how to avoid it as much as possible. Block people, turn your chat off, change your status to offline, queue dodge people you don't like. Wow, when I think about it, people here put waaaaay more effort into avoiding people than they do into grouping up with people.

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Hi OP, 

True story, when I was noob and clueless, I was toxic AF and blamed everyone but myself. Though I never ever cheated or wintraded, or bot gold farmed (eww coz I have a rather high disposable income), my main acct in NA got perma banned. Almost a decade later, I've matured, became more patient, learned hard lessons IRL and literally became non-toxic in game. When I come across toxic ppl, I just use sarcasm and rhetoric. 


I wish there was a way to avoid such individuals. Also, I try not to hold grudges and forgive but others seem to just not let go. I'm not saying you in particular, but other ppl I've come across in-game who still hate me whereas I've moved on and happier

Edited by greedywholesome.9081
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You can't do very much. But still something.

  • Play at peak times. There is far less chance to be placed with or against a certain player when population is high. If you play at off times, you will see the same player much more often because simply not many other players are queuing.
  • Take a break and come back later.
  • Switch from ranked to unranked and vice versa. Many players play the same mode every time.
  • Switch from stronghold to conquest and vice versa. Many players only play the same game type.
Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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If theren is someone you really want to avoid entering a match with there is a way. Add them to contacts then watch their location. Only queue if they are in a location that you recognise as an arena. If they are in a PvE map or Heart of the Mists then don't queue. They won't end up in the same match as you if they are already in one.  And if they go offline then you'll know, won't need to avoid them.

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16 hours ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

If theren is someone you really want to avoid entering a match with there is a way. Add them to contacts then watch their location. Only queue if they are in a location that you recognise as an arena. If they are in a PvE map or Heart of the Mists then don't queue. They won't end up in the same match as you if they are already in one.  And if they go offline then you'll know, won't need to avoid them.

What if they queue in offline modus? As invisible?

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